Batko Posada Diti Mati Druzhina Cholovik Yellapragada Subbaraotel య ల ల ప రగడ స బ బ ర వ angl Yellapragada SubbaraoNarodivsya12 sichnya 1895 1895 01 12 Andgra Pradesh IndiyaPomer8 serpnya 1948 1948 08 08 53 roki Nyu Jork infarkt miokardaKrayinaSShANacionalnisttelugu induyistDiyalnistbiohimikAlma materGaluzbiohimiyaZaklad Laboratoriyi Lederle pidrozdilNaukovij stupindoktorVidomij zavdyaki Vidkrittya roli fosfokreatinu i adenozintrifosfatu v roboti m yaziv Sintez foliyevoyi kisloti i metotreksatu VidkrittyaBatkoDzhagannatam SubbaraoMatiVenkamma SubbaraoU shlyubi zSeshagiri SubbaraoOsob storinkaysubbarow info Yellapragada Subbarao u Vikishovishi Yellapragada Subbarao tel య ల ల ప రగడ స బ బ ర వ angl Yellapragada Subbarao 12 sichnya 1895 18950112 Andgra Pradesh Indiya 8 serpnya 1948 Nyu Jork indijsko amerikanskij biohimik sho vidkriv funkciyu adenozintrifosfatu yak dzherela energiyi v klitini i sintezuvav metotreksat dlya likuvannya raku Molodi roki osvitaYellapragada Subbarao narodivsya chetvertim iz semi ditej podatkovogo inspektora Dzhagannatama j torgovki bizhuteriyeyu Venkammi Cya nezamozhna sim ya pohodila z telugijskogo braminskogo rodu sho nalezhav do spilnoti Nijogi Subbarao prozhivali v u Madraskomu okruzi nini Zahidnij Godavari shtat Andgra Pradesh She koli Yellapragada buv shkolyarem u dva jogo brati Purushottam i Krishnamurti pomerli vid hvorobi spru abo zh vid kohinhinskoyi diareyi i ce zgodom vplinulo na rishennya Yellapragadi stati medikom U 1908 roci vin utik do svyashennogo dlya induyistiv mista Varanasi shob tam rozbagatiti na prodazhu bananiv prochanam Koli Yellapragadu povernuli dodomu mati napolyagla shob vin uchivsya dali Sin posluhavsya j mav uspihi v navchanni osoblivo v matematici ale zgodom zblizivshis iz chlenami Misiyi Ramakrishni zahotiv stati sanyasinom tobto zhebrushim monahom Bez materinoyi zgodi jogo ne mogli prijnyati v monashij orden tozh misioneri krishnayiti poradili jomu vivchitisya na likarya Tilki z tretoyi sprobi vin zakinchiv serednyu shkolu v Madrasi Sklavshi promizhnij ispit v okruzhnomu koledzhi u 1915 roci vstupiv do Madraskogo medichnogo koledzhu Jomu materialno dopomagali druzi zokrema dalekij rodich Kasturi Sur yanarana Murti 10 travnya 1919 roku Yellapragada odruzhivsya z jogo dochkoyu Seshagiri Pidtrimavshi zaklik Gandi bojkotuvati britanski tovari vin nosiv hirurgichnij halat iz domotkanogo polotna kadi j cim viklikav nevdovolennya M C Bradfilda vikladacha hirurgiyi 1921 roku Subarrao zakinchiv koledzh ale stav tilki licenciatom medicini i hirurgiyi a ne bakalavrom Bezuspishno sprobuvavshi vlashtuvatisya na robotu v Madraskij medichnij sluzhbi Subbarao stav vikladati anatomiyu v Ayurvedichnomu koledzhi Lakshmi Pati v Madrasi Viriv u cilyushu silu ayurvedichnih likiv i rozpochav doslidzhennya shob postaviti davnyu nauku na suchasnu osnovu Zavdyaki vipadkovij zustrichi z amerikanskim likarem sho priyihav mayuchi stipendiyu Rokfellera Subbarao zminiv svoyi plani Kerivnictvo blagodijnoyi organizaciyi Malladi Satyalingam Najker u poobicyalo pidtrimati jogo test dav groshi j 26 zhovtnya 1922 roku Subbarao pribuv do Bostona Zhittya u SShASpershu vin navchayuchis u Garvardskij shkoli tropichnoyi medicini ne mig znajti robotu za fahom i pidroblyav nichnim storozhem u Brigamskij zhinochij likarni Zakinchivshi cej navchalnij zaklad u chervni 1924 go Subarrao stav pracyuvati v nomu molodshim vikladachem Cogo zh roku razom iz Sajrusom Fiske vin rozrobiv shvidkij kalorimetrichnij metod viznachennya vmistu fosforu v ridinah i tkaninah organizmu Za ce Subbarao distav rokfellerivsku stipendiyu Z nim zhe i z Karlom Lomanom u 1929 roci Subarrao vidkriv adenozintrifosfat ATF i z yasuvav rol ATF i fosfokreatinu v zhittyediyalnosti m yaziv Togo zh roku vin zdobuv doktorskij stupin 1940 roku Subarrao vlashtuvavsya pracyuvati na pidpriyemstvi Laboratoriyi Lederle Lederle Laboratories pidrozdili firmi Amerikanskij cianamid American Cyanamid Nini ce pidpriyemstvo vhodit u sklad Vayet Wyeth yakij nalezhit firmi Pfajzer Pfizer U Laboratoriyah Lederle vin rozrobiv metod sintezu foliyevoyi kisloti vitaminu B9 zasnovanij na pracyah Lyusi Villz Cej himikat vikoristovuvali yak liki proti anemiyi Golovnij korpus Madraskogo medichnogo koledzhu Na prohannya Sidni Farbera Subarrao sintezuvav na osnovi foliyevoyi kisloti pershi himioterapevtichni protirakovi preparati Spochatku v 1947 roci a nevdovzi metotreksat yakij i dosi shiroko zastosovuyut Vin takozh vidkriv preparat abo zh getrazan zasib proti rekomendovanij Vsesvitnoyu organizaciyeyu zdorov ya Pid kerivnictvom cogo biohimika u 1945 roci Bendzhamin Daggar vidkriv pershij u sviti tetraciklinovij antibiotik aureomicin Ce vidkrittya zavdyachuye najmasovishomu u ti chasi naukovomu eksperimentu Amerikanskim soldatam yaki pid chas Drugoyi svitovoyi vijni buli v riznih miscyah svitu doruchili zbirati v cih miscyah zrazki gruntu j peredavati yih na analiz u Laboratoriyah Lederle Naukovci z yasovuvali chi ye v comu materiali prirodni antibakterialni agenti virobleni gruntovimi gribkami Yak stverdiv indijskij naukovec kolishnij direktor Centru klitinnoyi j molekulyarnoyi biologiyi Pushpa Mitra Bgargava Yellapragada Subbarao distav pravo na amerikanske piddanstvo tilki u 1946 roci Z samogo pochatku prozhivannya u SShA jomu regulyarno prodovzhuvali termin chinnosti vizi a z 1940 go vin musiv nositi z soboyu kartku z vidbitkom svogo palcya z reyestracijnim nomerom 3420564 i z poznachkoyu chuzhinec Sho tri misyaci dovodilosya povidomlyati svoyu adresu chinovnikam ministerstva yusticiyi SShA Yellapragada Subbarao pomer vid infarktu Pered smertyu vin skazani kolegam ostanni slova Yaksho Bog dast meni prozhiti she rik dva to mozhlivo mi zmozhemo likuvati she odnu hvorobu Zapiznile viznannyaYellapragadi Subbarao dosi ne viddali nalezhnih pochestej za jogo naukovi zaslugi Golovno tomu sho cej uchenij ne vmiv spriyati svoyim interesam vistavlyati napokaz svoyu pracyu j sebe samogo Odnogo razu jogo advokat zdivuvavsya diznavshis sho Subarrao nehtuye princip yakogo doderzhuyut naukovci v usomu sviti pov yazuvati vlasne im ya z vlasnoyu robotoyu Vin nikoli ne davav interv yu dlya presi ne vidviduvav zibran u navchalnih zakladah i ne yizdiv u lekcijni turne Yak napisav Siddgartha Mukerdzhi pro cogo naukovcya bud yakogo z jogo dosyagnen bulo b dosit shob garantuvati profesuru v Garvardi Ale Subbarao buv chuzhinec nichnij vidlyudko zatyatij vegetarianec sho zhiv v odnokimnatnomu pomeshkanni v seredmisti j priyatelyuvav tilki z inshimi nichnimi samitnikami yak ot Farber Jogo kolega Dzhordzh Gitchings yakij z Gertrudoyu Elajon u 1988 roci zdobuv Nobelivsku premiyu z fiziologiyi i medicini skazav Deyaki z nukleotidiv sho yih sintezuvav Subbarao zgodom dovelosya vidkrivati zanovo inshim pracivnikam bo Fiske mabut cherez zazdroshi ne dav vnesku Yellapragadi pobachiti svit Na chest Subarrao spivrobitniki kompaniyi Amerikanskij cianamid nazvali grib Subbaromyces splendens Voni pomistili memorialnu doshku na laboratoriyi de vin pracyuvav V Indiyi vipusheno poshtovu marku iz zobrazhennyam Yellapragadi Subbarao a v Gajdarabadi postavili jogo byust U madraskomu Tehnologichnomu koledzhi Agappi sklikali seminar prisvyachenij pam yati Subbarao U kvitni 1950 go Doron K Antrim v opublikovanij u zhurnali Argosy statti zauvazhiv Vi mabut nikoli j ne chuli pro doktora Yellapragadu Subarrao Odnak zavdyaki tomu sho vin zhiv nini vi mozhete zhiti j dobre pochuvatisya Bo vin zhiv dlya togo shob vi mogli zhiti dovshe PublikaciyiAngia R B Boothe J H Hutchings B L Mowat J H Semb J Stokstad E L R Subbarow Y Waller C W Cosulich D B Fabrenbach M J Hultquist M E Erwin K U H Northey E H Seeger D R Sickels J P Smith Jr J M 1946 The structure and synthesis of the liver L casei factor Science 103 2683 667 669 doi 10 1126 science 103 2683 667 Angier R B Boothe J H Hutchings B L Mowat J H Semb J Stokstad E L R SubbaRow Y Waller C W Cosulich D B Fahrenbach M J Hultquist M E Kuh E Northey E H Seeger D R Sickels J P Smith Jr J M 1945 Synthesis of a compound identical with the L casei factor isolated from liver Science 102 2644 227 228 doi 10 1126 science 102 2644 227 PMID 17778509 Angier R B Mowat J H Boothe J H Waller C W Semb J Hutchings B L Stokstad E L R Subbarow Y 1948 The preparation of 2 amino 4 hydroxy 6 keto 5 5 dichlorodihydropyrimidine Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 3 1274 1275 doi 10 1021 ja01183a502 Angier R B Stokstad E L R Mowat J H Hutchings B L Boothe J H Waller C W Semb J SubbaRow Y Cosulich D B Fahrenbach M J Hultquist M E Kuh E Northey E H Seeger D R Sickels J P Smith Jr J M 1948 Synthesis of pteroylglutamic acid III Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 25 26 doi 10 1021 ja01181a008 Angier R B Waller C W Boothe J H Mowat J H Semb J Hutchings B L Stokstad E L R Subbarow Y 1948 Pteridine chemistry I Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 9 3029 3031 doi 10 1021 ja01189a058 Angier R B Waller C W Hutchings B L Boothe J H Mowat J H Semb J SubbaRow Y 1950 Pteroic acid derivatives VI Unequivocal syntheses of some isomeric glutamic acid peptides Journal of the American Chemical Society 72 1 74 77 doi 10 1021 ja01157a021 Baker B R Querry M V Bernstein S Safir S R Subbarow Y 1947 Biotin IV A second synthesis of 2 Œ carboxybutyl thiophane 3 4 dicarboxylic acid Journal of Organic Chemistry 12 1 167 173 doi 10 1021 jo01165a021 Baker B R Querry M V McEwen W L Bernstein S Safir S R Dorfman L Subbarow Y 1947 Biotin VI Synthesis of biotin and epiallobiotin Journal of Organic Chemistry 12 1 186 198 doi 10 1021 jo01165a023 Bernstein S Binovi L J Dorfman L Sax K J Subbarow Y 1949 7 Dehydrocholesterol Journal of Organic Chemistry 14 3 433 446 doi 10 1021 jo01155a015 Bernstein S Sax K J Subbarow Y 1948 7 Dehydrocholesteryl chloride and bromide Journal of Organic Chemistry 13 6 837 842 doi 10 1021 jo01164a009 Boothe J H Mowat J H Hutchings B L Angier R B Waller C W Stokstad E L R Semb J Gazzola A L Subbarow Y 1948 Pteroic acid derivatives II Pteroyl g glutamylglutamic acid and pteroyl g glutamyl g glutamylglutamic acid Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 3 1099 1102 doi 10 1021 ja01183a068 Boothe J H Semb J Waller C W Angier R B Mowat J H Hutchings B L Stokstad E L R Subbarow Y 1949 Pteroic acid derivatives III Pteroyl g glutamylglutamic acid and pteroyl g glutamyl g glutamylglutamic acid Journal of the American Chemical Society 71 7 2304 2308 doi 10 1021 ja01175a010 Boothe J H Waller C W Stokstad E L R Hutchings B L Mowat J H Angier R B Semb J SubbaRow Y Cosulich D B Fahrenbach M J Hultquist M E Kuh E Northey E H Seeger D R Sickels J P Smith Jr J M 1948 Synthesis of pteroylglutamic acid IV Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 27 28 doi 10 1021 ja01181a009 Fiske C H Subbarow Y 1927 The nature of the inorganic phosphate in voluntary muscle Science 65 1686 399 doi 10 1126 science 65 1686 401 PMID 17807679 Fiske C H Subbarow Y 1929 Phosphorus compounds of muscle and liver Science 70 1816 381 382 doi 10 1126 science 70 1816 381 a Harned B K Cunningham R W Halliday S Vessey R E Yuda N N Clark M C Hine C H Cosgrove R Subbarow Y 1948 Studies on the chemotherapy of filariasis VI Some pharmacopynamic properties of 1 diethylcarbamyl 4 methylpiperazine hydrochloride Hetrazan The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 33 2 216 235 Hewitt R I Kushner S Stewart H W White E Wallace W S SubbaRow Y 1947 Experimental chemotherapy of filariasis III Effect of 1 diethylcarbamyl 4 methylpiperazine hydrochloride against naturally acquired filarial infections in cotton rats and dogs The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 32 11 1314 1329 Hewitt R I Wallace W S White E SubbaRow Y 1947 Experimental chemotherapy of filariasis I Experimental methods for testing drugs against naturally acquired filarial infections in cotton rats and dogs The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 32 11 1293 1303 Hewitt R I White E Wallace W S Stewart H W Kushner S SubbaRow Y 1947 Experimental chemotherapy of filariasis II Effect of piperazine derivatives against naturally acquired filarial infections in cotton rats and dogs The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 32 11 1304 1313 Hultquist M E Germann R P Webb J S Wright Jr W B Roth B Smith Jr J M Subbarow Y 1951 N heterocyclic benzenesulfonamides Journal of the American Chemical Society 73 6 2558 2566 doi 10 1021 ja01150a042 Hultquist M E Kuh E Cosulich D B Fahrenbach M J Northey E H Seeger D R Sickels J P Smith Jr J M Angier R B Boothe J H Hutchings B L Mowat J H Semb J Stokstad E L R SubbaRow Y Waller C W 1948 Synthesis of pteroylglutamic acid liver L casei factor and pteroic acid II Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 23 24 doi 10 1021 ja01181a007 Hutchings B L Stokstad E L R Bohonos N Sloane N H SubbaRow Y 1948 The isolation of the fermentation Lactobacillus casei factor Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 1 3 doi 10 1021 ja01181a001 Hutchings B L Stokstad E L R Mowat J H Boothe J H Waller C W Angier R B Semb J SubbaRow Y 1948 Degradation of the fermentation L casei factor II Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 10 13 doi 10 1021 ja01181a004 Kushner S Dalalian H Cassell R T Sanjurjo J L McKenzie D Subbarow Y 1948 