London Films Productions — британська кіно- і телевізійна компанія, заснована в 1932 році Олександром Кордою. Кінокомпанія створила такі фільми, як «Приватне життя Генріха VIII» (1933), «Прийдешнє» (1936), «» (1936) та «Чотири пера» (1939). В 1939 році кінокомпанія об'єдналася з Denham Film Studios. У зв'язку з початком війни фільм «Багдадський злодій» (1940) прийшлось закінчувати знімати у Каліфорнії. Після реструктуризації діяльності Корди у Великій Британії наприкінці 1940-х років, компанія "London Films" була створена в .
Понад 40 років після того, як Корда помер у січні 1956 року, компанія повернулася до активної кінематографічної діяльності у 1997 році, під керівництвом .
- 1933: / la dame de chez Maxim's
- 1933: / Strange Evidence
- 1933: / Counsel's Opinion
- 1933: / Wedding Rehearsal
- 1933: / Men of Tomorrow
- 1933: / Cash
- 1933: Приватне життя Генріха VIII / The Private Life of Henry VIII
- 1933: / The Girl from Maxim's
- 1934: / Catherine the Great
- 1934: / The Private Life of the Gannets
- 1934: Приватне життя Дон Жуана / The Private Life of Don Juan
- 1934: / The Scarlet Pimpernel
- 1935: / Sanders of the River
- 1935: / Moscow Nights
- 1935: / The Ghost Goes West
- 1936: Прийдешнє / Things to Come
- 1936: / Rembrandt
- 1936: / Men Are Not Gods
- 1936: Людина, яка могла творити чудеса / The Man Who Could Work Miracles
- 1936: / Forget Me Not
- 1936: / Conquest of the Air
- 1937: / A Romance in Flanders
- 1937: / Fire Over England
- 1937: / Dark Journey
- 1937: / Storm in a Teacup
- 1937: Хлопчик і слон / Elephant Boy
- 1937: / Farewell Again
- 1937: / Knight Without Armour
- 1937: / Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel
- 1937: / I, Claudius
- 1937: / The Squeaker
- 1937: / Paradise for Two
- 1938: / The Divorce of Lady X
- 1938: / South Riding
- 1938: / The Drum
- 1938: / The Challenge
- 1938: / Prison Without Bars
- 1939: / Q Planes
- 1939: Чотири пера / The Four Feathers
- 1939: / Over the Moon
- 1939: / The Lion Has Wings
- 1939: / The Spy in Black
- 1940: Двадцять один день / 21 Days
- 1940: / Conquest of the Air
- 1940: Багдадський злодій / The Thief of Bagdad
- 1945: / Perfect Strangers
- 1947: / An Ideal Husband
- 1947: / Mine Own Executioner
- 1948: Анна Кареніна / Anna Karenina
- 1948: / The Fallen Idol
- 1948: / Bonnie Prince Charlie
- 1949: / The Small Back Room
- 1949: / That Dangerous Age
- 1949: / The Last Days of Dolwyn
- 1949: / Saints and Sinners
- 1949: Третя людина / The Third Man
- 1950: / The Elusive Pimpernel
- 1950: / The Cure for Love
- 1950: / The Happiest Days of Your Life
- 1950: / The Angel with the Trumpet
- 1950: / State Secret
- 1950: / My Daughter Joy
- 1950: / Seven Days to Noon
- 1950: / Gone to Earth
- 1950: / The Wooden Horse
- 1951: / Cry, The Beloved Country
- 1951: / The Wonder Kid
- 1951: Казки Гофмана / The Tales of Hoffmann
- 1951: / Lady Godiva Rides Again
- 1952: / Girdle of Gold
- 1952: / Outcast of the Islands
- 1952: / The Wild Heart
- 1952: Звуковий бар'єр / The Sound Barrier
- 1952: / The Ringer
- 1952: / The Holly and the Ivy
- 1953: / The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan
- 1953: / The Captain's Paradise
- 1953: / Twice Upon a Time
- 1953: / The Heart of the Matter
- 1953: / The Iron Petticoat
- 1953: / The Man Between
- 1954: / Hobson's Choice
- 1954: / Aunt Clara
- 1954: / The Belles of St Trinian's
- 1955: / Raising a Riot
- 1955: / The Man Who Loved Redheads
- 1955: Річард III / Richard III
- 1955: / The Constant Husband
- 1955: / Summertime
- 1955: / A Kid for Two Farthings
- 1955: / The Deep Blue Sea
- 1955: / Storm Over the Nile
- 1956: / Smiley
- 1975-1977: / Poldark
- 1982: / The Scarlet Pimpernel
- 1984: / The Country Girls
- 1984: / Kim
- 1991: / The Best of Friends
- 1992: / The Time Game
- 1992: / Big Ideas
- 1992: / An Ungentlemanly Act
- 1999: / The Scarlet Pimpernel
London Films на сайті IMDbPro
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London Films Productions britanska kino i televizijna kompaniya zasnovana v 1932 roci Oleksandrom Kordoyu Kinokompaniya stvorila taki filmi yak Privatne zhittya Genriha VIII 1933 Prijdeshnye 1936 1936 ta Chotiri pera 1939 V 1939 roci kinokompaniya ob yednalasya z Denham Film Studios U zv yazku z pochatkom vijni film Bagdadskij zlodij 1940 prijshlos zakinchuvati znimati u Kaliforniyi Pislya restrukturizaciyi diyalnosti Kordi u Velikij Britaniyi naprikinci 1940 h rokiv kompaniya London Films bula stvorena v Ponad 40 rokiv pislya togo yak Korda pomer u sichni 1956 roku kompaniya povernulasya do aktivnoyi kinematografichnoyi diyalnosti u 1997 roci pid kerivnictvom Filmografiya1930 1933 la dame de chez Maxim s 1933 Strange Evidence 1933 Counsel s Opinion 1933 Wedding Rehearsal 1933 Men of Tomorrow 1933 Cash 1933 Privatne zhittya Genriha VIII The Private Life of Henry VIII 1933 The Girl from Maxim s 1934 Catherine the Great 1934 The Private Life of the Gannets 1934 Privatne zhittya Don Zhuana The Private Life of Don Juan 1934 The Scarlet Pimpernel 1935 Sanders of the River 1935 Moscow Nights 1935 The Ghost Goes West 1936 Prijdeshnye Things to Come 1936 Rembrandt 1936 Men Are Not Gods 1936 Lyudina yaka mogla tvoriti chudesa The Man Who Could Work Miracles 1936 Forget Me Not 1936 Conquest of the Air 1937 A Romance in Flanders 1937 Fire Over England 1937 Dark Journey 1937 Storm in a Teacup 1937 Hlopchik i slon Elephant Boy 1937 Farewell Again 1937 Knight Without Armour 1937 Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel 1937 I Claudius 1937 The Squeaker 1937 Paradise for Two 1938 The Divorce of Lady X 1938 South Riding 1938 The Drum 1938 The Challenge 1938 Prison Without Bars 1939 Q Planes 1939 Chotiri pera The Four Feathers 1939 Over the Moon 1939 The Lion Has Wings 1939 The Spy in Black1940 1940 Dvadcyat odin den 21 Days 1940 Conquest of the Air 1940 Bagdadskij zlodij The Thief of Bagdad 1945 Perfect Strangers 1947 An Ideal Husband 1947 Mine Own Executioner 1948 Anna Karenina Anna Karenina 1948 The Fallen Idol 1948 Bonnie Prince Charlie 1949 The Small Back Room 1949 That Dangerous Age 1949 The Last Days of Dolwyn 1949 Saints and Sinners 1949 Tretya lyudina The Third Man1950 1950 The Elusive Pimpernel 1950 The Cure for Love 1950 The Happiest Days of Your Life 1950 The Angel with the Trumpet 1950 State Secret 1950 My Daughter Joy 1950 Seven Days to Noon 1950 Gone to Earth 1950 The Wooden Horse 1951 Cry The Beloved Country 1951 The Wonder Kid 1951 Kazki Gofmana The Tales of Hoffmann 1951 Lady Godiva Rides Again 1952 Girdle of Gold 1952 Outcast of the Islands 1952 The Wild Heart 1952 Zvukovij bar yer The Sound Barrier 1952 The Ringer 1952 The Holly and the Ivy 1953 The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan 1953 The Captain s Paradise 1953 Twice Upon a Time 1953 The Heart of the Matter 1953 The Iron Petticoat 1953 The Man Between 1954 Hobson s Choice 1954 Aunt Clara 1954 The Belles of St Trinian s 1955 Raising a Riot 1955 The Man Who Loved Redheads 1955 Richard III Richard III 1955 The Constant Husband 1955 Summertime 1955 A Kid for Two Farthings 1955 The Deep Blue Sea 1955 Storm Over the Nile 1956 Smiley1970 1975 1977 Poldark1980 1982 The Scarlet Pimpernel 1984 The Country Girls 1984 Kim1990 1991 The Best of Friends 1992 The Time Game 1992 Big Ideas 1992 An Ungentlemanly Act 1999 The Scarlet PimpernelPosilannyaLondon Films na sajti IMDbPro