Half Life 2 Lost Coast ukr Half Life 2 Zagublene uzberezhzhya dopovnennya do videogri Half Life 2 dodatkovij riven demonstraciya onovlenih mozhlivostej rushiya Source Rozroblene Valve i vidane 27 zhovtnya 2005 roku ce dopovnennya rozpovsyudzhuyetsya cherez servis Steam Riven stav pershoyu groyu Valve iz vbudovanimi komentaryami rozrobnikiv i okremim testom grafiki Half Life 2 Lost CoastRozrobnik Valve CorporationVidavec Valve CorporationDistrib yutor SteamZhanr i shuter vid pershoyi osobiPlatforma Microsoft Windows macOS LinuxData vipusku Windows 27 zhovtnya 2005 OS X Linux 28 chervnya 2013Rezhim gri odnokoristuvacka gra 1 Mova anglijska 1 francuzka 1 nimecka 1 italijska 1 ispanska 1 rosijska 1 sproshena kitajska d 1 tradicijna kitajska d 1 i korejska 1 Tehnichni detaliRushij SourceNosij Cifrova distribuciya Steam Half LifePoperednya gra Half Life 2Nastupna gra Half Life 2 Episode One Syuzhetno riven Lost Coast ne pov yazanij z podiyami Half Life 2 demonstruyuchi okremu prigodu Gordona Frimena v priberezhnomu selishi yake zaznaye napadu vijsk Kombinatu Igrovij proces i novi mozhlivostiDemonstraciya kartinki bez zastosuvannya tehnologiyi HDR renderingu i z neyu vvimkneno rezhim komentariv rozrobnikiv Igrovij proces na rivni ne vidriznyayetsya vid reshti gri Half Life 2 Gravec keruye Gordonom Frimenom kotrij boretsya z vorogami pri comu jomu dostupna odrazu vsya zbroya a v riznih miscyah rozkidani chislenni boyepripasi i aptechki Prohodzhennya vsogo rivnya zajmaye blizko 15 hvilin Z golovnogo menyu gravec mozhe zapustiti demonstraciyu grafiki yaka peremistit kameru kriz riven pokazuyuchi najbilsh vidovishni rakursi Krim bilsh detalizovanih modelej i tekstur visokoyi rozdilnoyi zdatnosti v Lost Coast vpershe bulo prodemonstrovano mozhlivist rushiya Source vidtvoryuvati povnocinnu HDR kartinku Zokrema ce vklyuchaye simulyaciyu pristosuvannya lyudskogo oka do svitla Napriklad pislya vihodu z temnogo primishennya na osvitlenu vulicyu personazha zasliplyuye a za kilka sekund jogo zir prihodit u normu Tak samo pri vhodi v temne primishennya spochatku bude vidna lishe chornota v yakij skoro promalovuyutsya detali Krim togo HDR vikoristovuye efekt bloom rozmittya krayiv ob yektiv yaki chastkovo zakrivayut yaskrave dzherelo svitla Krim vizualnih novovveden Lost Coast mistit sistemu komentariv yaki povidomlyayut detali stvorennya gri i vikoristanih v nij tehnologij Komentar viglyadaye yak hmarka dialogu pri vzayemodiyi z yakoyu gravec pochuye zapis movi rozrobnikiv chi porivnyannya grafiki z zastosuvannyam novih mozhlivostej i bez SyuzhetGordon Frimen otyamlyuyetsya na berezi sered skel nepodalik vid uzberezhnogo selisha Svyatoyi Olgi Jogo zustrichaye starij ribalka kotrij vpiznaye Frimena ale nazivaye jogo Fishmenom Vin poyasnyuye sho Kombinat zahopiv cerkvu na strimchak sho visochiye nad morem i vstanoviv tam zbroyu sho obstrilyuye selishe Pidvivshi Gordona do vorit sho vedut na strimchak vin prosit znishiti cyu zagrozu i lishayetsya na berezi Frimen pidkradayetsya do bijciv Kombinatu ta vstupaye v bij Jomu vdayetsya pidnyatisya vuzkimi ustupami do napivzrujnovanogo pravoslavnogo hramu zakliniti zbroyu i vidbiti napad vorogiv Pislya cogo vin vihodit na rishtuvannya z inshogo boku cerkvi i zbivaye prislanij na bij gelikopter Spustivshis na bereg Frimen ide do ribalki Ale toj govorit sho Gordon kudis znikaye ekran temnishaye i riven zavershuyetsya Z rozmov ribalki mozhna dovidatisya yak okupaciya Zemli Kombinatom zminila biosferu Krim osushennya okeaniv p yavki zi svitu Zen znishili majzhe vsih krabiv a chajki stali yihnimi prirodnimi vorogami Naprikinci rivnya vin takozh zgadaye sho lyudi navchilisya gotuvati p yavok i vzhivayut yih u yizhu RozrobkaPochatkovo riven zadumuvavsya yak chastina gri Half Life 2 u glavi Shose 17 Zgodom jogo bulo virizano i pererobleno na demonstraciyu novih mozhlivostej rushiya U zv yazku z cim kozhna chastina Zagublenogo uzberezhzhya rozroblyalasya z pricilom na pokaz yakoyis iz cih mozhlivostej Tak pershim bulo stvoreno plyazh z mokrim piskom i skelyami na yakih bulo dobre vidno vidbittya svitla Bez tehnologiyi HDR pisok vidbivav jogo siloyu u maksimum 20 yaskravosti monitora Z neyu zh yaskravist vidbliskiv syagala 100 Pravoslavna cerkva bula vvedena cherez svoyu kolorovist na vidminu vid katolickih shob pokazati gru svitla vidbliski vid cerkovnogo nachinnya fresok prohodzhennya sonyachnih promeniv kriz kolorove sklo Krim togo cerkva yak nasichena detalyami starovinna lyudska sporuda pidkreslyuvala chuzhoridnist futuristichnih tehnologij Kombinatu Pidjom na strimchak buv nasliduvannyam rivnya z Half Life de Gordon pereskakuvav ustupami kanjonu Dizajn strimchaka sponukav postijno divitisya i strilyati vgoru vniz zamist zvichnogo gorizontalnogo boyu Podvir ya monastirya bilya cerkvi sluguvalo miscem povernennya do zvichajnih peremishennya i borotbi Ribalka na vidminu vid reshti personazhiv Half Life 2 ne mav realnogo prototipa a cilkom modelyuvavsya zasobami program redaktoriv trivimirnoyi grafiki Razom z tim jogo detalizaciya perevishuvala inshih personazhiv a teksturi vikoristovuvali ti zh tehnologiyi sho j teksturi skel vidtvoryuyuchi povedinku svitla sho padaye na lyudsku shkiru Ribalka planuvavsya yak naparnik Gordona z yakim toj virishuvatime golovolomki Prote cherez brak chasu vid ciyeyi ideyi dovelosya vidmovitisya PrimitkiSteam 2003 d Track Q337535 Half Life 2 Lost Coast Hands On Touring the Lost Coast Procitovano 31 serpnya 2016 Arhiv originalu za 1 lyutogo 2009 Procitovano 31 serpnya 2016 store steampowered com Arhiv originalu za 8 veresnya 2016 Procitovano 4 veresnya 2016 lostcoast commentary comm beach wav Viktor Antonov When the art team started to think about a location that would demonstrate the power of HDR a beach was one of the first choices we made The visual relationship between the sky the water and the rocks is something we could not achieve without HDR In order for high dynamic range to correctly simulate the light s interaction with the surfaces around you like these wet rocks we needed more precise information about the surfaces than we ve had in the past So now going forward we re modelling textures in 3D packages to ensure that the physical information encoded in the texture allows HDR to correctly bounce light off the surface We also design the colors and values of each surface to ensure they will be correct across all exposure levels lostcoast commentary comm hdr wav Gary McTaggart With conventional rendering seen here on the left if something on the screen is 20 reflective like the wet sand then the maximum reflected brightness could only be 20 of the maximum brightness of your monitor HDR s more accurate simulation of light ensures that the sun s reflection on this wet sand appears as it would in the real world which could potentially use 100 of the maximum monitor brightness HDR uses bloom to simulate light that is beyond 100 of a monitor s maximum brightness lostcoast commentary comm monastery02 wav Viktor Antonov Churches are great dramatic spaces They re often lit naturally with extremes of darkness and brightness which makes them a great showcase for HDR Gothic churches are the sober monochromatic spaces that you ve seen in almost every horror movie or game Byzantine churches on the other hand are very colourful and have a large variety of materials We wanted that color amp material variety to show off our HDR reflections lostcoast commentary comm monastery01 wav Viktor Antonov We wanted to transition from a bright wide open space into a tighter closed one to showcase HDR s dynamic tonemapping We also like to focus on contrasting elements in our settings like ancient human architecture and futuristic combine technology A monastery fit these requirements perfectly Monastery s are generally isolated unlit and built ages ago They provide a great backdrop for the contrasting combine technology When we build fictional settings we try to ground them by basing them off a real world location We use this location as a design constraint that forces a logical consistency behind the art choices lostcoast commentary comm cliffside wav Robin Walker The area you re currently entering is called the cliffside arena We were particularly happy with the vertical cliffside in Half Life 1 and regretted that we didn t iterate further on that concept in Half Life 2 Vertical space allows us to force the player to deal with threats from above and below We find that players focus their view on the direction they re travelling so by using a cliffside and having the player ascend it we ensure the player will look up and be prepared for enemies If the player s path was to move past the bottom of the cliffside it would be unlikely he would notice the soldiers rappelling down from above Dying from unknown threats never feels fair and certainly isn t fun lostcoast commentary comm character wav Randy Lundeen The process of building characters in Half Life 2 taught us many things By the end we believed we d figured out a more effective process for designing and constructing characters This fisherman is the first character we ve built using that process Design wise the fisherman was focused on showcasing HDR and the way light falls on human skin The highlights on his forehead and nose are good examples of specularity on human skin You can see how the wrinkles on his cheeks and around his eyes are an example of how we can use normal maps to add depth Production wise the fisherman was built using a similar process to the rocks you saw on the beach We model the 3D character at a very high detail then extract much of the physical information and store it in the textures lostcoast commentary comm shipnode wav Robin Walker The remains of the ship in front of you were once part of a puzzle we cut out of the Lost Coast The original design of the puzzle was based on the idea of the player and the fisherman co operating together to solve something This was a type of puzzle we d always wanted to attempt in HL2 Unfortunately as development on Lost Coast neared the end and this puzzle still wasn t finished we decided to cut it It s always painful to remove work so we ve tried to evolve a process for making those kinds of decisions For example with this puzzle we asked ourselves Is this puzzle actually fun If not how much work does it need to be fun Does this puzzle fit within the purpose of Lost Coast Would our customers appreciate this puzzle being finished more than they would appreciate say soldiers rappelling off the cliffside In the end it made the most sense to put this problem on the shelf with other interesting ideas and come back to it later DzherelaStorinka dopovnennya v Steam 30 sichnya 2018 u Wayback Machine