![]() Ранній буддизм |
Письмові джерела |
1-й буддійський собор |
Досектантський буддизм |
На думку деяких англомовних дослідників, «досектантський буддизм» — це буддизм, який існував до того, як з'явилися різні секти буддизму. Інші терміни, що використовуються для позначення цього першого періоду буддизму, — «найдавніший буддизм», «первісний буддизм» і «буддизм самого Будди». Деякі японські фахівці (такі як Накамура і Хіракава) використовують вираз «ранній буддизм» (англ. Early Buddhism) для позначення цього першого періоду буддизму, а вираз (який слід сприймати без зневажливого відтінку) «сектантський буддизм» — для позначення періоду давніх буддійських шкіл, що настав після нього.
Досектантський буддизм — це буддизм між періодом першої проповіді Будди й першим поділом Сангхи. Цей поділ відбувся (на думку більшості дослідників) між Другим Буддійським Собором і Третім Буддійським Собором. Хіракава, однак, відносить перший розкол до часу після смерті Ашоки. Шопен ставить під сумнів той факт, що існував єдиний буддизм, який розколовся на секти.
Джерела про досектантського буддизму
Інформація про буддизм у період до появи ранніх буддійських шкіл базується на розповідях про життя і вчення Будди в писаннях тхеравадинського палійського канону, а також на збережених частинах писань Сарвастівади, , , та кількох інших шкіл, більшість з яких доступні лише в китайському перекладі. Існують також окремі санскритські писання, знайдені в Непалі.
У 1990-х роках гандхарські тексти були знайдені в Афганістані. Центральна частина сутр у цих текстах настільки схожа, що їх вважають різними версіями одного і того ж тексту.
Зміст цих різних окремих писань може бути забарвлений особливостями філософії цих шкіл або проблемами перекладу. Однак, оскільки існують різні переклади цих текстів (різних шкіл), їх можна порівнювати й робити висновки, щоб відфільтрувати найбільш очевидні спотворення. Порівнюючи різні писання, можна навіть виявити певні характеристики оригінального буддизму (і його оточення), які самі традиції випустили з уваги.
- Наприклад: «..stressed that the written canon in Buddhism is sectarian from the outset, and that presectarian Buddhism must be deduced from the writings as they now exist» (Leon Kurvitz, Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma, 1976, Columbia University Press)
- sectsandsectarianism - Conclusion. archive.wikiwix.com. Процитовано 28 вересня 2023.
- "The Earliest Buddhism," How Buddhism Began, Richard F. Gombrich, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1997, p. 11-12.
- «It would be hypocritical to assert that nothing can be said about the doctrine of earliest Buddhism… the basic ideas of Buddhism found in the canonical writings could very well have been proclaimed by him [the Buddha], transmitted and developed by his disciples and, finally, codified in fixed formulas»). J. W. De Jong, 1993 : The Beginnings of Buddhism, in The Eastern Buddhist, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 25.
- (« a reconstruction of the original Buddhism presupposed by the traditions of the different schools known to us »). A. K. Warder, Indian Buddhism, 1999, 3rd edition.
- (« This kernel of doctrine is presumably common Buddhism of the period before the schisms of the fourth and third centuries BC. It may be substantially the Buddhism of the Buddha himself »), A. K. Warder, Indian Buddhism, 1999, 3rd edition.
- Indian Buddhism, Japan, 1980, reprinted Motilal, Delhi, 1987, 1989, table of contents
- History of Indian Buddhism, volume 1, Shinjūsha, Tokyo, 1974, English translation Hawai'i University Press, Honolulu, 1990,
- « Virtually all later sources agree that the first schism within the early Buddhist community occurred with the separation of the Mahasamghika school, or “those of the great community”, from the remaining monks referred to as Sthaviras, or the “elders.” », MacMillan Encyclopedia of Buddhism, 2004, p. 502.
- History of Indian Buddhism, volume 1, Shinjūsha, Tokyo, 1974, page 94: «Thus serious disputes arose within the early Buddhist order's monks before Aśoka's reign, but the order did not actually split into schools until after Aśoka's deat».
- Journal of the Pali Text Society, volume XVI, page 105 :«...almost everything "church historians" and sociologists have discovered: if uniformity is ever achieved it is achieved over more or less long periods of time through a complex process ... that works on originally discrete and competing groups and voices».
- «When we examine the Tripitakas of the eighteen schools, so far as they are extant, we find an agreement which is substantial, though not complete. Even the most conservative of the early schools seem to have added new texts to their collections. However, there is a central body of sutras (dialogues), in four groups, which is so similar in all known versions that we must accept these as so many recensions of the same original texts. These make up the greater part of the Sutra Pitaka». AK Warder, Indian Buddhism, 1999, 3rd edition, p. 5.
- «On the basis of the available sources it is possible to reconstruct a fairly reliable biography of the man who was to become the Buddha. The sources are the canonical texts of the Theravada, the Sarvastivada, Mulasarvastivada, and the Dharmaguptaka traditions», MacMillan Encyclopedia of Buddhism, 2004, page 82 ; however, some scholars hold a diametrically opposed view: «we know next to nothing about the Buddha as a person», Gombrich, Theravada Buddhism, Routledge, London, 1988, page 20.
- «This proves that 'the earliest Buddhism' has interesting features which we can uncover but which the later Buddhist tradition had forgotten about», How Buddhism Began, Richard F. Gombrich, Munshiram Manoharlal, 1997, p. 12.
- Bhikkhu Anālayo, Early Buddhist Oral Tradition, Wisdom Publications, 2022. .(англ.)
- Roderick S. Bucknell, Reconstructing Early Buddhism, Cambridge University Press, 2022. .(англ.)
- Richard Gombrich, How Buddhism began : The conditioned genesis of the early teachings, Routledge, 2011. .(англ.)
- Sue Hamilton-Blyth, Early Buddhism: A New Approach : The I of the Beholder, Routledge, 2000. .(англ.)
- Bhikkhu Kakmuk, Introduction to Early Buddhism, Nibbana Buddhist Education Foundation, 2019. .(англ.)
- Thomas William Rhys Davids, History of Indian Buddhism, Cosmo Publications, 2002. .(англ.)
- Thomas William Rhys Davids, Early Buddhism, Adamant Media Corporation, 2004. .(англ.)
- Bhikkhu Sujato, Sects & Sectarianism, Santipada, 2011. .(англ.)
- A. K. Warder, Indian Buddhism, Motilal Banarsidass, 2000. .(англ.)
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Rannij buddizm Pismovi dzherela Tapitaka Agami Gandgara 1 j buddijskij sobor 2 j buddijskij sobor 3 j buddijskij sobor 4 j buddijskij sobor Dosektantskij buddizm Mahasamgika en Lokottaravada Kajtika Gokulika Bahushrutiya Pradzhnyaptivada Sthaviravada Sarvastivada Vajbhashiki Sautrantika Vibgadzh yavada Tgeravada Kash yapiya Puggalavadin Vatsiputriya Bgadrayaniya Sammatiya pereglyanutiredaguvati Na dumku deyakih anglomovnih doslidnikiv dosektantskij buddizm ce buddizm yakij isnuvav do togo yak z yavilisya rizni sekti buddizmu Inshi termini sho vikoristovuyutsya dlya poznachennya cogo pershogo periodu buddizmu najdavnishij buddizm pervisnij buddizm i buddizm samogo Buddi Deyaki yaponski fahivci taki yak Nakamura i Hirakava vikoristovuyut viraz rannij buddizm angl Early Buddhism dlya poznachennya cogo pershogo periodu buddizmu a viraz yakij slid sprijmati bez znevazhlivogo vidtinku sektantskij buddizm dlya poznachennya periodu davnih buddijskih shkil sho nastav pislya nogo Dosektantskij buddizm ce buddizm mizh periodom pershoyi propovidi Buddi j pershim podilom Sanghi Cej podil vidbuvsya na dumku bilshosti doslidnikiv mizh Drugim Buddijskim Soborom i Tretim Buddijskim Soborom Hirakava odnak vidnosit pershij rozkol do chasu pislya smerti Ashoki Shopen stavit pid sumniv toj fakt sho isnuvav yedinij buddizm yakij rozkolovsya na sekti Dzherela pro dosektantskogo buddizmuInformaciya pro buddizm u period do poyavi rannih buddijskih shkil bazuyetsya na rozpovidyah pro zhittya i vchennya Buddi v pisannyah theravadinskogo palijskogo kanonu a takozh na zberezhenih chastinah pisan Sarvastivadi ta kilkoh inshih shkil bilshist z yakih dostupni lishe v kitajskomu perekladi Isnuyut takozh okremi sanskritski pisannya znajdeni v Nepali U 1990 h rokah gandharski teksti buli znajdeni v Afganistani Centralna chastina sutr u cih tekstah nastilki shozha sho yih vvazhayut riznimi versiyami odnogo i togo zh tekstu Zmist cih riznih okremih pisan mozhe buti zabarvlenij osoblivostyami filosofiyi cih shkil abo problemami perekladu Odnak oskilki isnuyut rizni perekladi cih tekstiv riznih shkil yih mozhna porivnyuvati j robiti visnovki shob vidfiltruvati najbilsh ochevidni spotvorennya Porivnyuyuchi rizni pisannya mozhna navit viyaviti pevni harakteristiki originalnogo buddizmu i jogo otochennya yaki sami tradiciyi vipustili z uvagi PrimitkiNapriklad stressed that the written canon in Buddhism is sectarian from the outset and that presectarian Buddhism must be deduced from the writings as they now exist Leon