Історичний Ісус — це реконструкція життя та вчення Ісуса критичними історичними методами, на відміну від христологічних визначень, (Христос християнства) та інших християнських вчень про Ісуса. Ця реконструкція також враховує історичний та культурний контексти, в яких жив Ісус.
Історичний Ісус | |
Народився | не раніше 7 до н. е. і не пізніше 4 до н. е. Назарет |
Помер | 7 квітня 30[1] Єрусалим, Юдея, Римська імперія ·розп'яття на хресті |
Національність | євреї[2] |
Діяльність | проповідник |
Вчителі | Іван Хреститель |
Відомі учні | Яків Праведний і Петро |
Знання мов | d, давньоєврейська і койне |
Конфесія | юдаїзм |
Батько | Йосип Назаретський або Panthera[d][3] |
Мати | Діва Марія |
Брати, сестри | Яків Праведний, d, Юда (брат Ісуса) і Симеон (апостол від 70) |
Волосся | чорне[d] |
Очі | карі[d] |
Деякі вчені запропонували додаткові додаткові історичні можливості, такі як:
Портрети історичного ІсусаНауковці, які беруть участь у третьому пошуку історичного Ісуса, сконструювали різноманітні портрети та профілі для Ісуса. Однак щодо портретів чи методів, які використовуються для їх побудови, є мало наукової згоди. Портрети Ісуса, побудовані в пошуках історичного Ісуса, часто відрізняються один від одного та від зображення, зображеного в євангельських розповідях. Ці портрети включають портрет Ісуса як пророка, харизматичного цілителя, філософа, єврейського Месії та пророка соціальних змін але в науковому відношенні щодо єдиного портрета мало наукових згод, або методів, необхідних для його побудови. Однак у різних портретів є атрибути, що збігаються, і вчені, які незгодні щодо одних ознак, можуть погоджуватися щодо інших. Непоширені поглядиІнші вчені представляли портрети:
Див. також
Список літератури
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Istorichnij Isus ce rekonstrukciya zhittya ta vchennya Isusa kritichnimi istorichnimi metodami na vidminu vid hristologichnih viznachen Hristos hristiyanstva ta inshih hristiyanskih vchen pro Isusa Cya rekonstrukciya takozh vrahovuye istorichnij ta kulturnij konteksti v yakih zhiv Isus Istorichnij IsusNarodivsyane ranishe 7 do n e i ne piznishe 4 do n e NazaretPomer7 kvitnya 30 1 Yerusalim Yudeya Rimska imperiya rozp yattya na hrestiNacionalnistyevreyi 2 DiyalnistpropovidnikVchiteliIvan HrestitelVidomi uchniYakiv Pravednij i PetroZnannya movd davnoyevrejska i kojneKonfesiyayudayizmBatkoJosip Nazaretskij abo Panthera d 3 MatiDiva MariyaBrati sestriYakiv Pravednij d Yuda brat Isusa i Simeon apostol vid 70 Volossyachorne d Ochikari d Isus viklikav superechku v Hrami Isus buv galilejskim yevreyem yakij narodivsya mizh 7 ta 2 rokami Do n e i pomer 30 36 rr Isus zhiv lishe v Galileyi ta Yudeyi Bilshist naukovciv zaperechuyut sho ye dokazi togo sho doroslij Isus yizdiv chi navchavsya za mezhami Galileyi ta Yudeyi Istorichnij Isus v ostannih doslidzhennyah pid redakciyeyu Dzhejmsa D G Danna ta Skotta MakKajnta 2006 ISBN 1 57506 100 7 storinka 303 Markus Borg stverdzhuye sho pripushennya pro te sho doroslij Isus podorozhuvav do Yegiptu chi Indiyi ye bez istorichnoyi pidstavi Talmud kilka raziv posilayetsya na Isusa Nazaryanina ta naukovciv takih yak Andreas Kostenberger ta Robert Van Vorst yaki vvazhayut sho deyaki z cih posilan stosuyutsya Isusa Nazaret ne zgaduyetsya v yevrejskij Bibliyi a hristiyanski Yevangeliyi zobrazhuyut ce yak neznachne selo Ivan 1 46 zapituyuchi Chi mozhe z Nazaretu vijti yakes dobre Krejg S Kiner zayavlyaye sho ridko hto stane oskarzhuvati te sho Isus buv iz Nazaretu malozrozumilogo nevelikogo selisha ne gidnogo vigadki Gerd Theissen pogodzhuyetsya z cim visnovkom Koran chotirnadcyat raziv zgaduye pro Isusa sina Mariyi i zobrazhuye jogo yak vidatnogo proroka hoch i ne Sina Bozhogo a takozh ne zgaduye pro Nazaret Isus rozmovlyav aramejskoyu movoyu i vin mozhlivo takozh govoriv na ivriti ta greckij movi Movi yaki rozmovlyali v Galileyi ta Yudeyi protyagom I stolittya vklyuchayut semitsku aramejsku ta ivritsku movi a takozh grecku perevazhayuchoyu todi bula aramejska mova Bilshist vchenih pogodzhuyutsya sho na pochatku 1 go stolittya aramejska mova bula ridnoyu movoyu praktichno vsih zhinok Galileyi ta Yudeyi Pislya jogo smerti jogo uchni propoviduvali a deyakih uchniv peresliduvali Deyaki vcheni zaproponuvali dodatkovi dodatkovi istorichni mozhlivosti taki yak Oriyentovnu hronologiyu Isusa mozhna ociniti z nehristiyanskih dzherel i pidtverditi porivnyuyuchi yih z novozavitnimi rozpovidyami Stverdzhennya pro zovnishnist chi etnichnu prinalezhnist Isusa zdebilshogo sub yektivni zasnovani na kulturnih stereotipah ta suspilnih tendenciyah a ne na naukovomu analizi Hreshennya Isusa Ioannom Hrestitelem mozhe buti datovane priblizno vid posilan Josifa na Starovinni 18 5 2 do dati 28 35 n e Golovnoyu temoyu jogo vchennya bulo Carstvo Bozhe i vin viklav ce vchennya v pritchah yaki buli divnimi ta chasom bentezhili inshih Isus navchav etici proshennya virazhenoyi v aforizmah takih yak povernit inshu shoku abo projdit zajvu milyu Data rozp yattya Isusa bula ranishe 36 roku nashoyi eri vihodyachi z dat prefekturi Pontiya Pilata yakij buv namisnikom Rimskoyi Yudeyi z 26 do 36 roku nashoyi eri section Portreti istorichnogo IsusaNaukovci yaki berut uchast u tretomu poshuku istorichnogo Isusa skonstruyuvali riznomanitni portreti ta profili dlya Isusa Odnak shodo portretiv chi metodiv yaki vikoristovuyutsya dlya yih pobudovi ye malo naukovoyi zgodi Portreti Isusa pobudovani v poshukah istorichnogo Isusa chasto vidriznyayutsya odin vid odnogo ta vid zobrazhennya zobrazhenogo v yevangelskih rozpovidyah Ci portreti vklyuchayut portret Isusa yak proroka harizmatichnogo cilitelya filosofa yevrejskogo Mesiyi ta proroka socialnih zmin ale v naukovomu vidnoshenni shodo yedinogo portreta malo naukovih zgod abo metodiv neobhidnih dlya jogo pobudovi Odnak u riznih portretiv ye atributi sho zbigayutsya i vcheni yaki nezgodni shodo odnih oznak mozhut pogodzhuvatisya shodo inshih Neposhireni poglyadi Inshi vcheni predstavlyali portreti Ben Vitrington pidtrimuye poglyad Mudrecya mudrosti i zayavlyaye sho Isusa najkrashe rozumiti yak vchitelya mudrosti yakij bachiv sebe yak vtilennya Bozhoyi Mudrosti Bryus Chilton bachit Isusa yak rabina Portret Dzhona P Mejyera pro Isusa yak marginalnogo yevreya pobudovanij na dumci sho Isus svidomo marginalizuvav sebe riznimi sposobami spochatku vidmovivshis vid svoyeyi profesiyi teslyara i stavshi propovidnikom bez zasobiv pidtrimki a potim sperechayuchis proti vchennya ta tradiciyi togo chasu Dva suvoyi Mertvogo morya v pecheri voni buli znajdeni persh nizh yih znyali arheologi Div takozhBiblijna arheologiya perepis Yudeyi provedenij Publiyem Sulpicij Kiviniyem rimskim namisnikom Siriyi pislya vvedennya pryamogo rimskogo pravlinnya v 6 r N Kritika Bibliyi Zhittya Isusa v Novomu Zaviti Psihichne zdorov ya IsusaPrimitkistates There are those who argue that Jesus is a figment of the Church s imagination that there never was a Jesus at all I have to say that I do not know any respectable critical scholar who says that anymore Spisok literaturiSchafer J Jesus Christus von Nazaret 1998 d Track Q296584 Matvij Ye eὐaggelion katὰ Ma88aῖon d Track Q392302d Track Q24914965d Track Q5852633d Track Q18813d Track Q43600 Kelsos Ἀlh8ὴs logos d Track Q315370d Track Q1269763 Frank Leslie Cross Elizabeth A Livingstone 2005 The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church angl Oxford University Press s 779 ISBN 978 0 19 280290 3 Levine Amy Jill 2006 The Historical Jesus in Context anglijskoyu Princeton Univ Press s 1 2 ISBN 978 0 691 00992 6 Erman Bart 23 09 1999 Jesus Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium anglijskoyu Oxford University Press s ix xi ISBN 0195124731 Erman Bart 2003 rozdili 13 15 The New Testament A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings anglijskoyu Nyu Jork Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 515462 2 Erman Bart 2011 Forged writing in the name of God anglijskoyu s 285 ISBN 978 0 06 207863 6 U svoyemu oglyadi suchasnoyi naukovoyi spilnoti 2011 roku Bart Erman sekulyarnij agnostik pisav Vin neodminno isnuvav iz cim zgoden bukvalno kozhen kompetentnij doslidnik antichnosti nevazhlivo hristiyanin vin chi ni angl He certainly existed as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity Christian or non Christian agrees M Prajs Robert Rhodes Eddy 2009 Jesus at the Vanishing Point U K Beilby James red The Historical Jesus Five Views anglijskoyu InterVarsity s 61 ISBN 028106329X Robert M Prajs ateyist yakij zaperechuye isnuvannya Isusa viznaye sho z jogo tochkoyu zoru ne pogodzhuyetsya bilshist naukovciv a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite book title Shablon Cite book cite book a editor2 first z propushenim editor2 last dovidka Michael Grant a classicist states that In recent years no serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non historicity of Jesus or at any rate very few and they have not succeeded in disposing of the much stronger indeed very abundant evidence to the contrary in Jesus An Historian s Review of the Gospels by Michael Grant 2004 ISBN 1898799881 p 200 Burrdige 2004 s 34 The Jesus Quest The Third Search for the Jew of Nazareth by Ben Witherington III InterVersity Press 1997 second expanded edition ISBN 0830815449 pp 9 13 Jesus as a Figure in History How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee by Mark Allan Powell Westminster John Knox Press 1999 ISBN 0664257038 pp 19 23 Jesus Remembered by James D G Dunn 2003 ISBN 0 8028 3931 2 p 339 states of baptism and crucifixion that these two facts in the life of Jesus command almost universal assent Prophet and Teacher An Introduction to the Historical Jesus by William R Herzog 4 Jul 2005 ISBN 0664225284 pp 1 6 Crossan John Dominic 1995 Jesus A Revolutionary Biography HarperOne s 145 ISBN 978 0 06 061662 5 That he was crucified is as sure as anything historical can ever be since both Josephus and Tacitus agree with the Christian accounts on at least that basic fact Jesus as a Figure in History How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee by Mark Allan Powell 1998 ISBN 0 664 25703 8 pp 168 173 Sanders E P The historical figure of Jesus Penguin 1993 John Dickson Jesus A Short Life Lion Hudson 2009 pp 138 139 Theissen Gerd and Annette Merz The historical Jesus a comprehensive guide Fortress Press 1998 translated from German 1996 edition The Quest for the Plausible Jesus The Question of Criteria by Gerd Theissen and Dagmar Winter Aug 30 2002 ISBN 0664225373 p 5 The Cradle the Cross and the Crown An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J Kostenberger L Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978 0 8054 4365 3 pages 124 125 The Cambridge History of Christianity Volume 1 by Margaret M Mitchell and Frances M Young Feb 20 2006 ISBN 0521812399 p 23 PBS Arhiv originalu za 8 travnya 1999 Procitovano 3 bereznya 2020 four Aramaic words appear as titles for Jesus Rabbi or teacher Amen or prophet Messias or Christ and Mar or Lord Kostenberger Andreas 1998 Jesus as Rabbi in the Fourth Gospel Bulletin for Biblical Research 8 97 128 JSTOR 26422158 Jesus Research An International Perspective Princeton Prague Symposia Series on the Historical Jesus by James H Charlesworth and Petr Pokorny Sep 15 2009 ISBN 0802863531 