Фрі́дріх Крато́хвіл (Friedrich Kratochwil; народився 1944, Бржецлав, Моравія) — німецький університетський професор, вчений-політолог, який вивчився в Університеті Мюнхена перед переїздом до США, згодом повернувся до Європи. Він отримав подяку від Університету Прінстона.
Фрідріх Кратохвіл | ||
Народився | 15 лютого 1944[1] (80 років) Бржецлав | |
Країна | Німеччина | |
Діяльність | політолог, викладач університету, редактор | |
Галузь | міжнародні відносини[2], міжнародне право[2], зовнішня політика[2] і політологія[2] | |
Alma mater | Принстонський університет | |
Знання мов | німецька[2] і англійська[2] | |
Заклад | Колумбійський університет і Мюнхенський університет Людвіга-Максиміліана | |
Інші роботи
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Fri drih Krato hvil Friedrich Kratochwil narodivsya 1944 Brzheclav Moraviya nimeckij universitetskij profesor vchenij politolog yakij vivchivsya v Universiteti Myunhena pered pereyizdom do SShA zgodom povernuvsya do Yevropi Vin otrimav podyaku vid Universitetu Prinstona Fridrih KratohvilNarodivsya15 lyutogo 1944 1944 02 15 1 80 rokiv BrzheclavKrayina NimechchinaDiyalnistpolitolog vikladach universitetu redaktorGaluzmizhnarodni vidnosini 2 mizhnarodne pravo 2 zovnishnya politika 2 i politologiya 2 Alma materPrinstonskij universitetZnannya movnimecka 2 i anglijska 2 ZakladKolumbijskij universitet i Myunhenskij universitet Lyudviga MaksimilianaThe Humean Conception of International Relations Center for International Studies Princeton University Princeton N J 1981 International Law A Contemporary Perspective Boulder Colo Westview Press 1985 co edited with Richard Falk Princeton University and Saul Mendlovitz Rutgers Law School Peace and Disputed Sovereignty Reflections on Conflict over Territory Lanham MD University Press of America 1985 co authored with Paul Rohrlich and Harpreet Mahajan Rules Norms and Decisions On the Conditions of Practical and Legal Reasoning in International Relations and Domestic Society Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1989 Paperback edition March 1991 International Organization A Reader together with Ed Mansfield eds New York Harper Collins 1993 The Return of Culture and Identity in IR Theory editor with Yosef Lapid Boulder Colo Lynne Rienner 1996 Transformative Change and Global Order editor with Doris Fuchs LIT Verlag 2002 International Organization and Global Governance A Reader Friedrich Kratochwil and Edward D Mansfield eds Pearson Longman Second Edition 2005 The Status of Law in World Society Mediations on the Role and Rule of Law Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2014 Praxis On Acting and Knowing Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2018 section Statti Politik und Politische Wissenschaft Zeitschrift fur Politik vol 18 1971 no 2 pp 113 23 Strukturfunktionalismus und Methodologische Probleme der Politischen Entwicklungslehre Zeitschrift fur Politik vol 19 1972 no 1 pp 32 48 Amerika hast du es besser Zeitschrift fur Politik vol 20 1972 no 1 pp 73 81 Alternative Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Policy International Interaction vol 8 Summer 1981 pp 105 22 On the Notion of Interest in International Relations International Organization vol 36 no 1 Winter 1982 pp 1 30 Is International Law Proper Law Archiv fur Rechts und Sozialphilosophie Archives for Philosophy of LAW AND Social Philosophy vol 69 Heft 1 1983 pp 13 46 Thrasymmachos Revisited On the Relevance of Norms and the Study of Law for International Relations Journal of International Affairs Winter 1983 pp 343 356 Errors have their Advantages International Organization vol 38 no 1 Winter 1984 pp 305 320 The Force of Prescriptions International Organization vol 38 Fall 1984 pp 685 708 Rethinking the Sources of International Law Columbia Journal of Transnational Law vol 23 1985 pp 705 712 The Role of Domestic Courts as Agencies of the International Legal Order in Falk Kratochwil Mendlovitz eds International Law A Contemporary Perspective Boulder Colo Westview 1985 ch 13 pp 236 263 Of Law and Human Action A Jurisprudential Plea for a World Order Perspective in International Legal Studies in Falk Kratochwil Mendlovitz eds International Law op cit ch 37 639 650 The State of the Art or the Art of the State together with John Ruggie International Organization vol 40 1986 pp 753 76 Routledge Volumes vol 2 2000 pp 753 75 Of Systems and Boundaries Reflections on the Formation of the State System World Politics vol 39 Fall 1986 pp 27 52 Strukturfunktionalismus und methodologische Probleme der politischen Entwicklungslehre in Franz Nuscheler ed Politikwissenschaftliche Entwicklungslanderforschung vol 379 Darmstadt Ger Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1986 pp 74 98 reprinted from Zeitschrift fur Politik vol 19 1972 Norms and Values Rethinking the Domestic Analogy Ethics and International Affairs vol 1 1987 Rules Norms Values and the Limits of Rationality Archiv fur Rechts und Sozialphilosophie vol 73 1987 Diritto e Principi di Natura Pufendorf e le Leggi di Natura come Condizioni Transcendentali di un Discorso sulle Dispute Teoria Politica Italy vol 4 1988 Regimes Interpretation and the Science of Politics Millennium vol 17 1988 pp 263 284 Protagorean Quest Community Justice and the Oughts and Musts of International Politics International Journal vol 43 No 2 1988 International Organization The State of the Art with John Ruggie in Paul Diehl ed The Politics of International Organizations Patterns and Insights Chicago Il Dorsey Press 1989 pp 17 27 The Challenge of Security in a Changing World Journal of International Affairs vol 43 Summer Fall 1989 pp 119 141 On the Relevance of Norms and the Study of Law for International Relations in Peter A Toma Robert Gorman eds International Relations Understanding Global Issues Pacific Grove Calif Brooks Cole Publishers 1990 ch 10 abridged reprint from Thrasymmachus Revisited Journal of International Affairs vol 37 Winter 1984 International Order and Individual Liberty Constitutional Political Economy vol 3 No 1 1992 pp 39 50 The Embarrassment of Changes Neo Realism as the Science of Realpolitik without Politics Review of International Studies vol 19 1993 pp 1 18 Norms vs Numbers Multilateralism and the Rationalist and Reflexivist Approaches to Institutions A Unilateral Plea for Communicative Rationality in John G Ruggie ed Multilateralism Matters New York Columbia University Press 1993 chapter 11 Constitutional Thought vs Value based Thought in World Order Studies in Richard Falk Robert Johansen Samuel Kim eds The Constitutional Foundations of World Peace Albany State University of New York Press 1993 chapter 11 Medieval Tales Neorealist Science and the Abuse of History together with Rodney Hall International Organization vol 47 no 3 Summer 1993 pp 479 92 Contract and Regimes in Volker Rittberger ed Regime Theory and International Relations Oxford Engl Clarendon Press 1993 chapter 4 Understanding Change in International Politics The Soviet empire s demise and the international system together with Rey Koslowski International Organization Spring 1994 vol 48 no 2 pp 215 248 The Limits of Contract European Journal of International Law vol 5 no 4 1994 pp 465 91 The Limits of Contract reprinted in Law and Moral Action in World Politics Cecelia Lynch Michael Loriaux eds University of Minnesota Press 2000 pp 24 53 Citizenship On the Border of Order in Alternatives vol 19 no 4 Fall 1994 pp 485 506 Changing Relations between State Market and Society and the Problem of Knowledge Pacific Focus vol 9 Fall 1994 pp 43 60 Sovereignty as Dominium Is there a Right of Humanitarian Intervention in Michael Mastanduno Gene Lyons eds Beyond Westphalia National Sovereignty and International Intervention Baltimore MD Johns Hopkins Univ Press 1995 chapter 2 Was wissen wir uber den Wandel der Beziehungen zwischen Staat Markt und Gesellschaft Welttrends No 7 1995 pp 114 132 Why Sisyphus is Happy Reflections on the Third Debate and on Theorizing as a Vocation The Seyjong Review vol 3 1995 pp 3 36 Revisiting the National Toward an Identity Agenda in Neorealism in Yosef Lapid Friedrich Kratochwil eds Nationalism Citizenship and Identity Boulder Colo Lynne Riener Publ 1995 pp 105 128 Citizenship On the Border of Order in Friedrich Kratochwil Yosef Lapid eds Nationalism Citizenship and Identity Boulder Colo Lynne Riener Publ 1995 pp 181 197 reprint from Alternatives vol 19 no 4 Fall 1994 Is the Ship of Culture at Sea or Returning in together with Yosef Lapid ed Nationalism Citizenship and Identity Boulder Colo Lynne Riener Publ 1996 pp 201 222 Globalization and the Disappearance of Publics in Jin Young Chung ed Global Governance The Role of International Institutions in A Changing World Seoul Sejong Institute 1997 chapter 4 Awakening or Somnambulation in Millennium vol 26 No 2 1997 pp 1 6 Politics Norms and Peaceful Change Review of International Studies vol 24 1998 pp 193 218 reprinted also in Tim Dunne Michael Cox Ken Booth eds The Eighty Years Crisis Cambridge England Cambridge University Press 1998 pp 193 218 Accion y Conocimiento Historico La Construccion de Teorias de las Relaciones Internacionales Foro Internacional vol XXXIX 4 1999 pp 588 610 How Do Norms Matter in Michael Byers ed The Role of Law in International Politics Oxford Oxford University Press 2000 pp 35 68 Theory and Political Practice Reflections on Theory Building in International Relations in Principled World Politics The Challenge of Normative International Relations Paul Wapner Lester Edwin J Ruiz eds Lanham MD Rowman amp Littlefield Publishers Inc 2000 pp 50 64 Constructing a New Orthodoxy Wendt s Social Theory of International Politics and the Constructivist Challenge in Millennium 2000 vol 29 no 1 pp 73 101 The Politics of Place and Origin An Inquiry into the Changing Boundaries of Representation Citizenship and Legitimacy in Beverly Neufeld Michi Ebata eds Confronting the Political in International Relations London MacMillan 2000 New York St Martin s Press 2000 chapter 8 pp 185 211 in International Relations of the Asia Pacific Oxford University Press 2001 vol 1 no 1 pp 143 165 Constructivism as an Approach to Interdisciplinary Study in Karin M Fierke Knud Erik Joergensen eds Constructing International Relations the next generation Armonk N Y London M E Sharpe 2001 chapt 1 pp 13 35 International law as an approach to international ethics A plea for a jurisprudential diagnostics Jean Marc Coicaud Daniel Warner eds Ethics and International Affairs Tokyo United Nations University Press 2001 chapt 2 pp 14 41 Conclusion in Friedrich Kratochwil Mathias Albert David Jacobson Yosef Lapid eds Identities Borders Orders New Directions in IR Theory Minneapolis London University of Minnesota Press 2001 Reflexivity Method and Evidence T Hopf F V Kratochwil R N Lebow in International Encyclopedia of the Social amp Behavioral Sciences Elsevier Science Ltd Oxford 2001 12884 12888 Souveranitat und Moderne Eine begriffliche Analyse des semantischen Feldes in Markus Jachtenfuchs Michele Knodt Hrsg Regieren in internationalen Institutionen Leske Budrich Opladen 2002 S 29 51 Globalization What It Is and What It Is Not Some critical reflections on the discursive formations dealing with transformative change in Doris A Fuchs Friedrich Kratochwil eds Transformative Change and Global Order LIT Verlag 2002 S 25 44 11 September Das Ende des Hobbesischen Projekts in Neue Bedrohung Terrorismus Der 11 September 2001 und die Folgen Sammelband Ellen Box Antje Helmerich Hrsg Lit Verlag Munster 2003 S 109 25 Moles Martyrs and Sleepers The End of the Hobbesian Project Ethnologia Europaea 33 2 57 68 2003 The Legalization of World Politics Leiden Journal of International Law Vol 16 December 2003 878 84 2003 Religion and Inter National Politics On th Heuristics of Identities Structures and Agents Alternatives 30 2005 113 140Inshi robotiAn Evaluation of the CACI CIA Modell for Long Range Strategic Forecasting Arlington Va Computer Science Corp 1978 The Problem of Measurement and Explanation in the Social Sciences Letter Report to the Department of Defense Computer Science Corp December 15 1978 Book review of Cornelius Murphy Jr The Search for World Order Dordrecht Boston Martinus Nijhoff Publ 1985 American Journal of International Law vol 81 no 3 1987 pp 780 82 Book review of Barry Buzan Charles Jones Richard Little The Logic of Anarchy New York Columbia University Press 1993 American Political Science Review vol 88 No 1 March 1994 pp 249 251 Which Role for Germany Reflections on the Nation mit Null Bock Thyssen Lectures Georgetown University 1996 Kreatives Chaos Uberlegungen zur Reformierbarkeit komplexer sozialer Systeme Aviso vol 4 1997 pp 23 bis 27 PrimitkiDeutsche Nationalbibliothek Record 143197967 Gemeinsame Normdatei 2012 2016 d Track Q27302d Track Q36578 Czech National Authority Database d Track Q13550863DzhereloFridrih Kratohvil na sajti Centralno Yevropejskogo universitetu angl Na cyu stattyu ne posilayutsya inshi statti Vikipediyi Bud laska rozstavte posilannya vidpovidno do prijnyatih rekomendacij