Спіра́ль — крива, що обертається навколо деякої точки, поступово наближаючись або віддаляючись від неї, залежно від того, в якому напрямі рухатись вздовж кривої. До найвідоміших спіралей належить спіраль Архімеда, логарифмічна спіраль, евольвента кола та літуус. Подібно до просторового аналогу, гвинтової лінії, спіралі є асиметричні і кожна з них має дві форми, що є відображенням одна одної.
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Джерела інформації
- David Darling (2004). The Universal Book of Mathematics, from Abracadabra to Zeno's paradoxes. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN .
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- SpiralZoom.com [ 13 січня 2020 у Wayback Machine.], освітній вебсайт про дослідження механізмів утворення шаблонів, спіралей в природі та спіралі в міфології.
Список літератури
- Cook, T., 1903. Spirals in nature and art. Nature 68 (1761), 296.
- Cook, T., 1979. The curves of life. Dover, New York.
- Habib, Z., Sakai, M., 2005. Spiral transition curves and their applications. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 61 (2), 195 – 206.
- Dimulyo, S., Habib, Z., Sakai, M., 2009. Fair cubic transition between two circles with one circle inside or tangent to the other. Numerical Algorithms 51, 461–476 [1][недоступне посилання].
- Harary, G., Tal, A., 2011. The natural 3D spiral. Computer Graphics Forum 30 (2), 237 – 246 [2] [ 22 листопада 2015 у Wayback Machine.].
- Xu, L., Mould, D., 2009. Magnetic curves: curvature-controlled aesthetic curves using magnetic fields. In: Deussen, O., Hall, P. (Eds.), Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging. The Eurographics Association [3] [ 3 березня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- Wang, Y., Zhao, B., Zhang, L., Xu, J., Wang, K., Wang, S., 2004. Designing fair curves using monotone curvature pieces. Computer Aided Geometric Design 21 (5), 515–527 [4] [ 24 вересня 2015 у Wayback Machine.].
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- Farouki, R.T., 1997. Pythagorean-hodograph quintic transition curves of monotone curvature. Computer-Aided Design 29 (9), 601–606.
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- Yoshida, N., Saito, T., 2007. Quasi-aesthetic curves in rational cubic Bézier forms. Computer-Aided Design and Applications 4 (9–10), 477–486 [11] [ 3 березня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- Ziatdinov, R., Yoshida, N., Kim, T., 2012. Analytic parametric equations of log-aesthetic curves in terms of incomplete gamma functions. Computer Aided Geometric Design 29 (2), 129 – 140 [12] [ 24 вересня 2015 у Wayback Machine.].
- Ziatdinov, R., Yoshida, N., Kim, T., 2012. Fitting G2 multispiral transition curve joining two straight lines, Computer-Aided Design 44(6), 591–596 [13] [ 24 вересня 2015 у Wayback Machine.].
- Ziatdinov, R., 2012. Family of superspirals with completely monotonic curvature given in terms of Gauss hypergeometric function. Computer Aided Geometric Design 29(7): 510-518 [14] [ 24 вересня 2015 у Wayback Machine.].
- Ziatdinov, R., Miura K.T., 2012. On the Variety of Planar Spirals and Their Applications in Computer Aided Design. European Researcher 27(8-2), 1227-1232 [15] [ 23 липня 2020 у Wayback Machine.].
- Спіраля // Українська мала енциклопедія : 16 кн. : у 8 т. / проф. Є. Онацький. — Накладом Адміністратури УАПЦ в Аргентині. — Буенос-Айрес, 1965. — Т. 7, кн. XIV : Літери Сен — Сті. — С. 1823. — 1000 екз.
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Spira l kriva sho obertayetsya navkolo deyakoyi tochki postupovo nablizhayuchis abo viddalyayuchis vid neyi zalezhno vid togo v yakomu napryami ruhatis vzdovzh krivoyi Do najvidomishih spiralej nalezhit spiral Arhimeda logarifmichna spiral evolventa kola ta lituus Podibno do prostorovogo analogu gvintovoyi liniyi spirali ye asimetrichni i kozhna z nih maye dvi formi sho ye vidobrazhennyam odna odnoyi Rozriz rakovini molyuska Kameri mayut viglyad podibnij do logarifmichnoyi spirali U Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshi znachennya cogo termina Spiral znachennya SpiralPidtrimuyetsya VikiproyektomVikipediya Proyekt Matematika Spiral u VikishovishiDzherela informaciyiDavid Darling 2004 The Universal Book of Mathematics from Abracadabra to Zeno s paradoxes John Wiley amp Sons Inc ISBN 0 471 27047 4 Div takozhPortal Matematika Vikishovishe maye multimedijni dani za temoyu SpiralSpiralZoom com 13 sichnya 2020 u Wayback Machine osvitnij vebsajt pro doslidzhennya mehanizmiv utvorennya shabloniv spiralej v prirodi ta spirali v mifologiyi Spisok literaturiCook T 1903 Spirals in nature and art Nature 68 1761 296 Cook T 1979 The curves of life Dover New York Habib Z Sakai M 2005 Spiral transition curves and their applications Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 61 2 195 206 Dimulyo S Habib Z Sakai M 2009 Fair cubic transition between two circles with one circle inside or tangent to the other Numerical Algorithms 51 461 476 1 nedostupne posilannya Harary G Tal A 2011 The natural 3D spiral Computer Graphics Forum 30 2 237 246 2 22 listopada 2015 u Wayback Machine Xu L Mould D 2009 Magnetic curves curvature controlled aesthetic curves using magnetic fields In Deussen O Hall P Eds Computational Aesthetics in Graphics Visualization and Imaging The Eurographics Association 3 3 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine Wang Y Zhao B Zhang L Xu J Wang K Wang S 2004 Designing fair curves using monotone curvature pieces Computer Aided Geometric Design 21 5 515 527 4 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine A Kurnosenko Applying inversion to construct planar rational spirals that satisfy two point G2 Hermite data Computer Aided Geometric Design 27 3 262 280 2010 5 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine A Kurnosenko Two point G2 Hermite interpolation with spirals by inversion of hyperbola Computer Aided Geometric Design 27 6 474 481 2010 Miura K T 2006 A general equation of aesthetic curves and its self affinity Computer Aided Design and Applications 3 1 4 457 464 6 28 chervnya 2013 u Wayback Machine Miura K Sone J Yamashita A Kaneko T 2005 Derivation of a general formula of aesthetic curves In 8th International Conference on Humans and Computers HC2005 Aizu Wakamutsu Japan pp 166 171 7 28 chervnya 2013 u Wayback Machine Meek D Walton D 1989 The use of Cornu spirals in drawing planar curves of controlled curvature Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 25 1 69 78 8 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Farin G 2006 Class A Bezier curves Computer Aided Geometric Design 23 7 573 581 9 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Farouki R T 1997 Pythagorean hodograph quintic transition curves of monotone curvature Computer Aided Design 29 9 601 606 Yoshida N Saito T 2006 Interactive aesthetic curve segments The Visual Computer 22 9 896 905 10 4 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine Yoshida N Saito T 2007 Quasi aesthetic curves in rational cubic Bezier forms Computer Aided Design and Applications 4 9 10 477 486 11 3 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine Ziatdinov R Yoshida N Kim T 2012 Analytic parametric equations of log aesthetic curves in terms of incomplete gamma functions Computer Aided Geometric Design 29 2 129 140 12 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Ziatdinov R Yoshida N Kim T 2012 Fitting G2 multispiral transition curve joining two straight lines Computer Aided Design 44 6 591 596 13 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Ziatdinov R 2012 Family of superspirals with completely monotonic curvature given in terms of Gauss hypergeometric function Computer Aided Geometric Design 29 7 510 518 14 24 veresnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Ziatdinov R Miura K T 2012 On the Variety of Planar Spirals and Their Applications in Computer Aided Design European Researcher 27 8 2 1227 1232 15 23 lipnya 2020 u Wayback Machine PosilannyaSpiralya Ukrayinska mala enciklopediya 16 kn u 8 t prof Ye Onackij Nakladom Administraturi UAPC v Argentini Buenos Ajres 1965 T 7 kn XIV Literi Sen Sti S 1823 1000 ekz Ce nezavershena stattya z matematiki Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi