Ця стаття в процесі редагування певний час. Будь ласка, не редагуйте її, бо Ваші зміни можуть бути втрачені. Якщо ця сторінка не редагувалася кілька днів, будь ласка, приберіть цей шаблон. Це повідомлення призначене для уникнення . Останнє редагування зробила користувачка (, ) о 11:13 UTC (142 хвилини тому). |
Жіночий армійський корпус (англ. Women's Army Corps, WAC) був жіночим підрозділом армії США, який 15 травня 1942 року початково був створений як допоміжний підрозділ — Жіночий армійський допоміжний корпус (англ. Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, WAAC) та 1 липня 1943 року перетворений на чинну службу в армії США як WAC. Його першою директоркою була полковник Овета Калп Хоббі. WAC було розформовано 20 жовтня 1978 року, а всі його підрозділи були об'єднані з чоловічими.
Жіночий корпус армії США | |
На службі | 15 травня 1942–20 жовтня 1978 |
Країна | |
Вид | Армія США |
Гарнізон/Штаб | Форт Макклеллан, Алабама |
Війни/битви | Друга світова війна Корейська війна Війна у В'єтнамі |
Вебсайт | army.mil/women/(англ.) |
Медіафайли на Вікісховищі |
Організація WAAC була розроблена численними армійськими бюро під керівництвом підполковника Гіллмана К. Маджетта, першого попереднього планувальника WAAC; однак майже всі його плани були відкинуті або значно змінені перед початком операції, тому що його очікування передбачали, що корпус складатиметься лише з 11 000 жінок. 28 травня 1941 року, без підтримки військового міністерства, представниця штату Массачусетс [en] презентувала законопроєкт, який передбачав створення допоміжного корпусу жіночої армії. Бюджетне бюро кілька місяців відкладало законопроєкт, але після вступу США у війну його відновили. Сенат схвалив законопроєкт 14 травня 1942 року, а вже наступного дня він став законом. Після підписання законопроєкту президент Франклін Д. Рузвельт поставив ціль набору до WAAC 25 000 жінок на перший рік. Ця мета була несподівано перевищена, тому військовий міністр Генрі Л. Стімсон вирішив збільшити ліміт, дозволивши залучити 150 000 доброволиць.
WAAC було створено за аналогічними британськими підрозділами, особливо Жіночим допоміжним територіальним корпусом (ATS), які привернули увагу начальника штабу армії Джорджа С. Маршалла. 1942 року перший контингент із 800 учасниць Жіночого армійського допоміжного корпусу розпочав базову підготовку в школі тимчасової підготовки офіцерів армії Форт-Де-Мойн, штат Айова. Протягом першого дня жінок одягли в уніформу, провели співбесіду, розподілили по ротах і казармах та зробили щеплення від хвороб.
WAAC спочатку готували за трьома основними спеціальностями. Найспритніших навчали на операторок щитових. Далі йшли механіки, які повинні були мати високий ступінь механічних здібностей і здатність розв'язувати проблеми. Пекарки, як правило, були найнижчими новобранцями. Пізніше WAAC розширили до десятків спеціальностей, таких як поштові службовиці, водійки, стенографістки та клерк-друкарки. Збройниці WAC також обслуговували та ремонтували стрілецьку й важку зброю, хоча їм було заборонено її використовувати.
У липні 1943 року Військове відомство опублікувало посібник із фізичної підготовки під назвою «Ти маєш бути у формі», спрямований на те, щоб жінки-новобранці досягли найвищих фізичних стандартів. Посібник починається з визначення обов'язків жінок: «Ваша робота: замінити чоловіків. Будьте готові взяти це на себе». У ньому згадувалося про відданість жінок військовим діям в Англії, Росії, Німеччині і Японії та підкреслювалося, що новобраниці WAC повинні бути фізично здатні виконувати будь-яку роботу. Посібник із фітнесу був найсучаснішим на той час, містив розділи про розминку та прогресивні вправи для нарощування м'язів тіла для рук, ніг, живота, шиї та спини. Він охоплював також розділ про розробку особистої фітнес-програми після базової підготовки та завершувався «Армійським шляхом до здоров'я та додаткової привабливості» з порадами щодо догляду за шкірою, макіяжу та зачісок.
Невміла реклама та поганий зовнішній вигляд уніформи WAAC/WAC, особливо порівняно з уніформою інших служб, ускладнювали зусилля з вербування. Опір вищого командування армії вдалося подолати завдяки ефективній службі WAAC на місцях, але ставлення чоловіків рядового і начальницького складу залишалося загалом негативним, і сподівання, що до мільйона чоловіків можна буде замінити жінками, ніколи не виправдалися. Поряд із цим військово-повітряні сили армії США з самого початку стали рішучими прибічниками регулярного військового статусу для жінок в армії.
Орієнтовно 150 000 американських жінок зрештою служили в WAAC і WAC під час Другої світової війни. Хоча консервативна думка в керівництві армії, а також серед громадськості, спочатку була проти того, щоб жінки служили в уніформі, нестача чоловіків зумовила необхідність нової політики.
Хоча більшість жінок служили в США, деякі поїхали в різні місця по всьому світу, включно з Європою, Північною Африкою та Новою Гвінеєю. Наприклад, WAC приземлилися на пляжі Нормандії лише через кілька тижнів після першого вторгнення.
Кампанія наклепу
1943 року імпульс вербування припинився та пішов у зворотний бік, оскільки масова кампанія наклепу на внутрішньому фронті заперечила WAC як сексуально аморальний. Багато солдатів жорстко виступали проти дозволу жінкам носити форму, попереджаючи своїх сестер і подруг, що їх сприйматимуть як лесбійок або повій. Інші ж джерела наклепів надходили від жінок — пустих пліток військовослужбовців і дружин офіцерів, місцевих жінок, яким не подобалося, що прибулі військові захоплюють «їхнє місто», жінки-цивільні службовиці, які обурювалися конкуренцією (як щодо роботу, так і щодо чоловіків), благодійні та волонтерські організації, які обурювалися зайвою увагою, яку здобули WAAC, і скарги та наклепи, що поширювалися незадоволеними або звільненими WAAC. Усі розслідування показали, що чутки були неправдивими.
Хоча багато джерел породжували та підживлювали погані жарти та потворні чутки про жінок-військовослужбовиць, сучасні та історичні звіти зосереджені на роботі синдикованого оглядача Джона О'Доннелла. Згідно з армійською історією, навіть після свого поспішного відкликання колонка О'Доннелла «Капітолійські речі» від 8 червня 1943 року завдала «неоціненної шкоди» WAAC. Ця колонка починалася так: «Контрацептиви та профілактичне обладнання будуть надані членам WAACS відповідно до суперсекретної угоди, досягнутої високопоставленими офіцерами військового міністерства та головою WAAC, містером Вільямом Петтусом Хоббі…». Це сталося після колонки О'Доннелла від 7 червня, у якій обговорювалися зусилля жінок-журналісток і жінок-конгресменок для спростування «кричущих історій про веселу та недбалу манеру, якою молоді леді в уніформі… балуються…».
Звинувачення були спростовані, але «мораль WAAC стала темою загальної дискусії…». Заперечення вигадок О'Доннелла та інших подібних були неефективними. Згідно з армійською історією Метті Тредуелла, через три роки після колонки О'Доннелла "все ще можна було знайти релігійні видання, які передруковували цю історію та фактично приписували рядки колумніста Вільяму Хоббі, а його фотографію назвали «Дивовижним виродженням».
Генерал Дуглас Макартур називав WAC «моїми найкращими солдатами», додавши, що вони більше працювали, менше скаржилися та були краще дисципліновані, ніж чоловіки. Багато генералів хотіли, щоб WAC було більше, і пропонували призвати жінок, але було зрозуміло, що це «викличе значний громадський резонанс і спротив Конгресу», тому військове міністерство відмовилося піти на такий рішучий крок. Ті 150 000 жінок, які служили, були еквівалентом 7 дивізій чоловіків для бою. Генерал Дуайт Д. Ейзенхауер сказав, що «їхній внесок у ефективність, майстерність, дух і рішучість є неоціненним». Тим не менш, наклепницькі кампанії завдали шкоди репутації не лише WAC, але й інших жіночих корпусів, таких як WAVES ВМС; багато жінок навіть не хотіли, щоб хтось знав, що вони ветеранки.
У той самий період часу інші гілки збройних сил США мали подібні жіночі підрозділи, зокрема: [en] військово-морського флоту, [en] берегової охорони, [en] та Жіноча служба пілотів Військово-повітряних сил США. Британські збройні сили також мали подібні підрозділи, зокрема: Жіночі королівські військово-морські сили, Жіночий допоміжний територіальний корпус та Жіночий допоміжний військово-повітряний корпус.
За словами історикині Д'Енн Кемпбелл, американське суспільство не було готове до жінок на військових ролях:
- WAC і WAVES здобули нездійсненну місію: їм потрібно було не тільки негайно й добровільно зібрати сили з групи, яка не мала військових традицій, але й подолати сильну ворожість з боку своїх товаришів-чоловіків. Ситуація була вкрай несприятливою: жінки не мали чіткої мети, окрім як відправити чоловіків на фронт; обов'язки збігалися з цивільними службовцями та найнятими колегами-чоловіками, що спричиняло плутанину та напругу; і керівний склад був непрестижним, недосвідченим і мав мало контролю над жінками, але не над чоловіками. Попри те, що верховне військове командування рішуче підтримувало їхню роботу, не було центрів впливу в цивільному світі, ані чоловічого, ані жіночого, які були б віддані успіху жіночої служби, а також жодних цивільних установ, які забезпечували б попередню підготовку новобранець або відповідні посади для ветеранок. WAC, WAVES, SPARS і жінки морської піхоти були сиротами війни, яких ніхто не любив.
Проєкт Мангеттен
Since early 1943, 422 WACs were assigned to the Corps of Engineers to work on the Manhattan Project, the secret US effort to build an atomic bomb. Major General Leslie R. Groves, director of the project, wrote: «Little is known of the significance of the contribution to the Manhattan Project by hundreds of members of the Women's Army Corps … Since you received no headline acclaim, no one outside the project will ever know how much depended upon you.»
Any women interested in positions on the project were told the following: they would be doing a hard job, would never be allowed to go overseas, attend Officer Candidate School, would never receive publicity, and would live at isolated stations with few recreational facilities. A surprising number of highly qualified women responded. It later proved possible to send WACs assigned the Manhattan Project to OCS without compromising security.
WAC Units involved in the effort were awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation; twenty women received the Army Commendation Ribbon and one, Captain Arlene G. Scheidenhelm, received the Legion of Merit. In addition, all members of the WAAC and the WAC who served in World War II received the Women's Army Corps Service Medal.
В'єтнамська війна
In 1964, the personnel officer at Headquarters, Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), in Saigon wrote to the director, then Colonel Gorman, that South Vietnam was organizing a Women's Armed Forces Corps (WAFC) and wanted U.S. WACs to assist them in planning and developing it. The MACV commander, then General William Westmoreland, authorized spaces for two WAC advisors. Before the requisitions arrived at the Pentagon, the MACV personnel officer, Brigadier General Ben Sternberg, wrote to Gorman, offering the advice that «The WAC officer should be a captain or major, fully knowledgeable in all matters pertaining to the operation of a WAC school and the training conducted therein. She should be extremely intelligent, an extrovert and beautiful. The WAC sergeant should have somewhat the same qualities… and should be able to type as well» Gorman replied that the WAC would «certainly try» to send women with «the qualifications you outline.» Then, she added, «The combination of brains and beauty is, of course, common in the WAC.»
By the time the requisitions arrived at the Pentagon in November 1964, the director had selected Major Kathleen I. Wilkes and Sergeant 1st class. Betty L. Adams to fill the positions. Both had extensive experience in WAC training, recruiting, administration, and command. On 15 January 1965, they arrived in Saigon and were met by Maj. Tran Cam Huong, director of the WAFC and commandant of the WAFC training center and her assistant, Major Ho Thi Ve.
The first WAC advisors advised the WAFC director and her staff on methods of organization, inspection, and management in recruiting, training, administering and assigning enlisted women and officer candidates. Time did not permit the first two WAC advisors to attend language school before they went to Saigon, but those who followed attended a twelve-week Vietnamese language course at the Defense Language Institute, Monterey, California. In 1968, an additional WAC officer advisor was assigned to the WAFC training center located on the outskirts of Saigon. The senior WAC advisor, then a lieutenant colonel and the NCO advisor, then a master sergeant, remained at WAFC headquarters in the city and continued to help the director of the WAFC to develop Corps-wide plans and policies. For additional training, members of the WAFC traveled to the United States. Between 1964 and 1971, 51 Vietnamese women officer candidates completed the WAC Officer Basic Course at the WAC School; one officer completed the WAC Officer Advanced Course.
Another group of WACs was assigned to Saigon beginning in 1965. That year Westmoreland requisitioned 15 WAC stenographers for MACV headquarters. Six arrived by December; the balance reported in over the next few months. Women in grades E-5 and higher with excellent stenographic skills, maturity and faultless records of deportment filled these positions for the next seven years. Peak strength reached 23 on 30 June 1970. The senior among them acted as NCO-in-charge and the senior WAC advisor to the WAFC was their officer-in-charge. Initially. the women were billeted in the Embassy Hotel, but they later moved to other hotels in Saigon. The WAC stenographers served at MACV headquarters and in support commands throughout the metropolitan area. Like everyone else, they worked six-and-a-half to seven days a week, ten to fifteen hours a day, and had little time for recreation or socializing. Nonetheless, several extended their tours in Vietnam and a few returned for second and third tours of duty.
Early in 1965, Westmoreland had also requisitioned a dozen WAC officers. They filled administrative positions at MACV headquarters, in the support commands and in the headquarters of a new command United States Army Vietnam(USARV). Major Audrey A. Fisher, the first to arrive, was assigned to the adjutant general's office. Like the enlisted women, the WAC officers lived in hotels in Saigon. They worked in personnel, administration, public information, intelligence, logistics, plans and training, and military justice. A few WAC officers served with the U.S. Army Central Support Command at Qui Nhon and Cam Ranh Bay.
In April 1966, the USARV deputy commanding general, Lieutenant General Jean E. Engler, requested that a WAC detachment be assigned to his headquarters. He asked for 50 (later 100) clerk-typists and other administrative workers, plus a cadre section of an officer and five enlisted women to administer the unit. Some officers in USARV opposed the idea. They believed that the additional security required for women would outweigh the advantages of having the WACs serve in South Vietnam. However Engler won over the critics when he decided to house the WACs inside the U.S. military cantonment area at Tan Son Nhut International Airport rather than in the city, eliminating the need for additional guards. Engler realized that the WACs would be exposed to risk, but he did not consider it great enough to exclude WACs, and he did not request that women being assigned to USARV learn to fire weapons. However, he privately decided that if they were ever assigned to field installations there, he would recommend that they receive small weapons training. Engler's request for a WAC unit was approved by command channels in the Pacific area and at the Pentagon, including the director of the WAC, and, finally, by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 25 July 1966. The WAC cadre arrived in late 1966. First to arrive were 1st Sergeant Marion C. Crawford and the administrative NCO, Sgt. 1st Class Betty J. Benson. The commander, Capt. Peggy E. Ready, the supply sergeant, SSgt. Edith L. Efferson and unit clerks PFC Rhynell M. Stoabs and PFC Patricia C. Pewitt followed. They participated in a ground-breaking ceremony on 2 November for construction of the WAC barracks. Two months later, Army engineers completed eleven quonset huts, called hootches, for living quarters and unit offices. On 12 January 1967, 82 enlisted women who were to serve that first year at Headquarters, USARV, arrived. They were welcomed by the USARV band, the press, photographers, officers and enlisted men from the command. In July 1967 USARV and its component commands, including the assigned WACs, moved to Long Binh Post northeast of Saigon.
In January 1970, the WAC reached its peak strength in South Vietnam with 20 officers and 139 enlisted women. With the progress of Vietnamization and the withdrawal of U.S. forces, by the end of December 1970 the WAC detachment numbered 72; by 31 December 1971 it numbered 46 and by early 1972 it numbered only 35 enlisted women. On 21 September 1972 the Long Binh WAC detachment numbering 13 enlisted women had a standdown ceremony. At the end of December 1972 only two officers and 17 enlisted women remained at MACV headquarters or its subordinate commands and all were withdrawn by March 1973.
Approximately 700 WACs served in South Vietnam with no casualties. The Long Binh detachment received two campaign stars for the Vietnam Counter-Offensive Phase II (1 July 1966 — 31 May 1967) and the Tet Offensive Campaign (30 January 1968 — 1 April 1968).
Кольорові жінки
Чорношкірі жінки служили в армії WAAC і WAC, але дуже мало служили у ВМС. Афроамериканки, які служили у WAC, зазнали сегрегації майже так само, як і в цивільному житті США — деякі осередки WAC приймали жінок будь-якої раси, а інші ні. Чорношкірих жінок навчали тим же спеціальностям, що й білих жінок, і раси не розділялися в школах спеціального навчання. Мета армії США полягала в тому, щоб 10 % війська складали афроамериканці, щоб відобразити більшу кількість населення США, але через нестачу новобраниць у WAC було лише 5,1 % чорношкірих жінок. Першою афроамериканською офіцеркою WAC була [en].
1976 року програма жіночої школи кандидатів в офіцери у Форт-Макклеллані була об'єднана з програмою у Форт-Беннінгу. Восени того ж року перші кадетки стартували у Вест-Пойнті. Програма OCS підготувала перших жінок-офіцерів армії до того, як перші курсанти Вест-Пойнта закінчили навчання в 1980 році.
WAC як відділення було розформоване 20 жовтня 1978 року, а всі жіночі підрозділи були об'єднані з чоловічими. Жінки, які служили на той час як WAC, перейшли на будь-яку військову професійну спеціальність, за якою вони працювали. Відтоді жінки в армії США служать у тих самих підрозділах, що й чоловіки, хоча лише з 1994 року їм дозволено брати участь бойових ситуаціях або перебувати поблизу них. Міністр оборони Лес Еспін наказав придбати «значний ризик захоплення» зі списку підстав для виключення жінок з певних військових частин.
2015 року Джин Пейс, на той час жінка-прапорщик з найдовшим стажем і остання колишня учасниця WAC на дійсній службі, пішла у відставку. Вона приєдналася до WAC 1972 року.
Originally there were only four enlisted (or «enrolled») WAAC ranks (auxiliary, junior leader, leader, and senior leader) and three WAAC officer ranks (first, second and third officer). The Director was initially considered as equivalent to a major, then later made the equivalent of a colonel. The enlisted ranks expanded as the organization grew in size. Promotion was initially rapid and based on ability and skill. As members of a volunteer auxiliary group, the WAACs got paid less than their equivalent male counterparts in the US Army and did not receive any benefits or privileges.
WAAC organizational insignia was a Rising Eagle (nicknamed the «Waddling Duck» or «Walking Buzzard» by WAACs). It was worn in gold metal as cap badges and uniform buttons. Enlisted and NCO personnel wore it as an embossed circular cap badge on their Hobby Hats, while officers wore a «free» version (open work without a backing) on their hats to distinguish them. Their auxiliary insignia was the dark blue letters «WAAC» on an Olive Drab rectangle worn on the upper sleeve (below the stripes for enlisted ranks). WAAC personnel were not allowed to wear the same rank insignia as Army personnel. They were usually authorized to do so by post or unit commanders to help in indicating their seniority within the WAAC, although they had no authority over Army personnel.
