TRPV1 angl Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 bilok yakij koduyetsya odnojmennim genom TRPV1 roztashovanim u lyudej na korotkomu plechi 17 yi hromosomi Dovzhina polipeptidnogo lancyuga bilka stanovit 839 aminokislot a molekulyarna masa 94 956 Da TRPV1IdentifikatoriSimvoliTRPV1 VR1 transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1Zovnishni ID OMIM 602076 MGI 1341787 HomoloGene 12920 GeneCards TRPV1Reaguye na spolukuAnandamid kapsayicin piperine 5S HETE Kamfora gidron capsazepine 2 aminoethoxydiphenylborate 5 iodoresiniferatoxin Alicin NADA amg 517 AZD1386 SB 705498Ontologiya genaMolekulyarna funkciya nucleotide binding ion channel activity phosphoprotein binding ATP binding cation transmembrane transporter activity cation channel activity ligand gated ion channel activity calcium release channel activity temperature gated ion channel activity identical protein binding chloride channel regulator activity transmembrane signaling receptor activity excitatory extracellular ligand gated ion channel activity calcium channel activity extracellular ligand gated ion channel activity phosphatidylinositol binding zv yazuvannya z ionom metalu calmodulin binding GO 0001948 GO 0016582 protein bindingKlitinna komponenta integral component of membrane postsynaptic membrane cell projection membrana klitinna membrana sinaps mizhklitinni kontakti dendritic spine membrane gialoplazma neuronal cell body intrinsic component of plasma membrane dendrit nejrobiologiya external side of plasma membrane neuron projection integral component of plasma membrane mitohondriyaBiologichnij proces ion transport chemosensory behavior cell surface receptor signaling pathway calcium ion transmembrane transport thermoception calcium ion transport inflammatory response transmembrannij transport release of sequestered calcium ion into cytosol GO 1901227 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II diet induced thermogenesis detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain microglial cell activation cellular response to growth factor stimulus positive regulation of gastric acid secretion response to peptide hormone cellular response to nerve growth factor stimulus positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process negative regulation of establishment of blood brain barrier lipid metabolism temperature homeostasis response to heat cellular response to temperature stimulus positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration peptide secretion detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain sensory perception of mechanical stimulus smooth muscle contraction involved in micturition behavioral response to pain response to pain cellular response to alkaloid cellular response to cytokine stimulus fever generation detection of temperature stimulus involved in thermoception positive regulation of apoptotic process urinary bladder smooth muscle contraction glutamate secretion sensory perception of pain cellular response to tumor necrosis factor cellular response to ATP ion transmembrane transport response to pH response to organonitrogen compound cellular response to heat protein homotetramerization excitatory postsynaptic potential cellular response to acidic pH response to capsazepine calcium ion import across plasma membrane negative regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure negative regulation of heart rate negative regulation of mitochondrial membrane potentialDzherela Amigo QuickGOShablon ekspresiyiBilshe danihOrtologiVidi Lyudina MishaEntrez7442 193034Ensembl ENSG00000196689 ENSMUSG00000005952UniProt Q8NER1 Q704Y3RefSeq mRNK NM 018727 NM 080704 NM 080705 NM 080706NM 001001445RefSeq bilok NP 061197 NP 542435 NP 542436 NP 542437NP 001001445Lokus UCSC Hr 17 3 57 3 61 MbHr 11 73 13 73 15 MbPubMed searchVikidaniDiv Red dlya lyudejDiv Red dlya mishejPoslidovnist