Анак Парфянський (вірм. Անակ), також відомий як Анак Пахлаві (розквіт III-го століття, помер 252), був парфійським дворянином, який жив під час Аршакідської дінастії Вірменії).
Анак Парфійський | |
Народився | 3 століття |
Помер | 287 |
Країна | Держава Сасанідів |
Знання мов | парфянська |
Рід | d і Сурена |
Діти | Григорій Просвітитель |
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Cya stattya pro Anaka Parfijskogo aristokrata yakij buv batkom Grigoriya Prosvititelya ta vbiv carya Hosrova II Velikogo Pro figuru z yevrejskoyi Bibliyi yaka yak kazhut ye prabatkom Anakitiv div Anak Parfyanskij virm Անակ takozh vidomij yak Anak Pahlavi rozkvit III go stolittya pomer 252 buv parfijskim dvoryaninom yakij zhiv pid chas Arshakidskoyi dinastiyi Virmeniyi Anak ParfijskijNarodivsya3 stolittyaPomer287Krayina Derzhava SasanidivZnannya movparfyanskaRidd i SurenaDitiGrigorij ProsvititelTemplate Christian Settipani Nos ancetres de l Antiquite 1991 S 53 66 d Track Q13433589 Chahin The Kingdom of Armenia A History p 218 Hovannisian The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times Volume I The Dynastic Periods From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century p 218 Terian Patriotism And Piety In Armenian Christianity The Early Panegyrics On Saint Gregory p 50 Agat angeghos History of the Armenians p xxvii Kurkjian A History of Armenia p 270 Lang David Marshall 1980 Allen amp Unwin s 155 ISBN 9780049560093 Arhiv originalu za 4 veresnya 2017 Procitovano 25 kvitnya 2019 Russell James R 2004 Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Harvard University s 358 ISBN 9780935411195 Arhiv originalu za 11 lipnya 2020 Procitovano 25 kvitnya 2019 Terian Patriotism And Piety In Armenian Christianity The Early Panegyrics On Saint Gregory p 106 Kurkjian A History of Armenia p 97 Hovannisian The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times Volume I The Dynastic Periods From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century p 72 Hovannisian The Armenian People From Ancient to Modern Times Volume I The Dynastic Periods From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century p p 72 amp 218 Ghazarian The Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia During the Crusades The Integration of Cilician Armenians With the Latins 1080 1393 p 173 Milman The history of Christianity from the birth of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the Roman Empire p 276 Eghiayean Heroes of Hayastan a dramatic novel history of Armenia p 191 Dodgeon The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars AD 226 363 p 270 ol section DzherelaH Hart Milman amp J Murdock The History of Christianity from the birth of Christ to the abolition of paganism in the Roman Empire Google eBook Harper amp Brothers 1841 Agat angeghos History of the Armenians SUNY Press 1976 B Eghiayean Heroes of Hayastan a dramatic history novel of Armenia Armenian National Fund 1993 M H Dodgeon amp S N C Lieu comp amp ed The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars AD 226 363 a documentary history Routledge 1994 J G Ghazarian The Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia During the Crusades the Integration of Cilician Armenians with the Latins 1080 1393 Routledge 2000 M Chahin The Kingdom of Armenia a History Routledge 2001 R G Hovannisian The Armenian People from Ancient to Modern Times Volume I The Dynastic Periods From Antiquity to the Fourteenth Century Palgrave Macmillan 2004 A Terian Patriotism and Piety in Armenian Christianity the Early Panegyrics on Saint Gregory St Vladimir s Seminary Press 2005 V M Kurkjian A History of Armenia Indo European Publishing 2008