Аршакуні — вірменська (180 — 428) царська династія Великої Вірменії .
Заснована Трдатом I, який правив з 54-88 (офіційно з 66), і був братом парфянського царя Вологеза I. До династії Аршакідів належав Трдат III, під час його правління (бл. 301 року н. е.) християнство стало офіційною релігією Вірменії.
Царі Аршакіди намагалися об'єднати країну та добитися її самостійності. Після розділу 387 року Великої Вірменії між Персією та Римом, стали їх васалами. 428 року династія Аршакідів втратила владу.
- Encyclopaedia Iranica. Arsakids. The Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia. [ 5 червня 2011 у Wayback Machine.]:«Third dynasty of Armenia (in Armenian, Aršakuni), from the first to the mid-fifth century. The preceding dynasty of the Artaxiads became extinct about A.D. 12, amid a secessionist chaos caused by the perennial struggle of Iran and Rome over Armenia — the second throne, after Media, in the Iranian scheme of vassal kingdoms. It was then that the ex great king of Iran, Vonones I became king of Armenia. After him, seven Arsacid princes from Parthia came at different times to occupy the Armenian throne, interchangeably with six others, candidates of Rome. A compromise was finally attempted in 63 (Treaty of Rhandeia). An Arsacid, Tiridates I, was recognized by both empires as king of Armenia. Roman „friendship“ was imposed upon him — and in 66 he journeyed to Rome to be crowned by Nero — and, at the same time, as a Parthian prince, he was bound to accept the family ascendancy of the head of the Arsacids, the great king. The balance thus established between political and dynastic allegiance proved, however, precarious. Dynastic allegiance often became political as well, and Armenia continued to oscillate between the two rivals. None of the first eight Arsacids who reigned in Armenia founded a line of kings; it was left to the ninth, Vologases (Vałarš) II (180—191), to achieve this: his posterity of thirteen kings formed the Armenian Arsacid dynasty.»
- Encyclopedia Britannica. Arsacid dynasty. [ 1 червня 2013 у Wayback Machine.]: «Arsacid dynasty — also called Arshakuni (247 bc-ad 224), ancient Iranian dynasty that founded and ruled the Parthian empire.»
- Encyclopedia Britannica. Armenia. The Arsacids. [ 1 квітня 2009 у Wayback Machine.]:«The Arsacids Both Rome and Parthia strove to establish their own candidates on the Armenian throne until a lasting measure of equilibrium was secured by the treaty of Rhandeia, concluded in ad 63 between the Roman general Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo and Tiridates (Trdat), brother of the Parthian king Vologeses I. Under this treaty a son of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty, the first being Tiridates, would occupy the throne of Armenia but as a Roman vassal.»
- Советская историческая энциклопедия. АРШАКИДЫ. [ 10 липня 2018 у Wayback Machine.] Исп. лит.: Халатьянц Г., Арм. Аршакиды в «Истории Армении» Моисея Хоренского, ч. 1 — М.,1903; Очерки истории СССР, III—IX вв. — М., 1958: « (Аршакуни) армянские — царская династия, родственная Аршакидам парфянским. Основана Тиридатом I (с 62, официально с 66 по 80). Парфия присылала претендента на престол при обязат. санкции рим. императора. После падения парфянских А. и прихода к власти в Иране Сасанидов (226) Хосров I Великий А. (217—238) не признал их воцарения; власть А. стала наследственной. В правление А. в Армении складывались феод. отношения. При Тиридате III Великом (287—332) христианство стало в 301 гос. религией в Армении. А. боролись против феод. раздробленности, а также за независимость Армении, но безуспешно. После раздела Великой Армении в 387 между Ираном и Римом А. стали их вассалами; Армения утратила независимость. В 428 власть А. пала.»
- Гуго Винклер, Карл Нибур, Генрих Шурц. История человечества. Всемирная история. Западная Азия и Арика. Царство парфян при Аршакидах. Перевод В. Бартольда — С-Пб.:1903 — с. 259.: «И при преемниках Артабана продолжались междоусобные войны; неурядицы в Армении и на Востоке потрясали государство. В 58-60 годах еще раз дошло до борьбы между римлянами и парфянами, пока наконец не удалось мирно разрешить армянский вопрос: парфянский князь Тиридат отправился в Рим (62 год) и здесь император Нерон торжественно пожаловал его Арменией.»
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Arshakuni virmenska 180 428 carska dinastiya Velikoyi Virmeniyi Prapor rodu ArshakidivIstoriya VirmeniyiDerzhavi ta utvorennyaAjraratske carstvo Velika Virmeniya Mala Virmeniya Copk Sofena Marzpanska Virmeniya Virmenskij emirat Anijske carstvo Syunik Vaspurakan Tashir Dzoraget Arcah Hachen Kars Carstvo Varazhnuni Kesun Kilikiya Shah Armenidi Chuhur Saad Karabah Erivanska guberniya Yelizavetpolska guberniya Persha Respublika Virmenska RSR Respublika Virmeniya NKRVijni Turechchina Gruziya Azerbajdzhan Karabah Bitvi Tigranakert Avarajr Mancikert Garni Bitlis Sardarapat KarakilisReligiyiYazichnictvo Mitrayizm Virmenska apostolska cerkva Pavlikiani KatolicizmGeografiya Zahidna Shidna Virmenske nagir ya KilikiyaGajkidi Yervandidi Artashesidi Arshakuni Arcrunidi Bagratuni Rubenidi Hetumidi Luzinyani KyurikidiArmenakan Dashnakcutyun Fidayi Cegakron ASALA MiacumTematichni stattiVirmeni Kultura Mova Virmenske pitannya Genocid Amshenci Stolici Matenadaran Virmenoznavstvo Virmenske Vidrodzhennya ShlyahtaHronologiyaPortal Virmeniya pereglyanutiobgovoritiredaguvati Zasnovana Trdatom I yakij praviv z 54 88 oficijno z 66 i buv bratom parfyanskogo carya Vologeza I Do dinastiyi Arshakidiv nalezhav Trdat III pid chas jogo pravlinnya bl 301 roku n e hristiyanstvo stalo oficijnoyu religiyeyu Virmeniyi Cari Arshakidi namagalisya ob yednati krayinu ta dobitisya yiyi samostijnosti Pislya rozdilu 387 roku Velikoyi Virmeniyi mizh Persiyeyu ta Rimom stali yih vasalami 428 roku dinastiya Arshakidiv vtratila vladu PrimitkiEncyclopaedia Iranica Arsakids The Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia 5 chervnya 2011 u Wayback Machine Third dynasty of Armenia in Armenian Arsakuni from the first to the mid fifth century The preceding dynasty of the Artaxiads became extinct about A D 12 amid a secessionist chaos caused by the perennial struggle of Iran and Rome over Armenia the second throne after Media in the Iranian scheme of vassal kingdoms It was then that the ex great king of Iran Vonones I became king of Armenia After him seven Arsacid princes from Parthia came at different times to occupy the Armenian throne interchangeably with six others candidates of Rome A compromise was finally attempted in 63 Treaty of Rhandeia An Arsacid Tiridates I was recognized by both empires as king of Armenia Roman friendship was imposed upon him and in 66 he journeyed to Rome to be crowned by Nero and at the same time as a Parthian prince he was bound to accept the family ascendancy of the head of the Arsacids the great king The balance thus established between political and dynastic allegiance proved however precarious Dynastic allegiance often became political as well and Armenia continued to oscillate between the two rivals None of the first eight Arsacids who reigned in Armenia founded a line of kings it was left to the ninth Vologases Valars II 180 191 to achieve this his posterity of thirteen kings formed the Armenian Arsacid dynasty Encyclopedia Britannica Arsacid dynasty 1 chervnya 2013 u Wayback Machine Arsacid dynasty also called Arshakuni 247 bc ad 224 ancient Iranian dynasty that founded and ruled the Parthian empire Encyclopedia Britannica Armenia The Arsacids 1 kvitnya 2009 u Wayback Machine The Arsacids Both Rome and Parthia strove to establish their own candidates on the Armenian throne until a lasting measure of equilibrium was secured by the treaty of Rhandeia concluded in ad 63 between the Roman general Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo and Tiridates Trdat brother of the Parthian king Vologeses I Under this treaty a son of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty the first being Tiridates would occupy the throne of Armenia but as a Roman vassal Sovetskaya istoricheskaya enciklopediya ARShAKIDY 10 lipnya 2018 u Wayback Machine Isp lit Halatyanc G Arm Arshakidy v Istorii Armenii Moiseya Horenskogo ch 1 M 1903 Ocherki istorii SSSR III IX vv M 1958 Arshakuni armyanskie carskaya dinastiya rodstvennaya Arshakidam parfyanskim Osnovana Tiridatom I s 62 oficialno s 66 po 80 Parfiya prisylala pretendenta na prestol pri obyazat sankcii rim imperatora Posle padeniya parfyanskih A i prihoda k vlasti v Irane Sasanidov 226 Hosrov I Velikij A 217 238 ne priznal ih vocareniya vlast A stala nasledstvennoj V pravlenie A v Armenii skladyvalis feod otnosheniya Pri Tiridate III Velikom 287 332 hristianstvo stalo v 301 gos religiej v Armenii A borolis protiv feod razdroblennosti a takzhe za nezavisimost Armenii no bezuspeshno Posle razdela Velikoj Armenii v 387 mezhdu Iranom i Rimom A stali ih vassalami Armeniya utratila nezavisimost V 428 vlast A pala Gugo Vinkler Karl Nibur Genrih Shurc Istoriya chelovechestva Vsemirnaya istoriya Zapadnaya Aziya i Arika Carstvo parfyan pri Arshakidah Perevod V Bartolda S Pb 1903 s 259 I pri preemnikah Artabana prodolzhalis mezhdousobnye vojny neuryadicy v Armenii i na Vostoke potryasali gosudarstvo V 58 60 godah eshe raz doshlo do borby mezhdu rimlyanami i parfyanami poka nakonec ne udalos mirno razreshit armyanskij vopros parfyanskij knyaz Tiridat otpravilsya v Rim 62 god i zdes imperator Neron torzhestvenno pozhaloval ego Armeniej