aminokislot1020304050MKKWSSTDLGAAADPLQKDTCPDPLDGDPNSRPPPAKPQLSTAKSRTRLFGKGDSEEAFPVDCPHEEGELDSCPTITVSPVITIQRPGDGPTGARLLSQDSVAASTEKTLRLYDRRSIFEAVAQNNCQDLESLLLFLQKSKKHLTDNEFKDPETGKTCLLKAMLNLHDGQNTTIPLLLEIARQTDSLKELVNASYTDSYYKGQTALHIAIERRNMALVTLLVENGADVQAAAHGDFFKKTKGRPGFYFGELPLSLAACTNQLGIVKFLLQNSWQTADISARDSVGNTVLHALVEVADNTADNTKFVTSMYNEILMLGAKLHPTLKLEELTNKKGMTPLALAAGTGKIGVLAYILQREIQEPECRHLSRKFTEWAYGPVHSSLYDLSCIDTCEKNSVLEVIAYSSSETPNRHDMLLVEPLNRLLQDKWDRFVKRIFYFNFLVYCLYMIIFTMAAYYRPVDGLPPFKMEKTGDYFRVTGEILSVLGGVYFFFRGIQYFLQRRPSMKTLFVDSYSEMLFFLQSLFMLATVVLYFSHLKEYVASMVFSLALGWTNMLYYTRGFQQMGIYAVMIEKMILRDLCRFMFVYIVFLFGFSTAVVTLIEDGKNDSLPSESTSHRWRGPACRPPDSSYNSLYSTCLELFKFTIGMGDLEFTENYDFKAVFIILLLAYVILTYILLLNMLIALMGETVNKIAQESKNIWKLQRAITILDTEKSFLKCMRKAFRSGKLLQVGYTPDGKDDYRWCFRVDEVNWTTWNTNVGIINEDPGNCEGVKRTLSFSLRSSRVSGRHWKNFALVPLLREASARDRQSAQPEEVYLRQFSGSLKPEDAEVFKSPAASGEKA Alanin C Cisteyin D Asparaginova kislota E Glutaminova kislota F Fenilalanin G Glicin H Gistidin I Izolejcin K Lizin L Lejcin M Metionin N Asparagin P Prolin Q Glutamin R Arginin S Serin T Treonin V Valin W Triptofan Y Tirozin TRPV1 ce neselektivnij kationnij kanal ta nalezhit do ionnih kanaliv yakij aktivuyetsya protonami vaniloyidnimi spolukami kapsayicinom CAP reziniferatoksinom RTX lipidami sho nadhodyat z membran vklyuchayuchi anandamid Caterina et al 1997 3 grudnya 2020 u Wayback Machine Caterina and Julius 2001 20 sichnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Kapsayicin ye najbilsh potuzhnim i specifichnim vidomim agonistom TRPV1 Funkciyi bilka TRPV1TRPV1 zadiyanij u takih biologichnih procesah yak transport ioniv transport transport kalciyu Bilok maye sajt dlya zv yazuvannya z ATF nukleotidami molekuloyu kalmodulinu ionami metaliv ionom kalciyu Cej receptor takozh aktivuyetsya pidvishennyam temperaturi v shkidlivomu diapazoni tozh mozhlivo sho vin funkcionuye yak peretvoryuvach bolyuchih teplovih podraznikiv in vivo Lokalizovanij u klitinnij membrani membrani klitinnih kontaktah klitinnih vidrostkah sinapsah Ekspresiya gena TRPV1Cej gen maye 10 transkriptiv splajs variantiv 197 ortologiv ta 5 paralogiv Ekspresiya TRPV1 v CNS maye vazhlive znachennya dlya potencijnih pobichnih efektiv agonistiv i antagonistiv TRPV1 sho rozroblyayutsya dlya likuvannya hronichnogo bolyu Cavanaugh et al 2011 19 sichnya 2019 u Wayback Machine doslidzhuvali ekspresiyu TRPV1 vikoristovuyuchi metod gennogo nacilyuvannya dlya modifikaciyi genetichnogo lokusu TRPV1 Bula prodemonstrovana stijka ekspresiya TRPV1 u pervinnih aferentnih nejronah ta viyavlena u pidmnozhini klitin gladkih m yaziv v tkaninah sho vikonuyut funkciyu termoregulyaciyi Rozladi sho pov yazani z TRPV1Somatoformnij rozlad Somatoformnij rozlad pov yazanij iz trivogoyu ta obsesivno kompulsivnim rozladom i maye taki simptomi yak sudomi zadishka ta zapamorochennya Vazhlivim genom asocijovanim iz somatoformnim rozladom ye TRPV1 en Sindrom pechinnya rota takozh vidomij yak stomatodiniya pov yazanij z glositom ta hvoroboyu en i maye simptomi vklyuchayuchi peroralni proyavi Vazhlivim genom pov yazanim iz sindromom ye TRPV1 PrimitkiSpoluki yaki fizichno vzayemodiyut z TRPV1 pereglyanuti redaguvati posilannya na VikiDanih Human PubMed Reference Mouse PubMed Reference HUGO Gene Nomenclature Commitee HGNC 12716 angl Procitovano 22 serpnya 2017 angl Arhiv originalu za 25 serpnya 2017 Procitovano 22 serpnya 2017 www genecards org Arhiv originalu za 25 sichnya 2021 Procitovano 23 grudnya 2020 www ensembl org Arhiv originalu za 9 chervnya 2019 Procitovano 23 grudnya 2020 Cavanaugh Daniel J Chesler Alexander T Jackson Alexander C Sigal Yaron M Yamanaka Hiroki Grant Rebecca O Donnell Dajan Nicoll Roger A Shah Nirao M 30 bereznya 2011 Journal of Neuroscience angl T 31 13 s 5067 5077 doi 10 1523 JNEUROSCI 6451 10 2011 ISSN 0270 6474 PMID 21451044 Arhiv originalu za 21 chervnya 2021 Procitovano 23 grudnya 2020 www malacards org Arhiv originalu za 14 chervnya 2021 Procitovano 23 grudnya 2020 www malacards org Arhiv originalu za 11 travnya 2021 Procitovano 23 grudnya 2020 Div takozhHromosoma 17Ce nezavershena stattya pro bilki Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi, Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет