Lachnospiraceae | ||||||||||
Біологічна класифікація | ||||||||||
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Посилання | ||||||||||
Lachnospiraceae — родина бактерій порядку . Це облігатно анаеробні спороутворюючі бактерії, які ферментують різноманітні рослинні полісахариди до коротколанцюгових жирних кислот (, ацетату) та спиртів (етанолу). Ці бактерії є одними з найбільш поширених таксонів у мікробіоті шлунку та кишечника людини.
- Boutard, M; Cerisy, T (13 листопада 2014). Functional Diversity of Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes Enabling a Bacterium to Ferment Plant Biomass. PLOS Genetics. 10 (11): e1004773. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004773. PMC 4230839. PMID 25393313.
: Обслуговування CS1: Сторінки із непозначеним DOI з безкоштовним доступом () - Seshadri, R; Leahy, SC (19 березня 2018). Cultivation and sequencing of rumen microbiome members from the Hungate1000 Collection. Nature Biotechnology. 36 (4): 359—367. doi:10.1038/nbt.4110. PMC 6118326. PMID 29553575.
- Phyllis Kanki; Darrell Jay Grimes, ред. (2013). Infectious diseases selected entries from the Encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology. New York: Springer. ISBN .
- UniProt
- Paul De Vos та ін., ред. (2009). Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology (вид. 2nd). Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN .
- Abyssivirga. (англ.).
- eol
- Agathobacter. (англ.).
- Cuneatibacter. (англ.).
- Parker, Charles Thomas; Garrity, George M (1 січня 2003). Parker, Charles Thomas; Garrity, George M (ред.). Taxonomic Abstract for the genera. The NamesforLife Abstracts (англ.). doi:10.1601/tx.25197.
- Parker, Charles Thomas; Garrity, George M (2017). Parker, Charles Thomas; Garrity, George M (ред.). Nomenclature Abstract for Faecalicatena Sakamoto et al. 2016. The NamesforLife Abstracts (англ.). doi:10.1601/nm.29879.
- Parker, Charles Thomas; Garrity, George M (2017). Parker, Charles Thomas; Garrity, George M (ред.). Nomenclature Abstract for Faecalimonas Sakamoto et al. 2016. The NamesforLife Abstracts (англ.). doi:10.1601/nm.29877.
- UniProt
- Newton, R. J.; VandeWalle, J. L.; Borchardt, M. A.; Gorelick, M. H.; McLellan, S. L. (29 липня 2011). Lachnospiraceae and Bacteroidales Alternative Fecal Indicators Reveal Chronic Human Sewage Contamination in an Urban Harbor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 77 (19): 6972—6981. Bibcode:2011ApEnM..77.6972N. doi:10.1128/AEM.05480-11. PMC 3187108. PMID 21803887.
- Kameyama, Keishi; Itoh, Kikuji (2014). Intestinal Colonization by a Lachnospiraceae Bacterium Contributes to the Development of Diabetes in Obese Mice. Microbes and Environments. 29 (4): 427—430. doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME14054. PMC 4262368. PMID 25283478.
- Paul De Vos та ін., ред. (2009). Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology (вид. 2nd). Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN .
- Almeida, edited by Susan S. Cho, Nelson (2012). Dietary fiber and health. Boca Raton: CRC Press. ISBN .
- Olsen, LeighAnne; Choffnes, Eileen R.; Academies, Alison Mack, rapporteurs ; Forum on Microbial Threats, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine of the National (2012). The social biology of microbial communities : workshop summary. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. ISBN .
- Nelson, Karen E.; Peterson, editor ; foreword by Jane L.; Garges, Susan (2011). Metagenomics of the human body. New York: Springer. ISBN .
