Види риб Червоного моря. Загалом в іхтіофауні нараховують понад 1200 видів риб.
Глибоководні види
- Родина Ambassidae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Ariidae
- Родина
- Родина Balistidae
- Родина Batrachoididae
- Родина Blenniidae
- Родина Bothidae
- Родина Callionymidae
- Родина Caproidae
- Родина Carcharhinidae
- Родина Congridae
- Родина
- Родина Cynoglossidae
- Родина Cyprinodontidae
- Родина Dactylopteridae
- Родина Dasyatidae
- Родина Gerreidae
- Родина Gobiesocidae
- Родина Gobiidae
- Родина Gymnuridae
- Родина
- Родина Hemigaleidae
- Родина Holocentridae
- Родина Kraemeriidae
- Родина Labridae
- Родина
- Родина Liparidae
- Родина Lophiidae
- Родина Lutjanidae
- Родина Malacanthidae
- Родина Microdesmidae
- Родина Mugilidae
- Родина Mullidae
- Родина Muraenesocidae
- Родина Muraenidae
- Родина Narcinidae
- Родина Nemipteridae
- Родина Nettastomatidae
- Родина Ophichthidae
- Родина Ophidiidae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Pempheridae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Polynemidae
- Родина Pomacentridae
- Родина
- Родина Pristidae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Ptereleotridae
- Родина Rhinobatidae
- Родина
- Родина Scorpaenidae
- Родина Serranidae
- Родина Soleidae
- Родина Sparidae
- Родина
- Родина Syngnathidae
- Synodontidae
- Родина
- Родина Tetraodontidae
- Родина
- Родина Torpedinidae
- Родина Triakidae
- Родина Trichonotidae
- Родина Triglidae
- Родина Tripterygiidae
- Родина Uranoscopidae
Пелагіальні риби
- Родина Alopiidae
- Родина Belonidae
- Родина
- Родина Carangidae
- Родина Chirocentridae
- Родина Clupeidae
- Родина Coryphaenidae
- Родина Echeneidae
- Родина Elopidae
- Родина Engraulidae
- Родина Exocoetidae
- Родина
- Родина Istiophoridae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Malacanthidae
- Родина Molidae
- Родина
- Родина Mugilidae
- Родина Myliobatidae
- Родина Rhincodontidae
- Родина Scombridae
- Родина Serranidae
- Родина Sphyraenidae
- Родина Xiphiidae
Види риб які живуть поряд з кораловими рифами
- Родина Acanthuridae
- Родина Albulidae
- Родина Alopiidae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Atherinidae
- Родина Balistidae
- Родина Belonidae
- Родина Blenniidae
- Родина Bothidae
- Родина Bythitidae
- Родина
- Родина Callionymidae
- Родина Carangidae
- Родина Carapidae
- Родина Carcharhinidae
- Родина Centriscidae
- Родина Chaetodontidae
- Родина Chirocentridae
- Родина Cirrhitidae
- Родина Clupeidae
- Родина Congridae
- Родина Dactylopteridae
- Родина Dasyatidae
- Родина Diodontidae
- Родина
- Родина Echeneidae
- Родина Engraulidae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Gerreidae
- Родина Ginglymostomatidae
- Родина Gobiesocidae
- Родина Gobiidae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Holocentridae
- Родина Kuhliidae
- Родина
- Родина Labridae
- Родина Lamnidae
- Родина Lethrinidae
- Родина Lutjanidae
- Родина Malacanthidae
- Родина
- Родина Microdesmidae
- Родина Monacanthidae
- Родина
- Родина Mugilidae
- Родина Mullidae
- Родина Muraenidae
- Родина Myliobatidae
- Родина Nemipteridae
- Родина Odontaspididae
- Родина Ophichthidae
- Родина Ophidiidae
- Родина
- Родина Ostraciidae
- Родина Pegasidae
- Родина Pempheridae
- Родина Pentacerotidae
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина
- Родина Plotosidae
- Родина Pomacanthidae
- Родина Pomacentridae
- Родина
- Родина Pristidae
- Родина
- Родина Ptereleotridae
- Родина Rachycentridae
- Родина Rhinobatidae
- Родина Scaridae
- Родина Scombridae
- Родина Scorpaenidae
- Родина Serranidae
- Родина Siganidae
- Родина
- Родина Soleidae
- Родина Solenostomidae
- Родина Sparidae
- Родина Sphyraenidae
- Родина Sphyrnidae
- Родина Stegostomatidae
- Родина
- Родина Syngnathidae
- Родина Synodontidae
- Родина
- Родина Tetraodontidae
- Родина Torpedinidae
- Родина Tripterygiidae
- Родина Uranoscopidae
- Родина
- Ajiad, A. M. i D. M. Mahasneh 1986: Redescription of (Klunzinger, 1884), a rare stromateoid from the Gulf of Aquba (Red Sea). Cybium v. 10 (num. 2): 135–142, 2 col. pls.
- Ben-Tuvia, A. i E. Trewavas 1987: Atrobucca geniae, a new species of sciaenid fish from the Gulf of Elat (Gulf of Aqaba), Red Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology v. 34 (1986/87): 15-21.
- Krupp, F. 1987: The occurrence of Cynoglossus acutirostris Norman 1939 in the Red Sea. Senckenbergiana Maritima v. 19: 249–259.
- Schmid, H. i J. E. Randall 1997: First record of the tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis (Pisces: Lobotidae), from the Red Sea. Fauna of Saudia Arabia v. 16: 353–355.
- Zajonz, U. i W. Klausewitz 2002: Neomerinthe bathyperimensis sp. nov. from deep waters of the southern Red Sea. Journal of Fish Biology v. 61 (num. 6): 1481–1488.
- Goren, M. i A. Baranes 1995: Priolepis goldshmidtae (Gobiidae), a new species from the deep water of the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Cybium v. 19 (num. 4): 343–347.
- Compagno, L. J. V. i J. E. Randall 1987: Rhinobatos punctifer, a new species of guitarfish (Rhinobatiformes: Rhinobatidae) from the Red Sea, with notes on the Red Sea batoid fauna. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 4) v. 44 (num. 14): 335–342.
- Klausewitz, W. i U. Zajonz 2000: Saurenchelys meteori n. sp. from the deep Red Sea and redescriptions of the type specimens of Saurenchelys cancrivora Peters, 1865, Chlopsis fierasfer Jordan & Snyder, 1901 and Nettastoma elongatum Kotthaus, 1968 (Pisces: Nettastomatidae). Fauna of Arabia v. 18: 337–355.
- Golani, D. 2001: Upeneus davidaromi, a new deepwater goatfish (Osteichthyes, Mullidae) from the Red Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology v. 47: 111–121.
- Eschmeyer, W. N. i M. Dor 1978: Cocotropus steinitzi, a new species of the fish family Aploactinidae (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) from the Red Sea and Andaman Islands. Israel Journal of Zoology v. 27 (num. 4): 165–168.
- Goren, M. , A. Miroz i A. Baranes 1991: Callogobius amikami a new species of goby (Gobiidae) from the Red Sea. Cybium v. 15 (num. 4): 299–302
- Randall, J. E. , D. Golani i A. Diamant 1989: Sargocentron marisrubri a new squirrelfish (Beryciformes: Holocentridae) from the Red Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology v. 35: 187–198, 1 col. pl. as figs. 2-5.
- Randall, J. E. i W. Klausewitz 1986: New records of the Serranid Fish from the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman. Senckenbergiana Maritima v. 18: 229–237.
- Joglekar, A. 1971: Aseraggodes steinitzi, a new sole from the Red Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India v. 12: 166–170.
- Paulus, T. 1992: Syngnathus safina n. sp. and first record of Syngnathus macrophtalmus (sic) Duncker 1915 from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea (Pisces: Osteichthyes: Syngnathidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica v. 72 (nums. 1/3) [1991]: 27-33.
- Fricke, H. i H. Kacher 1982: A mound-building deep water sand tilefish of the Red Sea: Hoplolatilus geo n. sp. (Perciformes: Branchiostegidae). Observations from a research submersible. Senckenbergiana Maritima v. 14 (nums. 5-6): 245–259, Pls. 1-2.
- Zajonz, U. 2006: Plectranthias klausewitzi n. sp. (Teleostei, Perciformes, Serranidae), a new anthiine fish from the deep waters of the southern Red Sea. Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 12 (num. 1): 19-26.
- Randall, J. E. , T. H. Fraser i E. A. Lachner 1990: On the validity of the Indo-Pacific cardinalfishes Apogon aureus (Lacepede) and Apogon fleurieu (Lacepede), with description of a related new species from the Red Sea. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 103 (num. 1): 39-62.
- Fraser, T. H., J. E. Randall i E. A. Lachner 1999: A review of the Red Sea cardinalfishes of the Apogon bandanensis complex, with a description of a new species. J.L.B. Smith Institute of Ichthyology Special Publication Num. 63: 1-13.
- Goren, M. 1978: Comparative study of Bathygobius fuscus (Ruppell) and related species of the Red Sea, including Bathygobius fishelsoni n. sp. (Pisces: Gobiidae). Senckenbergiana Biologica v. 58 (nums. 5/6): 267–273.
- Goren, M. 1985: Trimma fishelsoni, a new gobiid fish from the Gulf of Elat, northern Red Sea. Israel Journal of Zoology v. 33 (nums. 1-2): 63-67.
- Golani, D. 1984: Sargocentron macrosquamis a new squirrelfish from the Amirantes Islands and the Red Sea (Holocentridae, Pisces). Cybium v. 8 (num. 2): 39-43.
- Randall, J. E. i A. Miroz 2001: Thalassoma lunare x Tahlassoma rueppellii, a hybrid labrid fish from the Red Sea. Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 4 (num. 4): 131–134.
- Randall, J. E. i D. C. Shen 2002: First records of the gobioid fishes Gunnellichthys monostigma and Nemateleotris decora from the Red Sea. Fauna of Arabia v. 19: 491–495.
- Krupp, F. i H. Debelius 1990: The hybrid of Centropyge multifasciatus x Holacanthus venustus from the Philippines and notes on aberrant colour forms of Centropyge multispinis from the Maldives and the Red Sea. Revue francaise d'Aquariologie Herpetologie v. 17.
- Randall, J. E. i G. R. Allen 1982: Chromis pelloura. A new species of damselfish from the northern Red Sea. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium v. 5 (num. 11): 15-19.
- Dor, M. i G. R. Allen 1977: Neopomacentrus miryae, a new species of pomacentrid fish from the Red Sea. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v. 90 (num. 1): 183–188.
- Randall, J. E. i F. G. Ormond 1978: On the Red Sea parrotfishes of Forsskal, Scarus psittacus and Scarus ferrugineus. The Journal of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology v. 63 (num. 3): 239–248.
- Golani, D. i O. Sonin 1992: New records of the Red Sea fishes, Pterois miles (Scorpaenidae) and Pteragogus pelycus (Labridae) from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 39 (num. 2): 167–169.
- Schuhmacher, H., F. Krupp i J. E. Randall 1989: Pseudanthias heemstrai, a new species of anthiine fish (Perciformes: Serranidae) from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Fauna of Saudia Arabia v. 10: 338–346.
- Clark, E. i A. George 1979: Toxic soles, Pardachirus marmoratus from the Red Sea and Pardachirus pavoninus from Japan, with notes on other species. Environmental Biology of Fishes v. 4 (num. 2): 103–123.
