Sillima nivski memoria lni le kciyi angl Silliman Memorial lectures naukova nagoroda vid Yelskogo universitetu zasnovana fundaciyeyu Mrs Hepsa Ely Silliman Foundation u 1901 roci na osnovi spadku v rozmiri 80 000 dolariv SShA zalishenogo v 1883 roci Avgustom Eli Sillimanom angl Augustus Ely Silliman 1807 1884 na vshanuvannya pam yati pro jogo matir misis Gepsa Eli Silliman angl Hepsa Ely Silliman 1778 1864 Sillimanivski memorialni lekciyi angl Silliman Memorial lectures Krayina SShATip naukova nagorodaVruchaye Yelskij universitetStatus vruchayetsya Na chest d Nagorodzhennya Zasnovano 1901Pershe 1903Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Sillimanivski lektori 33 Chergovist Laureat nagorodi provodit cikl lekcij yakij potim fundaciyeyu Mrs Hepsa Ely Silliman Foundation u spivpraci z vidavnictvom Yelskogo universitetu publikuyetsya u viglyadi knigi v ramkah seriyi Silliman Memorial lectures Temi lekcij mayut buti prisvyacheni prirodnichim naukam anatomiya astronomiya geologiya himiya tosho istoriyi ta morali Laureati nagorodi1903 Dzhozef Dzhon Tomson Electricity and Matter Elektrika i materiya 1904 1904 Charlz Skott Sherrington The Integrative Action of the Nervous System Integrativna diya nervovoyi sistemi 1906 1905 Ernest Rezerford Radioactive Transformations Radioaktivni peretvorennya 1906 1906 Valter German Nernst Experimental and Theoretical Applications of Thermodynamics to Chemistry Eksperimentalni ta teoretichni zastosuvannya termodinamiki v himiyi 1911 perevidano 1913 1907 Vilyam Betson Problems of Genetics Problemi genetiki 1913 1908 Albreht Penk 1909 Vilyam Volles Kempbell Stellar Motions Ruhi zir 1913 1910 Svante Avgust Arrenius Theories of Solutions Teoriyi rishen 1912 1911 en Irritability Drativlivist 1908 1913 Vilyam Osler The Evolution of Modern Medicine Evolyuciya suchasnoyi medicini 1921 1913 Dzhozef Iddings ta in The Problem of Volcanism Problema vulkanizmu 1914 1914 Valdemar Lindgren ta in Problems of American Geology Problemi amerikanskoyi geologiyi 1915 1916 Dzhon Skott Goldejn Organism and Environment as Illustrated by the Physiology of Breathing Respiration Organizm i navkolishnye seredovishe na prikladi fiziologiyi dihannya 1917 1918 Edvard Solsberi Dana Charlz Shuhert en en de en Wesley R Coe A Century of Science in America Dana Commemorative Lectures Stolittya nauki v Americi pam yatni lekciyi Dani 1922 1919 Zhak Solomon Adamar Lecture on Cauchy s Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations Lekciya pro zadachu Koshi v linijnih diferencialnih rivnyannyah u chastinnih pohidnih 1923 1920 en After Life in Roman Paganism Zagrobne zhittya v rimskomu yazichnictvi 1922 1920 Leo Frederick Rettger A Treatise on the Transformation of the Intestinal Flora with Special Reference to the Implantation of Bacillus Acidophillus Traktat pro transformaciyu kishkovoyi flori z osoblivim akcentom na implantaciyu Bacillus Acidophilus 1921 1921 Klemens fon Pirke An Outline of the Pirquet System of Nutrition Opis sistemi harchuvannya Pirke 1922 1922 Avgust Krog The Anatomy and Physiology of Capillaries Anatomiya i fiziologiya kapilyariv 1922 perevidannya nov red 1927 1923 Nils Bor XXII Notes to the Silliman Lectures 1923 Notatki do Sillimanivskih lekcij 1923 1976 1924 Tomas Gant Morgan The Theory of the Gene Teoriya gena 1926 1925 Gilbert Nyuton Lyuyis The Anatomy of Science Anatomiya nauki 1926 1926 en 1927 en Blood A Study in General Physiology Krov doslidzhennya zagalnoyi fiziologiyi 1928 1930 Genrih Otto Viland On the Mechanism of Oxidation Pro mehanizm okisnennya 1932 1931 Ouen Vilans Richardson Molecular Hydrogen and its Spectrum Molekulyarnij voden ta jogo spektr 1934 1933 Redzhinald Oldvort Deli The Changing World of the Ice Age Zminnij svit lodovikovogo periodu 1934 1934 Gans Shpeman Induction Indukciya 1938 1935 Edvin Gabbl The Realm of the Nebulae Carstvo tumannostej 1936 perevidano 1982 1936 en Paleontology and Modern Biology Paleontologiya i suchasna biologiya 1951 1938 en Protein Metabolism in the Plant Metabolizm bilka v roslinah 1939 1939 Rihard Goldshmidt The Material Basis of Evolution 1940 perevidano 1982 1945 Ernest Orlando Lourens Lajnus Poling Dzhordzh Bidl Vendell Meredit Stenli The Centennial of the Sheffield Scientific School za red en 1950 1946 en 1947 Dzhordzh Bidl 1948 Ross Garrison Organization and Development of the Embryo Organizaciya ta rozvitok embriona 1969 za red Salli Vajdens 1949 Enriko Fermi Elementary Particles Elementarni chastinki 1951 stattya 1961 1950 Garold Klejton Yuri The Planets Their Origin and Development Planeti yih pohodzhennya ta rozvitok 1952 stattya 1961 1951 en The Ocean Floor Dno okeanu 1954 1952 Karl Ferdinand Kori en en 1953 Ragnar Granit Receptors and Sensory Perception Receptori i sensorne sprijnyattya 1955 1954 en Behavior Theory and Conditioning Teoriya povedinki ta zamovlennya 1956 1955 Dzhon fon Nejman The Computer and the Brain Komp yuter i mozok 1958 stattya 1979 1956 Glenn Teodor Siborg The Transuranium Elements Transuranovi elementi 1958 1958 Feodosij Dobzhanskij Mankind Evolving Lyudstvo rozvivayetsya 1962 1959 en 1960 en Man Adapting Lyudina adaptuyetsya 1965 stattya 1967 rozshirena redakciya 1990 1962 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekar Ellipsoidal Figures of Equilibrium Elipsoyidni figuri rivnovagi 1969 1963 Luyis Liki Aleksander Todd 1964 Robert Sanderson Malliken 1965 en 1966 en 1966 Lekciyi do storichchya Muzeyu Pibodi Evolution and Environment Evolyuciya dovkillya za red Elen Drejk 1968 1967 Dzhejkob Bronovski On the Origins of Knowledge and Imagination Pro vitoki znannya ta uyavi 1979 1968 Dzhoshua Lederberg 1969 V V Bishop ta in The Late Cenozoic Glacial Ages Piznij kajnozojskij lodovikovij period 1971 za red en 1974 Stiven Kuffler 1975 Fransua Zhakob 1976 en 1977 Stiven Vajnberg 1977 Lajman Spitcer Searching Between the Stars Poshuk mizh zoryami 1982 1978 Artur Kornberg 1979 en Germ Cells and Soma A New Look at an Old Problem Statevi klitini ta soma novij poglyad na staru problemu 1981 1980 Roald Goffman Deniel Karlton Gajdushek 1981 en 1982 en 1983 Kip Torn Black Holes The Membrane Paradigm Chorni diri paradigma membran u spivavtorstvi z Richardom Prajsom ta Duglasom Makdonaldom 1986 1984 Aaron Klug 1985 Elajs Dzhejms Kori 1986 Erik Kendel 1989 Kristiana Nyuslyajn Folgard 1989 Gelfand Izrayil Mojsejovich 1992 en 1994 Dzhejms Pibls Philip J E Cosmogony How did Galaxies Form Mass Puzzles and the Past and Future of Our Expanding Universe Filip Dzh E Kosmogoniya yak utvorilisya galaktiki Masovi golovolomki ta minule i majbutnye nashogo Vsesvitu sho rozshiryuyetsya 1995 Dzhon Gopfild Neural Networks Brains and Computers Nejronni merezhi mozok i komp yuteri 1996 Yudzhin Shumejker Near Earth Asteroids and Comets Nablizheni do Zemli asteroyidi i kometi 1998 P yer Zhil de Zhen From Rice to Snow Problems of Granular Matter Vid risu do snigu problemi granulovanoyi materiyi 1998 Martin Karplus Proteins The Fourth Dimension Bilki Chetvertij vimir 2001 Miv Liki African Origins Sole Survivors of a Diverse Past Afrikanske pohodzhennya yedini lyudi yaki perezhili riznomanitne minule 2001 en Evolving Brains Evolyucionuyuchij mozok 2001 en Genes Peoples and Languages Geni narodi i movi 2001 Tomas Robert Chek The RNA World and the Origins of Life Life Before Yale Long Before Svit RNK i pohodzhennya zhittya Zhittya do Yelskogo universitetu zadovgo do 2001 en J William Discovery of Earth s Earliest Fossils Solutions to Darwin s Dilemma Vidkrittya najdavnishih skam yanilostej Zemli rishennya dilemi Darvina 2001 en From Small Rocks to Big Stars and the Early Universe a Study of Cosmochemical Immodesty Vid malenkih kameniv do velikih zirok i rannogo Vsesvitu doslidzhennya kosmohimichnoyi neskromnosti 2002 en Chemistry and the Earth Bridging Electronic Structure and Climate The Nature of the Chemical Bond in Transition Prediction of Barrier Heights Himiya ta Zemlya poyednannya elektronnoyi strukturi ta klimatu Priroda himichnogo zv yazku pid chas perehodu prognozuvannya visoti bar yeru Coupling of Chemistry and Climate Eocene Present and Future Zv yazok himiyi ta klimatu Eocen sogodennya ta majbutnye 2012 Sandra Faber Genesis The Modern Story Buttya suchasna istoriya 2013 en Group Love Grupove kohannya 2014 en Plates and Earthquakes Why We Expect a Million Deaths this Century Pliti ta zemletrusi chomu mi ochikuyemo miljon smertej u comu stolitti 2016 en Sea Level Rise Inconvenient or Unmanageable Pidvishennya rivnya morya nezruchno chi nekerovano 2017 en Essential Solutions and Technologies to Eliminate Preventable Newborn Death in Africa Osnovni rishennya ta tehnologiyi dlya zapobigannya smerti novonarodzhenih v Africi 2018 Devid Rajh Who We Are and How We Got Here Ancient DNA and the New Science of the Human Past Hto mi i yak mi tut opinilisya Starodavnya DNK i nova nauka pro minule lyudini PrimitkiThe Silliman Lectures at Yale University Science82 246 246 1935 DOI 10 1126 science 82 2124 246 a The Silliman Memorial Lectures Series Yale University Press https www google com ua search hl uk amp tbo p amp tbm bks amp q bibliogroup Mrs Hepsa Ely Silliman memorial lectures amp source gbs metadata r amp cad 3 V Google Knigi Tut i dali vkazuyetsya rik vihodu drukovanogo variantu ciklu lekcij https www jstor org stable 1641885 seq 1 page scan tab contents 2016 08 17 u Wayback Machine The Silliman Lectures Science New Series Vol 47 No 1220 May 17 1918 p 482 Leo Frederick Rettger papers Archives at Yale Niels Bohr Collected Works Edited by L Rosenfeld and J Rud Nielsen Amsterdam North Holland Publishing Company 1976 T Vol 3 The Correspondence Principle 1918 1923 S 581 601 Collection Silliman lecture series Yale University records Archives at Yale Posilannyahttps yalebooks yale edu series the silliman memorial lectures series https www science org doi 10 1126 science 82 2124 246 a 80 results in SearchWorks catalog stanford edu