AIF1 (англ. Allograft inflammatory factor 1) – білок, який кодується однойменним геном, розташованим у людей на короткому плечі 6-ї хромосоми. Довжина поліпептидного ланцюга білка становить 147 амінокислот, а молекулярна маса — 16 703.
AIF1 | |||||||||||||||||
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Ідентифікатори | |||||||||||||||||
Символи | AIF1, AIF-1, IBA1, IRT-1, IRT1, allograft inflammatory factor 1, Iba-1 | ||||||||||||||||
Зовнішні ІД | OMIM: 601833 MGI: 1343098 HomoloGene: 1226 GeneCards: AIF1 | ||||||||||||||||
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Локус (UCSC) | Хр. 6: 31.62 – 31.62 Mb | Хр. 17: 35.39 – 35.4 Mb | |||||||||||||||
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Кодований геном білок за функцією належить до фосфопротеїнів. Задіяний у таких біологічних процесах, як ацетилювання, альтернативний сплайсинг. Білок має сайт для зв'язування з молекулою актину, іонами металів, іоном кальцію. Локалізований у клітинній мембрані, цитоплазмі, цитоскелеті, мембрані, клітинних відростках.
- Albertella M.R., Campbell D.R. (1994). Characterization of a novel gene in the human major histocompatibility complex that encodes a potential new member of the I kappa B family of proteins. Hum. Mol. Genet. 3: 793—799. PMID 8081366 DOI:10.1093/hmg/3.5.793
- Autieri M.V. (1996). cDNA cloning of human allograft inflammatory factor-1: tissue distribution, cytokine induction, and mRNA expression in injured rat carotid arteries. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 228: 29—37. PMID 8912632 DOI:10.1006/bbrc.1996.1612
- The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Genome Res. 14: 2121—2127. 2004. PMID 15489334 DOI:10.1101/gr.2596504
- Chen X., Kelemen S.E., Autieri M.V. (2004). AIF-1 expression modulates proliferation of human vascular smooth muscle cells by autocrine expression of G-CSF. Arterioscler. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 24: 1217—1222. PMID 15117732 DOI:10.1161/
- Kelemen S.E., Autieri M.V. (2005). Expression of allograft inflammatory factor-1 in T lymphocytes: a role in T-lymphocyte activation and proliferative arteriopathies. Am. J. Pathol. 167: 619—626. PMID 16049345 DOI:10.1016/S0002-9440(10)63003-9
- Yamada M., Ohsawa K., Imai Y., Kohsaka S., Kamitori S. (2006). X-ray structures of the microglia/macrophage-specific protein Iba1 from human and mouse demonstrate novel molecular conformation change induced by calcium binding. J. Mol. Biol. 364: 449—457. PMID 17011575 DOI:10.1016/j.jmb.2006.09.027
- Human PubMed Reference:.
- Mouse PubMed Reference:.
- HUGO Gene Nomenclature Commitee, HGNC:352 (англ.) . Процитовано 6 вересня 2017.
- (англ.) . Архів оригіналу за 8 вересня 2017. Процитовано 6 вересня 2017.
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AIF1 angl Allograft inflammatory factor 1 bilok yakij koduyetsya odnojmennim genom roztashovanim u lyudej na korotkomu plechi 6 yi hromosomi Dovzhina polipeptidnogo lancyuga bilka stanovit 147 aminokislot a molekulyarna masa 16 703 AIF1Nayavni strukturiPDBPoshuk ortologiv PDBe RCSB Spisok kodiv PDB2D58 2G2BIdentifikatoriSimvoliAIF1 AIF 1 IBA1 IRT 1 IRT1 allograft inflammatory factor 1 Iba 1Zovnishni ID OMIM 601833 MGI 1343098 HomoloGene 1226 GeneCards AIF1Ontologiya genaMolekulyarna funkciya calcium ion binding zv yazuvannya z ionom metalu actin filament binding actin binding molekulyarna funkciyaKlitinna komponenta citoplazma gialoplazma perikarion cell projection membrana ruffle klitinna membrana ruffle membrane mikrofilament perinuclear region of cytoplasm phagocytic cup citoskelet klitinne yadro lamellipodiumBiologichnij proces cellular response to extracellular stimulus positive regulation of smooth muscle cell chemotaxis response to cytokine positive regulation of protein phosphorylation negative regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation positive regulation of cell migration positive regulation of muscle hyperplasia positive regulation of nitric oxide biosynthetic process positive regulation of monocyte chemotaxis negative regulation of apoptotic process response to glucocorticoid response to electrical stimulus negative regulation of gene expression cellular response to hydroperoxide actin filament bundle assembly microglial cell activation positive regulation of G1 S transition of mitotic cell cycle actin filament polymerization negative regulation of smooth muscle cell chemotaxis cellular response to hormone stimulus phagocytosis engulfment response to axon injury positive regulation of T cell proliferation cellular response to interferon gamma cellular response to morphine Rac protein signal transduction inflammatory response ruffle assembly positive regulation of T cell migration positive regulation of smooth muscle cell proliferation cerebellum development positive regulation of cell population proliferation regulyaciya ekspresiyi geniv parallel actin filament bundle assembly cellular response to oxidative stress positive regulation of chemotaxis actin crosslink formation positive regulation of mononuclear cell migration positive regulation of fibroblast growth factor productionDzherela Amigo QuickGOShablon ekspresiyiBilshe danihOrtologiVidi Lyudina MishaEntrez199 11629Ensembl ENSG00000206428 ENSG00000235985 ENSG00000235588 ENSG00000234836 ENSG00000237727ENSG00000204472 ENSMUSG00000024397UniProt P55008 Q4V347 O70200RefSeq mRNK NM 001623 NM 004847 NM 032955 NM 001318970NM 019467 NM 001361501 NM 001361502RefSeq bilok NP 001305899 NP 001614 NP 116573 NP 001614 3NP 062340 NP 001348430 NP 001348431Lokus UCSC Hr 6 31 62 31 62 MbHr 17 35 39 35 4 MbPubMed searchVikidaniDiv Red dlya lyudejDiv Red dlya mishej Poslidovnist aminokislot1020304050 MSQTRDLQGGKAFGLLKAQQEERLDEINKQFLDDPKYSSDEDLPSKLEGF KEKYMEFDLNGNGDIDIMSLKRMLEKLGVPKTHLELKKLIGEVSSGSGET FSYPDFLRMMLGKRSAILKMILMYEEKAREKEKPTGPPAKKAISELP A Alanin D Asparaginova kislota E Glutaminova kislota F Fenilalanin G Glicin H Gistidin I Izolejcin K Lizin L Lejcin M Metionin N Asparagin P Prolin Q Glutamin R Arginin S Serin T Treonin V Valin Y Tirozin Kodovanij genom bilok za funkciyeyu nalezhit do fosfoproteyiniv Zadiyanij u takih biologichnih procesah yak acetilyuvannya alternativnij splajsing Bilok maye sajt dlya zv yazuvannya z molekuloyu aktinu ionami metaliv ionom kalciyu Lokalizovanij u klitinnij membrani citoplazmi citoskeleti membrani klitinnih vidrostkah LiteraturaAlbertella M R Campbell D R 1994 Characterization of a novel gene in the human major histocompatibility complex that encodes a potential new member of the I kappa B family of proteins Hum Mol Genet 3 793 799 PMID 8081366 DOI 10 1093 hmg 3 5 793 Autieri M V 1996 cDNA cloning of human allograft inflammatory factor 1 tissue distribution cytokine induction and mRNA expression in injured rat carotid arteries Biochem Biophys Res Commun 228 29 37 PMID 8912632 DOI 10 1006 bbrc 1996 1612 The status quality and expansion of the NIH full length cDNA project the Mammalian Gene Collection MGC Genome Res 14 2121 2127 2004 PMID 15489334 DOI 10 1101 gr 2596504 Chen X Kelemen S E Autieri M V 2004 AIF 1 expression modulates proliferation of human vascular smooth muscle cells by autocrine expression of G CSF Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 24 1217 1222 PMID 15117732 DOI 10 1161 01 ATV 0000130024 50058 de Kelemen S E Autieri M V 2005 Expression of allograft inflammatory factor 1 in T lymphocytes a role in T lymphocyte activation and proliferative arteriopathies Am J Pathol 167 619 626 PMID 16049345 DOI 10 1016 S0002 9440 10 63003 9 Yamada M Ohsawa K Imai Y Kohsaka S Kamitori S 2006 X ray structures of the microglia macrophage specific protein Iba1 from human and mouse demonstrate novel molecular conformation change induced by calcium binding J Mol Biol 364 449 457 PMID 17011575 DOI 10 1016 j jmb 2006 09 027PrimitkiHuman PubMed Reference Mouse PubMed Reference HUGO Gene Nomenclature Commitee HGNC 352 angl Procitovano 6 veresnya 2017 angl Arhiv originalu za 8 veresnya 2017 Procitovano 6 veresnya 2017 Div takozhHromosoma 6 Ce nezavershena stattya pro bilki Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi Na cyu stattyu ne posilayutsya inshi statti Vikipediyi Bud laska rozstavte posilannya vidpovidno do prijnyatih rekomendacij