U Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshih lyudej iz prizvishem Stark Rodni Vilyam Stark angl Rodney William Stark nar 8 lipnya 1934 Dzhejmstaun Pivnichna Dakota SShA 21 lipnya 2022 amerikanskij sociolog religiyi Tvorec spilno z Vilyamom Simsom Bejnbridzhem modeli sociologichnoyi klasifikaciyi koncepciya Starka Bejnbridzha novih religijnih ruhiv Rodni Starkangl Rodney StarkIm ya pri narodzhenniangl Rodney William StarkNarodivsya8 lipnya 1934 1934 07 08 1 2 Dzhejmstaun Pivnichna Dakota SShAPomer21 lipnya 2022 2022 07 21 3 88 rokiv Vudvej Maklennan Tehas SShAKrayina SShADiyalnistpismennik sociolog vikladach universitetu istorik religiyiAlma materUniversitet Kaliforniyi Berkli Galuzsociologiya religiyiZakladVashingtonskij universitet Bejlorskij universitetNaukovij stupindoktor filosofiyiOsob storinkarodneystark comBiografiyaPohodiv iz lyuteranskoyi sim yi U 1955 1956 rokah reporter gazeti The Denver Post U 1957 1959 roku prohodiv vijskovu sluzhbu v Armiyi SShA projshovshi shlyah vid ryadovogo do fahivcya 3 klasu v 1961 roci buv pidvishenij do shtab serzhanta v diyuchomu rezervi U 1959 roci v Denverskomu universiteti otrimav bakalavra gumanitarnih nauk z zhurnalistiki a takozh v 1965 roci v Kalifornijskomu universiteti v Berkli magistra gumanitarnih nauk z sociologiyi ta tam zhe v 1971 roci doktora filosofiyi po sociologiyi U 1959 1961 rokah reporter gazeti Oakland Tribune U 1961 1970 rokah pracyuvav v Centri vibirkovih doslidzhen Kalifornijskogo universitetu v Berkli projshovshi shlyah vid asistenta doslidnika do sociologa doslidnika U 1968 1971 rokah sociolog doslidnik Centru vivchennya prava i suspilstva Kalifornijskogo universitetu v Berkli U 1987 1999 rokah spivzasnovnik i direktor MicroCase Corporation U 1971 2003 rokah profesor sociologiyi ta suchasnoyi religiyi Vashingtonskogo universitetu Z 2004 roku zasluzhenij profesor suspilnih nauk i spivdirektor Institutu vivchennya religij Bejlorskogo universitetu Avtor 41 monografiyi i ponad 160 statej riznoyi tematiki vklyuchayuchi zaboboni zlochinnist samogubstvo i miske zhittya v Starodavnomu Rimi MonografiyiChristian Beliefs and anti Semitism 1966 v spivavtorstvi z Charlzom Glokom American Piety 1968 v spivavtorstvi z Charlzom Glokom The Future of Religion Secularization Revival and Cult formation 1985 v spivavtorstvi z Vilyamom Simsom Bejnbridzhem Sociology 1985 vstupnij tekst sociologiyi koledzhu yakij stanom na 2007 rik projshov desyat vidan 10th 2006 ISBN 0495093440 A Theory of Religion 1987 v spivavtorstvi z Vilyamom Bejnbridzhem Religion Deviance and Social Control 1996 v spivavtorstvi z Vilyamom Bejnbridzhem The Churching of America 1776 1992 Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy 1992 v spivavtorstvi z Rodzherom Finke 2 e vidannya The Churching of America 1776 2005 Winners and Losers in Our Religious Economy 2005 The Rise of Christianity A Sociologist Reconsiders History 1996 ISBN 978 0691027494 or How the Obscure Marginal Jesus Movement Became the Dominant Religious Force in the Western World in a Few Centuries 1997 ISBN 978 0060677015 Acts of Faith Explaining the Human Side of Religion 2000 University of California Press v spivavtorstvi z Rodzherom Finke One True God Historical Consequences of Monotheism 2001 ISBN 978 0 691 11500 9 For the Glory of God How Monotheism Led to Reformations Science Witch Hunts and the End of Slavery 2003 ISBN 978 0 691 11436 1 Exploring the Religious Life 2004 ISBN 0 8018 7844 6 The Victory of Reason How Christianity Led to Freedom Capitalism and Western Success 2005 ISBN 0 8129 7233 3 The Rise of Mormonism 2005 ISBN 0 231 13634 X Cities of God The Real Story of How Christianity Became an Urban Movement and Conquered Rome 2006 Discovering God A New Look at the Origins of the Great Religions 2007 ISBN 978 0 06 117389 9 God s Battalions The Case for the Crusades 2009 The Triumph of Christianity How the Jesus Movement Became the World s Largest Religion 2011 ISBN 0062007688 America s Blessings How Religion Benefits Everyone Including Atheists 2012 How the West Won The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity 2014 Intercollegiate Studies Institute ISBN 1610170857 Religious Hostility A Global Assessment of Hatred and Terror 2014 v spivavtorstvi z Keti Korkoran A Star in the East The Rise of Christianity in China 2015 v spivavtorstvi z Sinhua Vangom The Triumph of Faith Why The World Is More Religious Than Ever 2015 ISBN 1610171381 Bearing False Witness Debunking Centuries of Anti Catholic History 2016 ISBN 1599474999 Reformation Myths Five Centuries of Misconceptions and Some Misfortunes 2017 ISBN 0281078270 Why God Explaining Religious Phenomena 2018 ISBN 1599475537PrimitkiDeutsche Nationalbibliothek Record 115690662 Gemeinsame Normdatei 2012 2016 d Track Q27302d Track Q36578 SNAC 2010 d Track Q29861311 Celebrating Rodney Stark Distinguished Professor of the Social SciencesDiv takozhTeoriya racionalnogo viboru