pp 1 2 Images of Christ Academic Paperback by Stanley E Porter Michael A Hayes and David Tombs Dec 19 2004 ISBN 0567044602 T amp T Clark p 74 Familiar Stranger An Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth by Michael James McClymond Mar 22 2004 ISBN 0802826806 pp 16 22 a Christian atheist who denies the existence of Jesus agrees that this perspective runs against the views of the majority of scholars Robert M Price Jesus at the Vanishing Point in The Historical Jesus Five Views edited by James K Beilby amp Paul Rhodes Eddy 2009 InterVarsity ISBN 0830838686 p 61 Jesus Now and Then by Richard A Burridge and Graham Gould April 1 2004 ISBN 0802809774 p 34 Michael Grant 1977 Jesus An Historian s Review of the Gospels Encyclopedia of theology a concise Sacramentum mundi by Karl Rahner 2004 ISBN 0 86012 006 6 pp 730 731 Van Voorst Robert E 2000 Jesus Outside the New Testament An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Eerdmans Publishing ISBN 0 8028 4368 9 p 15 Mecger B Erman B Tekstologiya Novogo Zaveta Rukopisnaya tradiciya vozniknovenie iskazhenij i rekonstrukciya originala Per s angl 2 e pererab izd M BBI 2012 S 52 Theissen Gerd Merz Annette 1996 The Historical Jesus Minneapolis MN Fortress Press s 17 62 ISBN 978 0 8006 3122 2 Jesus as a Figure in History How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee by Mark Allan Powell 1998 ISBN 0 664 25703 8 page 181 Encyclopaedia Britannica 2010 Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Arhiv originalu za 3 travnya 2015 Procitovano 27 listopada 2010 The Synoptic Gospels then are the primary sources for knowledge of the historical Jesus Vermes Geza The authentic gospel of Jesus London Penguin Books 2004 Ehrman Bart 2012 Did Jesus Exist The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth New York HarperCollins ISBN 978 0 06220 644 2 Ehrman says There is historical information about Jesus in the Gospels 14 bible usccb org Arhiv originalu za 19 veresnya 2020 Procitovano 15 sichnya 2021 bible usccb org anglijskoyu Arhiv originalu za 18 veresnya 2020 Procitovano 15 sichnya 2021 Mark Allan Powell editor The New Testament Today p 50 Westminster John Knox Press 1999 ISBN 0 664 25824 7 Stanley E Porter editor Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament p 68 Leiden 1997 ISBN 90 04 09921 2 Green Joel B 2013 Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels vid 2nd IVP Academic s 541 ISBN 978 0830824564 Edward Adams in The Cambridge Companion to Jesus by Markus N A Bockmuehl 2001 ISBN 0521796784 pp 94 96 Eddy Paul Rhodes Boyd Gregory A 2007 Baker Academic s 202 ISBN 978 0 8010 3114 4 Arhiv originalu za 5 serpnya 2021 Procitovano 15 serpnya 2019 In Galatians 4 4 Paul states that Jesus was In Romans 1 3 Paul states that Jesus was 2001 Markus N A Bockmuehl red The Cambridge Companion to Jesus s 122 126 ISBN 978 0521796781 Jesus Remembered Christianity in the Making by James D G Dunn 2003 ISBN 0802839312 p 143 Jesus Christ in History and Scripture by Edgar V McKnight 1999 ISBN 0865546770 p 38 Jesus according to Paul by Victor Paul Furnish 1994 ISBN 0521458242 pp 19 20 Galatians 1 19 Murphy Caherine M 2007 The Historical Jesus For Dummies For Dummies s 140 ISBN 978 0470167854 That Jesus had a brother named James is corroborated by Josephus Jesus and the Gospels An Introduction and Survey by Craig L Blomberg 2009 ISBN 0 8054 4482 3 pp 431 436 Bruce Frederick Fyvie 1974 Jesus and Christian Origins Outside the New Testament London England Hodder and Stoughton ISBN 978 0 80281 575 0 Robert E Van Voorst Jesus Outside the New Testament An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Wm B Eerdmans 2000 pp 39 53 pp 39 53 Schreckenberg Heinz Kurt Schubert 1992 Jewish Traditions in Early Christian Literature ISBN 978 90 232 2653 6 Kostenberger Andreas J L Scott Kellum Charles L Quarles 2009 The Cradle the Cross and the Crown An Introduction to the New Testament ISBN 978 0 8054 4365 3 The new complete works of Josephus by Flavius Josephus William Whiston Paul L Maier ISBN 0 8254 2924 2 pp 662 663 Josephus XX by 1965 ISBN 0674995023 p 496 Van Voorst Robert E 2000 Jesus Outside the New Testament An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence ISBN 0 8028 4368 9 p 83 Flavius Josephus Maier Paul L December 1995 Josephus the essential works a condensation of Jewish antiquities and The Jewish war ISBN 978 0 8254 3260 6 pp 284 285 P E Easterling E J Kenney general editors The Cambridge History of Latin Literature p 892 Cambridge University Press 1982 reprinted 1996 ISBN 0 521 21043 7 Eddy Boyd 2007 The Jesus Legend A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition Baker Academic s 127 ISBN 978 0 8010 3114 4 Davidson William sefaria org Arhiv originalu za 1 lipnya 2015 Procitovano 17 travnya 2019 The Historical Jesus A Comprehensive Guide Gerd Theissen and Annette Merz SCM Press 1998 p 76 ISBN 9780334026969 Soulen Richard N Soulen R Kendall 2001 Handbook of biblical criticism vid 3rd ed rev and expanded Louisville Ky Westminster John Knox Press s 78 ISBN 978 0 664 22314 4 Craig Evans Life of Jesus Research and the Eclipse of Mythology Theological Studies 54 1993 p 5 Charles H Talbert What Is a Gospel The Genre of Canonical Gospels pg 42 Philadelphia Fortress Press 1977 The Historical Figure of Jesus Sanders E P Penguin Books London 1995 p 3 Fire of Mercy Heart of the Word Vol II Meditations on the Gospel According to St Matthew Dr Erasmo Leiva Merikakis Ignatius Press Introduction Grant Robert M Religion Online org Arhiv originalu za 21 June 2010 Bart D Ehrman p 90 review 23 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Paul Rhodes Eddy amp Gregory A Boyd The Jesus Legend A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition 2008 Baker Academic 309 262 The Gospel of Matthew claims the for Jesus was derived from the prophecy He will be called a Nazorean despite the lack of any Old Testament source Groetsch Ulrich 2015 Leiden Brill ISBN 978 90 04 27299 6 Arhiv originalu za 18 kvitnya 2021 Procitovano 15 serpnya 2019 Law David R 2012 A Brief history of Historical criticism the nineteenth century to the mid twentieth century The Historical Critical Method A Guide for the Perplexed New York T amp T Clark ISBN 978 0 56740 012 3 Rollman H 1998 Johann Salomo Semler U McKim Donald K red Handbook of Major Bible Interpreters Downers Grove InterVarsity Press ISBN 978 0 83081 452 7 Brown Colin 1998 Reimarus Hermann Samuel U McKim Donald K red Historical Handbook of Major Biblical Interpreters Downer s Grove Illinois InterVarsity Press ISBN 978 0 8308 1452 7 Jesus Outside the New Testament An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Eerdmans Publishing 2000 ISBN 0 8028 4368 9 pp 2 6 The Symbolic Jesus Historical Scholarship Judaism and the Construction of Contemporary Identity by William Arnal Routledge 2005 ISBN 1845530071 pp 41 43 Criteria for Authenticity in Historical Jesus Research by Stanley E Porter Bloomsbury 2004 ISBN 0567043606 pp 28 29 Jesus Research and Archaeology A New Perspective by James H Charlesworth in Jesus and archaeology edited by James H Charlesworth 2006 ISBN 0 8028 4880 X pp 11 15 Soundings in the Religion of Jesus Perspectives and Methods in Jewish and Christian Scholarship by and 2012 ISBN 0800698010 p 132 Mason Steve 2002 Josephus and the New Testament Baker Academic Tabor James 2012 Paul and Jesus How the Apostle Transformed Christianity Simon amp Schuster Eisenman Robert 1998 James the Brother of Jesus The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls Watkins Butz Jeffrey The Brother of Jesus and the Lost Teachings of Christianity Inner Traditions Tabor James 2007 The Jesus Dynasty The Hidden History of Jesus His Royal Family and the Birth of Christianity Holmen Tom 2008 Evans Craig A red The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Historical Jesus New York Routledge ISBN 978 0 415 97569 8 Telford William R 1998 Major trends and interpretive issues in the study of Jesus U Chilton Bruce David Evans Craig Alan red Studying the Historical Jesus Evaluations of the State of Current Research Boston Massachusettes Brill ISBN 90 04 11142 5 Keith ta Le Donne 2012 Thinkapologtics com Book Review Jesus Criteria and the Demise of Authenticity by Chris Keith and Anthony Le Donne 19 kvitnya 2019 u Wayback Machine Chris Keith 2016 The Narratives of the Gospels and the Historical Jesus Current Debates Prior Debates and the Goal of Historical Jesus Research 24 serpnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Journal for the Study of the New Testament Jesus of Nazareth by Paul Verhoeven Apr 6 2010 ISBN 1583229051 p 39 Craig Evans 2006 Josephus on John the Baptist in The Historical Jesus in Context edited by Amy Jill Levine et al Princeton Univ Press ISBN 978 0 691 00992 6 pp 55 58 The new complete works of Josephus by Flavius Josephus William Whiston Paul L Maier ISBN 0 8254 2924 2 pp 662 663 Jesus as a figure in history how modern historians view the man from Galilee by Mark Allan Powell 1998 ISBN 0 664 25703 8 p 47 Who Is Jesus by John Dominic Crossan Richard G Watts 1999 ISBN 0664258425 pp 31 32 Jesus of Nazareth An Independent Historian s Account of His Life and Teaching by Maurice Casey 2010 ISBN 0 567 64517 7 p 35 John the Baptist prophet of purity for a new age by Catherine M Murphy 2003 ISBN 0 8146 5933 0 pp 29 30 Jesus and His Contemporaries Comparative Studies by Craig A Evans 2001 ISBN 0 391 04118 5 p 15 An introduction to the New Testament and the origins of Christianity by Delbert Royce Burkett 2002 ISBN 0 521 00720 8 pp 247 248 Who is Jesus by Thomas P Rausch 2003 ISBN 978 0 8146 5078 3 p 36 The relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth A Critical Study by Daniel S Dapaah 2005 ISBN 0 7618 3109 6 p 91 John P Meier How do we decide what comes from Jesus in The Historical Jesus in Recent Research by James D G Dunn and Scot McKnight 2006 ISBN 1 57506 100 7 pp 126 128 132 136 Jesus and the Gospels An Introduction and Survey by Craig L Blomberg 2009 ISBN 0 8054 4482 3 pp 211 214 A Brief Introduction to the New Testament by Bart D Ehrman 2008 ISBN 0 19 536934 3 p 136 A Century of Theological and Religious Studies in Britain 1902 2002 by 2004 ISBN 0 19 726305 4 pp 125 126 Authenticating the Activities of Jesus by Bruce Chilton and Craig A Evans 2002 ISBN 0391041649 pages 3 7 Beilby ta Eddy 2009 s 47 Beilby ta Eddy 2009 s 48 49 in The Historical Jesus in Context edited by Amy Jill Levine et al 2006 Princeton Univ Press ISBN 978 0 691 00992 6 p 4 Additional elements Bible scholars James Beilby and Paul Eddy write that consensus is elusive but not entirely absent According to Beilby and Eddy Jesus was a first century Jew who was baptized by John went about teaching and preaching had followers was believed to be a miracle worker and exorcist went to Jerusalem where there was an incident was subsequently arrested convicted and crucified has stated that there is a consensus of sorts on the basic outline of Jesus life Most scholars agree that Jesus was baptised by John debated with fellow Jews on how best to live according to God s will engaged in healings and exorcisms taught in parables gathered male and female followers in Galilee went to Jerusalem and was crucified by Roman soldiers during the governorship of 26 36 CE Jesus as a Figure in History How Modern Historians View the Man from Galilee by Mark Allan Powell Nov 1 1998 ISBN 0664257038 page 117 The Date of the Nativity and Chronology of Jesus in Chronos kairos Christos by Jerry Vardaman Edwin M Yamauchi 1989 ISBN 0 931464 50 1 pp 113 129 The Cradle the Cross and the Crown An Introduction to the New Testament by L Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978 0 8054 4365 3 p 114 Geoffrey Blainey Viking 2011 p 3 Joel B Green Scot McKnight I Howard Marshall Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels InterVarsity Press 1992 page 442 The Historical Jesus in Recent Research edited by James D G Dunn and Scot McKnight 2006 ISBN 1 57506 100 7 page 303 Who Is Jesus by John Dominic Crossan Richard G Watts 1999 ISBN 0664258425 pages 28 29 In The Historical Jesus in Recent Research edited by James D G Dunn and Scot McKnight 2006 ISBN 1 57506 100 7 p 303 states that the suggestions that an adult Jesus traveled to Egypt or India are without historical foundation In Who Is Jesus by John Dominic Crossan Richard G Watts 1999 ISBN 0664258425 pp 28 29 states that none of the theories presented to fill the 15 18 year gap between the early life of Jesus and the start of his ministry have been supported by modern scholarship Van Voorst Robert E 2000 Jesus Outside the New Testament An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Eerdmans Publishing ISBN 0 8028 4368 9 p 17 InWho Is Jesus by John Dominic Crossan Richard G Watts 1999 ISBN 0664258425 pages 28 29 states that none of the theories presented to fill the 15 18 year gap between the early life of Jesus and the start of his ministry have been supported by modern scholarship Van Voorst Robert E 2000 Jesus Outside the New Testament An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Eerdmans Publishing ISBN 0 8028 4368 9 page 17 Kostenberger Andreas J Kellum L Scott Quarles Charles L 2009 The Cradle the Cross and the Crown An Introduction to the New Testament ISBN 0 8054 4365 7 pages 107 109 Van Voorst Robert E 2000 Jesus Outside the New Testament An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co ISBN 0 8028 4368 9 pages 177 118 The Life and Ministry of Jesus by Douglas Redford 2007 ISBN 0 7847 1900 4 page 32 The Historical Jesus of the Gospels by Craig S Keener 2012 ISBN 0802868886 page 182 Theissen Gerd Merz Annette 1998 The historical Jesus a comprehensive guide ISBN 0 8006 3122 6 page 165 states Our conclusion must be that Jesus came from Nazareth Which language did Jesus speak Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 1970 53 1 pp 9 29 Handbook to exegesis of the New Testament by 1997 ISBN 90 04 09921 2 pp 110 112 Jesus in history and myth by R Joseph Hoffmann 1986 ISBN 0 87975 332 3 page 98 s review article Which language did Jesus speak referenced above states that Aramaic has the widest support among scholars The Lion and the Lamb by Andreas J Kostenberger L Scott Kellum and Charles L Quarles Jul 15 2012 ISBN 1433677083 p 40 The forging of races race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world by Colin Kidd 2006 ISBN 0 521 79324 6 p 18 Jesus the complete guide by Leslie Houlden 2006 082648011X pp 63 100 The likeness of the king a prehistory of portraiture in late medieval France by Stephen Perkinson 2009 ISBN 0 226 65879 1 p 30 Herodias at home in that fox s den by Florence Morgan Gillman 2003 ISBN 0 8146 5108 9 pp 25 30 Herod Antipas by Harold W Hoehner 1983 ISBN 0 310 42251 5 pp 125 127 Christianity and the Roman Empire background texts by Ralph Martin Novak 2001 ISBN 1 56338 347 0 pp 302 303 1978 Chronological Aspects of the Life of Christ Zondervan s 29 37 ISBN 978 0 310 26211 4 Roy W Hoover and the The Five Gospels HarperSanFrancisco 1993 Introduction pp 1 30 Pontius Pilate portraits of a Roman governor by Warren Carter 2003 ISBN 0 8146 5113 5 pp 44 45 The history of the Jews in the Greco Roman world by Peter Schafer 2003 ISBN 0 415 30585 3 p 108 Backgrounds of early Christianity by Everett Ferguson 2003 ISBN 0 8028 2221 5 p 416 Prophet and Teacher An Introduction to the Historical Jesus by William R Herzog Jul 4 2005 ISBN 0664225284 page 8 The Jesus Quest The Third Search for the Jew of Nazareth by Ben Witherington May 8 1997 ISBN 0830815449 page 197 The Cradle the Cross and the Crown An Introduction to the New Testament by Andreas J Kostenberger L Scott Kellum 2009 ISBN 978 0 8054 4365 3 pp 117 125 The Jesus Quest The Third Search for the Jew of Nazareth by Ben Witherington May 8 1997 ISBN 0830815449 pages 161 163 Chilton Bruce 2002 Rabbi Jesus An Intimate Biography DzherelaAntichnost i sovremennost Sbornik M 1972 Bogdashevskij D I O Evangeliyah i evangelskoj istorii Protiv sovremennogo racionalizma Kiev 1902 Bogolyubov A M prot prof K voprosu o proishozhdenii hristianstva Hristianskaya Mysl 1916 Bolotov V V Lekcii po istorii Drevnej Cerkvi T II SPb 1910 Bulgakov S Sovremennoe arianstvo Tihie dumy M 1918 Butkevich T I Zhizn Gospoda nashego Iisusa Hrista Opyt istoriko kriticheskogo izlozheniya evangelskoj istorii s oproverzheniem vozrazhenij ukazyvaemyh otricatelnoj kritikoj novejshego vremeni SPb 1887 Gorskij A V prot Pismo Mary Samosatskogo k synu ego Serapionu Pribavleniya k Tvoreniyam sv Otcov 1861 Ch 20 Kn 4 S 613 628 Derevenskij B G Iisus Hristos v dokumentah istorii SPb Aletejya 1999 Diminskij S Issledovanie o Talmude Trudy KDA 1868 avgust Donini A U istokov hristianstva Per s ital M 1989 Zlatoe sochinenie Samuila ravvina iudejskogo Harkov Izd vo prot Ioanna Chizhevskogo 1903 Kazhdan A P Istoricheskoe zerno predanij ob Iisuse Hriste Nauka i religiya 1966 2 Kryvylev I A Hristos mif ili dejstvitelnost M 1987 Kryvylev I A Chto znaet istoriya ob Iisuse Hriste M 1969 Kublanov M M Iisus Hristos Bog chelovek mif M 1964 Lebedev N Sochinenie Origena protiv Celsa M 1878 Makdauell Dzh Neosporimye svidetelstva Per s angl 2 e izd M 1993 Mejer E Iisus iz Nazareta Per s nem S A Zhebeleva Pg 1923 Men A Syn Chelovecheskij Prilozheniya Mif ili dejstvitelnost Bryussel 1994 Mileant Aleksandr prot K poznaniyu Biblii Riga 1992 Muretov M D K kritike svidetelstva Iosifa Flaviya o Hriste Bogoslovskij Vestnik 1903 9 Nemirovskij A I Evangelskij Iisus kak chelovek i propovednik Voprosy istorii 1990 4 Nikolskij N M Iisus i pervye hristianskie obshiny M 1918 Origen Protiv Celsa Kazan 1912 Pamyatniki drevnej hristianskoj pismennosti T I VII M 1860 67 Pisaniya muzhej apostolskih SPb 1895 Pisma Pliniya Mladshego Moskva Leningrad Izd vo Akademii Nauk SSSR 1950 Rannehristianskie otcy Cerkvi Antologiya Bryussel 1978 Ranovich A B Pervoistochniki po istorii rannego hristianstva 3 e izd M 1990 Rozhdestvenskij V G Novejshaya otricatelnaya kritika i apologetika po voprosu o Evangeliyah i evangelskoj istorii SPb 1881 Rozhdetvenskij N P prof O proishozhdenii hristianstva Hristianskaya apologetika Kurs Osnovnogo bogosloviya T II SPb 1893 Svencickaya I S Rannee hristianstvo Stranicy istorii M 1989 Svetonij G Zhizn dvenadcati cezarej Kn 5 M 1966 Sochineniya drevnih hristianskih apologetov SPb 1895 Tacit P Annaly Kn 15 Leningrad 1969 Tertullian Tvoreniya Ch 1 II SPb 1847 Ch III 1U SPb 1850 Farrar F Istoricheskie svidetelstva ob Iisuse Hriste Per s angl M 1876 Flavij I Iudejskie drevnosti Kn 18 SPb 1900 Ekzemplyarskij V I Evangelie Iisusa Hrista pered sudom Fridriha Nicshe Pgr 1915 Posilannya Isus Hristos 3 travnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Encyclopaedia Britannica Online 2009 rik Pershij rozdil pro zhittya ta sluzhinnya Isusa