Англійці — нація, основне населення Великої Британії (бл. 37 млн. чоловік, при чому частина населення ідентифікує себе як британців), живуть також в колишніх англійських колоніях (США, Канада, Австралія, Нова Зеландія, Південна Африка).
Англійці English people | |
Кількість | 90 мільйонів |
Ареал | Велика Британія: 45,265,093 США: |
Близькі до: | германські народи |
Мова | англійська |
Релігія | англіканство, протестантизм, католицизм; інші вірування меншин. З 19 століття зростає кількість атеїстів. |
Мова — англійська.
Англійці — нащадки кельтських племен бритів та ін., що змішалися в 5—6 ст. з германськими племенами англів, саксів, фризів та ютів. Асиміляція кельтів (шотландців на Півночі та валлійців на Заході острова) триває й досі. В 17 ст. Англійці склалися в буржуазну націю. В 18—20 ст. Англійці були одним з компонентів в консолідації американців США, англо-канадців, англо-австралійців, англо-новозеландців.
Багаті англійці (1% населення) володіють 56% національного багатства. Робітники становлять 60% населення. Релігійні англійці належать переважно до англіканської церкви, є також баптисти, кальвіністи і католики.
- The CIA World Factbook [ 22 вересня 2006 у Wayback Machine.] reports that in the 2001 UK census 92.1% of the UK population were in the White ethnic group, and that 83.6% of this group are in the English ethnic group. The UK Office for National Statistics reports [ 2007-07-17 у Wayback Machine.] a total population in the UK census of 58,789,194. A quick calculation shows this is equivalent to 45,265,093 people in the English ethnic group. However, this number may not represent a self-defined ethnic group, these data do not take into account non-white people who would also identify as ethnically English. The number who described their ethnic group as English in the 2001 UK census has not been published by the .
- The 2000 US census [Архівовано 2020-02-12 у Archive.is] shows 24,515,138 people claiming English ancestry. This figure may be an underestimate of the number of people with English ancestry as some people of English descent may not consider themselves ethnically English. Conversely ancestry and ethnicity are not necessarily synonymous concepts and claiming English ancestry does not necessarily indicate an English ethnic identity. Furthermore, although under-reported, English may actually be the most common ancestry in the United States. According to the 1980 census (the first year that the census asked about ethnicity), English ancestry was the most common ancestry with 50.6 million Americans claiming English ancestry to be their dominant ancestry. The reason why the number of people claiming English ancestry has dwindled to half its number is subject to interpretation. The US census also contains a separate option of '' ancestry. According to EuroAmericans.net the greatest population with English origins in a single state was 2,521,355 in California, and the highest percentage was 29.0% in Utah. In addition, millions in the claimed "American" ancestry, which may actually indicate ethnic English origin given predominately settlement in that area. The American Community Survey 2004 [Архівовано 2020-02-11 у Archive.is] by the US Census Bureau estimates 28,410,295 people claiming some English origin.
- The Australian Bureau of Statistics[недоступне посилання з лютого 2019] reports 6,358,880 people of English ancestry in the 2001 .[1].
- 2001 Canadian Census [ 2013-04-09 у Wayback Machine.] gives 1,479,520 respondents stating their ethnic origin as English as a single response, and 4,499,355 including multiple responses, giving a combined total of 5,978,875. Many respondents may have misunderstood the question and the numerous responses for "Canadian" does not give an accurate figure for numerous groups, particularly those of British Isles origins.
- The 2001 New Zealand census [ 2007-03-10 у Wayback Machine.] reports 34,074 people stating they belong to the English ethnic group. The 1996 census used a different question [ 19 лютого 2008 у Wayback Machine.] to both the 1991 and the 2001 censuses, which had "a tendency for respondents to answer the 1996 question on the basis of ancestry (or descent) rather than 'ethnicity' (or cultural affiliation)" and reported 281,895 people with English origins.
- http://www.vexen.co.uk/religion/rib.html. URL accessed November 11, 2006
Вікіцитати містять висловлювання на тему: Англійські прислів'я |
- BBC Nations [ 17 червня 2006 у Wayback Machine.] Articles on England and the English
- The British Isles [ 14 березня 2007 у Wayback Machine.] Information on England
- Mercator's Atlas [ 23 листопада 2007 у Wayback Machine.] Map of England ("Anglia") circa 1564.
- Viking blood still flowing [ 1 січня 2008 у Wayback Machine.]; BBC; 3 December, 2001.
- UK 2001 Census [ 22 травня 2005 у Wayback Machine.] showing 49,138,831 people from all ethnic groups living in England.
- Tory MP leads English protest over census [ 22 квітня 2006 у Wayback Machine.]; The Telegraph; 23 April 2001.
- ; CNSNews.com; 23 April, 2001.
- Watching the English [ 13 жовтня 2007 у Wayback Machine.] — an anthropologist's look at the hidden rules of English behaviour.
- The True-Born Englishman [ 25 березня 2005 у Wayback Machine.], by .
- The Effect of 1066 on the English Language [ 12 липня 2020 у Wayback Machine.] Geoff Boxell
- BBC "English and Welsh are races apart" [ 16 лютого 2009 у Wayback Machine.]
- Y Chromosome Evidence for Anglo-Saxon Mass Migration [ 29 листопада 2005 у Wayback Machine.]
- Origins of Britons [ 12 грудня 2007 у Wayback Machine.]
- What does being British mean? Ask the Spanish. [ 21 червня 2008 у Wayback Machine.]
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Anglijci naciya osnovne naselennya Velikoyi Britaniyi bl 37 mln cholovik pri chomu chastina naselennya identifikuye sebe yak britanciv zhivut takozh v kolishnih anglijskih koloniyah SShA Kanada Avstraliya Nova Zelandiya Pivdenna Afrika Anglijci English peopleYelizaveta I Isaak Nyuton Vilyam Shekspir Charlz DarvinKilkist90 miljonivArealVelika Britaniya 45 265 093 SShA 27 516 394 Avstraliya 6 358 880 Kanada 6 570 015 Nova Zelandiya Blizki do germanski narodiMovaanglijskaReligiyaanglikanstvo protestantizm katolicizm inshi viruvannya menshin Z 19 stolittya zrostaye kilkist ateyistiv Mova anglijska Anglijci nashadki keltskih plemen britiv ta in sho zmishalisya v 5 6 st z germanskimi plemenami angliv saksiv friziv ta yutiv Asimilyaciya keltiv shotlandciv na Pivnochi ta vallijciv na Zahodi ostrova trivaye j dosi V 17 st Anglijci sklalisya v burzhuaznu naciyu V 18 20 st Anglijci buli odnim z komponentiv v konsolidaciyi amerikanciv SShA anglo kanadciv anglo avstralijciv anglo novozelandciv Bagati anglijci 1 naselennya volodiyut 56 nacionalnogo bagatstva Robitniki stanovlyat 60 naselennya Religijni anglijci nalezhat perevazhno do anglikanskoyi cerkvi ye takozh baptisti kalvinisti i katoliki PrimitkiThe CIA World Factbook 22 veresnya 2006 u Wayback Machine reports that in the 2001 UK census 92 1 of the UK population were in the White ethnic group and that 83 6 of this group are in the English ethnic group The UK Office for National Statistics reports 2007 07 17 u Wayback Machine a total population in the UK census of 58 789 194 A quick calculation shows this is equivalent to 45 265 093 people in the English ethnic group However this number may not represent a self defined ethnic group these data do not take into account non white people who would also identify as ethnically English The number who described their ethnic group as English in the 2001 UK census has not been published by the The 2000 US census Arhivovano 2020 02 12 u Archive is shows 24 515 138 people claiming English ancestry This figure may be an underestimate of the number of people with English ancestry as some people of English descent may not consider themselves ethnically English Conversely ancestry and ethnicity are not necessarily synonymous concepts and claiming English ancestry does not necessarily indicate an English ethnic identity Furthermore although under reported English may actually be the most common ancestry in the United States According to the 1980 census the first year that the census asked about ethnicity English ancestry was the most common ancestry with 50 6 million Americans claiming English ancestry to be their dominant ancestry The reason why the number of people claiming English ancestry has dwindled to half its number is subject to interpretation The US census also contains a separate option of ancestry According to EuroAmericans net the greatest population with English origins in a single state was 2 521 355 in California and the highest percentage was 29 0 in Utah In addition millions in the claimed American ancestry which may actually indicate ethnic English origin given predominately settlement in that area The American Community Survey 2004 Arhivovano 2020 02 11 u Archive is by the US Census Bureau estimates 28 410 295 people claiming some English origin The Australian Bureau of Statistics nedostupne posilannya z lyutogo 2019 reports 6 358 880 people of English ancestry in the 2001 1 2001 Canadian Census 2013 04 09 u Wayback Machine gives 1 479 520 respondents stating their ethnic origin as English as a single response and 4 499 355 including multiple responses giving a combined total of 5 978 875 Many respondents may have misunderstood the question and the numerous responses for Canadian does not give an accurate figure for numerous groups particularly those of British Isles origins The 2001 New Zealand census 2007 03 10 u Wayback Machine reports 34 074 people stating they belong to the English ethnic group The 1996 census used a different question 19 lyutogo 2008 u Wayback Machine to both the 1991 and the 2001 censuses which had a tendency for respondents to answer the 1996 question on the basis of ancestry or descent rather than ethnicity or cultural affiliation and reported 281 895 people with English origins http www vexen co uk religion rib html URL accessed November 11 2006PosilannyaVikicitati mistyat vislovlyuvannya na temu Anglijski prisliv ya BBC Nations 17 chervnya 2006 u Wayback Machine Articles on England and the English The British Isles 14 bereznya 2007 u Wayback Machine Information on England Mercator s Atlas 23 listopada 2007 u Wayback Machine Map of England Anglia circa 1564 Viking blood still flowing 1 sichnya 2008 u Wayback Machine BBC 3 December 2001 UK 2001 Census 22 travnya 2005 u Wayback Machine showing 49 138 831 people from all ethnic groups living in England Tory MP leads English protest over census 22 kvitnya 2006 u Wayback Machine The Telegraph 23 April 2001 CNSNews com 23 April 2001 Watching the English 13 zhovtnya 2007 u Wayback Machine an anthropologist s look at the hidden rules of English behaviour The True Born Englishman 25 bereznya 2005 u Wayback Machine by The Effect of 1066 on the English Language 12 lipnya 2020 u Wayback Machine Geoff Boxell BBC English and Welsh are races apart 16 lyutogo 2009 u Wayback Machine Y Chromosome Evidence for Anglo Saxon Mass Migration 29 listopada 2005 u Wayback Machine Origins of Britons 12 grudnya 2007 u Wayback Machine What does being British mean Ask the Spanish 21 chervnya 2008 u Wayback Machine