Al Muyizz ibn Badis arab المعز بن باديس nar 1008 2 veresnya 1062 4 j emir derzhavi Ziridiv v Ifrikiyi u 1016 1062 rokah Al Muyizz ibn Badisarab المعز بن باديس Narodivsya1008 1 d IfrikiyaPomer2 veresnya 1062 1 2 2 DiyalnisthimikPosadadKonfesiyasunizm 2 RidZiridi 2 BatkoBadis ibn al MansurDitiTamim ibn al MuyizzLIBRIS d Track Q1798125 ol section DzherelaLevey Martin 1962 Mediaeval Arabic Bookmaking and Its Relation to Early Chemistry and Pharmacology Transactions of the American Philosophical Society New Series 52 4 1 79 ISSN 0065 9746 Hady Roger Idris La Berberie orientale sous les Zirides X XII siecles Adrien Maisonneuve Paris 1962 Publications de l Institut d etudes orientales Faculte des lettres et sciences humaines d Alger 22 Ivan Hrbek 1 Jan 1992 Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century abridged illustrated ed James Currey Publishers pp 172 3 ISBN 9780852550939 Ibn Khaldun trad Abdesselam Cheddadi Le livre des exemples vol I Gallimard coll Bibliotheque de la Pleiade 2002 1560 p ISBN 2 07 011425 2