EDNRB angl Endothelin receptor type B bilok yakij koduyetsya odnojmennim genom roztashovanim u lyudej na korotkomu plechi 13 yi hromosomi Dovzhina polipeptidnogo lancyuga bilka stanovit 442 aminokislot a molekulyarna masa 49 644 EDNRBIdentifikatoriSimvoliEDNRB ABCDS ET B ET BR ETB ETBR ETRB HSCR HSCR2 WS4A ETB1 endothelin receptor type BZovnishni ID OMIM 131244 MGI 102720 HomoloGene 89 GeneCards EDNRBPov yazani genetichni zahvoryuvannyaABCD syndrome Waardenburg s syndrome Waardenburg syndrome type 4A Reaguye na spolukuambrisentan atrasentan bosentan macitentan Ontologiya genaMolekulyarna funkciya endothelin receptor activity G protein coupled receptor activity signal transducer activity peptide hormone binding GO 0001948 GO 0016582 protein binding type 1 angiotensin receptor bindingKlitinna komponenta integral component of membrane yaderna membrana membrana integral component of plasma membrane membrane raft klitinna membranaBiologichnij proces enteric smooth muscle cell differentiation negative regulation of adenylate cyclase activity positive regulation of protein phosphorylation peripheral nervous system development positive regulation of renal sodium excretion GO 1904578 response to organic cyclic compound regulation of sensory perception of pain positive regulation of urine volume vazokonstrikciya positive regulation of cytosolic calcium ion concentration epithelial fluid transport GO 0010260 starinnya lyudini vazodilataciya negative regulation of apoptotic process GO 1901227 negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II cGMP mediated signaling regulation of fever generation nejrobiologiya rozvitku regulation of blood pressure phospholipase C activating G protein coupled receptor signaling pathway cell surface receptor signaling pathway enteric nervous system development vein smooth muscle contraction response to lipopolysaccharide macrophage chemotaxis response to pain neural crest cell migration positive regulation of cell population proliferation posterior midgut development developmental pigmentation pigmentation sensory perception of pain negative regulation of neuron maturation positive regulation of penile erection regulation of epithelial cell proliferation melanocyte differentiation cellular response to lipopolysaccharide regulation of pH GO 0072468 signalna transdukciya endothelin receptor signaling pathway calcium mediated signaling G protein coupled receptor signaling pathway response to endothelinDzherela Amigo QuickGOShablon ekspresiyiBilshe danihOrtologiVidi Lyudina MishaEntrez1910 13618Ensembl ENSG00000136160 ENSMUSG00000022122UniProt P24530 P48302RefSeq mRNK NM 000115 NM 001122659 NM 001201397 NM 003991NM 001136061 NM 001276296 NM 007904RefSeq bilok NP 000106 NP 001116131 NP 001188326 NP 003982NP 001129533 NP 001263225 NP 031930Lokus UCSC Hr 13 77 9 77 98 MbHr 14 104 05 104 08 MbPubMed searchVikidaniDiv Red dlya lyudejDiv Red dlya mishej Poslidovnist aminokislot1020304050 MQPPPSLCGRALVALVLACGLSRIWGEERGFPPDRATPLLQTAEIMTPPT KTLWPKGSNASLARSLAPAEVPKGDRTAGSPPRTISPPPCQGPIEIKETF KYINTVVSCLVFVLGIIGNSTLLRIIYKNKCMRNGPNILIASLALGDLLH IVIDIPINVYKLLAEDWPFGAEMCKLVPFIQKASVGITVLSLCALSIDRY RAVASWSRIKGIGVPKWTAVEIVLIWVVSVVLAVPEAIGFDIITMDYKGS YLRICLLHPVQKTAFMQFYKTAKDWWLFSFYFCLPLAITAFFYTLMTCEM LRKKSGMQIALNDHLKQRREVAKTVFCLVLVFALCWLPLHLSRILKLTLY NQNDPNRCELLSFLLVLDYIGINMASLNSCINPIALYLVSKRFKNCFKSC LCCWCQSFEEKQSLEEKQSCLKFKANDHGYDNFRSSNKYSSS A Alanin C Cisteyin D Asparaginova kislota E Glutaminova kislota F Fenilalanin G Glicin H Gistidin I Izolejcin K Lizin L Lejcin M Metionin N Asparagin P Prolin Q Glutamin R Arginin S Serin T Treonin V Valin W Triptofan Y Tirozin Kodovanij genom bilok za funkciyami nalezhit do receptoriv g bilokspryazhenih receptoriv fosfoproteyiniv Zadiyanij u takomu biologichnomu procesi yak alternativnij splajsing Lokalizovanij u klitinnij membrani membrani LiteraturaTsutsumi M Liang G Jones P A 1999 Novel endothelin B receptor transcripts with the potential 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