Стипендія Мак-Артура (англ.MacArthur Fellows Program) — нагорода, яка щорічно надається фундацією Джона Д. та Кетрін Т. Мак-Артур зазвичай від двадцяти до сорока громадянам або резидентам США будь-якого віку, які працюють в будь-якій галузі і «демонструють виняткові досягнення та потенціал для тривалої та плідної творчої роботи». Нагороду іноді називають «грантом для геніїв».
Стипендія Мак-Артура англ.MacArthur Fellows Program
Поточна сума премії становить 500000 доларів, які виплачуються поквартально протягом п'яти років. На нагороду не можна номінуватися самому. Натомість номінування відбувається анонімно, комітетом фундації. Лауреати премії часто дізнаються про нагороду тільки отримавши вітальний телефонний дзвінок.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 27 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 18 травня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 19 квітня 2008. Процитовано 18 травня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 19 липня 2011. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 19 квітня 2008. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 12 лютого 2010. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 7 березня 2012. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 16 січня 2011. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 27 вересня 2011. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 28 вересня 2006. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 12 жовтня 2010. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 16 жовтня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 16 квітня 2010. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 29 вересня 2007. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 28 вересня 2006. Процитовано 2 червня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 11 жовтня 2007. Процитовано 24 вересня 2007.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. . Архів оригіналу за 24 вересня 2008. Процитовано 23 вересня 2008.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Meet the 2009 Fellows. Архів оригіналу за 27 червня 2013. Процитовано 22 вересня 2009.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Meet the 2010 Fellows. Архів оригіналу за 27 червня 2013. Процитовано 28 вересня 2010.
Lee, Felicia R. (20 September 2011). MacArthur Foundation Announces Winners of ‘Genius' Awards. The New York Times (англ.) . Процитовано 4 жовтня 2015.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Meet the 2011 MacArthur Fellows. Процитовано 1 липня 2013.
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Meet the 2012 MacArthur Fellows. Процитовано 1 липня 2013.
Meet the 2013 MacArthur Fellows. MacArthur Foundation.
Meet the 2014 MacArthur Fellows. MacArthur Foundation. Процитовано 17 вересня 2014.
Kartik Chandran | Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science. Engineering.columbia.edu. Процитовано 1 жовтня 2015.
Baker, Jeremy M. (22 вересня 2014). Mimi Lien Creates Art With Her Sets. American Theatre. Процитовано 29 вересня 2015.
Display Person - Department of Near Eastern Studies. Princeton.edu. 27 жовтня 2010. Процитовано 29 вересня 2015.
Meet the 2015 MacArthur Fellows. The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Процитовано 29 вересня 2015.
Meet the 2016 MacArthur Fellows
Meet the 2017 MacArthur Fellows
Meet the 2018 MacArthur Fellows
McCarthy, Ellen (28 вересня 2021). MacArthur will give 25 new fellows $625,000 each to pursue 'high-risk, high-reward' work. The Washington Post. оригіналу за 28 вересня 2021. Процитовано 28 вересня 2021.
Stipendiya Mak Artura angl MacArthur Fellows Program nagoroda yaka shorichno nadayetsya fundaciyeyu Dzhona D ta Ketrin T Mak Artur zazvichaj vid dvadcyati do soroka gromadyanam abo rezidentam SShA bud yakogo viku yaki pracyuyut v bud yakij galuzi i demonstruyut vinyatkovi dosyagnennya ta potencial dlya trivaloyi ta plidnoyi tvorchoyi roboti Nagorodu inodi nazivayut grantom dlya geniyiv Stipendiya Mak Artura angl MacArthur Fellows Program Krayina SShATip d stipendiya i d Na chest d i d Nagorodzhennya Zasnovano 1981Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati stipendiyi Mak Artura 144 Chergovist Sajt macfound org programs fellows Stipendiya Mak Artura u Vikishovishi Potochna suma premiyi stanovit 500000 dolariv yaki viplachuyutsya pokvartalno protyagom p yati rokiv Na nagorodu ne mozhna nominuvatisya samomu Natomist nominuvannya vidbuvayetsya anonimno komitetom fundaciyi Laureati premiyi chasto diznayutsya pro nagorodu tilki otrimavshi vitalnij telefonnij dzvinok Sered laureativ nagorodi dekilka urodzhenciv Ukrayini Oleksij Ratmanskij Grigorij Chudnovskij Dzhejn Lyubchenko Cya stattya mistit neperekladeni fragmenti inozemnoyu movoyu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu pereklavshi yih ukrayinskoyu Spisok laureativ stipendiyi Mak Artura1980 ti Spisok laureativ 1981 roku poet Josip Brodskij poet Grigorij Chudnovskij matematik dityachij psiholog antropolog Genri Luyis Gejts literaturnij kritik evolyucijnij biolog Stiven Dzhej Guld peleontolog arheolog klimatolog vikladach mistectv pismennik istorik Duglas Osherov fizik biolog ta istorik nauki antropolog istorik pismennik Derek Volkott poet ta dramaturg Robert Penn Vorren poet pismennik i literaturnij kritik Stiven Volfram informatik ta fizik molekulyarnij biolog Dzhoel Koen populyacijnij biolog eseyist Govard Gardner psiholog sociolog filosof analitik energiyi arhitekturnij kritik ta istorik geograf hirurg Kormak Makkarti pismennik Barbara Mak Klintok genetik molekulyarnij biolog istorik religiyi istorik nauki sejsmolog Richard Rorti filosof Dzhozef Guton Tejlor astrofizik ekonomist Dzhordzh Cvejg fizik ta nejrobiolog Spisok laureativ 1982 roku politolog dizajner grafik Piter Braun istorik istorik Yevropi statistik Vilyam Geddis pismennik pismennik pedagog ta filosof Richard Myuller geolog ta astrofizik kompozitor antropolog kulturi assiriolog ta istorik nauki politolog kompozitor ta dirigent lingvist oftalmolog Frenk Vilchek fizik rezhiser dokumentalnih filmiv Edvard Vitten fizik tvorec M teoriyi Spisok laureativ 1983 roku physical chemist historian of Africa biological anthropologist statistician neuroscientist medieval historian historian psychologist novelist Leshek Kolakovskij istorik filosofiyi ta religiyi poet and writer historian translator mathematician and physiologist Dzhuliya Robinson matematik filmmaker and writer theater and opera director book designer printer and historian of the book art historian and archaeologist chemist political scientist ecologist and environmental policy analyst political scientist and arms control strategist political scientist historian of science Dzhon Hopfild fizik i biolog human rights lawyer Robert Merton istorik ta sociolog cultural preservationist poet translator and literary scholar economist and policy analyst mathematician Karen Ulenbek matematik Spisok laureativ 1984 roku ornithologist community organizer poet critic and translator painter and installation artist novelist and screenwriter intellectual historian and philosopher educator materials scientist and archaeologist public health leader medieval historian neuroscientist and psychiatrist geneticist and arms control analyst physicist economist political philosopher Charlz Simik poet perekladach esseist linguist and epigrapher intellectual historian light sculptor psychologist Karl Vouz mikrobiolog pediatric hematologist statistician public service innovator physicist and arms policy analyst Mitchell Fejgenbaum fahivec z matematichnoyi fiziki Majkl Fridman matematik family physician linguistic anthropologist writer and literary critic Bill Irvin pismennik aktor mathematician poet art historian Peter Mathews archaeologist and epigrapher historian of photography zoologist and conservationist civil rights leader Tibetan studies scholar psychologist child birth order research Alar Toomre astronom ta matetmatik Amos Tverski kognitivno matematichnij psiholog art historian geographer physiologist and mathematician community development leader Spisok laureativ 1985 roku community development leader Dzhon Eshberi poet medieval historian Garold Blum literaturnij kritik Chalidze Valerij Mikolajovich fizik pravozahisnik environmental historian Mers Kanningem horeograf Dzhared Dajmond biolog biogeograf Merian Edelman zasnovnicya fondu zahistu ditej political scientist lawyer and human rights leader cognitive scientist Woodworker trauma prevention specialist conservationist mathematical biologist classicist botanist biochemist historian of religion geneticist nautical archaeologist theater director choreographer dance company