Experimental chemotherapy of tuberculosis I Substituted nicotinamides Journal of Organic Chemistry 13 6 834 836 doi 10 1021 jo01164a008 Little P A Oleson J J SubbaRow Y 1948 The effect of nutrition on the tumor response in Rous chicken sarcoma The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 33 9 1139 1143 Little P A Sampath A SubbaRow Y 1948 The use of antagonists of pteroylglutamic acid in controlling Rous chicken sarcoma The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 33 9 1144 1149 McKenzie D Malone L Kushner S Oleson J J SubbaRow Y 1948 The effect of nicotinic acid amide on experimental tuberculosis of white mice The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 33 10 1249 1253 Mowat J H Boothe J H Hutchings B L Stokstad E L R Waller C W Angier R B Semb J Cosulich D B SubbaRow Y 1948 Erratum The structure of the liver L casei factor Journal of the American Chemical Society 1948 70 14 Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 12 4275 doi 10 1021 ja01192a622 Mowat J H Boothe J H Hutchings B L Stokstad E L R Waller C W Angier R B Semb J Cosulich D B SubbaRow Y 1948 The structure of the liver L casei factor Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 14 18 doi 10 1021 ja01181a005 Mowat J H Gazzola A L Hutchings B L Boothe J H Waller C W Angier R B Semb J Subbarow Y 1949 Pteroic acid derivatives IV Pteroyl a g glutamyldiglutamic acid Journal of the American Chemical Society 71 7 2308 2310 doi 10 1021 ja01175a011 Mowat J H Hutchings B L Angier R B Stokstad E L R Boothe J H Waller C W Semb J Subbarow Y 1948 Pteroic acid derivatives I Pteroyl Œ glutamylglutamic acid and pteroyl a g glutamyldiglutamic acid Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 3 1096 1098 doi 10 1021 ja01183a067 Safir S R Bernstein S Baker B R McEwen W L Subbarow Y 1947 Biotin IX A synthesis of dl dehydrobiotin Journal of Organic Chemistry 12 3 475 482 doi 10 1021 jo01167a017 Safir S R Kushner S Brancone L M Subbarow Y 1948 Experimental chemotherapy of trypanosomiasis II The preparation of compounds related to p phenylenediguanidine Journal of Organic Chemistry 13 6 924 932 doi 10 1021 jo01164a024 Sanders M Subbarow Y Alexander R C 1948 An effective antiviral synthetic Texas reports on biology and medicine 6 3 385 395 Semb J Boothe J H Angier R B Waller C W Mowat J H Hutchings B L Subbarow Y 1949 Pteroic acid derivatives V Pteroyl a glutamyl a glutamylglutamic acid pteroyl g glutamyl a glutamylglutamic acid pteroyl a glutamyl g glutamylglutamic acid Journal of the American Chemical Society 71 7 2310 2315 doi 10 1021 ja01175a012 Stewart H W Turner R J Denton J J Kushner S Brancone L M McEwen W L Hewitt R I Subbarow Y 1948 Experimental chemotherapy of filariasis IV The preparation of derivatives of piperazine Journal of Organic Chemistry 13 1 134 143 doi 10 1021 jo01159a018 Stokstad E L R Hutchings B L Mowat J H Boothe J H Waller C W Angier R B Semb J SubbaRow Y 1948 The degradation of the fermentation Lactobacillus casei factor I Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 5 9 doi 10 1021 ja01181a003 Stokstad E L R Hutchings B L SubbaRow Y 1948 The isolation of the Lactobacillus casei factor from liver Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 3 5 doi 10 1021 ja01181a002 Subbarow Y Dann W J 1938 The inactivity of b aminopyridine in blacktongue Journal of the American Chemical Society 60 10 2565 doi 10 1021 ja01277a506 Subbarow Y Dann W J Meilman E 1938 The effect of b aminopyridine in experimental blacktongue Journal of the American Chemical Society 60 6 1510 1511 doi 10 1021 ja01273a505 Subbarow Y Hastings A B Elkin M 1945 Chemistry of Anti Pernicious Anemia Substances of Liver Vitamins and Hormones 3 C 237 296 doi 10 1016 s0083 6729 08 61114 0 Subbarow Y Hitchings G H 1939 Pantothenic acid as a factor in rat nutrition 9 Journal of the American Chemical Society 61 6 1615 1616 doi 10 1021 ja01875a522 Subbarow Y Jacobson B M Prochownick V 1936 Studies of the pernicious anemia principle in liver III The isolation and properties of a substance with primary therapeutic activity Journal of the American Chemical Society 58 11 2234 2236 doi 10 1021 ja01302a044 Subbarow Y Rane L 1939 Pantothenic acid as a growth factor for the Dochez NY5 strain of hemolytic Streptococcus 10 Journal of the American Chemical Society 61 6 1616 doi 10 1021 ja01875a523 Waller C W Hutchings B L Mowat J H Stokstad E L R Boothe J H Angier R B Semb J SubbaRow Y Cosulich D B Fahrenbach M J Hultquist M E Kuh E Northey E H Seeger D R Sickels J P Smith Jr J M 1948 Synthesis of pteroylglutamic acid liver L casei factor and pteroic acid I Journal of the American Chemical Society 70 1 19 22 doi 10 1021 ja01181a006 Primitki Arhiv originalu za 12 sichnya 2014 Procitovano 12 sichnya 2014 Arhiv originalu za 8 grudnya 2013 Procitovano 12 sichnya 2014 Siddgartha Mukerdzhi Imperator usih hvorob biografiya raku Kiyiv Vidavnictvo Zhupanskogo s 36 R Parthasarathy 13 mar 2003 Discoverer of miracle medicines Y Subba Row 1895 1948 The Hindu Farber S Cutler EC Hawkins JW Harrison JH Peirce Ec 2nd Lenz GG 1947 The Action of Pteroylglutamic Conjugates on Man Science 106 2764 619 21 doi 10 1126 science 106 2764 619 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine PMID 17831847 11 sichnya 2014 u Wayback Machine Farber et al s article published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1946 noted Dr Subbarao s work as a foundation for this landmark paper The paper remains one of the earliest top cited research articles and is a classic in the field of medicine Farber Sidney Farber S Diamond LK Mercer RD et al 1948 Temporary remissions in acute leukemia in children produced by folic acid antagonist 4 aminopteroyl glutamic acid aminopterin N Engl J Med 238 23 787 93 doi 10 1056 NEJM194806032382301 9 kvitnya 2012 u Wayback Machine PMID 18860765 11 sichnya 2014 u Wayback Machine Miller DR 2006 A tribute to Sidney Farber the father of modern chemotherapy British journal of haematology 134 1 20 6 doi 10 1111 j 1365 2141 2006 06119 x PMID 16803563 PDF Arhiv originalu PDF za 11 lyutogo 2012 Procitovano 12 sichnya 2014 History of Medicine Dr Yellapragada SubbaRow 1895 1948 He Transformed Science Changed Lives Journal of the Indian Academy of Clinical Medicine 2 1 2 2001 medind nic in jac t01 i1 jact01i1p96 pdf He Transformed Science Changed Lives Pushpa Mitra Bhargava Imperator usih hvorob biografiya raku s 37 Arhiv originalu za 14 lyutogo 2012 Procitovano 11 sichnya 2014 Dr Yellapragada SubbaRow 1895 1948 The man and the method by Kapur S amp Gupta S P K in Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 36 11 1087 92