- Bakhoum, S. A. 2000: Comparative study on brush-tooth lizard fish Saurida undosquamis (Richardson), from the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea coasts of Egypt. Oebalia v. 26: 35-48.
- Lieske, E., R. Myers: Coral Reef Fishes: Carribbean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Including Red Sea. Princeton, Nova Jersey: Princeton University Press. Any 1999.
- Lieske, E. i Myers, R.F. (2004) Coral reef guide; Red Sea. Londres, HarperCollins .
- Smith, J. L. B. 1961. Fishes of the family Apogonidae of the western Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. Ichthyol. Bull. J. L. B. Smith Inst. Ichthyol. Num. 22: 373–418, Pls. 46-52.
- FishBase [ 23 серпня 2017 у Wayback Machine.] (англ.)
- Egypt's Red Sea Virtual Diving Center [ 19 січня 2013 у Wayback Machine.]
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Vidi rib Chervonogo morya Zagalom v ihtiofauni narahovuyut ponad 1200 vidiv rib Chaetodon fasciatusAbudefduf vaigiensisAcanthurus sohalPygoplites diacanthusAmblyglyphidodon indicusZebrasoma xanthurumCaesio lunarisChlorurus sordidus source source source source Carcharhinus albimarginatusAmphiprion bicinctusOstracion cubicusCarangid irisat Lactoria cornutaNaucrates ductorCarangoides coeruleopinnatusDoryrhamphus dactyliophorusHistrio histrioApogon aureusAtherinomorus lacunosusBalistapus undulatusPlatax orbicularisCarcharhinus limbatusEpinephelus malabaricusChaetodon austriacusDascyllus aruanusPomacanthus imperatorTriaenodon obesusArothron hispidusIsurus oxyrinchusAluterus scriptusCarcharias taurusCarcharhinus brevipinnaPomacanthus maculosusNegaprion acutidensAetobatus narinariArothron diadematusCarcharodon carchariasPristis pectinataLeptoscarus vaigiensisCarangoides gymnostethusPseudochromis fridmaniParacirrhites forsteriRachycentron canadumCarangoides plagiotaeniaChaetodon paucifasciatusNebrius ferrugineusChaetodon trifascialisCarangoides chrysophrysConger cinereusHippocampus histrixGymnothorax favagineusAlectis indicusDiodon holocanthusGrammatorcynus bilineatusAcanthurus xanthopterusNaso annulatusAmblyeleotris steinitziGymnothorax nudivomerEpinephelus fuscoguttatusZebrasoma veliferumCarangoides dinemaCyclichthys spilostylusCarcharhinus altimusGymnomuraena zebraChaetodon falculaThalassoma trilobatumGaleocerdo cuvierPterois volitansGlibokovodni vidiArgyrosomus regius Chanos chanos Heptranchias perlo Iago omanensis Mugil cephalus Mustelus manazo Rhizoprionodon acutusDemersalni vidiRodina Ambassidae Rodina Rodina Rodina Rodina Ariidae Rodina Rodina Balistidae Rodina Batrachoididae Rodina Blenniidae Istiblennius unicolor Parablennius cyclops Rodina Bothidae Rodina Callionymidae Rodina Caproidae Rodina Carcharhinidae Loxodon macrorhinus Rodina Congridae Rodina Rodina Cynoglossidae Rodina Cyprinodontidae Rodina Dactylopteridae Dactyloptena peterseni Rodina Dasyatidae Rodina Gerreidae Rodina Gobiesocidae Rodina Gobiidae Gobius koseirensis Gobius leucomelas Pomatoschistus marmoratus Rodina Gymnuridae Rodina Rodina Hemigaleidae Hemipristis elongata Rodina Holocentridae Rodina Kraemeriidae Rodina Labridae Rodina Rodina Liparidae Rodina Lophiidae Rodina Lutjanidae Rodina Malacanthidae Rodina Microdesmidae Paraluteres arqat Paramonacanthus frenatus Rodina Mugilidae Rodina Mullidae Rodina Muraenesocidae Rodina Muraenidae Rodina Narcinidae Rodina Nemipteridae Nemipterus japonicus Rodina Nettastomatidae Rodina Ophichthidae Rodina Ophidiidae Rodina Rodina Rodina Pempheridae Rodina Rodina Rodina Rodina Polynemidae Rodina Pomacentridae Rodina Rodina Pristidae Rodina Rodina Rodina Ptereleotridae Rodina Rhinobatidae Rhinobatos schlegelii Rodina Rodina Scorpaenidae Rodina Serranidae Serranus cabrilla Rodina Soleidae Rodina Sparidae Lithognathus mormyrus Rodina Rodina Syngnathidae Syngnathus macrophthalmus Syngnathus safina Synodontidae Rodina Rodina Tetraodontidae Rodina Rodina Torpedinidae Rodina Triakidae Mustelus mosis Rodina Trichonotidae Rodina Triglidae Rodina Tripterygiidae Rodina Uranoscopidae Uranoscopus dollfusi Uranoscopus oligolepisPelagialni ribiRodina Alopiidae Alopias vulpinus Rodina Belonidae Tylosurus choram Rodina Rodina Carangidae Rodina Chirocentridae Rodina Clupeidae Rodina Coryphaenidae Coryphaena hippurus Rodina Echeneidae Rodina Elopidae Rodina Engraulidae Engraulis encrasicolus Rodina Exocoetidae Rodina Rodina Istiophoridae Istiophorus platypterus Makaira indica Rodina Rodina Rodina Malacanthidae Rodina Molidae Mola mola Rodina Rodina Mugilidae Rodina Myliobatidae Rodina Rhincodontidae Rhincodon typus Rodina Scombridae Auxis rochei rochei Katsuwonus pelamis Scomber japonicus Thunnus albacares Rodina Serranidae Rodina Sphyraenidae Rodina Xiphiidae Xiphias gladiusVidi rib yaki zhivut poryad z koralovimi rifamiRodina Acanthuridae Acanthurus sohal Naso elegans Zebrasoma xanthurum Rodina Albulidae Rodina Alopiidae Alopias pelagicus Rodina Rodina Rodina Rodina Atherinidae Rodina Balistidae Balistapus undulatus Rhinecanthus assasi Sufflamen fraenatum Rodina Belonidae Ablennes hians Rodina Blenniidae Aspidontus taeniatus Rodina Bothidae Rodina Bythitidae Rodina Caesio lunaris Rodina Callionymidae Rodina Carangidae Naucrates ductor Rodina Carapidae Rodina Carcharhinidae Carcharhinus albimarginatus Carcharhinus altimus Carcharhinus brevipinna Carcharhinus falciformis Carcharhinus limbatus Carcharhinus longimanus Carcharhinus melanopterus Carcharhinus plumbeus Carcharhinus sorrah Galeocerdo cuvier Negaprion acutidens Triaenodon obesus Rodina Centriscidae Rodina Chaetodontidae Chaetodon austriacus Chaetodon fasciatus Chaetodon lineolatus Chaetodon paucifasciatus Chaetodon semilarvatus Chaetodon trifascialis Rodina Chirocentridae Chirocentrus dorab Rodina Cirrhitidae Rodina Clupeidae Sardinella gibbosa Rodina Congridae Conger cinereus Rodina Dactylopteridae Dactyloptena orientalis Rodina Dasyatidae Dasyatis kuhlii Taeniura lymma Rodina Diodontidae Diodon holocanthus Rodina Rodina Echeneidae Echeneis naucrates Remora remora Rodina Engraulidae Rodina Rodina Fistularia commersonii Rodina Gerreidae Gerres longirostris Rodina Ginglymostomatidae Nebrius ferrugineus Rodina Gobiesocidae Rodina Gobiidae Amblygobius hectori Cryptocentrus fasciatus Gnatholepis anjerensis Gobiodon citrinus Periophthalmus argentilineatus Rodina Plectorhinchus gaterinus Rodina Rodina Holocentridae Myripristis murdjan Myripristis xanthacra Rodina Kuhliidae Rodina Rodina Labridae Bodianus anthioides Cheilinus fasciatus Cheilinus undulatus Coris aygula Gomphosus caeruleus Halichoeres hortulanus Labroides dimidiatus Thalassoma rueppellii Rodina Lamnidae Carcharodon carcharias Isurus oxyrinchus Rodina Lethrinidae Rodina Lutjanidae Rodina Malacanthidae Rodina Rodina Microdesmidae Rodina Monacanthidae Paramonacanthus japonicus Monocentris japonica Rodina Rodina Mugilidae Rodina Mullidae Mulloidichthys flavolineatus Parupeneus forsskali Rodina Muraenidae Gymnomuraena zebra Gymnothorax griseus Rodina Myliobatidae Aetobatus narinari Rodina Nemipteridae Rodina Odontaspididae Carcharias taurus Rodina Ophichthidae Rodina Ophidiidae Rodina Rodina Ostraciidae Lactoria cornuta Ostracion cubicus Ostracion cyanurus Rodina Pegasidae Rodina Pempheridae Parapriacanthus ransonneti Rodina Pentacerotidae Rodina Parapercis hexophtalma Rodina Rodina Rodina Plotosidae Rodina Pomacanthidae Pomacanthus imperator Pomacanthus maculosus Pygoplites diacanthus Rodina Pomacentridae Abudefduf vaigiensis Amblyglyphidodon indicus Amphiprion bicinctus Chromis dimidiata Chrysiptera unimaculata Dascyllus aruanus Pomacentrus sulfureus Pomacentrus trilineatus Rodina Rodina Pristidae Pristis pectinata Rodina Rodina Ptereleotridae Rodina Rachycentridae Rachycentron canadum Rodina Rhinobatidae Rhynchobatus djiddensis Rodina Scaridae Cetoscarus bicolor Chlorurus sordidus Rodina Scombridae Rodina Scorpaenidae Pterois miles Pterois radiata Pterois russelii Pterois volitans Rodina Serranidae Cephalopholis argus Epinephelus malabaricus Rodina Siganidae Rodina Rodina Soleidae Rodina Solenostomidae Solenostomus cyanopterus Solenostomus paradoxus Rodina Sparidae Acanthopagrus bifasciatus Diplodus noct Polysteganus coeruleopunctatus Rhabdosargus haffara Rhabdosargus sarba Rodina Sphyraenidae Sphyraena barracuda Rodina Sphyrnidae Sphyrna lewini Sphyrna mokarran Rodina Stegostomatidae Stegostoma fasciatum Rodina Synanceia verrucosa Rodina Syngnathidae Rodina Synodontidae Trachinocephalus myops Rodina Rodina Tetraodontidae Arothron diadematus Arothron hispidus Rodina Torpedinidae Rodina Tripterygiidae Rodina Uranoscopidae Uranoscopus sulphureus RodinaBibliografiyaAjiad A M i D M Mahasneh 1986 Redescription of Klunzinger 1884 a rare stromateoid from the Gulf of Aquba Red Sea Cybium v 10 num 2 135 142 2 col pls Ben Tuvia A i E Trewavas 1987 Atrobucca geniae a new species of sciaenid fish from the Gulf of Elat Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea Israel Journal of Zoology v 34 1986 87 15 21 Krupp F 1987 The occurrence of Cynoglossus acutirostris Norman 1939 in the Red Sea Senckenbergiana Maritima v 19 249 259 Schmid H i J E Randall 1997 First record of the tripletail Lobotes surinamensis Pisces Lobotidae from the Red Sea Fauna of Saudia Arabia v 16 353 355 Zajonz U i W Klausewitz 2002 Neomerinthe bathyperimensis sp nov from deep waters of the southern Red Sea Journal of Fish Biology v 61 num 6 1481 1488 Goren M i A Baranes 1995 Priolepis goldshmidtae Gobiidae a new species from the deep water of the northern Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea Cybium v 19 num 4 343 347 Compagno L J V i J E Randall 1987 Rhinobatos punctifer a new species of guitarfish Rhinobatiformes Rhinobatidae from the Red Sea with notes on the Red Sea batoid fauna Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Series 