Kurvitz Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma 1976 Columbia University Press sectsandsectarianism Conclusion archive wikiwix com Procitovano 28 veresnya 2023 The Earliest Buddhism How Buddhism Began Richard F Gombrich Munshiram Manoharlal 1997 p 11 12 It would be hypocritical to assert that nothing can be said about the doctrine of earliest Buddhism the basic ideas of Buddhism found in the canonical writings could very well have been proclaimed by him the Buddha transmitted and developed by his disciples and finally codified in fixed formulas J W De Jong 1993 The Beginnings of Buddhism in The Eastern Buddhist vol 26 no 2 p 25 a reconstruction of the original Buddhism presupposed by the traditions of the different schools known to us A K Warder Indian Buddhism 1999 3rd edition This kernel of doctrine is presumably common Buddhism of the period before the schisms of the fourth and third centuries BC It may be substantially the Buddhism of the Buddha himself A K Warder Indian Buddhism 1999 3rd edition Indian Buddhism Japan 1980 reprinted Motilal Delhi 1987 1989 table of contents History of Indian Buddhism volume 1 Shinjusha Tokyo 1974 English translation Hawai i University Press Honolulu 1990 Virtually all later sources agree that the first schism within the early Buddhist community occurred with the separation of the Mahasamghika school or those of the great community from the remaining monks referred to as Sthaviras or the elders MacMillan Encyclopedia of Buddhism 2004 p 502 History of Indian Buddhism volume 1 Shinjusha Tokyo 1974 page 94 Thus serious disputes arose within the early Buddhist order s monks before Asoka s reign but the order did not actually split into schools until after Asoka s deat Journal of the Pali Text Society volume XVI page 105 almost everything church historians and sociologists have discovered if uniformity is ever achieved it is achieved over more or less long periods of time through a complex process that works on originally discrete and competing groups and voices When we examine the Tripitakas of the eighteen schools so far as they are extant we find an agreement which is substantial though not complete Even the most conservative of the early schools seem to have added new texts to their collections However there is a central body of sutras dialogues in four groups which is so similar in all known versions that we must accept these as so many recensions of the same original texts These make up the greater part of the Sutra Pitaka AK Warder Indian Buddhism 1999 3rd edition p 5 On the basis of the available sources it is possible to reconstruct a fairly reliable biography of the man who was to become the Buddha The sources are the canonical texts of the Theravada the Sarvastivada Mulasarvastivada and the Dharmaguptaka traditions MacMillan Encyclopedia of Buddhism 2004 page 82 however some scholars hold a diametrically opposed view we know next to nothing about the Buddha as a person Gombrich Theravada Buddhism Routledge London 1988 page 20 This proves that the earliest Buddhism has interesting features which we can uncover but which the later Buddhist tradition had forgotten about How Buddhism Began Richard F Gombrich Munshiram Manoharlal 1997 p 12 LiteraturaBhikkhu Analayo Early Buddhist Oral Tradition Wisdom Publications 2022 ISBN 978 1614298274 angl Roderick S Bucknell Reconstructing Early Buddhism Cambridge University Press 2022 ISBN 978 1009236522 angl Richard Gombrich How Buddhism began The conditioned genesis of the early teachings Routledge 2011 ISBN 978 0415514163 angl Sue Hamilton Blyth Early Buddhism A New Approach The I of the Beholder Routledge 2000 ISBN 978 0700713578 angl Bhikkhu Kakmuk Introduction to Early Buddhism Nibbana Buddhist Education Foundation 2019 ISBN 978 0578623061 angl Thomas William Rhys Davids History of Indian Buddhism Cosmo Publications 2002 ISBN 978 8177551990 angl Thomas William Rhys Davids Early Buddhism Adamant Media Corporation 2004 ISBN 978 1402149627 angl Bhikkhu Sujato Sects amp Sectarianism Santipada 2011 ISBN 978 1921842061 angl A K Warder Indian Buddhism Motilal Banarsidass 2000 ISBN 978 8120817418 angl