Російський нігілізм — філософський, культурний та , що сформувався в Російській імперії на рубежі 1850-х і 1860-х років, а найбільшого поширення набув у кінці 19 — на початку 20 століть.
У російській мові словом "нігілізм" (рос. нигилизм, від лат. nihil "ніщо") позначали нападки на мораль, релігію та традиційне суспільство. Ще не маючи назви, цей рух виник із покоління молодих радикалів, розчарованих соціальними реформаторами минулого, а також зі зростаючого розколу між старими аристократичними інтелектуалами та новою радикальною інтелігенцією.
Російський анархіст Пьотр Кропоткін "визначав нігілізм як символ боротьби проти всіх форм тиранії, лицемірства та штучності за індивідуальну свободу." Будучи ранньою формою нігілістичної філософії, російський нігілізм розглядав мораль, філософію, релігію, естетику та тогочасні соціальні інститути як позбавлені вартості та сенсу, але не обов'язково розглядав такими всю етику, знання та людське життя. Водночас він включав теорії жорсткого детермінізму, атеїзму, матеріалізму, позитивізму та егоїзму з метою асимілювати та виразно реконтекстуалізувати в Росії ключові елементи епохи Просвітництва, відкидаючи підхід західників попереднього покоління (хоча нігілізм виріс на ґрунті західництва).
Російський нігілізм розвинув атмосферу крайнього морального скептицизму, часом вихваляючи відвертий егоїзм і захищаючи тих, хто вважав себе вільним від будь-яких моральних авторитетів. У своїх найповніших формах він також заперечував можливість загальних ідеалів, натомість віддаючи перевагу релятивістському та індивідуалістичному світогляду. Нігілісти передбачувано вступили в конфлікт з російською православною церковною владою, а також з панівними сімейними структурами та царським самодержавством.
Хоча зазвичай російський нігілізм асоціюється з революційним активізмом, більшість нігілістів не були політичними, натомість відкидаючи політику як застарілий етап розвитку людства. Вони дотримувалися думки, що поки деструктивна програма домінує, неможливо належно сформулювати конструктивну програму. Хоча деякі нігілісти почали роботу над принципами своєї спільноти, їхні формулювання в цьому залишалися нечіткими. Через поширеність революційних підпалів 1862 року та низку вбивств і замахів у 1860-х і 1870-х роках, а також вбивство царя Олександра ІІ у 1881 році російський нігілізм набув у Європі значення як доктрина політичного тероризму та насилля. Кропоткін стверджує, що застосування насильства та тероризму було пов'язано зі специфічним революційним контекстом і не було притаманним нігілістичній філософії, втім історик [en] додає, що нігілізм був стрижнем революційної думки в Росії протягом усього періоду аж до російської революції 1917 року. Професор [en] вважає, що російський нігілізм мав своє найглибше вираження в більшовицькому нігілізмі 20-го століття.
- Nihilism. Encyclopædia Britannica.
Nihilism, (from Latin nihil, "nothing"), originally a philosophy of moral and epistemological skepticism that arose in 19th-century Russia during the early years of the reign of Tsar Alexander II.
- Pratt, Alan. Nihilism. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
In Russia, nihilism became identified with a loosely organized revolutionary movement (C.1860-1917) that rejected the authority of the state, church, and family.
- Lovell, Stephen (1998). Nihilism, Russian. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Taylor and Francis. doi:10.4324/9780415249126-E072-1. ISBN .
Nihilism was a broad social and cultural movement as well as a doctrine.
- Nihilism. Encyclopædia Britannica.
- nihilism (n.), Online Etymology Dictionary,
from Latin nihil "nothing at all" ... Turgenev used the Russian form of the word (nigilizm) in "Fathers and Children" (1862)
- Petrov, Kristian (2019). 'Strike out, right and left!': a conceptual-historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation. Stud East Eur Thought. 71 (2): 73—97. doi:10.1007/s11212-019-09319-4. S2CID 150893870.
"nihilism" was via Turgenev’s F&C introduced to a wider audience in the early 1860s Russia, in the form of the loanword nigilizm
- nihilism (n.), Online Etymology Dictionary,
- Nihilism. Encyclopædia Britannica.