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LachnospiraceaeBiologichna klasifikaciyaDomen Bakteriyi Bacteria Tip FirmicutesKlas ClostridiaRyad Rodina Lachnospiraceae Rainey 2010RodiDiv tekstPosilannyaVikishovishe LachnospiraceaeVikividi LachnospiraceaeEOL 7764ITIS 956443NCBI 186803 Lachnospiraceae rodina bakterij poryadku Ce obligatno anaerobni sporoutvoryuyuchi bakteriyi yaki fermentuyut riznomanitni roslinni polisaharidi do korotkolancyugovih zhirnih kislot acetatu ta spirtiv etanolu Ci bakteriyi ye odnimi z najbilsh poshirenih taksoniv u mikrobioti shlunku ta kishechnika lyudini RodiCoprococcus SellimonasPrimitkiLPSN lpsn dsmz de Boutard M Cerisy T 13 listopada 2014 Functional Diversity of Carbohydrate Active Enzymes Enabling a Bacterium to Ferment Plant Biomass PLOS Genetics 10 11 e1004773 doi 10 1371 journal pgen 1004773 PMC 4230839 PMID 25393313 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite journal title Shablon Cite journal cite journal a Obslugovuvannya CS1 Storinki iz nepoznachenim DOI z bezkoshtovnim dostupom posilannya Seshadri R Leahy SC 19 bereznya 2018 Cultivation and sequencing of rumen microbiome members from the Hungate1000 Collection Nature Biotechnology 36 4 359 367 doi 10 1038 nbt 4110 PMC 6118326 PMID 29553575 Phyllis Kanki Darrell Jay Grimes red 2013 Infectious diseases selected entries from the Encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology New York Springer ISBN 978 1 4614 5719 0 UniProt Paul De Vos ta in red 2009 Bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology vid 2nd Dordrecht Springer ISBN 978 0 387 68489 5 Abyssivirga www uniprot org angl eol Agathobacter www uniprot org angl Cuneatibacter www uniprot org angl Parker Charles Thomas Garrity George M 1 sichnya 2003 Parker Charles Thomas Garrity George M red Taxonomic Abstract for the genera The NamesforLife Abstracts angl doi 10 1601 tx 25197 Parker Charles Thomas Garrity George M 2017 Parker Charles Thomas Garrity George M red Nomenclature Abstract for Faecalicatena Sakamoto et al 2016 The NamesforLife Abstracts angl doi 10 1601 nm 29879 Parker Charles Thomas Garrity George M 2017 Parker Charles Thomas Garrity George M red Nomenclature Abstract for Faecalimonas Sakamoto et al 2016 The NamesforLife Abstracts angl doi 10 1601 nm 29877 UniProtPosilannyaNewton R J VandeWalle J L Borchardt M A Gorelick M H McLellan S L 29 lipnya 2011 Lachnospiraceae and Bacteroidales Alternative Fecal Indicators Reveal Chronic Human Sewage Contamination in an Urban Harbor Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77 19 6972 6981 Bibcode 2011ApEnM 77 6972N doi 10 1128 AEM 05480 11 PMC 3187108 PMID 21803887 Kameyama Keishi Itoh Kikuji 2014 Intestinal Colonization by a Lachnospiraceae Bacterium Contributes to the Development of Diabetes in Obese Mice Microbes and Environments 29 4 427 430 doi 10 1264 jsme2 ME14054 PMC 4262368 PMID 25283478 Paul De Vos ta in red 2009 Bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology vid 2nd Dordrecht Springer ISBN 978 0 387 68489 5 Almeida edited by Susan S Cho Nelson 2012 Dietary fiber and health Boca Raton CRC Press ISBN 978 1 4398 9929 8 Olsen LeighAnne Choffnes Eileen R Academies Alison Mack rapporteurs Forum on Microbial Threats Board on Global Health Institute of Medicine of the National 2012 The social biology of microbial communities workshop summary Washington D C National Academies Press ISBN 978 0 309 26432 7 Nelson Karen E Peterson editor foreword by Jane L Garges Susan 2011 Metagenomics of the human body New York Springer ISBN 978 1 4419 7089 3 Ce nezavershena stattya z bakteriologiyi Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi