TNF angl Tumor necrosis factor bilok yakij koduyetsya odnojmennim genom roztashovanim u lyudej na korotkomu plechi 6 yi hromosomi Dovzhina polipeptidnogo lancyuga bilka stanovit 233 aminokisloti a molekulyarna masa 25 644 TNFNayavni strukturiPDBPoshuk ortologiv PDBe RCSBSpisok kodiv PDB1A8M 1TNF 2AZ5 2E7A 2TUN 2ZJC 2ZPX 3ALQ 3IT8 3L9J 3WD5 4G3Y 4TSV 4TWT 5TSWIdentifikatoriSimvoliTNF DIF TNF alpha TNFA TNFSF2 Tumour necrosis factor TNF a tumor necrosis factor TNLG1F Tumor necrosis factor alphaZovnishni ID OMIM 191160 MGI 104798 HomoloGene 496 GeneCards TNFPov yazani genetichni zahvoryuvannyapsoriatic arthritisOntologiya genaMolekulyarna funkciya GO 0001948 GO 0016582 protein binding protease binding tumor necrosis factor receptor binding cytokine activity identical protein bindingKlitinna komponenta membrana cell surface integral component of membrane recycling endosome vnutrishnoklitinnij integral component of plasma membrane phagocytic cup external side of plasma membrane extracellular region klitinna membrana membrane raft mizhklitinnij prostirBiologichnij proces regulation of protein phosphorylation positive regulation of protein phosphorylation positive regulation of MAP kinase activity response to salt stress positive regulation of calcidiol 1 monooxygenase activity positive regulation of programmed cell death positive regulation of JNK cascade response to organic substance negative regulation of osteoblast differentiation positive regulation of cysteine type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process negative regulation of viral genome replication humoral immune response positive regulation of interleukin 8 production intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to DNA damage positive regulation of protein localization to cell surface positive regulation of ERK1 and ERK2 cascade glucose metabolic process animal organ morphogenesis apoptotic signaling pathway negative regulation of alkaline phosphatase activity regulation of I kappaB kinase NF kappaB signaling GO 0051637 defense response to Gram positive bacterium regulation of branching involved in salivary gland morphogenesis positive regulation of phagocytosis negative regulation of fat cell differentiation negative regulation of myoblast differentiation positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling regulation of insulin secretion osteoclast differentiation regulation of tumor necrosis factor mediated signaling pathway response to virus positive regulation of osteoclast differentiation GO 0002719 negative regulation of cytokine production involved in immune response positive regulation of peptidyl serine phosphorylation negative regulation of branching involved in lung morphogenesis JNK cascade death inducing signaling complex assembly regulation of osteoclast differentiation defense response to bacterium positive regulation of interleukin 6 production I kappaB kinase NF kappaB signaling positive regulation of translational initiation by iron sequestering of triglyceride positive regulation of chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus positive regulation of chemokine C X C motif ligand 2 production positive regulation of JUN kinase activity positive regulation of hair follicle development chronic inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus GO 1904579 cellular response to organic cyclic compound positive regulation of fever generation extracellular matrix organization positive regulation of DNA binding transcription factor activity cellular response to nicotine positive regulation of podosome assembly GO 1904489 regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process positive regulation of protein transport negative regulation of glucose import GO 0046730 GO 0046737 GO 0046738 GO 0046736 imunna vidpovid leukocyte tethering or rolling positive regulation of chemokine production cellular extravasation negative regulation of lipid storage negative regulation of myosin light chain phosphatase activity GO 0045996 negative regulation of transcription DNA templated GO 0033109 cortical actin cytoskeleton organization embryonic digestive tract development leukocyte migration lipopolysaccharide mediated signaling pathway positive regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation positive regulation of protein kinase activity positive regulation of superoxide dismutase activity defense response positive regulation of ceramide biosynthetic process positive regulation of protein containing complex assembly protein kinase B signaling GO 0032737 positive regulation of cytokine production epithelial cell proliferation involved in salivary gland morphogenesis positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process negative regulation of interleukin 6 production positive regulation of membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis positive regulation of humoral immune response mediated by circulating immunoglobulin positive regulation of interferon gamma production response to glucocorticoid positive regulation of vitamin D biosynthetic process positive regulation of mononuclear cell migration MAPK cascade negative regulation of protein containing complex disassembly multicellular organism development negative regulation of bicellular tight junction assembly positive regulation of protein containing complex disassembly regulation of cell population proliferation cellular response to amino acid stimulus negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in absence of ligand cellular response to lipopolysaccharide negative regulation of lipid catabolic process regulation of establishment of endothelial barrier positive regulation of cell adhesion regulation of protein secretion positive regulation of apoptotic process inflammatory response activation of cysteine type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process tumor necrosis factor mediated signaling pathway positive regulation of I kappaB kinase NF kappaB signaling necroptotic signaling pathway GO 1901313 positive regulation of gene expression extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors GO 1901227 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II positive regulation of NF kappaB transcription factor activity GO 0060469 GO 0009371 positive regulation of transcription DNA templated GO 0003257 GO 0010735 GO 1901228 GO 1900622 GO 1904488 positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II positive regulation of leukocyte adhesion to arterial endothelial cell positive regulation of leukocyte adhesion to vascular endothelial cell positive regulation of blood microparticle formation negative regulation of endothelial cell proliferation positive regulation of heterotypic cell cell adhesion negative regulation of mitotic cell cycle endothelial cell apoptotic process positive regulation of vascular associated smooth muscle cell proliferation negative regulation of gene expression protein localization to plasma membrane GO 1903364 positive regulation of protein catabolic process regulation of signaling receptor activity regulation of inflammatory response cytokine mediated signaling pathway positive regulation of calcineurin NFAT signaling cascade positive regulation of NIK NF kappaB signalingDzherela Amigo QuickGOShablon ekspresiyiBilshe danihOrtologiVidi Lyudina MishaEntrez7124 21926Ensembl ENSG00000228978 ENSG00000230108 ENSG00000223952 ENSG00000204490 ENSG00000228321ENSG00000232810 ENSG00000228849 ENSG00000206439 ENSMUSG00000024401UniProt P01375 P06804RefSeq mRNK NM 000594NM 001278601 NM 013693RefSeq bilok NP 000585NP 001265530 NP 038721Lokus UCSC Hr 6 31 58 31 58 MbHr 17 35 42 35 42 MbPubMed searchVikidaniDiv Red dlya lyudejDiv Red dlya mishejPoslidovnist aminokislot1020304050MSTESMIRDVELAEEALPKKTGGPQGSRRCLFLSLFSFLIVAGATTLFCLLHFGVIGPQREEFPRDLSLISPLAQAVRSSSRTPSDKPVAHVVANPQAEGQLQWLNRRANALLANGVELRDNQLVVPSEGLYLIYSQVLFKGQGCPSTHVLLTHTISRIAVSYQTKVNLLSAIKSPCQRETPEGAEAKPWYEPIYLGGVFQLEKGDRLSAEINRPDYLDFAESGQVYFGIIALA Alanin C Cisteyin D Asparaginova kislota E Glutaminova kislota F Fenilalanin G Glicin H Gistidin I Izolejcin K Lizin L Lejcin M Metionin N Asparagin P Prolin Q Glutamin R Arginin S Serin T Treonin V Valin W Triptofan Y Tirozin Kodovanij genom bilok za funkciyami nalezhit do klitinnih signalnih bilkiv citokiniv fosfoproteyiniv bere uchast u procesah sistemnogo zapalennya ye odnim z citokiniv yaki formuyut reakciyu gostroyi fazi Faktor nekrozu puhlin viroblyayetsya perevazhno aktivovanimi makrofagami menshoyu miroyu jogo sintezuyut inshi tipi klitin CD4 limfociti NK klitini nejtrofili opasisti klitini eozinofili ta nejtrofili Lokalizovanij u klitinnij membrani FiziologiyaOsnovna rol FNP polyagaye v regulyaciyi vzayemodiyi imunnih klitin FNP ye endogennim pirogenom sprichinyuye garyachku zapuskaye proces klitinnogo apoptozu sprichinyuye kaheksiyu zapalennya ta prignichennya rostu puhlini i replikaciyu virusiv pri sepsisi regulyuye produkciyu prozapalnih interlejkiniv IL1 ta IL6 Porushennya regulyaciyi produkciyi FNP sposterigayetsya pri riznih zahvoryuvan zokrema pri hvorobi Alcgejmera zloyakisnih novoutvorennyah velikij depresiyi psoriazi zapalnih zahvoryuvannyah kishki FarmakologiyaFNP stimulyuye zapalni reakciyi sho svoyeyu chergoyu zumovlyuyeaye bagato klinichnih problem pov yazanih z autoimunnimi rozladami Zokrema pidvishennya sintezu FNP suprovodzhuye revmatoyidnij artrit ankilozuyuchij spondilit hvoroba Behteryeva zapalni zahvoryuvannya kishki hvoroba Krona nespecifichnij virazkovij kolit psoriaz bronhialnu astmu U deyakih vipadkah likuvannya spryamovane na ingibuvannya FNP dozvolyaye dosyagti klinichnogo efektu Galmuvannya FNP mozhe buti dosyagnuto za dopomogoyu monoklonalnih antitil yaki bezposeredno zv yazuyutsya z FNP infliksimab Remicade adalimumab lat Humira Cimzia Inshim shlyahom znizhennya aktivnosti FNP ye vvedennya do organizmu shtuchnogo cirkulyuyuchogo bilka receptora yakij zv yazuye FNP z bilshoyu afinnistyu nizh receptor na klitinnij membrani Preparatom takoyi diyi ye etanercept Enbrel Anti FNP terapiya pokazala skromnu efektivnist pri onkopatologiyi Likuvannya nirkovo klitinnoyi karcinomi z infliksimabom prizvelo do trivaloyi stabilizaciyi hvorobi lishe u deyakih paciyentiv Etanercept buv protestovanij dlya likuvannya hvorih na rak molochnoyi zalozi ta raku yayechnikiv i sprichiniv bilsh trivalu stabilizaciyu zahvoryuvannya u deyakih paciyentok shlyahom znizhennya ekspresiyi IL 6 ta CCL2 Z inshogo boku dodavannya infliksimabu abo etanerceptu do gemcitabinu dlya likuvannya paciyentiv iz zapushenim rakom pidshlunkovoyi zalozi ne pidvishilo efektivnosti likuvannya porivnyano z placebo Talidomid Immunoprin ta jogo pohidni Revlimid i Pomalyst Imnovid takozh aktivni proti FNP Inshimi prikladami prostih preparativ sho mayut supresivnij efekt shodo FNP ye pentoksifilin i bupropion Rekombinantnij FNP vikoristovuyetsya yak imunostimulyator pid INN tasonermin LiteraturaShirai T Yamaguchi H Ito H Todd C W Wallace R B 1985 Cloning and expression in 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225 228 PMID 2922050 DOI 10 1038 338225a0PrimitkiZahvoryuvannya genetichno pov yazani z TNF pereglyanuti redaguvati posilannya na VikiDanih Human PubMed Reference Mouse PubMed Reference angl Arhiv originalu za 20 veresnya 2017 Procitovano 6 veresnya 2017 angl Arhiv originalu za 29 serpnya 2017 Procitovano 6 veresnya 2017 Arhiv originalu za 8 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 19 veresnya 2017 Arhiv originalu za 20 veresnya 2019 Procitovano 19 veresnya 2017 PDF Arhiv originalu PDF za 20 veresnya 2017 Procitovano 19 veresnya 2017 Div takozhHromosoma 6 Ce nezavershena stattya pro bilki Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi, Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, 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