founder Shintan Yau matematik Spisok laureativ 1986 roku neurobiologist Milton Bebbitt kompozitor philologist photographer agricultural economist medieval historian historian of religion historian mathematician poet and translator Dzhek Horner paleontolog social policy analyst historian and sinologist physicist molecular geneticist composer and music theorist Dzhejms Rendi amerikanskij ilyuzionist i naukovij skeptik vidomij vikrivach paranormalnih yavish i psevdonaukovih teorij civil rights lawyer neurophysiologist art historian atmospheric scientist journalist biochemist poet and playwright composer Spisok laureativ 1987 roku writer Robert Akselrod politolog mathematician poet physicist Devid Gross fizik molecular geneticist literary and social critic rural planner musicologist historian of science evolutionary biologist poet Erik Lender genetik ta matematik geologist and planetary scientist education reform leader historian Devid Mamford matematik journalist cognitive scientist and psychologist Robert Sapolski nejroendokrinolog ta primatolog art historian Dzhon Shvarc fizik evolutionary ecologist physicist historian of religion community organizer poet and writer poet translator and editor sociologist primate ethologist Spisok laureativ 1988 roku geophysicist art historian cultural anthropologist composer and pianist filmmaker insect biologist writer Gelen Tom Edvards fizik documentary filmmaker primatologist and paleontologist Middle Eastern historian philologist and linguist geophysicist zoologist biologist Tomas Pinchon prozayik environmental historian percussionist and jazz composer community developer archaeologist military historian archaeologist figurative sculptor and puppeteer physicist historian historian of science musicologist paleontologist policy analyst and civil rights leader archaeologist agriculturalist Spisok laureativ 1989 roku attorney and legal scholar women s healthcare leader human rights lawyer evolutionary biologist writer George Davis environmental policy analyst poet composer and conductor journalist and educator rehabilitation engineer curator and cultural preservationist ecologist music historian composer and vocalist cultural preservationist archaeologist and anthropologist filmmaker educator and writer novelist sculptor historian historian of science composer and music theorist arms control analyst translator and publisher book artist farm labor leader Bill Vajola videohudozhnik educator primatologist 1990 ti Spisok laureativ 1990 roku biostatistician theater director dance educator writer and critic education reform leader composer Pol Erlih biolog historian photographer Margaret Geller astrofizik poet writer poet and literary critic social and cultural historian mathematician land and farm development specialist marine biologist mathematician performance artist ethnobotanist anthropologist community development leader filmmaker and choreographer sociologist historian scholar Syuzen Zontag pismennicya ta literaturnij kritik Richard Stolmen zasnovnik Free Software Foundation avtor koncepciyi kopileftu conservationist community development leader classicist and philosopher preservationist Erik Vulf antropolog physician community development leader human rights lawyer Spisok laureativ 1991 roku biophysical chemist journalist computer animator social historian choreographer American historian Patriciya Cherchlend filosof Devid Li Donogo statistik anthropologist poet writer and artist Yezhi Grotovskij rezhiser teatru artist child care leader writer musician mathematician geneticist psychologist and linguist community development leader tribal rights leader choreographer and dancer documentary filmmaker biographer and literary critic composer conductor jazz historian epidemiologist Sesil Tejlor dzhazovij pianist i kompozitor Dzhuli Tejmor kino i teatralna rezhiserka scenaristka health care leader engineer and scientist poet Spisok laureativ 1992 roku attorney printmaker civil rights leader rural development leader philosopher poet Ingrid Dobeshi matematik mathematician and statistician photographer poet historian journalist historian Dzhon Genri Golland informatik agronomist historian and philosopher of science saxophonist and composer social historian plant biologist writer writer journalist educator photojournalist artist and cultural critic climatologist writer artist conservation biologist dancer and choreographer mathematics educator historian evolutionary biologist developmental biologist Spisok laureativ 1993 roku philosopher mathematician and physicist geologist jazz critic and writer anthropological linguist medical anthropologist developmental biologist writer physician poet and literary critic artist child and family development specialist poet and literary critic chemist AIDS policy specialist Emori Lovins fizik Dzhejn Lyubchenko gidrobiolog nurse midwife poet and translator evolutionary biologist philosopher health care leader journalist and radio producer toxicologist philologist and historian arms control and energy analyst writer biologist