Звання WAAC (травень 1942 — квітень 1943) | |||
Enrolled WAAC | US Army equivalent | WAAC officer | US Army equivalent |
Senior leader | Master sergeant | Director of the WAAC | Major |
Senior leader | First sergeant | First officer | Captain |
Leader | Technical sergeant | Second officer | 1st lieutenant |
Leader | Staff sergeant | Third officer | 2nd lieutenant |
Leader | Sergeant | ||
Junior leader | Corporal | ||
Auxiliary first class | Private first class | ||
Auxiliary second class | Private | ||
Auxiliary third class | Recruit |
Звання WAAC (квітень 1943 — липень 1943) | |||
Enlisted WAAC | US Army equivalent | WAAC officer | US Army equivalent |
Chief leader | Master sergeant | Director of the WAAC | Colonel |
First leader | First sergeant | Assistant Director of the WAAC | Lieutenant-colonel |
Technical leader | Technical sergeant | Field director | Major |
Staff leader | Staff sergeant | First officer | Captain |
Leader | Sergeant | Second officer | 1st lieutenant |
Junior leader | Corporal | Third officer | 2nd lieutenant |
Auxiliary first class | Private first class | ||
Auxiliary second class | Private | ||
Auxiliary third class | Recruit |
The organization was renamed the Women's Army Corps in July 1943 when it was authorized as a branch of the US Army rather than an auxiliary group. The US Army's «GI Eagle» now replaced the WAAC's Rising Eagle as the WAC's cap badge. The WAC received the same rank insignia and pay as men later that September and received the same pay allowances and deductions as men in late October. They were also the first women officers in the army allowed to wear officer's insignia; the Army Nursing Corps did not receive permission to do so until 1944.
The WAC had its own branch insignia (the Bust of Pallas Athena), worn by «Branch Immaterial» personnel (those unassigned to a Branch of Service). US Army policy decreed that technical and professional WAC personnel should wear their assigned Branch of Service insignia to reduce confusion. During the existence of the WAC (1943 to 1978) women were prohibited from being assigned to the combat arms branches of the Army — such as the Infantry, Cavalry, Armor, Tank Destroyers, or Artillery and could not serve in a combat area. However, they did serve as valuable staff in their headquarters and staff units stateside or in England.
The army's technician grades were technical and professional specialists similar to the later specialist grade. Technicians had the same insignia as NCOs of the same grade but had a «T» insignia (for «technician») beneath the chevrons. They were considered the same grade for pay but were considered a half-step between the equivalent pay grade and the next lower regular pay grade in seniority, rather than sandwiched between the junior enlisted (i.e., private — private first class) and the lowest NCO grade of rank (viz., corporal), as the modern-day specialist (E-4) is today. Technician grades were usually mistaken for their superior NCO counterparts due to the similarity of their insignia, creating confusion.
There were originally no warrant officers in the WAC in July, 1943. Warrant officer appointments for army servicewomen were authorized in January 1944. In March 1944 six WACs were made the first WAC Warrant Officers — as administrative specialists or band leaders. The number grew to 10 by June, 1944 and to 44 by June, 1945. By the time the war officially ended in September 1945, there were 42 WAC warrant officers still in Army service. There was only a trickle of appointments in the late 1940s after the war.
Most WAC officers were company-grade officers (lieutenants and captains), as the WAC were deployed as separate or attached detachments and companies. The field grade officers (majors and lieutenant-colonels) were on the staff under the director of the WAC, its solitary colonel. Officers were paid by pay band rather than by grade or rank and did not receive a pay grade until 1955.
Звання WAC (вересень 1943—1945) | ||||||
Pay Grade | Enlisted WAC | Monthly pay ($) | Yearly pay ($) | WAC officers | Monthly pay ($) | Yearly pay ($) |
Grade 1 | Master sergeant | 138 | 1656 | Colonel | 333 | 4000 |
Grade 1 | First sergeant | 138 | 1656 | Lieutenant colonel | 291 | 3500 |
Grade 2 | Technical sergeant | 114 | 1368 | Major | 250 | 3000 |
Grade 3 | Staff sergeant | 96 | 1152 | Captain | 200 | 2400 |
Grade 3 | Technician 3rd grade | 96 | 1152 | 1st lieutenant | 166 | 2000 |
Grade 4 | Sergeant | 78 | 936 | 2nd lieutenant | 150 | 1800 |
Grade 4 | Technician 4th grade | 78 | 936 | Chief warrant officer | 175 | 2100 |
Grade 5 | Corporal | 66 | 792 | Warrant officer (junior grade) | 150 | 1800 |
Grade 5 | Technician 5th grade | 66 | 792 | |||
Grade 6 | Private first class | 54 | 648 | |||
Grade 7 | Private | 50 | 600 | |||
Список керівниць
• | Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby | (1942—1945) | |
• | Colonel Westray Battle Boyce | (1945—1947) | |
• | Colonel Mary A. Hallaren | (1947—1953) | |
• | Colonel Irene O. Galloway | (1953—1957) | |
• | Colonel Mary Louise Rasmuson | (1957—1962) | |
• | Colonel Emily C. Gorman | (1962—1966) | |
• | Brigadier General Elizabeth P. Hoisington | (1966—1971) | |
• | Brigadier General Mildred Inez Caroon Bailey | (1971—1975) | |
• | Brigadier General Mary E. Clarke | (1975—1978) |
Асоціація ветеранок жіночого армійського корпусу
Асоціація ветеранок жіночого армійського корпусу — Жіноча об'єднана армія (WACVA) була організована в серпні 1947 року. Жінки, які з честю служили в Допоміжному жіночому армійському корпусі (WAAC) або Жіночому армійському корпусі (WAC), а також ті, хто почесно служили в армії США, резерві армії США або Національній гвардії США мають право бути членами асоціації.
Визначні учасниці WAC
Colonel Geraldine Pratt May (1895—1997 [served 1942–19??). In March, 1943 May became one of the first female officers assigned to the Army Air Forces, serving as WAC Staff Director to the Air Transport Command. In 1948 she was promoted to Colonel (the first woman to hold that rank in the Air Force) and became Director of the WAF in the US Air Force, the first to hold the position.
Lt. Col. Charity Adams was the first commissioned African-American WAC and the second to be promoted to the rank of major. Promoted to major in 1945, she commanded the segregated all-female 6888th Central Postal Battalion in Birmingham, England. The 6888th landed with the follow-on troops during D-Day and were stationed in Rouen and then Paris during the invasion of France. It was the only African-American WAC unit to serve overseas during World War II.
Lt. Col. Harriet West Waddy (1904—1999 [served 1942—1952]) was one of only two African-American women in the WAC to be promoted to the rank of major. Due to her earlier experience serving with director Mary McLeod Bethune of the Bureau of Negro Affairs, she became Colonel Culp's aide on race relations in the WAC. After the war, she was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel in 1948.
Lt. Col. Eleanore C. Sullivan [served 1952—1955] was WAC Center and WAC School commander located at Fort McClellan.
Lieutenant Colonel Florence K. Murray served at WAC headquarters during World War II. She became the first female judge in Rhode Island in 1956. In 1977 she was the first woman to be elected as a justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island.
Major Elna Jane Hilliard [served 1942—1946] commanded the 2525th WAC unit at Fort Myer, Virginia. She was the first woman to serve on a United States Army general court martial.
In January, 1943, Captain Frances Keegan Marquis became the first to command a women's expeditionary force, the 149th WAAC Post Headquarters Company. Serving in General Eisenhower's North African headquarters in Algiers, this group of about 200 women performed secretarial, driving, postal, and other non-combat duties. An Army history called this company «one of the most highly qualified WAAC groups ever to reach the field. Hand-picked and all-volunteer, almost all members were linguists as well as qualified specialists, and almost all eligible for officer candidate school.»
Louisiana Register of State Lands Ellen Bryan Moore attained the rank of captain in the WACs and once recruited three hundred women at a single appeal to join the force.
Captain Dovey Johnson Roundtree was among 39 African-American women recruited by Dr. Mary Bethune for the first WAACs officer training class. Roundtree was responsible for recruiting African-American women. After leaving the Army, she went to Howard University law school and became a prominent civil rights lawyer in Washington, D.C. She was also one of the first women ordained in the A.M.E. Church.
In February, 1943 Lieutenant Anna Mac Clarke became, when a Third Officer, the first African-American to lead an all-white WAAC unit.
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Elizabeth C. Smith USAF (WAC / USAAF 1944—1947, WAF / USAF 1948—1964) was one of the first WAF warrant officers in 1948.
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jeanne Y. Pace, was the longest-serving female in the army and the last active duty soldier who was a part of the WAC as of 2011. Her final assignment was Bandmaster of the 1st Cavalry Division where she retired after 41 years of service. She is also a recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution Margaret Cochran Corbin Award which was established to pay tribute to women in all branches of the military for their extraordinary service with previous recipients including Major Tammy Duckworth, Major General Gale Pollock, and Lt General Patricia Horoho.
Elizabeth «Tex» Williams was a military photographer. She was one of the few women photographers that photographed all aspects of the military.
Mattie Pinette served as personal secretary to President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
CW4 Amy Sheridan was the first American woman officer to command a United States military aviation company stationed outside of the United States and the first Jewish woman to become a career aviator in the United States Armed Services.
Chief Warrant Officer 5 Tracy Garder was the last Women's Army Corps Soldier on active duty as of September 2022. Garder received the Legion of Merit in August 2022, she joined Women's Army Corps in 1978, one year before the Corps was integrated in the Army.
Private Marjory Linheart Babinetz was the first WAC to receive the Air Medal in 1944. Mildred Kelly was the first African American woman to serve as an Army sergeant major (1972) and the first female command sergeant major serving at a predominantly male Army installation (1974).
В культурі
- During the war years, popular comic strip Dick Tracy, drawn by Chester Gould, featured a young WAC spurning the romantic advances of a villain. Likewise Tracy's sweetheart Tess Truehart was a WAC corporal who helped Tracy capture the German spy Alfred «The Brow» Brau in 1943.
- A series of cartoon postcards distributed during the war years depicted WACs hitting Adolf Hitler over the head with a rolling pin («We're Giving Him A Big WAC!»), standing in morning formation exercises («Don't Worry—Uncle Sam Is Keeping Us in Line!»), and window shopping for civilian-style dresses («Just Looking…»).
- The 1945 film Keep Your Powder Dry features Lana Turner joining the WACs.
- The 1949 film I Was a Male War Bride depicts Cary Grant as an amorous French officer who marries an American WAC, played by Ann Sheridan, and their escapades as he attempts to emigrate to the United States under the auspices of the 1945 War Brides Act.
- 1952 film Never Wave at a WAC stars Rosalind Russell as the daughter of a senator who enlists to be closer to her boyfriend in Paris. Her ex-husband causes problems, but she falls back in love with him.
- In Superman issue #82 (May–June 1953) Lois Lane joined the Women's Army Corps.
- The 1954 film Francis Joins the WACS stars Donald O'Connor as an officer mistakenly assigned to the Women's Army Corps. He and Francis the Talking Mule help the WACs prove their worth to a highly skeptical general.
- General Blankenship's secretary, Corporal Etta Candy (Beatrice Colen) in the first season of Wonder Woman was a WAC veteran.
- The song «Surrender» by Cheap Trick is about a baby boomer child of a former member of the WAC who served in the Philippines.
- Mare's War, a novel by Tanita S. Davis, centers around an African-American girl who joins the WAC.
- In an episode of The Looney Tunes Show, Granny tells Daffy Duck a story about when she served as a WAC and prevented the theft of the Eiffel Tower and numerous artworks from The Louvre.
- Miss Grundy, a teacher in the Archie Comics series, was a WAC.
- The Phil Silvers Show made numerous references to the WACs. Several of the supporting cast, such as Sgt. Joan Hogan (Elisabeth Fraser), are members of the WAC and many of the gags and jokes in the show revolve around women in the army.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 28—30.
- Meyer, 1998, с. 16—18.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 26—28
- Bellafaire, 2003, с. 2.
- Bernard A. Cook, Women and war: a historical encyclopedia from antiquity to the present (2006) Volume 1 p. 242
- Bellafaire, 2003, с. 1.
- Treadwell, 1954, ch 3–4
- Lauretta Thomson U.S. Army Air Corps WWII. RyeVets.org (англ.). Процитовано 17 грудня 2024.
- W. A. C. Field Manual Physical Training (FM 35-20). War Department, 15 July 1943. United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
- Bellafaire, 1972, с. 2
- Video: American Army Women Serving On All Fronts Etc. (1944). . 1944. Процитовано 21 February 2012.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 387—388
- Meyer, 1998, с. 33–51.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 212—14
- Treadwell, 1954
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 184
- Ann Pfau, Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II (Columbia University Press, 2008), chap. 2, online
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 194—201, 206—13
- Editorial: The WAACs Are All Right. News-Press. Fort Myers, Florida. 16 June 1943. с. 4. Процитовано 30 December 2019.
- WAC Gossip Lie, Says Stimson. Daily News. New York. Associated Press. 11 June 1943. с. 5. Процитовано 30 December 2019.
- Ann Pfau, Miss Yourlovin: GIs, Gender, and Domesticity during World War II (Columbia University Press, 2008), chap. 2, online «Forced to retract his allegations, O'Donnell and his publisher remained determined to discredit the corps. Soon after this incident, O'Donnell was discovered 'canvassing Army general hospitals.' He sought [to] ascertain the number of Waacs hospitalized for pregnancy and thus defend his reputation with undeniable proof of promiscuity.» Footnote omitted.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 201—03
- O'Donnell, John (10 June 1943). Capitol Stuff. Daily News. New York. с. 4. Процитовано 30 December 2019.
Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby, director of the WAACs, declared today that there is 'no foundation of truth' for the report that contraceptives and prophylactics will be furnished to the women in her organization. Col. Hobby's statement was made to refute the report that this column printed yesterday.
- Bellafaire, 1972
- O'Donnell, John (9 June 1943). Capitol Stuff. Daily News. New York. с. 4, 356. Процитовано 29 December 2019.
- O'Donnell, John (9 June 1943). Capitol Stuff. The Times. Shreveport, Louisiana. с. 4. Процитовано 29 December 2019.
- Pyle, Ernie (8 July 1943). Ernie Pyle About WACs: Mothers Needn't Worry—Girls Safe, Doing Big Job. The Boston Globe. с. 24. Процитовано 26 December 2019.
- Lardner, John (9 June 1943). Lardner: WAACs Good Soldiers: Writer Resents Jokes That Have Been Written About Them and Refutes Slanderous Rumors—Praises Service in Africa. Indianapolis Star. с. 19. Процитовано 31 December 2019.
Lately another variety of buckshot has been aimed at the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps which is fast becoming the clay pigeon of the armed forces. The new story is ludicrous as well as unsanitary, but a lot of otherwise level-headed typewriter flailers have taken cognizance of it, so I guess it requires a little more counter-testimony from one who has seen and known the WAACs in North Africa.
- Morals Are Good: Probe of WAACs Finds No Truth in Charges. Tipton Daily Tribune. Indiana. 6 July 1943. с. 3. Процитовано 29 December 2019.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 216—18
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 205 Footnote omitted.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 460
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 95—96.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 408.
- Campbell, 1986, с. 45.
- Campbell, 1986, с. 49.
- Manhattan District History... Press Releases (PDF). osti.gov. Процитовано 16 April 2020.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 327.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 326—329.
- Arlene G. Scheidenhelm. Atomic Heritage Foundation. Процитовано 16 April 2022.
- Code of Federal Regulations – Title 32 – National Defense – Section 578.51 – Women's Army Corps Service Medal. U.S. Government Publishing Office. Процитовано 16 April 2022.
- Morden, 2000, с. 241—242.
- Morden, 2000, с. 242.
- Morden, 2000, с. 242—243.
- Morden, 2000, с. 244.
- Morden, 2000, с. 245—246.
- Morden, 2000, с. 247.
- Morden, 2000, с. 248.
- Morden, 2000, с. 253.
- Morden, 2000, с. 254.
- Morden, 2000, с. 254—255.
- Bolzenius, 2019.
- Moore, 1996, с. 79.
- Morden, Bettie J. (1992). The Women's Army Corps, 1945–1978. Lulu.com. с. 34. ISBN .
- Public Law 95-485 (Sec.820: Abolishment of Women's Army Corps) was signed by President Carter on October 20, 1978.
- Women's Army Corps veteran values support systems – The Redstone Rocket: News. The Redstone Rocket. 9 вересня 1971. Процитовано 25 липня 2015.
- Longest-serving female warrant to retire after 43 years. Armytimes.com. 9 липня 2015. Процитовано 25 липня 2015.
- Trooper reflects on 43 years of selfless service – Fort Hood Herald: Across The Fort. Kdhnews.com. Процитовано 25 липня 2015.
- (signed into law on 3 July 1943)
- Servicemen's Allowance Act of 1942, amendment of 25 October 1943.
- Mrs. Hobby received the commissioned rank of colonel in the US Army on 5 July 1943
- Women's Army Corps Veterans' Association – Army Women United. armywomen.org. Процитовано 29 March 2018.
- Geraldine Pratt May. defense.gov. Процитовано 29 March 2018.
- 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion. www.history.army.mil. Center of Military History. Архів оригіналу за 14 March 2016. Процитовано 17 квітня 2016.
- Military and Veteran Benefits, News, Veteran Jobs. military.com. Процитовано 29 March 2018.
- Morden, Bettie J. (1992). The women's army corps, 1945–1978. Center of Military History, U.S. Army. OCLC 42728896.
- Education & Resources – National Women's History Museum – NWHM. nwhm.org. Архів оригіналу за 6 September 2015. Процитовано 5 серпня 2015.
- Cowan, Ruth (1 February 1943). Waac Skipper in North Africa Can Make A Very Nice Lemon Pie. The Palm Beach Post. Associated Press. с. 6. Процитовано 6 October 2019.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 360
- 150 Hear Capt. Marquis Tell of Overseas Service. The Rutland Daily Herald. 14 February 1944. с. 12. Процитовано 6 October 2019.
- Treadwell, 1954, с. 360
- Interview with Ellen Bryan Moore. Center for Oral History, at , Louisiana. September–October 1995. Архів оригіналу за 26 May 2010.
- #VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Dovey Johnson Roundtree. Vantage Point: Official Blog of the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs. U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs. 5 October 2018. Процитовано 2 January 2020.
- Fox, Margalit (21 May 2018). Dovey Johnson Roundtree, Barrier-Breaking Lawyer, Dies at 104. The New York Times. Процитовано 2 January 2020.
- Trowbridge, John M. Anna Mac Clarke, World War II and the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. Lest We Forget: African American Military History by Historian, Author, and Veteran Bennie McCrae, Jr. Hampton University. Процитовано 2 January 2020.
- William Begley (27 березня 2013). Music never stopped for longest serving female. army.mil. Процитовано 29 March 2018.
- Jeff VanWey (26 липня 2011). Band commander receives award. army.mil. Процитовано 29 March 2018.
- Ellis, Jacqueline (1998). Silent witnesses : representations of working-class women in the United States. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press. ISBN . OCLC 36589970.
- Mankiller, Wilma Pearl (1998). The reader's companion to U.S. women's history. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. ISBN . OCLC 47009823.
- Kenneth S. Davis. Soldier of Democracy: A Biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower. New York, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. 1945. p. 467
- Amy Sheridan earns her wings. Jewish Women's Archive (англ.). Процитовано 21 червня 2021.
- In the Service. The Columbian (амер.). Процитовано 16 вересня 2022.
- Command Sgt. Maj. Mildred Kelly. Army Women's Foundation (амер.). Архів оригіналу за 17 січня 2023. Процитовано 17 січня 2023.
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Cya stattya v procesi redaguvannya pevnij chas Bud laska ne redagujte yiyi bo Vashi zmini mozhut buti vtracheni Yaksho cya storinka ne redaguvalasya kilka dniv bud laska priberit cej shablon Ce povidomlennya priznachene dlya uniknennya konfliktiv redaguvannya Ostannye redaguvannya zrobila koristuvachka Kait Moren vnesok zhurnali o 11 13 UTC 142 hvilini tomu Zhinochij armijskij korpus angl Women s Army Corps WAC buv zhinochim pidrozdilom armiyi SShA yakij 15 travnya 1942 roku pochatkovo buv stvorenij yak dopomizhnij pidrozdil Zhinochij armijskij dopomizhnij korpus angl Women s Army Auxiliary Corps WAAC ta 1 lipnya 1943 roku peretvorenij na chinnu sluzhbu v armiyi SShA yak WAC Jogo pershoyu direktorkoyu bula polkovnik Oveta Kalp Hobbi WAC bulo rozformovano 20 zhovtnya 1978 roku a vsi jogo pidrozdili buli ob yednani z cholovichimi Zhinochij korpus armiyi SShAAfina Pallada oficijnij znak zhinochogo armijskogo korpusuNa sluzhbi15 travnya 1942 20 zhovtnya 1978KrayinaVid Armiya SShAGarnizon ShtabFort Makklellan AlabamaVijni bitviDruga svitova vijna Korejska vijna Vijna u V yetnamiVebsajtarmy mil women angl Mediafajli na VikishovishiIstoriyaOrganizaciya WAAC bula rozroblena chislennimi armijskimi byuro pid kerivnictvom pidpolkovnika Gillmana K Madzhetta pershogo poperednogo planuvalnika WAAC odnak majzhe vsi jogo plani buli vidkinuti abo znachno zmineni pered pochatkom operaciyi tomu sho jogo ochikuvannya peredbachali sho korpus skladatimetsya lishe z 11 000 zhinok 28 travnya 1941 roku bez pidtrimki vijskovogo ministerstva predstavnicya shtatu Massachusets en prezentuvala zakonoproyekt yakij peredbachav stvorennya dopomizhnogo korpusu zhinochoyi armiyi Byudzhetne byuro kilka misyaciv vidkladalo zakonoproyekt ale pislya vstupu SShA u vijnu jogo vidnovili Senat shvaliv zakonoproyekt 14 travnya 1942 roku a vzhe nastupnogo dnya vin stav zakonom Pislya pidpisannya zakonoproyektu prezident Franklin D Ruzvelt postaviv cil naboru do WAAC 25 000 zhinok na pershij rik Cya meta bula nespodivano perevishena tomu vijskovij ministr Genri L Stimson virishiv zbilshiti limit dozvolivshi zaluchiti 150 000 dobrovolic WAAC bulo stvoreno za analogichnimi britanskimi pidrozdilami osoblivo Zhinochim dopomizhnim teritorialnim korpusom ATS yaki privernuli uvagu nachalnika shtabu armiyi Dzhordzha S Marshalla 1942 roku pershij kontingent iz 800 uchasnic Zhinochogo armijskogo dopomizhnogo korpusu rozpochav bazovu pidgotovku v shkoli timchasovoyi pidgotovki oficeriv armiyi Fort De Mojn shtat Ajova Protyagom pershogo dnya zhinok odyagli v uniformu proveli spivbesidu rozpodilili po rotah i kazarmah ta zrobili sheplennya vid hvorob Polovi telefonistki Korpusu zv yazku WAC 1944 rik WAAC spochatku gotuvali za troma osnovnimi specialnostyami Najspritnishih navchali na operatorok shitovih Dali jshli mehaniki yaki povinni buli mati visokij stupin mehanichnih zdibnostej i zdatnist rozv yazuvati problemi Pekarki yak pravilo buli najnizhchimi novobrancyami Piznishe WAAC rozshirili do desyatkiv specialnostej takih yak poshtovi sluzhbovici vodijki stenografistki ta klerk drukarki Zbrojnici WAC takozh obslugovuvali ta remontuvali strilecku j vazhku zbroyu hocha yim bulo zaboroneno yiyi vikoristovuvati U lipni 1943 roku Vijskove vidomstvo opublikuvalo posibnik iz fizichnoyi pidgotovki pid nazvoyu Ti mayesh buti u formi spryamovanij na te shob zhinki novobranci dosyagli najvishih fizichnih standartiv Posibnik pochinayetsya z viznachennya obov yazkiv zhinok Vasha robota zaminiti cholovikiv Budte gotovi vzyati ce na sebe U nomu zgaduvalosya pro viddanist zhinok vijskovim diyam v Angliyi Rosiyi Nimechchini i Yaponiyi ta pidkreslyuvalosya sho novobranici WAC povinni buti fizichno zdatni vikonuvati bud yaku robotu Posibnik iz fitnesu buv najsuchasnishim na toj chas mistiv rozdili pro rozminku ta progresivni vpravi dlya naroshuvannya m yaziv tila dlya ruk nig zhivota shiyi ta spini Vin ohoplyuvav takozh rozdil pro rozrobku osobistoyi fitnes programi pislya bazovoyi pidgotovki ta zavershuvavsya Armijskim shlyahom do zdorov ya ta dodatkovoyi privablivosti z poradami shodo doglyadu za shkiroyu makiyazhu ta zachisok Nevmila reklama ta poganij zovnishnij viglyad uniformi WAAC WAC osoblivo porivnyano z uniformoyu inshih sluzhb uskladnyuvali zusillya z verbuvannya Opir vishogo komanduvannya armiyi vdalosya podolati zavdyaki efektivnij sluzhbi WAAC na miscyah ale stavlennya cholovikiv ryadovogo i nachalnickogo skladu zalishalosya zagalom negativnim i spodivannya sho do miljona cholovikiv mozhna bude zaminiti zhinkami nikoli ne vipravdalisya Poryad iz cim vijskovo povitryani sili armiyi SShA z samogo pochatku stali rishuchimi pribichnikami regulyarnogo vijskovogo statusu dlya zhinok v armiyi Oriyentovno 150 000 amerikanskih zhinok zreshtoyu sluzhili v WAAC i WAC pid chas Drugoyi svitovoyi vijni Hocha konservativna dumka v kerivnictvi armiyi a takozh sered gromadskosti spochatku bula proti togo shob zhinki sluzhili v uniformi nestacha cholovikiv zumovila neobhidnist novoyi politiki Robota WAC u viddili zv yazku operacijnoyi stanciyi VPS Hocha bilshist zhinok sluzhili v SShA deyaki poyihali v rizni miscya po vsomu svitu vklyuchno z Yevropoyu Pivnichnoyu Afrikoyu ta Novoyu Gvineyeyu Napriklad WAC prizemlilisya na plyazhi Normandiyi lishe cherez kilka tizhniv pislya pershogo vtorgnennya Kampaniya naklepu Poster Calling WAAC 1943 roku impuls verbuvannya pripinivsya ta pishov u zvorotnij bik oskilki masova kampaniya naklepu na vnutrishnomu fronti zaperechila WAC yak seksualno amoralnij Bagato soldativ zhorstko vistupali proti dozvolu zhinkam nositi formu poperedzhayuchi svoyih sester i podrug sho yih sprijmatimut yak lesbijok abo povij Inshi zh dzherela naklepiv nadhodili vid zhinok pustih plitok vijskovosluzhbovciv i druzhin oficeriv miscevih zhinok yakim ne podobalosya sho pribuli vijskovi zahoplyuyut yihnye misto zhinki civilni sluzhbovici yaki oburyuvalisya konkurenciyeyu yak shodo robotu tak i shodo cholovikiv blagodijni ta volonterski organizaciyi yaki oburyuvalisya zajvoyu uvagoyu yaku zdobuli WAAC i skargi ta naklepi sho poshiryuvalisya nezadovolenimi abo zvilnenimi WAAC Usi rozsliduvannya pokazali sho chutki buli nepravdivimi Hocha bagato dzherel porodzhuvali ta pidzhivlyuvali pogani zharti ta potvorni chutki pro zhinok vijskovosluzhbovic suchasni ta istorichni zviti zoseredzheni na roboti sindikovanogo oglyadacha Dzhona O Donnella Zgidno z armijskoyu istoriyeyu navit pislya svogo pospishnogo vidklikannya kolonka O Donnella Kapitolijski rechi vid 8 chervnya 1943 roku zavdala neocinennoyi shkodi WAAC Cya kolonka pochinalasya tak Kontraceptivi ta profilaktichne obladnannya budut nadani chlenam WAACS vidpovidno do supersekretnoyi ugodi dosyagnutoyi visokopostavlenimi oficerami vijskovogo ministerstva ta golovoyu WAAC misterom Vilyamom Pettusom Hobbi Ce stalosya pislya kolonki O Donnella vid 7 chervnya u yakij obgovoryuvalisya zusillya zhinok zhurnalistok i zhinok kongresmenok dlya sprostuvannya krichushih istorij pro veselu ta nedbalu maneru yakoyu molodi ledi v uniformi baluyutsya Zvinuvachennya buli sprostovani ale moral WAAC stala temoyu zagalnoyi diskusiyi Zaperechennya vigadok O Donnella ta inshih podibnih buli neefektivnimi Zgidno z armijskoyu istoriyeyu Metti Treduella cherez tri roki pislya kolonki O Donnella vse she mozhna bulo znajti religijni vidannya yaki peredrukovuvali cyu istoriyu ta faktichno pripisuvali ryadki kolumnista Vilyamu Hobbi a jogo fotografiyu nazvali Divovizhnim virodzhennyam Ocinki WAC pracyuyut z teletajpami pid chas Drugoyi svitovoyi vijni Pershij klas kandidativ v oficeri Shkola pidgotovki oficerok WAAC Fort De Mojn Ajova 20 lipnya 29 serpnya 1942 Pershij klas kandidativ v oficeri Shkola pidgotovki oficeriv WAAC Fort De Mojn Ajova 20 lipnya 29 serpnya 1942 navchannya vijskovim zvichayam ta vvichlivosti Pershij klas kandidativ v oficeri Shkola pidgotovki oficeriv WAAC Fort De Mojn Ajova 20 lipnya 29 serpnya 1942 strojova pidgotovka General Duglas Makartur nazivav WAC moyimi najkrashimi soldatami dodavshi sho voni bilshe pracyuvali menshe skarzhilisya ta buli krashe disciplinovani nizh choloviki Bagato generaliv hotili shob WAC bulo bilshe i proponuvali prizvati zhinok ale bulo zrozumilo sho ce vikliche znachnij gromadskij rezonans i sprotiv Kongresu tomu vijskove ministerstvo vidmovilosya piti na takij rishuchij krok Ti 150 000 zhinok yaki sluzhili buli ekvivalentom 7 divizij cholovikiv dlya boyu General Duajt D Ejzenhauer skazav sho yihnij vnesok u efektivnist majsternist duh i rishuchist ye neocinennim Tim ne mensh naklepnicki kampaniyi zavdali shkodi reputaciyi ne lishe WAC ale j inshih zhinochih korpusiv takih yak WAVES VMS bagato zhinok navit ne hotili shob htos znav sho voni veteranki U toj samij period chasu inshi gilki zbrojnih sil SShA mali podibni zhinochi pidrozdili zokrema en vijskovo morskogo flotu en beregovoyi ohoroni en ta Zhinocha sluzhba pilotiv Vijskovo povitryanih sil SShA Britanski zbrojni sili takozh mali podibni pidrozdili zokrema Zhinochi korolivski vijskovo morski sili Zhinochij dopomizhnij teritorialnij korpus ta Zhinochij dopomizhnij vijskovo povitryanij korpus Za slovami istorikini D Enn Kempbell amerikanske suspilstvo ne bulo gotove do zhinok na vijskovih rolyah WAC i WAVES zdobuli nezdijsnennu misiyu yim potribno bulo ne tilki negajno j dobrovilno zibrati sili z grupi yaka ne mala vijskovih tradicij ale j podolati silnu vorozhist z boku svoyih tovarishiv cholovikiv Situaciya bula vkraj nespriyatlivoyu zhinki ne mali chitkoyi meti okrim yak vidpraviti cholovikiv na front obov yazki zbigalisya z civilnimi sluzhbovcyami ta najnyatimi kolegami cholovikami sho sprichinyalo plutaninu ta naprugu i kerivnij sklad buv neprestizhnim nedosvidchenim i mav malo kontrolyu nad zhinkami ale ne nad cholovikami Popri te sho verhovne vijskove komanduvannya rishuche pidtrimuvalo yihnyu robotu ne bulo centriv vplivu v civilnomu sviti ani cholovichogo ani zhinochogo yaki buli b viddani uspihu zhinochoyi sluzhbi a takozh zhodnih civilnih ustanov yaki zabezpechuvali b poperednyu pidgotovku novobranec abo vidpovidni posadi dlya veteranok WAC WAVES SPARS i zhinki morskoyi pihoti buli sirotami vijni yakih nihto ne lyubiv Proyekt Mangetten Since early 1943 422 WACs were assigned to the Corps of Engineers to work on the Manhattan Project the secret US effort to build an atomic bomb Major General Leslie R Groves director of the project wrote Little is known of the significance of the contribution to the Manhattan Project by hundreds of members of the Women s Army Corps Since you received no headline acclaim no one outside the project will ever know how much depended upon you Any women interested in positions on the project were told the following they would be doing a hard job would never be allowed to go overseas attend Officer Candidate School would never receive publicity and would live at isolated stations with few recreational facilities A surprising number of highly qualified women responded It later proved possible to send WACs assigned the Manhattan Project to OCS without compromising security WAC Units involved in the effort were awarded the Meritorious Unit Commendation twenty women received the Army Commendation Ribbon and one Captain Arlene G Scheidenhelm received the Legion of Merit In addition all members of the WAAC and the WAC who served in World War II received the Women s Army Corps Service Medal V yetnamska vijna In 1964 the personnel officer at Headquarters Military Assistance Command Vietnam MACV in Saigon wrote to the director then Colonel Gorman that South Vietnam was organizing a Women s Armed Forces Corps WAFC and wanted U S WACs to assist them in planning and developing it The MACV commander then General William Westmoreland authorized spaces for two WAC advisors Before the requisitions arrived at the Pentagon the MACV personnel officer Brigadier General Ben Sternberg wrote to Gorman offering the advice that The WAC officer should be a captain or major fully knowledgeable in all matters pertaining to the operation of a WAC school and the training conducted therein She should be extremely intelligent an extrovert and beautiful The WAC sergeant should have somewhat the same qualities and should be able to type as well Gorman replied that the WAC would certainly try to send women with the qualifications you outline Then she added The combination of brains and beauty is of course common in the WAC By the time the requisitions arrived at the Pentagon in November 1964 the director had selected Major Kathleen I Wilkes and Sergeant 1st class Betty L Adams to fill the positions Both had extensive experience in WAC training recruiting administration and command On 15 January 1965 they arrived in Saigon and were met by Maj Tran Cam Huong director of the WAFC and commandant of the WAFC training center and her assistant Major Ho Thi Ve The first WAC advisors advised the WAFC director and her staff on methods of organization inspection and management in recruiting training administering and assigning enlisted women and officer candidates Time did not permit the first two WAC advisors to attend language school before they went to Saigon but those who followed attended a twelve week Vietnamese language course at the Defense Language Institute Monterey California In 1968 an additional WAC officer advisor was assigned to the WAFC training center located on the outskirts of Saigon The senior WAC advisor then a lieutenant colonel and the NCO advisor then a master sergeant remained at WAFC headquarters in the city and continued to help the director of the WAFC to develop Corps wide plans and policies For additional training members of the WAFC traveled to the United States Between 1964 and 1971 51 Vietnamese women officer candidates completed the WAC Officer Basic Course at the WAC School one officer completed the WAC Officer Advanced Course Another group of WACs was assigned to Saigon beginning in 1965 That year Westmoreland requisitioned 15 WAC stenographers for MACV headquarters Six arrived by December the balance reported in over the next few months Women in grades E 5 and higher with excellent stenographic skills maturity and faultless records of deportment filled these positions for the next seven years Peak strength reached 23 on 30 June 1970 The senior among them acted as NCO in charge and the senior WAC advisor to the WAFC was their officer in charge Initially the women were billeted in the Embassy Hotel but they later moved to other hotels in Saigon The WAC stenographers served at MACV headquarters and in support commands throughout the metropolitan area Like everyone else they worked six and a half to seven days a week ten to fifteen hours a day and had little time for recreation or socializing Nonetheless several extended their tours in Vietnam and a few returned for second and third tours of duty Early in 1965 Westmoreland had also requisitioned a dozen WAC officers They filled administrative positions at MACV headquarters in the support commands and in the headquarters of a new command United States Army Vietnam USARV Major Audrey A Fisher the first to arrive was assigned to the adjutant general s office Like the enlisted women the WAC officers lived in hotels in Saigon They worked in personnel administration public information intelligence logistics plans and training and military justice A few WAC officers served with the U S Army Central Support Command at Qui Nhon and Cam Ranh Bay Captain Peggy E Ready looks on as Lt Gen Jean E Engler Deputy Commander United States Army Vietnam cuts the ribbon opening the new WAC barracks area January 1967 USARV Detachment WACs at Long Binh Post October 1967 In April 1966 the USARV deputy commanding general Lieutenant General Jean E Engler requested that a WAC detachment be assigned to his headquarters He asked for 50 later 100 clerk typists and other administrative workers plus a cadre section of an officer and five enlisted women to administer the unit Some officers in USARV opposed the idea They believed that the additional security required for women would outweigh the advantages of having the WACs serve in South Vietnam However Engler won over the critics when he decided to house the WACs inside the U S military cantonment area at Tan Son Nhut International Airport rather than in the city eliminating the need for additional guards Engler realized that the WACs would be exposed to risk but he did not consider it great enough to exclude WACs and he did not request that women being assigned to USARV learn to fire weapons However he privately decided that if they were ever assigned to field installations there he would recommend that they receive small weapons training Engler s request for a WAC unit was approved by command channels in the Pacific area and at the Pentagon including the director of the WAC and finally by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 25 July 1966 The WAC cadre arrived in late 1966 First to arrive were 1st Sergeant Marion C Crawford and the administrative NCO Sgt 1st Class Betty J Benson The commander Capt Peggy E Ready the supply sergeant SSgt Edith L Efferson and unit clerks PFC Rhynell M Stoabs and PFC Patricia C Pewitt followed They participated in a ground breaking ceremony on 2 November for construction of the WAC barracks Two months later Army engineers completed eleven quonset huts called hootches for living quarters and unit offices On 12 January 1967 82 enlisted women who were to serve that first year at Headquarters USARV arrived They were welcomed by the USARV band the press photographers officers and enlisted men from the command In July 1967 USARV and its component commands including the assigned WACs moved to Long Binh Post northeast of Saigon In January 1970 the WAC reached its peak strength in South Vietnam with 20 officers and 139 enlisted women With the progress of Vietnamization and the withdrawal of U S forces by the end of December 1970 the WAC detachment numbered 72 by 31 December 1971 it numbered 46 and by early 1972 it numbered only 35 enlisted women On 21 September 1972 the Long Binh WAC detachment numbering 13 enlisted women had a standdown ceremony At the end of December 1972 only two officers and 17 enlisted women remained at MACV headquarters or its subordinate commands and all were withdrawn by March 1973 Approximately 700 WACs served in South Vietnam with no casualties The Long Binh detachment received two campaign stars for the Vietnam Counter Offensive Phase II 1 July 1966 31 May 1967 and the Tet Offensive Campaign 30 January 1968 1 April 1968 Kolorovi zhinki Chornoshkiri zhinki sluzhili v armiyi WAAC i WAC ale duzhe malo sluzhili u VMS Afroamerikanki yaki sluzhili u WAC zaznali segregaciyi majzhe tak samo yak i v civilnomu zhitti SShA deyaki oseredki WAC prijmali zhinok bud yakoyi rasi a inshi ni Chornoshkirih zhinok navchali tim zhe specialnostyam sho j bilih zhinok i rasi ne rozdilyalisya v shkolah specialnogo navchannya Meta armiyi SShA polyagala v tomu shob 10 vijska skladali afroamerikanci shob vidobraziti bilshu kilkist naselennya SShA ale cherez nestachu novobranic u WAC bulo lishe 5 1 chornoshkirih zhinok Pershoyu afroamerikanskoyu oficerkoyu WAC bula en Rozformuvannya 1976 roku programa zhinochoyi shkoli kandidativ v oficeri u Fort Makklellani bula ob yednana z programoyu u Fort Benningu Voseni togo zh roku pershi kadetki startuvali u Vest Pojnti Programa OCS pidgotuvala pershih zhinok oficeriv armiyi do togo yak pershi kursanti Vest Pojnta zakinchili navchannya v 1980 roci WAC yak viddilennya bulo rozformovane 20 zhovtnya 1978 roku a vsi zhinochi pidrozdili buli ob yednani z cholovichimi Zhinki yaki sluzhili na toj chas yak WAC perejshli na bud yaku vijskovu profesijnu specialnist za yakoyu voni pracyuvali Vidtodi zhinki v armiyi SShA sluzhat u tih samih pidrozdilah sho j choloviki hocha lishe z 1994 roku yim dozvoleno brati uchast bojovih situaciyah abo perebuvati poblizu nih Ministr oboroni Les Espin nakazav pridbati znachnij rizik zahoplennya zi spisku pidstav dlya viklyuchennya zhinok z pevnih vijskovih chastin 2015 roku Dzhin Pejs na toj chas zhinka praporshik z najdovshim stazhem i ostannya kolishnya uchasnicya WAC na dijsnij sluzhbi pishla u vidstavku Vona priyednalasya do WAC 1972 roku ZvannyaWAAC Znachki WAAC Originally there were only four enlisted or enrolled WAAC ranks auxiliary junior leader leader and senior leader and three WAAC officer ranks first second and third officer The Director was initially considered as equivalent to a major then later made the equivalent of a colonel The enlisted ranks expanded as the organization grew in size Promotion was initially rapid and based on ability and skill As members of a volunteer auxiliary group the WAACs got paid less than their equivalent male counterparts in the US Army and did not receive any benefits or privileges WAAC organizational insignia was a Rising Eagle nicknamed the Waddling Duck or Walking Buzzard by WAACs It was worn in gold metal as cap badges and uniform buttons Enlisted and NCO personnel wore it as an embossed circular cap badge on their Hobby Hats while officers wore a free version open work without a backing on their hats to distinguish them Their auxiliary insignia was the dark blue letters WAAC on an Olive Drab rectangle worn on the upper sleeve below the stripes for enlisted ranks WAAC personnel were not allowed to wear the same rank insignia as Army personnel They were usually authorized to do so by post or unit commanders to help in indicating their seniority within the WAAC although they had no authority over Army personnel Zvannya WAAC traven 1942 kviten 1943 Enrolled WAAC US Army equivalent WAAC officer US Army equivalent Senior leader Master sergeant Director of the WAAC Major Senior leader First sergeant First officer Captain Leader Technical sergeant Second officer 1st lieutenant Leader Staff sergeant Third officer 2nd lieutenant Leader Sergeant Junior leader Corporal Auxiliary first class Private first class Auxiliary second class Private Auxiliary third class Recruit Zvannya WAAC kviten 1943 lipen 1943 Enlisted WAAC US Army equivalent WAAC officer US Army equivalent Chief leader Master sergeant Director of the WAAC Colonel First leader First sergeant Assistant Director of the WAAC Lieutenant colonel Technical leader Technical sergeant Field director Major Staff leader Staff sergeant First officer Captain Leader Sergeant Second officer 1st lieutenant Junior leader Corporal Third officer 2nd lieutenant Auxiliary first class Private first class Auxiliary second class Private Auxiliary third class Recruit WAC Propaganda proti chutok Zhinochogo armijskogo korpusu 1941 1945 The organization was renamed the Women s Army Corps in July 1943 when it was authorized as a branch of the US Army rather than an auxiliary group The US Army s GI Eagle now replaced the WAAC s Rising Eagle as the WAC s cap badge The WAC received the same rank insignia and pay as men later that September and received the same pay allowances and deductions as men in late October They were also the first women officers in the army allowed to wear officer s insignia the Army Nursing Corps did not receive permission to do so until 1944 The WAC had its own branch insignia the Bust of Pallas Athena worn by Branch Immaterial personnel those unassigned to a Branch of Service US Army policy decreed that technical and professional WAC personnel should wear their assigned Branch of Service insignia to reduce confusion During the existence of the WAC 1943 to 1978 women were prohibited from being assigned to the combat arms branches of the Army such as the Infantry Cavalry Armor Tank Destroyers or Artillery and could not serve in a combat area However they did serve as valuable staff in their headquarters and staff units stateside or in England The army s technician grades were technical and professional specialists similar to the later specialist grade Technicians had the same insignia as NCOs of the same grade but had a T insignia for technician beneath the chevrons They were considered the same grade for pay but were considered a half step between the equivalent pay grade and the next lower regular pay grade in seniority rather than sandwiched between the junior enlisted i e private private first class and the lowest NCO grade of rank viz corporal as the modern day specialist E 4 is today Technician grades were usually mistaken for their superior NCO counterparts due to the similarity of their insignia creating confusion There were originally no warrant officers in the WAC in July 1943 Warrant officer appointments for army servicewomen were authorized in January 1944 In March 1944 six WACs were made the first WAC Warrant Officers as administrative specialists or band leaders The number grew to 10 by June 1944 and to 44 by June 1945 By the time the war officially ended in September 1945 there were 42 WAC warrant officers still in Army service There was only a trickle of appointments in the late 1940s after the war Most WAC officers were company grade officers lieutenants and captains as the WAC were deployed as separate or attached detachments and companies The field grade officers majors and lieutenant colonels were on the staff under the director of the WAC its solitary colonel Officers were paid by pay band rather than by grade or rank and did not receive a pay grade until 1955 Zvannya WAC veresen 1943 1945 Pay Grade Enlisted WAC Monthly pay Yearly pay WAC officers Monthly pay Yearly pay Grade 1 Master sergeant 138 1656 Colonel 333 4000 Grade 1 First sergeant 138 1656 Lieutenant colonel 291 3500 Grade 2 Technical sergeant 114 1368 Major 250 3000 Grade 3 Staff sergeant 96 1152 Captain 200 2400 Grade 3 Technician 3rd grade 96 1152 1st lieutenant 166 2000 Grade 4 Sergeant 78 936 2nd lieutenant 150 1800 Grade 4 Technician 4th grade 78 936 Chief warrant officer 175 2100 Grade 5 Corporal 66 792 Warrant officer junior grade 150 1800 Grade 5 Technician 5th grade 66 792 Grade 6 Private first class 54 648 Grade 7 Private 50 600 There were no chief warrant officer appointments in the WAC during the war because they did not meet the skill or seniority requirements for the rank However few servicemen did either It required ten or more years of time in grade as either a warrant officer junior grade a rank first created in 1941 staff warrant officer a rank waitlisted since 1936 or an warrant officer an Army sea auxiliary unit that was not allowed to recruit women Spisok kerivnic Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby 1942 1945 Colonel Westray Battle Boyce 1945 1947 Colonel Mary A Hallaren 1947 1953 Colonel Irene O Galloway 1953 1957 Colonel Mary Louise Rasmuson 1957 1962 Colonel Emily C Gorman 1962 1966 Brigadier General Elizabeth P Hoisington 1966 1971 Brigadier General Mildred Inez Caroon Bailey 1971 1975 Brigadier General Mary E Clarke 1975 1978 Asociaciya veteranok zhinochogo armijskogo korpusuAsociaciya veteranok zhinochogo armijskogo korpusu Zhinocha ob yednana armiya WACVA bula organizovana v serpni 1947 roku Zhinki yaki z chestyu sluzhili v Dopomizhnomu zhinochomu armijskomu korpusi WAAC abo Zhinochomu armijskomu korpusi WAC a takozh ti hto pochesno sluzhili v armiyi SShA rezervi armiyi SShA abo Nacionalnij gvardiyi SShA mayut pravo buti chlenami asociaciyi Viznachni uchasnici WACFirst WAC Director Oveta Culp Hobby Colonel Geraldine Pratt May 1895 1997 served 1942 19 In March 1943 May became one of the first female officers assigned to the Army Air Forces serving as WAC Staff Director to the Air Transport Command In 1948 she was promoted to Colonel the first woman to hold that rank in the Air Force and became Director of the WAF in the US Air Force the first to hold the position Lt Col Charity Adams was the first commissioned African American WAC and the second to be promoted to the rank of major Promoted to major in 1945 she commanded the segregated all female 6888th Central Postal Battalion in Birmingham England The 6888th landed with the follow on troops during D Day and were stationed in Rouen and then Paris during the invasion of France It was the only African American WAC unit to serve overseas during World War II Lt Col Harriet West Waddy 1904 1999 served 1942 1952 was one of only two African American women in the WAC to be promoted to the rank of major Due to her earlier experience serving with director Mary McLeod Bethune of the Bureau of Negro Affairs she became Colonel Culp s aide on race relations in the WAC After the war she was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1948 Lt Col Eleanore C Sullivan served 1952 1955 was WAC Center and WAC School commander located at Fort McClellan Lieutenant Colonel Florence K Murray served at WAC headquarters during World War II She became the first female judge in Rhode Island in 1956 In 1977 she was the first woman to be elected as a justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode Island Major Elna Jane Hilliard served 1942 1946 commanded the 2525th WAC unit at Fort Myer Virginia She was the first woman to serve on a United States Army general court martial In January 1943 Captain Frances Keegan Marquis became the first to command a women s expeditionary force the 149th WAAC Post Headquarters Company Serving in General Eisenhower s North African headquarters in Algiers this group of about 200 women performed secretarial driving postal and other non combat duties An Army history called this company one of the most highly qualified WAAC groups ever to reach the field Hand picked and all volunteer almost all members were linguists as well as qualified specialists and almost all eligible for officer candidate school Louisiana Register of State Lands Ellen Bryan Moore attained the rank of captain in the WACs and once recruited three hundred women at a single appeal to join the force Captain Dovey Johnson Roundtree was among 39 African American women recruited by Dr Mary Bethune for the first WAACs officer training class Roundtree was responsible for recruiting African American women After leaving the Army she went to Howard University law school and became a prominent civil rights lawyer in Washington D C She was also one of the first women ordained in the A M E Church In February 1943 Lieutenant Anna Mac Clarke became when a Third Officer the first African American to lead an all white WAAC unit Chief Warrant Officer 4 Elizabeth C Smith USAF WAC USAAF 1944 1947 WAF USAF 1948 1964 was one of the first WAF warrant officers in 1948 Chief Warrant Officer 5 Jeanne Y Pace was the longest serving female in the army and the last active duty soldier who was a part of the WAC as of 2011 Her final assignment was Bandmaster of the 1st Cavalry Division where she retired after 41 years of service She is also a recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution Margaret Cochran Corbin Award which was established to pay tribute to women in all branches of the military for their extraordinary service with previous recipients including Major Tammy Duckworth Major General Gale Pollock and Lt General Patricia Horoho Elizabeth Tex Williams was a military photographer She was one of the few women photographers that photographed all aspects of the military Mattie Pinette served as personal secretary to President Dwight D Eisenhower CW4 Amy Sheridan was the first American woman officer to command a United States military aviation company stationed outside of the United States and the first Jewish woman to become a career aviator in the United States Armed Services Chief Warrant Officer 5 Tracy Garder was the last Women s Army Corps Soldier on active duty as of September 2022 Garder received the Legion of Merit in August 2022 she joined Women s Army Corps in 1978 one year before the Corps was integrated in the Army Private Marjory Linheart Babinetz was the first WAC to receive the Air Medal in 1944 Mildred Kelly was the first African American woman to serve as an Army sergeant major 1972 and the first female command sergeant major serving at a predominantly male Army installation 1974 V kulturiFirst Officer Candidate Class WAAC Officer Training School Fort Des Moines Iowa 20 July 29 August 1942 physical training First Officer Candidate Class WAAC Officer Training School Fort Des Moines Iowa 20 July 29 August 1942 chow line During the war years popular comic strip Dick Tracy drawn by Chester Gould featured a young WAC spurning the romantic advances of a villain Likewise Tracy s sweetheart Tess Truehart was a WAC corporal who helped Tracy capture the German spy Alfred The Brow Brau in 1943 A series of cartoon postcards distributed during the war years depicted WACs hitting Adolf Hitler over the head with a rolling pin We re Giving Him A Big WAC standing in morning formation exercises Don t Worry Uncle Sam Is Keeping Us in Line and window shopping for civilian style dresses Just Looking The 1945 film Keep Your Powder Dry features Lana Turner joining the WACs The 1949 film I Was a Male War Bride depicts Cary Grant as an amorous French officer who marries an American WAC played by Ann Sheridan and their escapades as he attempts to emigrate to the United States under the auspices of the 1945 War Brides Act 1952 film Never Wave at a WAC stars Rosalind Russell as the daughter of a senator who enlists to be closer to her boyfriend in Paris Her ex husband causes problems but she falls back in love with him In Superman issue 82 May June 1953 Lois Lane joined the Women s Army Corps The 1954 film Francis Joins the WACS stars Donald O Connor as an officer mistakenly assigned to the Women s Army Corps He and Francis the Talking Mule help the WACs prove their worth to a highly skeptical general General Blankenship s secretary Corporal Etta Candy Beatrice Colen in the first season of Wonder Woman was a WAC veteran The song Surrender by Cheap Trick is about a baby boomer child of a former member of the WAC who served in the Philippines Mare s War a novel by Tanita S Davis centers around an African American girl who joins the WAC In an episode of The Looney Tunes Show Granny tells Daffy Duck a story about when she served as a WAC and prevented the theft of the Eiffel Tower and numerous artworks from The Louvre Miss Grundy a teacher in the Archie Comics series was a WAC The Phil Silvers Show made numerous references to the WACs Several of the supporting cast such as Sgt Joan Hogan Elisabeth Fraser are members of the WAC and many of the gags and jokes in the show revolve around women in the army PrimitkiTreadwell 1954 s 28 30 Meyer 1998 s 16 18 Treadwell 1954 s 26 28 Bellafaire 2003 s 2 Bernard A Cook Women and war a historical encyclopedia from antiquity to the present 2006 Volume 1 p 242 Bellafaire 2003 s 1 Treadwell 1954 ch 3 4 Lauretta Thomson U S Army Air Corps WWII RyeVets org angl Procitovano 17 grudnya 2024 W A C Field Manual Physical Training FM 35 20 War Department 15 July 1943 United States Government Printing Office Washington D C Bellafaire 1972 s 2 Video American Army Women Serving On All Fronts Etc 1944 1944 Procitovano 21 February 2012 Treadwell 1954 s 387 388 Meyer 1998 s 33 51 Treadwell 1954 s 212 14 Treadwell 1954 Treadwell 1954 s 184 Ann Pfau Miss Yourlovin GIs Gender and Domesticity during World War II Columbia University Press 2008 chap 2 online Treadwell 1954 s 194 201 206 13 Editorial The WAACs Are All Right News Press Fort Myers Florida 16 June 1943 s 4 Procitovano 30 December 2019 WAC Gossip Lie Says Stimson Daily News New York Associated Press 11 June 1943 s 5 Procitovano 30 December 2019 Ann Pfau Miss Yourlovin GIs Gender and Domesticity during World War II Columbia University Press 2008 chap 2 online Forced to retract his allegations O Donnell and his publisher remained determined to discredit the corps Soon after this incident O Donnell was discovered canvassing Army general hospitals He sought to ascertain the number of Waacs hospitalized for pregnancy and thus defend his reputation with undeniable proof of promiscuity Footnote omitted Treadwell 1954 s 201 03 O Donnell John 10 June 1943 Capitol Stuff Daily News New York s 4 Procitovano 30 December 2019 Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby director of the WAACs declared today that there is no foundation of truth for the report that contraceptives and prophylactics will be furnished to the women in her organization Col Hobby s statement was made to refute the report that this column printed yesterday Bellafaire 1972 O Donnell John 9 June 1943 Capitol Stuff Daily News New York s 4 356 Procitovano 29 December 2019 O Donnell John 9 June 1943 Capitol Stuff The Times Shreveport Louisiana s 4 Procitovano 29 December 2019 Pyle Ernie 8 July 1943 Ernie Pyle About WACs Mothers Needn t Worry Girls Safe Doing Big Job The Boston Globe s 24 Procitovano 26 December 2019 Lardner John 9 June 1943 Lardner WAACs Good Soldiers Writer Resents Jokes That Have Been Written About Them and Refutes Slanderous Rumors Praises Service in Africa Indianapolis Star s 19 Procitovano 31 December 2019 Lately another variety of buckshot has been aimed at the Women s Army Auxiliary Corps which is fast becoming the clay pigeon of the armed forces The new story is ludicrous as well as unsanitary but a lot of otherwise level headed typewriter flailers have taken cognizance of it so I guess it requires a little more counter testimony from one who has seen and known the WAACs in North Africa Morals Are Good Probe of WAACs Finds No Truth in Charges Tipton Daily Tribune Indiana 6 July 1943 s 3 Procitovano 29 December 2019 Treadwell 1954 s 216 18 Treadwell 1954 s 205 Footnote omitted Treadwell 1954 s 460 Treadwell 1954 s 95 96 Treadwell 1954 s 408 Campbell 1986 s 45 Campbell 1986 s 49 Manhattan District History Press Releases PDF osti gov Procitovano 16 April 2020 Treadwell 1954 s 327 Treadwell 1954 s 326 329 Arlene G Scheidenhelm Atomic Heritage Foundation Procitovano 16 April 2022 Code of Federal Regulations Title 32 National Defense Section 578 51 Women s Army Corps Service Medal U S Government Publishing Office Procitovano 16 April 2022 Morden 2000 s 241 242 Morden 2000 s 242 Morden 2000 s 242 243 Morden 2000 s 244 Morden 2000 s 245 246 Morden 2000 s 247 Morden 2000 s 248 Morden 2000 s 253 Morden 2000 s 254 Morden 2000 s 254 255 Bolzenius 2019 Moore 1996 s 79 Morden Bettie J 1992 The Women s Army Corps 1945 1978 Lulu com s 34 ISBN 978 1105093562 Public Law 95 485 Sec 820 Abolishment of Women s Army Corps was signed by President Carter on October 20 1978 Women s Army Corps veteran values support systems The Redstone Rocket News The Redstone Rocket 9 veresnya 1971 Procitovano 25 lipnya 2015 Longest serving female warrant to retire after 43 years Armytimes com 9 lipnya 2015 Procitovano 25 lipnya 2015 Trooper reflects on 43 years of selfless service Fort Hood Herald Across The Fort Kdhnews com Procitovano 25 lipnya 2015 signed into law on 3 July 1943 Servicemen s Allowance Act of 1942 amendment of 25 October 1943 Mrs Hobby received the commissioned rank of colonel in the US Army on 5 July 1943 Women s Army Corps Veterans Association Army Women United armywomen org Procitovano 29 March 2018 Geraldine Pratt May defense gov Procitovano 29 March 2018 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion www history army mil Center of Military History Arhiv originalu za 14 March 2016 Procitovano 17 kvitnya 2016 Military and Veteran Benefits News Veteran Jobs military com Procitovano 29 March 2018 Morden Bettie J 1992 The women s army corps 1945 1978 Center of Military History U S Army OCLC 42728896 Education amp Resources National Women s History Museum NWHM nwhm org Arhiv originalu za 6 September 2015 Procitovano 5 serpnya 2015 Cowan Ruth 1 February 1943 Waac Skipper in North Africa Can Make A Very Nice Lemon Pie The Palm Beach Post Associated Press s 6 Procitovano 6 October 2019 Treadwell 1954 s 360 150 Hear Capt Marquis Tell of Overseas Service The Rutland Daily Herald 14 February 1944 s 12 Procitovano 6 October 2019 Treadwell 1954 s 360 Interview with Ellen Bryan Moore Center for Oral History at Louisiana September October 1995 Arhiv originalu za 26 May 2010 VeteranOfTheDay Army Veteran Dovey Johnson Roundtree Vantage Point Official Blog of the U S Department of Veteran s Affairs U S Department of Veteran s Affairs 5 October 2018 Procitovano 2 January 2020 Fox Margalit 21 May 2018 Dovey Johnson Roundtree Barrier Breaking Lawyer Dies at 104 The New York Times Procitovano 2 January 2020 Trowbridge John M Anna Mac Clarke World War II and the Women s Army Auxiliary Corps Lest We Forget African American Military History by Historian Author and Veteran Bennie McCrae Jr Hampton University Procitovano 2 January 2020 William Begley 27 bereznya 2013 Music never stopped for longest serving female army mil Procitovano 29 March 2018 Jeff VanWey 26 lipnya 2011 Band commander receives award army mil Procitovano 29 March 2018 Ellis Jacqueline 1998 Silent witnesses representations of working class women in the United States Bowling Green OH Bowling Green State University Popular Press ISBN 978 0879727444 OCLC 36589970 Mankiller Wilma Pearl 1998 The reader s companion to U S women s history Boston Houghton Mifflin Co ISBN 978 0395671733 OCLC 47009823 Kenneth S Davis Soldier of Democracy A Biography of Dwight D Eisenhower New York Doubleday Doran amp Company Inc 1945 p 467 Amy Sheridan earns her wings Jewish Women s Archive angl Procitovano 21 chervnya 2021 In the Service The Columbian amer Procitovano 16 veresnya 2022 Command Sgt Maj Mildred Kelly Army Women s Foundation amer Arhiv originalu za 17 sichnya 2023 Procitovano 17 sichnya 2023