4 v 44 num 14 335 342 Klausewitz W i U Zajonz 2000 Saurenchelys meteori n sp from the deep Red Sea and redescriptions of the type specimens of Saurenchelys cancrivora Peters 1865 Chlopsis fierasfer Jordan amp Snyder 1901 and Nettastoma elongatum Kotthaus 1968 Pisces Nettastomatidae Fauna of Arabia v 18 337 355 Golani D 2001 Upeneus davidaromi a new deepwater goatfish Osteichthyes Mullidae from the Red Sea Israel Journal of Zoology v 47 111 121 Eschmeyer W N i M Dor 1978 Cocotropus steinitzi a new species of the fish family Aploactinidae Pisces Scorpaeniformes from the Red Sea and Andaman Islands Israel Journal of Zoology v 27 num 4 165 168 Goren M A Miroz i A Baranes 1991 Callogobius amikami a new species of goby Gobiidae from the Red Sea Cybium v 15 num 4 299 302 Randall J E D Golani i A Diamant 1989 Sargocentron marisrubri a new squirrelfish Beryciformes Holocentridae from the Red Sea Israel Journal of Zoology v 35 187 198 1 col pl as figs 2 5 Randall J E i W Klausewitz 1986 New records of the Serranid Fish from the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman Senckenbergiana Maritima v 18 229 237 Joglekar A 1971 Aseraggodes steinitzi a new sole from the Red Sea Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India v 12 166 170 Paulus T 1992 Syngnathus safina n sp and first record of Syngnathus macrophtalmus sic Duncker 1915 from the Gulf of Aqaba Red Sea Pisces Osteichthyes Syngnathidae Senckenbergiana Biologica v 72 nums 1 3 1991 27 33 Fricke H i H Kacher 1982 A mound building deep water sand tilefish of the Red Sea Hoplolatilus geo n sp Perciformes Branchiostegidae Observations from a research submersible Senckenbergiana Maritima v 14 nums 5 6 245 259 Pls 1 2 Zajonz U 2006 Plectranthias klausewitzi n sp Teleostei Perciformes Serranidae a new anthiine fish from the deep waters of the southern Red Sea Aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v 12 num 1 19 26 Randall J E T H Fraser i E A Lachner 1990 On the validity of the Indo Pacific cardinalfishes Apogon aureus Lacepede and Apogon fleurieu Lacepede with description of a related new species from the Red Sea Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington v 103 num 1 39 62 Fraser T H J E Randall i E A Lachner 1999 A review of the Red Sea cardinalfishes of the Apogon bandanensis complex with a description of a new species J L B Smith Institute of Ichthyology Special Publication Num 63 1 13 Goren M 1978 Comparative study of Bathygobius fuscus Ruppell and related species of the Red Sea including Bathygobius fishelsoni n sp Pisces Gobiidae Senckenbergiana Biologica v 58 nums 5 6 267 273 Goren M 1985 Trimma fishelsoni a new gobiid fish from the Gulf of Elat northern Red Sea Israel Journal of Zoology v 33 nums 1 2 63 67 Golani D 1984 Sargocentron macrosquamis a new squirrelfish from the Amirantes Islands and the Red Sea Holocentridae Pisces Cybium v 8 num 2 39 43 Randall J E i A Miroz 2001 Thalassoma lunare x Tahlassoma rueppellii a hybrid labrid fish from the Red Sea Aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v 4 num 4 131 134 Randall J E i D C Shen 2002 First records of the gobioid fishes Gunnellichthys monostigma and 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