and ornithologist gospel music performer physicist and energy analyst archaeologist and anthropologist Spisok laureativ 1994 roku photographer choreographer avant garde composer and musician Rodzhers Brubejker sociolog Ornett Koulman dzhazovij vikonavec ta kompozitor Izrayil Gelfand matematik ta biolog anthropologist economist dancer and choreographer agricultural entomologist educator economic development leader Donella Medouz doslidnicya v galuzi ohoroni dovkillya vikladachka i pismennicya company director and choreographer radio producer educator theater arts educator Adriyenn Rich poetesa i pismennicya musician and cultural preservationist animator physicist Spisok laureativ 1995 roku filmmaker historian Oktaviya Batler pismennicya u zhanri naukovoyi fantastiki writer and poet journalist disaster relief specialist biologist theater director journalist writer physician Syuzen Kiffer geolog theater director historian chemist ecologist musicologist Meredit Monk kompozitorka spivachka rezhiser teatru i kino political scientist political scientist Sindi Sherman fotograf human rights lawyer neurobiologist historian Spisok laureativ 1996 roku astronomer voting rights advocate historian marine biologist classical archaeologist biologist economic development strategist writer public policy analyst poet playwright Richard Lenski biolog documentary filmmaker developmental psychologist poet and writer amp dancers choreographers Natan Zajberg fizik playwright journalist actress educator art educator Spisok laureativ 1997 roku writer and performance artist playwright artist evolutionary biologist banker historian AIDS researcher molecular biologist Majkl Kremer ekonomist biologist artist evolutionary biologist and ecologist playwright educator copyright scholar and activist literary scholar and poet dancer and choreographer sound sculptor Loyik Vakan sociolog Kara Voker hudozhnicya Devid Foster Volles pismennik Endryu Dzhon Vajls matematik anthropologist Spisok laureativ 1998 roku artist artist Attorney and Human Rights Leader Tim Berners Li vinahidnik protokolu World Wide Web poet historian astrophysicist historian economist economist biochemist artist poet essayist historian writer neuroscientist human rights activist journalist rancher and conservationist historian cultural geographer plant pathologist linguistic anthropologist Ismael Rid poet prozayik eseyist avtor pisen dramaturg redaktor vidavec atmospheric scientist computer scientist and artist human rights activist human rights activist playwright Spisok laureativ 1999 rokuDzhillian Benfild mikrobiolog Karolin Bertocci himik printmaker policy analyst election lawyer and voting rights leader science educator journalist human rights activist architect Saul Fridlender istorik lawyer biologist lawyer historian biochemist classicist biographer and historian Huan Maldasena fizik human rights lawyer poet anthropological linguist artist traveler artist architect Piter Shor informatik physicist scientist saxophonist composer playwright mathematician artist linguist 2000 ni Spisok laureativ 2000 roku archaeologist paleontologist conservationist Enn Karson poetesa eseyistka perekladachka energy policy activist radio producer photographer graphic novelist physicist choreographer architect civil rights policy analyst optical physicist literary scholar and historian of science poet economist marine conservationist geochemist civil rights leader neuroscientist anthropologist legal scholar historian of photography and photographer computer and materials scientist mathematician Spisok laureativ 2001 roku writer astrobiologist fly biologist bioengineer housing and community development leader physicist art critic pianist Kej Redfild Dzhejmison psihologinya pilot and conservationist artist natural historian classicist and papyrologist Norman Pace biochemist playwright physical chemist human rights leader molecular biologist composer Devid Sperdzhel astrofizik biographer human rights lawyer creator of The Spisok laureativ 2002 roku classicist and political scientist Bonni Bassler molekulyarnij biolog intellectual historian journalist Paul Ginsparg physicist energy conservation specialist writer epidemiologist computer scientist and linguist artist choreographer trombonist artist bassist and composer writer and Biblical scholar anthropologist and ethnographer economist documentary filmmaker paleoethnobotanist computer scientist Charlz Stejdel astronom seismologist photographer atmospheric chemist Kolson Vajthed pismennik Spisok laureativ 2003 roku archaeologist biomedical engineer Lidiya Devis pismennik Erik Demejn informatik human rights researcher conservation analyst composer physicist writer blacksmith gerontological nurse artist and science exhibit designer public health physician obstetrician and gynecologist botanist biochemist agronomist women s development leader illustrator sculptor historian historian ceramic artist Syaovej Chzhuan biofizik Spisok laureativ 2004 roku anthropologist and archaeologist materials scientist and engineer Gretchen Berland physician and filmmaker artist biologist health care leader technology transfer innovator Aleksandar Hemon pismennik archaeological illustrator writer human rights activist Dafna Koller naukovec u galuzi komp yuternih nauk engineer school debate coach businessman and activist historian physician and computational biologist American sculptor artist pianist and composer farmer inventor and mechanical engineer microbiologist poet Spisok laureativ 2005 roku symphony conductor fisherman conservationist marine biologist rare book preservationist documentary filmmaker urban revitalization strategist neuroscientist pharmacist violinmaker music educator sculptor Kler Gmahl fizik physician researcher conservation biologist biochemist molecular biologist computer scientist Dzhonatan Letem pismennik geophysicist theoretical chemist Dzhuli Mehretu hudozhnircya economist clinician researcher photographer aural historian vehicle emissions specialist Spisok laureativ 2006 roku naturalist author illustrator jazz violinist neurobiologist tropical forester biologist technologist CEO surgeon and author bioengineer CEO journalist and author author illustrator sculptor physician physician social psychologist playwright short story writer commemorative artist painter Terens Tao matematik aviation engineer Luis von Ahn computer scientist deep sea explorer cosmologist Dzhon Zorn kompozitor i muzikant Spisok laureativ 2007 roku education strategist translator poet publisher public health physician environmental geographer forensic anthropologist short story writer water quality engineer molecular biologist inventor curator anthropologist preservationist blues musician spider silk biologist chemist conservation biologist painter installation artist neuroroboticist playwright biomedical scientist nanotechnologist medieval historian clinical psychiatrist classicist painter vocalist choreographer Spisok laureativ 2008 rokuChimamanda Ngozi Adichi pismennicya urban farmer rural family doctor evolutionary plant geneticist en aktor Andrea Gez astrofizik anthropologist weaver and sculptor Lejla Yuzefovich skripalka quantum physicist instrument maker and composer developmental biologist geriatrician geomorphologist engineer and architectural historian critical care physician Adam Riss astrofizik music critic infectious disease specialist historian of medicine Marin Solyachich fizik optik neuroscientist stage lighting designer experimental neurobiologist saxophonist and composer Spisok laureativ 2009 roku photojournalist computer vision technologist papermaker mixed media artist novelist painter Ester Duflo ekonomist short story writer molecular biologist climate scientist filmmaker applied mathematician poet investigative reporter health services innovator ornithologist applied physicist Elen Saks advokat ekspert u galuzi prava psihichnogo zdorov ya infectious disease physician evolutionary biologist biogeochemist geriatric physician digital artist bridge engineer 2010 ti Spisok laureativ 2010 roku physics teacher indigenous language preservationist marine biologist stone carver biomedical animator population geneticist type designer theater director biophysicist anthropologist American historian fiction writer optical physicist quantum astrophysicist jazz pianist and composer sign language linguist installation artist violist violinist and music educator economist author screenwriter and producer computer security specialist Marla Spivak entomolog sculptor Spisok laureativ 2011 roku radio host and producer lawyer economist architect parasitologist and virologist condensed matter physicist sports medicine researcher long form journalist public historian clinical psychologist choral conductor and composer evolutionary geneticist sensor technologist and computer scientist jazz percussionist and composer poet organometallic chemist neuropathologist European historian Alisiya Elsbet Stollingz poet conservator and silversmith cellist developmental biologist Spisok laureativ 2012 roku documentary filmmaker photographer arts entrepreneur and flautist economist Mariya Chudnovska mathematician geriatrician fiction writer journalist optical physicist and astronomer neurobiologist photographer medical microbiologist writer social services innovator historian geochemist Lora Pojtres documentary filmmaker marine ecologist stringed instrument bow maker Daniel Spielman computer scientist bioengineer mandolinist and composer neurosurgeon Spisok laureativ 2013 roku choreographer and dancer writer organic chemist paleobotanist primary care physician Kolin Kamerer ekonomist pianist and writer research psychologist materials scientist medieval historian audio preservationist jazz pianist and composer computer scientist public health historian and anthropologist agricultural ecologist Terell Elvin Mak Kreni dramaturg scenarist statistician neuroscientist Oleksij Ratmanskij horeograf atomic physicist fiction writer Sara Siger astrofizik immigration lawyer photographer and video artist Spisok laureativ 2014 roku physicist cartoonist and graphic memoirist civil rights lawyer environmental engineer jazz composer and saxophonist legal scholar and advocate social psychologist computer scientist poet housing advocate materials scientist playwright historian of science and technology public artist mathematician translator and poet documentary filmmaker labor organizer criminal lawyer historian of modern Europe mathematician Spisok laureativ 2015 roku education entrepreneur environmental engineer journalist and memoirist environmental health advocate sociologist chemist tap dancer and choreographer Nikol Ajzenman hudozhnicya photographer and video artist writer set designer Lin Manuel Miranda kompozitor lirik dramaturg ta aktor classicist computational biologist computer scientist historian Chicago based community leader neuroscientist stem cell biologist designer puppeteer poet economist inorganic chemist Spisok laureativ 2016 roku en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en Spisok laureativ 2017 roku en en Greg Asbed en en en en en en en en en V yet Tan Nguyen en en en en en en en en en en Spisok laureativ 2018 rokuDebora Estrin Kelli Link Doris Cao en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en Spisok laureativ 2019 roku en en en en en en en en Dzhefri Gibson en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en 2020 i Spisok laureativ 2020 roku en en en en en en en Nora K Dzhemisin pismennicya fantast en Lishko Polina Valeriyivna klitinnij biolog ta biolog rozvitku en en en en en en Mohammad R Seyedsayamdost en Spisok laureativ 2021 rokuDaniel Alarcon music critic essayist and poet writer and radio producer physician economist computational virologist poet and lawyer painter poet and translator cellular biophysicist art historian and curator documentary filmmaker American historian and cultural critic sculptor and painter public historian civil rights activist adaptive technology designer neurologist and neuro oncologist digital media scholar geomorphologist filmmaker and media artist landscape ecologist applied microeconomist cinema studies scholar and curator historian microbiologist choreographer and dance entrepreneurPrimitkiThe John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 27 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 18 travnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 19 kvitnya 2008 Procitovano 18 travnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 19 lipnya 2011 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 19 kvitnya 2008 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 12 lyutogo 2010 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 7 bereznya 2012 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 16 sichnya 2011 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 27 veresnya 2011 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 28 veresnya 2006 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 12 zhovtnya 2010 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 16 zhovtnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 16 kvitnya 2010 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 29 veresnya 2007 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 28 veresnya 2006 Procitovano 2 chervnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 11 zhovtnya 2007 Procitovano 24 veresnya 2007 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Arhiv originalu za 24 veresnya 2008 Procitovano 23 veresnya 2008 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Meet the 2009 Fellows Arhiv originalu za 27 chervnya 2013 Procitovano 22 veresnya 2009 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Meet the 2010 Fellows Arhiv originalu za 27 chervnya 2013 Procitovano 28 veresnya 2010 Lee Felicia R 20 September 2011 MacArthur Foundation Announces Winners of Genius Awards The New York Times angl Procitovano 4 zhovtnya 2015 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Meet the 2011 MacArthur Fellows Procitovano 1 lipnya 2013 The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Meet the 2012 MacArthur Fellows Procitovano 1 lipnya 2013 Meet the 2013 MacArthur Fellows MacArthur Foundation Meet the 2014 MacArthur Fellows MacArthur Foundation Procitovano 17 veresnya 2014 Kartik Chandran Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science Engineering columbia edu Procitovano 1 zhovtnya 2015 Baker Jeremy M 22 veresnya 2014 Mimi Lien Creates Art With Her Sets American Theatre Procitovano 29 veresnya 2015 Display Person Department of Near Eastern Studies Princeton edu 27 zhovtnya 2010 Procitovano 29 veresnya 2015 http www adaptivedesign org about us test cuo5 Meet the 2015 MacArthur Fellows The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Procitovano 29 veresnya 2015 Meet the 2016 MacArthur Fellows Meet the 2017 MacArthur Fellows Meet the 2018 MacArthur Fellows McCarthy Ellen 28 veresnya 2021 MacArthur will give 25 new fellows 625 000 each to pursue high risk high reward work The Washington Post originalu za 28 veresnya 2021 Procitovano 28 veresnya 2021 PosilannyaMacArthur Fellows Program website angl