BNIP3 (англ. BCL2 interacting protein 3) – білок, який кодується однойменним геном, розташованим у людей на короткому плечі 10-ї хромосоми. Довжина поліпептидного ланцюга білка становить 259 амінокислот, а молекулярна маса — 27 832.
BNIP3 | |||||||||||||||||
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Ідентифікатори | |||||||||||||||||
Символи | BNIP3, NIP3, BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 3, BCL2 interacting protein 3, HABON | ||||||||||||||||
Зовнішні ІД | OMIM: 603293 MGI: 109326 HomoloGene: 2990 GeneCards: BNIP3 | ||||||||||||||||
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Шаблон експресії | |||||||||||||||||
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Види | Людина | Миша | |||||||||||||||
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Ensembl |
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UniProt |
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RefSeq (мРНК) |
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RefSeq (білок) |
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Локус (UCSC) | Хр. 10: 131.97 – 131.98 Mb | Хр. 7: 138.49 – 138.51 Mb | |||||||||||||||
PubMed search | |||||||||||||||||
Вікідані | |||||||||||||||||
10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 | ||||
Кодований геном білок за функцією належить до фосфопротеїнів. Задіяний у таких біологічних процесах, як апоптоз, взаємодія хазяїн-вірус. Локалізований у мембрані, мітохондрії, зовнішній мембрані мітохондрій.
- The status, quality, and expansion of the NIH full-length cDNA project: the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC). Genome Res. 14: 2121—2127. 2004. PMID 15489334 DOI:10.1101/gr.2596504
- Gao S., Fu W., Duerrenberger M., De Geyter C., Zhang H. (2005). Membrane translocation and oligomerization of hBok are triggered in response to apoptotic stimuli and Bnip3. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. 62: 1015—1024. PMID 15868100 DOI:10.1007/s00018-005-4543-3
- Human PubMed Reference:.
- Mouse PubMed Reference:.
- (англ.) . Архів оригіналу за 16 липня 2017. Процитовано 8 вересня 2017.
- (англ.) . Архів оригіналу за 8 серпня 2017. Процитовано 8 вересня 2017.
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BNIP3 angl BCL2 interacting protein 3 bilok yakij koduyetsya odnojmennim genom roztashovanim u lyudej na korotkomu plechi 10 yi hromosomi Dovzhina polipeptidnogo lancyuga bilka stanovit 259 aminokislot a molekulyarna masa 27 832 BNIP3Nayavni strukturiPDBPoshuk ortologiv PDBe RCSB Spisok kodiv PDB2J5D 2KA1 2KA2IdentifikatoriSimvoliBNIP3 NIP3 BCL2 adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 3 BCL2 interacting protein 3 HABONZovnishni ID OMIM 603293 MGI 109326 HomoloGene 2990 GeneCards BNIP3Ontologiya genaMolekulyarna funkciya protein homodimerization activity GO 0001948 GO 0016582 protein binding identical protein binding protein heterodimerization activity GTPase bindingKlitinna komponenta citoplazma integral component of membrane nuclear envelope mitohondrialna membrana membrana integral component of mitochondrial outer membrane nukleoplazma mitohondrialna zovnishnya membrana dendrit nejrobiologiya endoplazmatichnij retikulum mitohondriya mitohondrialna obolonka klitinne yadro GO 0097483 GO 0097481 postsinaptichne ushilnennyaBiologichnij proces neuron apoptotic process regulation of aerobic respiration mitochondrial fragmentation involved in apoptotic process positive regulation of mitochondrial fission response to hypoxia positive regulation of autophagy regulation of mitochondrion organization response to hyperoxia positive regulation of cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process smert klitini negative regulation of apoptotic process positive regulation of programmed cell death negative regulation of cell death toxin transport negative regulation of membrane potential reactive oxygen species metabolic process intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway positive regulation of macroautophagy positive regulation of protein containing complex disassembly cellular response to mechanical stimulus cellular response to cobalt ion regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability autophagy of mitochondrion defense response to virus intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to hypoxia brown fat cell differentiation positive regulation of apoptotic process positive regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria negative regulation of reactive oxygen species metabolic process GO 0022415 viral process negative regulation of mitochondrial fusion granzyme mediated apoptotic signaling pathway mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization mitochondrial protein catabolic process autophagic cell death cellular response to hydrogen peroxide GO 0097285 apoptoz cardiac muscle cell apoptotic process negative regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential positive regulation of necrotic cell death cerebral cortex development oligodendrocyte differentiation positive regulation of mitochondrial calcium ion concentration cellular response to hypoxia negative regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability involved in apoptotic process positive regulation of autophagy of mitochondrion response to bacteriumDzherela Amigo QuickGOShablon ekspresiyiBilshe danihOrtologiVidi Lyudina MishaEntrez664 12176Ensembl ENSG00000176171 ENSMUSG00000078566UniProt Q12983 O55003RefSeq mRNK NM 004052NM 009760RefSeq bilok NP 004043NP 033890Lokus UCSC Hr 10 131 97 131 98 MbHr 7 138 49 138 51 MbPubMed searchVikidaniDiv Red dlya lyudejDiv Red dlya mishej Poslidovnist aminokislot1020304050 MGDAAADPPGPALPCEFLRPGCGAPLSPGAQLGRGAPTSAFPPPAAEAHP AARRGLRSPQLPSGAMSQNGAPGMQEESLQGSWVELHFSNNGNGGSVPAS VSIYNGDMEKILLDAQHESGRSSSKSSHCDSPPRSQTPQDTNRASETDTH SIGEKNSSQSEEDDIERRKEVESILKKNSDWIWDWSSRPENIPPKEFLFK HPKRTATLSMRNTSVMKKGGIFSAEFLKVFLPSLLLSHLLAIGLGIYIGR RLTTSTSTF A Alanin C Cisteyin D Asparaginova kislota E Glutaminova kislota F Fenilalanin G Glicin H Gistidin I Izolejcin K Lizin L Lejcin M Metionin N Asparagin P Prolin Q Glutamin R Arginin S Serin T Treonin V Valin W Triptofan Y Tirozin Kodovanij genom bilok za funkciyeyu nalezhit do fosfoproteyiniv Zadiyanij u takih biologichnih procesah yak apoptoz vzayemodiya hazyayin virus Lokalizovanij u membrani mitohondriyi zovnishnij membrani mitohondrij LiteraturaThe status quality and expansion of the NIH full length cDNA project the Mammalian Gene Collection MGC Genome Res 14 2121 2127 2004 PMID 15489334 DOI 10 1101 gr 2596504 Gao S Fu W Duerrenberger M De Geyter C Zhang H 2005 Membrane translocation and oligomerization of hBok are triggered in response to apoptotic stimuli and Bnip3 Cell Mol Life Sci 62 1015 1024 PMID 15868100 DOI 10 1007 s00018 005 4543 3PrimitkiHuman PubMed Reference Mouse PubMed Reference angl Arhiv originalu za 16 lipnya 2017 Procitovano 8 veresnya 2017 angl Arhiv originalu za 8 serpnya 2017 Procitovano 8 veresnya 2017 Div takozhHromosoma 10 Ce nezavershena stattya pro bilki Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi