Notaciya Landau poshirena matematichna notaciya dlya formalnogo zapisu asimptotichnoyi povedinki funkcij Shiroko vzhivayetsya v teoriyi skladnosti obchislen informatici ta matematici Priklad vikoristannya notaciyi O velike f x O g x displaystyle color red f x in O color blue g x bo isnuyut L gt 0 displaystyle L gt 0 napriklad L 1 displaystyle L 1 ta x 0 displaystyle x 0 napriklad x 0 5 displaystyle x 0 5 taki sho f x L g x displaystyle color red f x leqslant color blue Lg x dlya kozhnogo x x 0 displaystyle x geqslant x 0 Nazvana notaciyeyu Landau na chest nimeckogo matematika Edmunda Landau yakij populyarizuvav cyu notaciyu Vidnoshennya O Oznachennya dlya funkcij dijsnogo kompleksnogo argumentu Cherez K displaystyle mathbb K poznachimo R displaystyle mathbb R abo C displaystyle mathbb C Nehaj A K displaystyle A subset mathbb K f g A K displaystyle f g A to mathbb K i x 0 displaystyle x 0 granichna tochka mnozhini A displaystyle A Cherez B x 0 d displaystyle B x 0 delta poznachimo d displaystyle delta okil tochki x 0 displaystyle x 0 Funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya pidporyadkovanoyu funkciyi g displaystyle g pri x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 yaksho isnuyut dijsni dodatni chisla L displaystyle L ta d displaystyle delta taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A B x 0 d x 0 displaystyle x in A cap B x 0 delta setminus x 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x L g x displaystyle f x leqslant L g x Dlya K R displaystyle mathbb K mathbb R funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya pidporyadkovanoyu funkciyi g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho isnuyut dijsne dodatnye chislo L displaystyle L i dijsne C displaystyle C taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A C displaystyle x in A cap C infty vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x L g x displaystyle f x leqslant L g x Dlya K C displaystyle mathbb K mathbb C funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya pidporyadkovanoyu funkciyi g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho isnuyut dijsne dodatnye chislo L displaystyle L i dijsne C displaystyle C taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A z C z gt C displaystyle x in A cap z in mathbb C mid z gt C vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x L g x displaystyle f x leqslant L g x Poznachennya f x O g x displaystyle f x O g x x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 abo f O g displaystyle f O g x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 Oznachennya dlya funkcij cilogo nevid yemnogo argumentu Nehaj f g N 0 R displaystyle f g mathbb N cup 0 to mathbb R Funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya pidporyadkovanoyu funkciyi g displaystyle g yaksho isnuyut dodatnye dijsne chislo C displaystyle C i naturalne n 0 displaystyle n 0 taki sho dlya dovilnogo n n 0 displaystyle n geqslant n 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f n C g n displaystyle f n leqslant Cg n Poznachennya f n O g n displaystyle f n O g n abo f O g displaystyle f O g Takozh kazhut sho f displaystyle f zrostaye ne shvidshe nizh g displaystyle g abo g displaystyle g ye asimptotichnoyu verhnoyu ocinkoyu f displaystyle f Vlastivosti C f O f x x 0 displaystyle C cdot f O f x to x 0 dlya dovilnogo C K displaystyle C in mathbb K C O 1 displaystyle C O 1 dlya dovilnogo C K displaystyle C in mathbb K Yaksho lim x x 0 f x g x R displaystyle lim limits x to x 0 left frac f x g x right in mathbb R to f O g x x 0 displaystyle f O g x to x 0 Yaksho f O h x x 0 displaystyle f O h x to x 0 i g O h x x 0 displaystyle g O h x to x 0 to f g O h x x 0 displaystyle f g O h x to x 0 Yaksho f O g x x 0 displaystyle f O g x to x 0 to f g O g x x 0 displaystyle f g O g x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 O g 1 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 O g 1 x to x 0 i f 2 O g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 2 O g 2 x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 O g 1 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 cdot f 2 O g 1 cdot g 2 x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 O g 1 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 O g 1 x to x 0 i f 2 O g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 2 O g 2 x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 O max g 1 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 f 2 O max g 1 g 2 x to x 0 Yaksho f O g x x 0 displaystyle f O g x to x 0 i g O h x x 0 displaystyle g O h x to x 0 to f O h x x 0 displaystyle f O h x to x 0 tranzitivnist Vidnoshennya W Oznachennya dlya funkcij dijsnogo kompleksnogo argumentu Cherez K displaystyle mathbb K poznachimo R displaystyle mathbb R abo C displaystyle mathbb C Nehaj A K displaystyle A subset mathbb K f g A K displaystyle f g A to mathbb K i x 0 displaystyle x 0 granichna tochka mnozhini A displaystyle A Cherez B x 0 d displaystyle B x 0 delta poznachimo d displaystyle delta okil tochki x 0 displaystyle x 0 Kazhut sho funkciya f displaystyle f pidporyadkovuye funkciyu g displaystyle g pri x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 yaksho isnuyut dijsni dodatni chisla L displaystyle L ta d displaystyle delta taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A B x 0 d x 0 displaystyle x in A cap B x 0 delta setminus x 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x L g x displaystyle f x geqslant L g x Dlya K R displaystyle mathbb K mathbb R kazhut sho funkciya f displaystyle f pidporyadkovuye funkciyu g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho isnuyut dijsne dodatnye chislo L displaystyle L i dijsne C displaystyle C taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A C displaystyle x in A cap C infty vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x L g x displaystyle f x geqslant L g x Dlya K C displaystyle mathbb K mathbb C kazhut sho funkciya f displaystyle f pidporyadkovuye funkciyu g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho isnuyut dijsne dodatnye chislo L displaystyle L i dijsne C displaystyle C taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A z C z gt C displaystyle x in A cap z in mathbb C mid z gt C vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x L g x displaystyle f x geqslant L g x Poznachennya f x W g x displaystyle f x Omega g x x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 abo f W g displaystyle f Omega g x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 Oznachennya dlya funkcij cilogo nevid yemnogo argumentu Nehaj f g N 0 R displaystyle f g mathbb N cup 0 to mathbb R Kazhut sho funkciya f displaystyle f pidporyadkovuye funkciyu g displaystyle g yaksho isnuyut dodatnye dijsne chislo C displaystyle C i naturalne n 0 displaystyle n 0 taki sho dlya dovilnogo n n 0 displaystyle n geqslant n 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f n C g n displaystyle f n geqslant Cg n Poznachennya f n W g n displaystyle f n Omega g n abo f W g displaystyle f Omega g Takozh kazhut sho f displaystyle f zrostaye ne povilnishe nizh g displaystyle g abo g displaystyle g ye asimptotichnoyu nizhnoyu ocinkoyu f displaystyle f Vlastivosti g O f x x 0 displaystyle g O f x to x 0 todi j lishe todi koli f W g x x 0 displaystyle f Omega g x to x 0 C f W f x x 0 displaystyle C cdot f Omega f x to x 0 dlya dovilnogo C K 0 displaystyle C in mathbb K setminus 0 C W 1 displaystyle C Omega 1 dlya dovilnogo C K 0 displaystyle C in mathbb K setminus 0 Yaksho lim x x 0 g x f x R displaystyle lim limits x to x 0 left frac g x f x right in mathbb R to f W g x x 0 displaystyle f Omega g x to x 0 Yaksho f W h x x 0 displaystyle f Omega h x to x 0 i g W h x x 0 displaystyle g Omega h x to x 0 to f g W h x x 0 displaystyle f g Omega h x to x 0 Yaksho f W g x x 0 displaystyle f Omega g x to x 0 to f g W g x x 0 displaystyle f g Omega g x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 W g 1 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 Omega g 1 x to x 0 i f 2 W g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 2 Omega g 2 x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 W g 1 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 cdot f 2 Omega g 1 cdot g 2 x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 W g 1 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 Omega g 1 x to x 0 i f 2 W g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 2 Omega g 2 x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 W min g 1 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 f 2 Omega min g 1 g 2 x to x 0 Yaksho f W g x x 0 displaystyle f Omega g x to x 0 i g W h x x 0 displaystyle g Omega h x to x 0 to f W h x x 0 displaystyle f Omega h x to x 0 tranzitivnist Vidnoshennya 8 Oznachennya dlya funkcij dijsnogo kompleksnogo argumentu Cherez K displaystyle mathbb K poznachimo R displaystyle mathbb R abo C displaystyle mathbb C Nehaj A K displaystyle A subset mathbb K f g A K displaystyle f g A to mathbb K i x 0 displaystyle x 0 granichna tochka mnozhini A displaystyle A Cherez B x 0 d displaystyle B x 0 delta poznachimo d displaystyle delta okil tochki x 0 displaystyle x 0 Funkciya g displaystyle g nazivayetsya asimptotichnoyu tochnoyu ocinkoyu funkciyi f displaystyle f pri x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 yaksho isnuyut dijsni dodatni chisla L 1 displaystyle L 1 L 2 displaystyle L 2 ta d displaystyle delta taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A B x 0 d x 0 displaystyle x in A cap B x 0 delta setminus x 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist L 1 g x f x L 2 g x displaystyle L 1 g x leqslant f x leqslant L 2 g x Dlya K R displaystyle mathbb K mathbb R funkciya g displaystyle g nazivayetsya asimptotichnoyu tochnoyu ocinkoyu funkciyi f displaystyle f pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho isnuyut dijsni dodatni chisla L 1 displaystyle L 1 L 2 displaystyle L 2 i dijsne C displaystyle C taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A C displaystyle x in A cap C infty vikonuyetsya nerivnist L 1 g x f x L 2 g x displaystyle L 1 g x leqslant f x leqslant L 2 g x Dlya K C displaystyle mathbb K mathbb C funkciya g displaystyle g nazivayetsya asimptotichnoyu tochnoyu ocinkoyu funkciyi f displaystyle f pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho isnuyut dijsni dodatni chisla L 1 displaystyle L 1 L 2 displaystyle L 2 i dijsne C displaystyle C taki sho dlya dovilnogo x A z C z gt C displaystyle x in A cap z in mathbb C mid z gt C vikonuyetsya nerivnist L 1 g x f x L 2 g x displaystyle L 1 g x leqslant f x leqslant L 2 g x Poznachennya f x 8 g x displaystyle f x Theta g x x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 abo f 8 g displaystyle f Theta g x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 Oznachennya dlya funkcij cilogo nevid yemnogo argumentu Nehaj f g N 0 R displaystyle f g mathbb N cup 0 to mathbb R Funkciya g displaystyle g nazivayetsya asimptotichnoyu tochnoyu ocinkoyu funkciyi f displaystyle f yaksho isnuyut dijsni dodatni chisla C 1 displaystyle C 1 C 2 displaystyle C 2 i naturalne n 0 displaystyle n 0 taki sho dlya dovilnogo n n 0 displaystyle n geqslant n 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist C 1 g n f n C 2 g n displaystyle C 1 g n leqslant f n leqslant C 2 g n Poznachennya f n 8 g n displaystyle f n Theta g n abo f 8 g displaystyle f Theta g Vlastivosti f 8 g x x 0 displaystyle f Theta g x to x 0 todi j lishe todi koli f O g x x 0 displaystyle f O g x to x 0 i g W f x x 0 displaystyle g Omega f x to x 0 f 8 g x x 0 displaystyle f Theta g x to x 0 todi j lishe todi koli g 8 f x x 0 displaystyle g Theta f x to x 0 Vidnoshennya o Oznachennya dlya funkcij dijsnogo kompleksnogo argumentu Cherez K displaystyle mathbb K poznachimo R displaystyle mathbb R abo C displaystyle mathbb C Nehaj A K displaystyle A subset mathbb K f g A K displaystyle f g A to mathbb K i x 0 displaystyle x 0 granichna tochka mnozhini A displaystyle A Cherez B x 0 d displaystyle B x 0 delta poznachimo d displaystyle delta okil tochki x 0 displaystyle x 0 Funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya znehtuvanoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g pri x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo e displaystyle varepsilon isnuye dodatnye d displaystyle delta take sho dlya dovilnogo x A B x 0 d x 0 displaystyle x in A cap B x 0 delta setminus x 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x e g x displaystyle f x leqslant varepsilon g x Dlya K R displaystyle mathbb K mathbb R funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya znehtuvanoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo e displaystyle varepsilon isnuye dodatnye C displaystyle C take sho dlya dovilnogo x A C displaystyle x in A cap C infty vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x e g x displaystyle f x leqslant varepsilon g x Dlya K C displaystyle mathbb K mathbb C funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya znehtuvanoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo e displaystyle varepsilon isnuye dodatnye C displaystyle C take sho dlya dovilnogo x A z C z gt C displaystyle x in A cap z in mathbb C mid z gt C vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x e g x displaystyle f x leqslant varepsilon g x Poznachennya f x o g x displaystyle f x o g x abo f o g displaystyle f o g Oznachennya dlya funkcij cilogo nevid yemnogo argumentu Nehaj f g N 0 R displaystyle f g mathbb N cup 0 to mathbb R Funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya znehtuvanoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo C displaystyle C isnuye naturalne n 0 displaystyle n 0 take sho dlya dovilnogo n n 0 displaystyle n geqslant n 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f n C g n displaystyle f n leqslant Cg n Vlastivosti f o g x x 0 displaystyle f o g x to x 0 todi j lishe todi koli lim x x 0 f x g x 0 displaystyle lim limits x to x 0 frac f x g x 0 Yaksho f o g x x 0 displaystyle f o g x to x 0 to f O g x x 0 displaystyle f O g x to x 0 Yaksho f o g x x 0 displaystyle f o g x to x 0 i g O h x x 0 displaystyle g O h x to x 0 to f o h x x 0 displaystyle f o h x to x 0 Takim chinom o O h o h x x 0 displaystyle o O h o h x to x 0 Analogichno O o h o h x x 0 displaystyle O o h o h x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 o g x x 0 displaystyle f 1 o g x to x 0 i f 2 o g x x 0 displaystyle f 2 o g x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 o g x x 0 displaystyle f 1 f 2 o g x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 o g 1 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 o g 1 x to x 0 i f 2 O g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 2 O g 2 x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 o g 1 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 cdot f 2 o g 1 cdot g 2 x to x 0 Yaksho f o g x x 0 displaystyle f o g x to x 0 i g o h x x 0 displaystyle g o h x to x 0 to f o h x x 0 displaystyle f o h x to x 0 tranzitivnist Vidnoshennya w Oznachennya dlya funkcij dijsnogo kompleksnogo argumentu Cherez K displaystyle mathbb K poznachimo R displaystyle mathbb R abo C displaystyle mathbb C Nehaj A K displaystyle A subset mathbb K f g A K displaystyle f g A to mathbb K i x 0 displaystyle x 0 granichna tochka mnozhini A displaystyle A Cherez B x 0 d displaystyle B x 0 delta poznachimo d displaystyle delta okil tochki x 0 displaystyle x 0 Funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya dominuyuchoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g pri x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo e displaystyle varepsilon isnuye dodatnye d displaystyle delta take sho dlya dovilnogo x A B x 0 d x 0 displaystyle x in A cap B x 0 delta setminus x 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x e g x displaystyle f x geqslant varepsilon g x Dlya K R displaystyle mathbb K mathbb R funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya dominuyuchoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo e displaystyle varepsilon isnuye dodatnye C displaystyle C take sho dlya dovilnogo x A C displaystyle x in A cap C infty vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x e g x displaystyle f x geqslant varepsilon g x Dlya K C displaystyle mathbb K mathbb C funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya dominuyuchoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g pri x displaystyle x to infty yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo e displaystyle varepsilon isnuye dodatnye C displaystyle C take sho dlya dovilnogo x A z C z gt C displaystyle x in A cap z in mathbb C mid z gt C vikonuyetsya nerivnist f x e g x displaystyle f x geqslant varepsilon g x Poznachennya f x w g x displaystyle f x omega g x abo f w g displaystyle f omega g Oznachennya dlya funkcij cilogo nevid yemnogo argumentu Nehaj f g N 0 R displaystyle f g mathbb N cup 0 to mathbb R Funkciya f displaystyle f nazivayetsya dominuyuchoyu u porivnyanni z funkciyeyu g displaystyle g yaksho dlya dovilnogo dodatnogo C displaystyle C isnuye naturalne n 0 displaystyle n 0 take sho dlya dovilnogo n n 0 displaystyle n geqslant n 0 vikonuyetsya nerivnist f n C g n displaystyle f n geqslant Cg n Vlastivosti g o f x x 0 displaystyle g o f x to x 0 todi j lishe todi koli f w g x x 0 displaystyle f omega g x to x 0 f w g x x 0 displaystyle f omega g x to x 0 todi j lishe todi koli lim x x 0 f x g x displaystyle lim limits x to x 0 left frac f x g x right infty Yaksho f w g x x 0 displaystyle f omega g x to x 0 to f W g x x 0 displaystyle f Omega g x to x 0 Yaksho f w g x x 0 displaystyle f omega g x to x 0 i g W h x x 0 displaystyle g Omega h x to x 0 to f w h x x 0 displaystyle f omega h x to x 0 Takim chinom w W h w h x x 0 displaystyle omega Omega h omega h x to x 0 Analogichno W w h w h x x 0 displaystyle Omega omega h omega h x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 w g x x 0 displaystyle f 1 omega g x to x 0 i f 2 w g x x 0 displaystyle f 2 omega g x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 w g x x 0 displaystyle f 1 f 2 omega g x to x 0 Yaksho f 1 w g 1 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 omega g 1 x to x 0 i f 2 W g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 2 Omega g 2 x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 w g 1 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 cdot f 2 omega g 1 cdot g 2 x to x 0 Yaksho f w g x x 0 displaystyle f omega g x to x 0 i g w h x x 0 displaystyle g omega h x to x 0 to f w h x x 0 displaystyle f omega h x to x 0 tranzitivnist Vidnoshennya ekvivalentnosti funkcijCherez K displaystyle mathbb K poznachimo R displaystyle mathbb R abo C displaystyle mathbb C Nehaj A K displaystyle A subset mathbb K f g A K displaystyle f g A to mathbb K i x 0 displaystyle x 0 granichna tochka mnozhini A displaystyle A Funkciyi f displaystyle f i g displaystyle g nazivayutsya ekvivalentnimi pri x x 0 displaystyle x to x 0 yaksho f g o f x x 0 displaystyle f g o f x to x 0 Oznachennya dlya funkcij cilogo nevid yemnogo argumentu analogichne Poznachennya f x g x x x 0 displaystyle f x sim g x x to x 0 abo f g x x 0 displaystyle f sim g x to x 0 Vlastivosti Vidnoshennya displaystyle sim ye vidnoshennyam ekvivalentnosti na mnozhini funkcij Nehaj dlya vsih x A x 0 displaystyle x in A setminus x 0 g x 0 displaystyle g x neq 0 Todi f g x x 0 displaystyle f sim g x to x 0 todi j lishe todi koli lim x x 0 f x g x 1 displaystyle lim limits x to x 0 frac f x g x 1 Yaksho f 1 g 1 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 sim g 1 x to x 0 i f 2 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 2 sim g 2 x to x 0 to f 1 f 2 g 1 g 2 x x 0 displaystyle f 1 cdot f 2 sim g 1 cdot g 2 x to x 0 Nehaj dlya vsih x A x 0 displaystyle x in A setminus x 0 f x 0 displaystyle f x neq 0 g x 0 displaystyle g x neq 0 i f g x x 0 displaystyle f sim g x to x 0 Todi dlya bud yakoyi funkciyi h A K displaystyle h A to mathbb K z isnuvannya odniyeyi z granic lim x x 0 f x h x displaystyle lim x to x 0 f x cdot h x lim x x 0 g x h x displaystyle lim x to x 0 g x cdot h x viplivaye isnuvannya drugoyi granici i yih rivnist dd Analogichno z isnuvannya odniyeyi z granic dd lim x x 0 f x h x displaystyle lim x to x 0 frac f x h x lim x x 0 g x h x displaystyle lim x to x 0 frac g x h x viplivaye isnuvannya drugoyi i yih rivnist dd PrikladiPriklad 1 Nehaj f x 2 x 5 6 x 2 15 displaystyle f x 2x 5 6x 2 15 x R displaystyle x in mathbb R i x 0 displaystyle x 0 infty Mayemo 2 x 5 6 x 2 15 2 x 5 6 x 2 15 15 x 5 15 x 5 15 x 5 45 x 5 displaystyle begin aligned 2x 5 6x 2 15 amp leqslant 2 x 5 6x 2 15 amp leqslant 15 x 5 15 x 5 15 x 5 amp 45 x 5 end aligned tobto L 45 displaystyle L 45 i cya nerivnist vikonuyetsya dlya vsih x 1 displaystyle x in 1 infty Zvidsi f x O x 5 x displaystyle f x O x 5 x to infty 2 x 5 6 x 2 15 2 x 5 displaystyle 2x 5 6x 2 15 geqslant 2 x 5 tut L 2 displaystyle L 2 i x 2 2 displaystyle x in 2 2 infty Zvidsi f x W x 5 x displaystyle f x Omega x 5 x to infty Otzhe f x 8 x 5 x displaystyle f x Theta x 5 x to infty Priklad 2 Nehaj n displaystyle n i m displaystyle m cili chisla z C displaystyle z in mathbb C Yaksho n m displaystyle n geqslant m to z m O z n displaystyle z m O z n pri z displaystyle z to infty Dlya dovedennya cogo zapishemo z m z m n z n z m n z n z m n z n displaystyle z m z m n z n z m n cdot z n z m n cdot z n Poklademo d 10 displaystyle delta 10 Todi z gt d displaystyle z gt delta oznachaye sho z m n 10 m n displaystyle z m n leqslant 10 m n oskilki n m displaystyle n geqslant m Otzhe yaksho z gt 10 displaystyle z gt 10