Pre miya Sti la angl Steele Prize naukova nagoroda yaka shorichno vruchayetsya Amerikanskim matematichnim tovaristvom za vidatni doslidzhennya i praci v galuzi matematiki Z 1993 roku premiya prisudzhuyetsya u troh nominaciyah Premiya Stila angl Steele Prize Krayina SShATip d Nagorodzhennya Zasnovano 1970Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati premiyi Stila 19 Chergovist Sajt ams org prizes awards paview cgi parent id 28 Premiya Stila u Vikishovishi Premiyu bulo zasnovano u 1970 roci za zapovitom Leroya Stila Leroy P Steele bakalavra Garvardskogo universitetu Procedura viznachennya laureativ nagorodi zminyuvalas u 1976 i 1993 rokah odnak pochatkova meta nagorodzhuvati yak originalni doslidzhennya tak i opisovi roboti zbereglas Suma groshovoyi vinagorodi stanovit 5000 dolariv premiyi vruchayutsya ne za nacionalnoyu oznakoyu odnak zazvichaj laureati ye pov yazani z diyalnistyu u matematici v mezhah SShA ta pracyami opublikovanimi anglijskoyu Laureati premiyi do 1993 roku1992 en za jogo knigi von Neumann Algebras Algebres de von Neumann Gauthier Villars Paris 1957 C Algebras Les C Algebres et leurs Representations Gauthier Villars Paris 1964 Enveloping Algebras Algebres Enveloppantes Gauthier Villars Paris 1974 1992 en za stattyu Solution in the large for nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics XVIII 1965 pp 697 715 1992 en za jogo chislenni fundamentalni vneski v teoriyu ta zastosuvannya linijnih i nelinijnih diferencialnih rivnyan iz chastinnimi pohidnimi ta funkcionalnij analiz za jogo liderstvo v rozvitku obchislyuvalnoyi ta prikladnoyi matematiki a takozh za jogo nadzvichajnij vpliv yak vikladacha 1991 en za publikaciyu monografiyi Pseudodifferential and Fourier Integral Operators Volumes 1 and 2 Plenum Press 1980 1991 en za fundamentalnu robotu z globalnoyi diferencialnoyi geometriyi zokrema skladnoyi diferencialnoyi geometriyi 1991 en za jogo znachni vneski v geometriyu i topologiyu teoriyu grup Li yih reshitok i predstavlen ta teoriyu avtomorfnih form teoriyu algebrayichnih grup i yih predstavlen 1990 en za jogo knigu Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems Interscience 1st Edition 1957 and 2nd Edition with K Morton 1967 1990 en za jogo publikaciyu On the existence and irreducibility of certain series of representations Lie Groups and their Representations 1975 pp 231 329 1990 en za te sho vin zigrav vazhlivu rol u zmini oblichchya geometriyi ta topologiyi zavdyaki jogo proniklivomu vnesku v harakteristichni klasi K teoriyu teoriyu indeksiv ta bagato inshih instrumentiv suchasnoyi matematiki 1989 en za jogo knigu Finite Simple Groups An Introduction to their Classification Plenum Press 1982 i dvi oglyadovi statti The Classification of Finite Simple Groups and Classifying the Finite Simple Groups Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society volume 1 1979 pp 43 199 and volume 14 1986 pp 1 98 respectively 1989 en za publikaciyu Uniqueness in the Cauchy Problem for Partial Differential Equations American Journal of Mathematics volume 80 1958 pp 16 36 1989 en za jogo trivalij vpliv na matematiku osoblivo matematiku v Americi Svoyim energijnim prikladom zahoplyuyuchim vikladannyam ta zagalnoyu shedristyu vin spraviv razyuchi zmini v matematici ta nadihnuv pokolinnya molodih matematikiv 1988 en za jogo monografiyi Differential Geometry and Symmetric Spaces Academic Press 1962 Differential Geometry Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces Academic Press 1978 and Groups and Geometric Analysis Academic Press 1984 1988 Dzhan Karlo Rota za jogo stattyu On the foundations of combinatorial theory I Theory of Mobius functions Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete volume 2 1964 pp 340 368 1988 en za jogo trivalij vpliv na matematiku osoblivo matematiku v Americi Vin ye odnim iz zasnovnikiv suchasnoyi teoriyi grup peretvoren i osoblivo vidomij svoyim vneskom u virishennya p yatoyi problemi Gilberta 1987 Martin Gardner za jogo chislenni knigi ta statti z matematiki zokrema za jogo rubriku Matematichni igri v Scientific American 1987 en i en za yihnyu novatorsku stattyu Normal and integral currents Annals of Mathematics volume 72 1960 pp 458 520 1987 en za jogo fundamentalnij vnesok u topologiyu ta algebru zokrema za jogo klasichni roboti z singulyarnoyi gomologiyi ta jogo robotu z teoriyi aksiomatichnoyi gomologiyi yaka mala glibokij vpliv na rozvitok algebrayichnoyi topologiyi 1986 Donald Knut za jogo pidruchnik The Art of Computer Programming 3 Volumes 1st Edition 1968 2nd Edition 1973 1986 en za jogo chislenni vneski v algebru ta algebrayichnu topologiyu i zokrema za novatorsku robotu v gomologichnij i kategorialnij algebri 1986 Rudolf Kalman za jogo dvi fundamentalni statti A new approach to linear filtering and prediction problems Journal of Basic Engineering volume 82 1960 pp 35 45 and Mathematical description of linear dynamical systems SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization volume 1 1963 pp 152 192 ta jogo vnesok u tretyu with R S Bucy New results in linear filtering and prediction theory Journal of Basic Engineering volume 83D 1961 pp 95 108 1985 en za jogo p yatitomne vidannya A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry second edition Publish or Perish 1979 1985 en za tri statti z riznih aspektiv teoriyi algebrayichnih grup Representations of algebraic groups Nagoya Mathematical Journal volume 22 1963 pp 33 56 Regular elements of semisimple algebraic groups Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques Publications Mathematiques volume 25 1965 pp 49 80 and Endomorphisms of linear algebraic groups Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society volume 80 1968 1985 en za jogo fundamentalnu robotu z geometrichnih problem zokrema v zagalnij teoriyi mnogovidiv u vivchenni diferencijovanih funkcij na zamknutih mnozhinah v teoriyi geometrichnoyi integraciyi ta v geometriyi dotichnih do singulyarnogo analitichnogo prostoru 1984 en za jogo knigu Singular integrals and the differentiability properties of functions Princeton University Press 1970 1984 Lennart Karleson za statti An interpolation problem for bounded analytic functions American Journal of Mathematics volume 80 1958 pp 921 930 Interpolation by bounded analytic functions and the Corona problem Annals of Mathematics 2 volume 76 1962 pp 547 559 and On convergence and growth of partial sums of Fourier series Acta Mathematica volume 116 1966 pp 135 157 1984 en za jogo fundamentalnu robotu zi stanovlennya teoriyi jmovirnosti yak rozdilu matematiki ta za jogo glibokij vpliv na yiyi rozvitok 1983 Pol Halmosh za jogo chislenni diplomni roboti z matematiki ta za jogo statti pro te yak pisati govoriti ta publikuvati matematiku 1983 Stiven Klini za tri vazhlivi statti yaki lyagli v osnovu podalshih rozrobok uzagalnenoyi teoriyi rekursiyi ta opisovoyi teoriyi mnozhin Arithmetical predicates and function quantifiers Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 79 1955 pp 312 340 On the forms of the predicates in the theory of constructive ordinals second paper American Journal of Mathematics 77 1955 pp 405 428 and Hierarchies of number theoretic predicates Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 61 1955 pp 193 213 1983 Shiing Shen Chern za sukupnij vpliv jogo zagalnoyi matematichnoyi roboti visokij riven doslidzhen protyagom pevnogo periodu chasu osoblivij vpliv na rozvitok galuzi diferencialnoyi geometriyi ta vpliv na matematiku cherez disertaciyi doktoriv filosofiyi 1982 Lars Alfors za jogo pidruchnik z kompleksnogo analizu McGraw Hill Book Company New York 1953 ta lekciyi z kvazikonformnih vidobrazhen D Van Nostrand Co Inc New York 1966 i z konformnih invariant McGraw Hill Book Company New York 1973 1982 en za jogo redakcijnu robotu nad knigoyu Algebrayichna teoriya kvadratichnih form 1973 i chotiri jogo publikaciyi K 0 and K 1 an introduction to algebraic K theory 1975 Ten lectures on quadratic forms over fields 1977 Serre s conjecture 1978 and The theory of ordered fields 1980 1982 Dzhon Milnor za vazhlivu publikaciyu On manifolds homeomorphic to the 7 sphere Annals of Mathematics 2 64 1956 pp 399 405 1982 en za sukupnij vpliv jogo zagalnoyi roboti u matematici visokij riven doslidzhen protyagom pevnogo periodu chasu osoblivij vpliv na rozvitok galuzi ta vpliv na matematiku cherez naukovi roboti aspirantiv 1981 Oskar Zarickij za jogo robotu v algebrayichnij geometriyi osoblivo jogo fundamentalnij vnesok v algebrayichni osnovi cogo predmeta 1981 Ebergard Gopf za tri publikaciyi fundamentalnogo ta trivalogo znachennya Abzweigung einer periodischen Losung von einer stationaren Losung eines Differential systems Berichte uber die Verhandlungen der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse volume 95 1943 pp 3 22 A mathematical example displaying features of turbulence Communications on Applied Mathematics volume 1 1948 pp 303 322 and The partial differential equation u t uu x u xx Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 3 1950 pp 201 230 1981 en i en za yihnyu publikaciyu Linear operators Part I General theory 1958 Part II Spectral theory 1963 Part III Spectral operators 1971 Interscience Publishers New York 1980 Andre Vejl za zagalnij vpliv jogo prac na zagalnij kurs matematiki dvadcyatogo stolittya osoblivo v bagatoh sferah u yaki vin zrobiv fundamentalnij vnesok 1980 en za jogo pidruchniki Riemann s zeta function Pure and Applied Mathematics number 58 Academic Press New York and London 1974 ta Fermat s last theorem Graduate Texts in Mathematics number 50 Springer Verlag New York and Berlin 1977 1980 en za jogo znachnu robotu v galuzi gomologichnoyi algebri ta yiyi zastosuvan 1979 Antonij Zigmund za jogo kumulyativnij vpliv na teoriyu ryadiv Fur ye dijsnih zminnih i sumizhni oblasti analizu 1979 en za jogo stattyu Equivalence relations on algebraic cycles and subvarieties of small codimension Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics volume 29 American Mathematical Society 1975 pp 129 164 i knigu Algebraic geometry Springer Verlag Berlin and New York 1977 1979 en za jogo fundamentalnu stattyu Harmonic integrals on strongly convex domains I II Annals of Mathematics Series 2 volume 78 1963 pp 112 248 and volume 79 1964 pp 450 472 1979 Salomon Bohner za jogo kumulyativnij vpliv na galuzi teoriyi jmovirnostej analizu Fur ye kilkoh kompleksnih zminnih i diferencialnoyi geometriyi 1979 za tri fundamentalni statti On the local character of the solutions of an atypical linear differential equation in three variables and a related theorem for regular functions of two complex variables Annals of Mathematics Series 2 volume 64 1956 pp 514 522 An example of a smooth linear partial differential equation without solution Annals of Mathematics Series 2 volume 66 1957 pp 155 158 On hulls of holomorphy Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics volume 13 1960 pp 587 591 1976 1977 1978 premiya ne prisudzhuvalas 1975 Dzhordzh Maki za jogo stattyu Ergodic theory and its significance for statistical mechanics and probability theory Advances in Mathematics volume 12 1974 pp 178 286 1975 en za stattyu Foliations Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society volume 80 1974 pp 369 418 1975 en za jogo stattyu Uniformization moduli and Kleinian groups Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society volume 4 1972 pp 257 300 1975 Martin Devis za stattyu Hilbert s tenth problem is unsolvable American Mathematical Monthly volume 80 1973 pp 233 269 1975 Dzhozef Tejlor za stattyu Measure algebras CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics Number 16 American Mathematical Society 1972 1972 en za stattyu Simplicial homotopy theory Advances in Mathematics volume 6 1971 pp 107 209 1972 Vilyam Ellison za stattyu Waring s problem American Mathematical Monthly volume 78 1971 pp 10 36 1972 Lorens Pejn za stattyu Isoperimetric inequalities and their applications SIAM Review volume 9 1967 pp 453 488 1972 Dana Skott za stattyu A proof of the independence of the continuum hypothesis Mathematical Systems Theory volume 1 1967 pp 89 111 1971 en za stattyu napisanu razom z Zhanom Dyedonne Invariant theory old and new Advances in Mathematics volume 4 1970 pp 1 80 1971 Zhan D yedonne za stattyu Algebraic geometry Advances in Mathematics volume 3 1969 pp 223 321 i stattyu napisanu u spivavtorstvi z en Invariant theory old and new Advances in Mathematics volume 4 1970 pp 1 80 1971 en za stattyu Periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society volume 76 1970 pp 228 296 1970 Solomon Lefshec za stattyu A page of mathematical autobiography Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society volume 74 1968 pp 854 879 Laureati premiyi z 1993 rokuNominaciya Za vidatni dosyagnennya protyagom usiyeyi kar yeri Premiya Stila za vidatni dosyagnennya protyagom usiyeyi kar yeri prisudzhuyetsya zalezhno vid sukupnogo vplivu usih matematichnih robit nominanta rivnya doslidzhen protyagom pevnogo periodu chasu vplivu na rozvitok konkretnoyi galuzi matematiki ta vplivu na matematiku uchniv 2018 Zhan Burgen 2017 en 2016 Barri Sajmon 2015 Viktor Kac 2014 en 2013 Yakiv Sinaj 2012 en 2011 Dzhon Milnor 2010 en 2009 Luyis Kaffarelli 2008 Dzhordzh Lyustig 2007 en 2006 en Dennis Sallivan 2005 Izrayil Gelfand 2004 Ketlin Moravec 2003 Ronald Grem en 2002 en en 2001 en 2000 en 1999 en 1998 en 1997 en 1996 Goro Shimura 1995 en 1994 Luyis Nirenberg 1993 Yevgen DinkinNominaciya Za matematichnij viklad Premiya Stila Za matematichnij viklad prisudzhuyetsya za pevnu knigu oglyadovu stattyu chi doslidnicku robotu de ob yemno i sistematichno vikladayutsya rezultati otrimani u galuzi matematiki 2018 en i en 2017 en i en 2016 en Dzhon Littl i en 2015 2014 2013 en en 2012 en en en 2011 Genrik Ivanec 2010 2009 en 2008 en 2007 Devid Mamford 2006 Lars Germander 2005 Branko Gryunbaum 2004 Dzhon Milnor 2003 en 2002 en 2001 en 2000 Dzhon Konvej 1999 Serzh Leng 1998 en 1997 en 1996 en 1995 Zhan P yer Serr 1994 Ingrid Dobeshi 1993 Nominaciya Za plidnij vnesok u doslidzhennya Premiya Stila za plidnij vnesok u doslidzhennya prisudzhuyetsya za stattyu yaka maye fundamentalne chi neperehidne znachennya dlya deyakoyi galuzi matematiki abo ye vzircem dlya bagatoh doslidzhen Pochinayuchi z 1994 roku konkretni galuzi matematiki cherguyutsya z ciklom u p yat rokiv napriklad premiya 2001 roku prisudzhuvalas v galuzi prikladnoyi matematiki 2002 roku geometriyi i topologiyi 2003 roku logiki i diskretnoyi matematiki 2004 roku analizu i 2005 roku algebri 2018 en i en 2017 en 2016 en 2015 Rostislav Grigorchuk 2014 Luyis Kaffarelli de Luyis Nirenberg 2013 en 2012 Vilyam Terston 2011 Ingrid Dobeshi 2010 en 2009 Richard Gamilton 2008 Endre Semeredi 2007 Karen Ulenbek 2006 en en Martin Kruskal en 2005 Robert Lenglends 2004 en ru 2003 en en 2002 en en 2001 en 2000 1999 en Dzhon Nesh 1998 en 1997 Mihajlo Leonidovich Gromov 1996 en en 1995 en 1994 en 1993 en Primitki1988 Steele Prizes Awarded 2015 12 10 u Wayback Machine angl DzherelaLeroy P Steele Prizes Arhivovano gruden 11 2013 na sajti Wayback Machine American Mathematical Society