Peter Kropotkin, the leading Russian anarchist, defined nihilism as the symbol of struggle against all forms of tyranny, hypocrisy, and artificiality and for individual freedom.
- Petrov, Kristian (2019). 'Strike out, right and left!': a conceptual-historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation. Stud East Eur Thought. 71 (2): 73—97. doi:10.1007/s11212-019-09319-4. S2CID 150893870.
Russian nihilism did not imply, as one might expect from a purely semantic viewpoint, a universal "negation" of ethical normativity, the foundations of knowledge or the meaningfulness of human existence.
- Petrov, Kristian (2019). 'Strike out, right and left!': a conceptual-historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation. Stud East Eur Thought. 71 (2): 73—97. doi:10.1007/s11212-019-09319-4. S2CID 150893870.
- Scanlan, James P. (1999). The Case against Rational Egoism in Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground. Journal of the History of Ideas. University of Pennsylvania Press. 60 (3): 553—554. doi:10.2307/3654018. JSTOR 3654018.
- Lovell, Stephen (1998). Nihilism, Russian. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Taylor and Francis. doi:10.4324/9780415249126-E072-1. ISBN .
The 1860s were once described by Trotsky as 'a brief eighteenth century' in Russian thought. The Nihilist thinkers sought to assimilate and resynthesize the main trends in Western materialism and positivism. As usual in Russia, imported ideas were treated selectively and deployed in quite distinctive intellectual formations.
- Edie, James M.; Scanlan, James; Zeldin, Mary-Barbara (1994). Russian Philosophy Volume II: the Nihilists, The Populists, Critics of Religion and Culture. University of Tennessee Press. с. 3.
on the whole the Westernizers were an obsolete older generation in the eyes of the Nihilists
- Lovell, Stephen (1998). Nihilism, Russian. Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Taylor and Francis. doi:10.4324/9780415249126-E072-1. ISBN .
- Frank, Joseph (1995). Dostoevsky: The Miraculous Years, 1865–1871. Princeton University Press. ISBN .
- Kline, George L. (1967). Pisarev, Dmitri Ivanovich (1840–1868). Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Macmillan Reference USA.
- Gillespie, Michael Allen (1996). Nihilism Before Nietzsche. University of Chicago Press. с. 140, 143, 160. ISBN .
First, the positive or constructive side of nihilism was never clearly defined. For some radicals, it was vaguely socialist, based on the idea of the village commune (mir). Others saw a managerial class as the basis for the new order. Most nihilists, however, were convinced that this positive goal could only be properly formulated when the chains of repression had been broken."; "This strange lack of concern was apparently the result of their belief that politics was linked to an outdated stage of humanity."; "The nihilists' neglect of politics, which they saw to be outdated, proved in this case to be their undoing.
- Nihilism. Encyclopædia Britannica.
The philosophy of nihilism then began to be associated erroneously with the regicide of Alexander II (1881) and the political terror that was employed by those active at the time in clandestine organizations opposed to absolutism.
- Kropotkin, Peter (1899). Memoirs of a Revolutionist. Houghton Mifflin.
The movement is misunderstood in Western Europe. In the press, for example, nihilism is continually confused with terrorism. The revolutionary disturbance which broke out in Russia toward the close of the reign of Alexander II., and ended in the tragic death of the Tsar, is constantly described as nihilism. This is, however, a mistake. To confuse nihilism with terrorism is as wrong as to confuse a philosophical movement like stoicism or positivism with a political movement such as, for example, republicanism. Terrorism was called into existence by certain special conditions of the political struggle at a given historical moment.
- Gillespie, Michael Allen (1996). Nihilism Before Nietzsche. University of Chicago Press. с. 285. ISBN .
- (1997). Review: Nihilism before Nietzsche by Michael Allen Gillespie and Metaphysics by Michel Haar & Michael Gendre. The Journal of Religion. University of Chicago Press. 77 (2): 328—330. doi:10.1086/490005. JSTOR 1205805.
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Rosijskij nigilizm filosofskij kulturnij ta sho sformuvavsya v Rosijskij imperiyi na rubezhi 1850 h i 1860 h rokiv a najbilshogo poshirennya nabuv u kinci 19 na pochatku 20 stolit Portret studenta nigilista Avtor Illya Ryepin IstoriyaU rosijskij movi slovom nigilizm ros nigilizm vid lat nihil nisho poznachali napadki na moral religiyu ta tradicijne suspilstvo She ne mayuchi nazvi cej ruh vinik iz pokolinnya molodih radikaliv rozcharovanih socialnimi reformatorami minulogo a takozh zi zrostayuchogo rozkolu mizh starimi aristokratichnimi intelektualami ta novoyu radikalnoyu inteligenciyeyu Rosijskij anarhist Potr Kropotkin viznachav nigilizm yak simvol borotbi proti vsih form tiraniyi licemirstva ta shtuchnosti za individualnu svobodu Buduchi rannoyu formoyu nigilistichnoyi filosofiyi rosijskij nigilizm rozglyadav moral filosofiyu religiyu estetiku ta togochasni socialni instituti yak pozbavleni vartosti ta sensu ale ne obov yazkovo rozglyadav takimi vsyu etiku znannya ta lyudske zhittya Vodnochas vin vklyuchav teoriyi zhorstkogo determinizmu ateyizmu materializmu pozitivizmu ta egoyizmu z metoyu asimilyuvati ta virazno rekontekstualizuvati v Rosiyi klyuchovi elementi epohi Prosvitnictva vidkidayuchi pidhid zahidnikiv poperednogo pokolinnya hocha nigilizm viris na grunti zahidnictva Rosijskij nigilizm rozvinuv atmosferu krajnogo moralnogo skepticizmu chasom vihvalyayuchi vidvertij egoyizm i zahishayuchi tih hto vvazhav sebe vilnim vid bud yakih moralnih avtoritetiv U svoyih najpovnishih formah vin takozh zaperechuvav mozhlivist zagalnih idealiv natomist viddayuchi perevagu relyativistskomu ta individualistichnomu svitoglyadu Nigilisti peredbachuvano vstupili v konflikt z rosijskoyu pravoslavnoyu cerkovnoyu vladoyu a takozh z panivnimi simejnimi strukturami ta carskim samoderzhavstvom Hocha zazvichaj rosijskij nigilizm asociyuyetsya z revolyucijnim aktivizmom bilshist nigilistiv ne buli politichnimi natomist vidkidayuchi politiku yak zastarilij etap rozvitku lyudstva Voni dotrimuvalisya dumki sho poki destruktivna programa dominuye nemozhlivo nalezhno sformulyuvati konstruktivnu programu Hocha deyaki nigilisti pochali robotu nad principami svoyeyi spilnoti yihni formulyuvannya v comu zalishalisya nechitkimi Cherez poshirenist revolyucijnih pidpaliv 1862 roku ta nizku vbivstv i zamahiv u 1860 h i 1870 h rokah a takozh vbivstvo carya Oleksandra II u 1881 roci rosijskij nigilizm nabuv u Yevropi znachennya yak doktrina politichnogo terorizmu ta nasillya Kropotkin stverdzhuye sho zastosuvannya nasilstva ta terorizmu bulo pov yazano zi specifichnim revolyucijnim kontekstom i ne bulo pritamannim nigilistichnij filosofiyi vtim istorik en dodaye sho nigilizm buv strizhnem revolyucijnoyi dumki v Rosiyi protyagom usogo periodu azh do rosijskoyi revolyuciyi 1917 roku Profesor en vvazhaye sho rosijskij nigilizm mav svoye najglibshe virazhennya v bilshovickomu nigilizmi 20 go stolittya PrimitkiNihilism Encyclopaedia Britannica Nihilism from Latin nihil nothing originally a philosophy of moral and epistemological skepticism that arose in 19th century Russia during the early years of the reign of Tsar Alexander II Pratt Alan Nihilism Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy In Russia nihilism became identified with a loosely organized revolutionary movement C 1860 1917 that rejected the authority of the state church and family Lovell Stephen 1998 Nihilism Russian Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Taylor and Francis doi 10 4324 9780415249126 E072 1 ISBN 9780415250696 Nihilism was a broad social and cultural movement as well as a doctrine nihilism n Online Etymology Dictionary from Latin nihil nothing at all Turgenev used the Russian form of the word nigilizm in Fathers and Children 1862 Petrov Kristian 2019 Strike out right and left a conceptual historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation Stud East Eur Thought 71 2 73 97 doi 10 1007 s11212 019 09319 4 S2CID 150893870 nihilism was via Turgenev s F amp C introduced to a wider audience in the early 1860s Russia in the form of the loanword nigilizm Nihilism Encyclopaedia Britannica Peter Kropotkin the leading Russian anarchist defined nihilism as the symbol of struggle against all forms of tyranny hypocrisy and artificiality and for individual freedom Petrov Kristian 2019 Strike out right and left a conceptual historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation Stud East Eur Thought 71 2 73 97 doi 10 1007 s11212 019 09319 4 S2CID 150893870 Russian nihilism did not imply as one might expect from a purely semantic viewpoint a universal negation of ethical normativity the foundations of knowledge or the meaningfulness of human existence Petrov Kristian 2019 Strike out right and left a conceptual historical analysis of 1860s Russian nihilism and its notion of negation Stud East Eur Thought 71 2 73 97 doi 10 1007 s11212 019 09319 4 S2CID 150893870 Scanlan James P 1999 The Case against Rational Egoism in Dostoevsky s Notes from Underground Journal of the History of Ideas University of Pennsylvania Press 60 3 553 554 doi 10 2307 3654018 JSTOR 3654018 Lovell Stephen 1998 Nihilism Russian Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Taylor and Francis doi 10 4324 9780415249126 E072 1 ISBN 9780415250696 The 1860s were once described by Trotsky as a brief eighteenth century in Russian thought The Nihilist thinkers sought to assimilate and resynthesize the main trends in Western materialism and positivism As usual in Russia imported ideas were treated selectively and deployed in quite distinctive intellectual formations Edie James M Scanlan James Zeldin Mary Barbara 1994 Russian Philosophy Volume II the Nihilists The Populists Critics of Religion and Culture University of Tennessee Press s 3 on the whole the Westernizers were an obsolete older generation in the eyes of the Nihilists Frank Joseph 1995 Dostoevsky The Miraculous Years 1865 1871 Princeton University Press ISBN 0 691 01587 2 Kline George L 1967 Pisarev Dmitri Ivanovich 1840 1868 Encyclopedia of Philosophy Macmillan Reference USA Gillespie Michael Allen 1996 Nihilism Before Nietzsche University of Chicago Press s 140 143 160 ISBN 9780226293486 First the positive or constructive side of nihilism was never clearly defined For some radicals it was vaguely socialist based on the idea of the village commune mir Others saw a managerial class as the basis for the new order Most nihilists however were convinced that this positive goal could only be properly formulated when the chains of repression had been broken This strange lack of concern was apparently the result of their belief that politics was linked to an outdated stage of humanity The nihilists neglect of politics which they saw to be outdated proved in this case to be their undoing Nihilism Encyclopaedia Britannica The philosophy of nihilism then began to be associated erroneously with the regicide of Alexander II 1881 and the political terror that was employed by those active at the time in clandestine organizations opposed to absolutism Kropotkin Peter 1899 Memoirs of a Revolutionist Houghton Mifflin The movement is misunderstood in Western Europe In the press for example nihilism is continually confused with terrorism The revolutionary disturbance which broke out in Russia toward the close of the reign of Alexander II and ended in the tragic death of the Tsar is constantly described as nihilism This is however a mistake To confuse nihilism with terrorism is as wrong as to confuse a philosophical movement like stoicism or positivism with a political movement such as for example republicanism Terrorism was called into existence by certain special conditions of the political struggle at a given historical moment Gillespie Michael Allen 1996 Nihilism Before Nietzsche University of Chicago Press s 285 ISBN 9780226293486 1997 Review Nihilism before Nietzsche by Michael Allen Gillespie and Metaphysics by Michel Haar amp Michael Gendre The Journal of Religion University of Chicago Press 77 2 328 330 doi 10 1086 490005 JSTOR 1205805