Memoria lna pre miya Ga rri Gu da angl Harry H Goode Memorial Award nagoroda vid Komp yuternogo tovaristva Institutu inzheneriv z elektrotehniki ta elektroniki IEEE Memorialna premiya Garri Guda angl Harry H Goode Memorial Award Tip nagoroda Na chest d Nagorodzhennya Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati memorialnoyi premiyi Garri Guda 18 Chergovist Sajt computer org volunteering awards goode Memorialna premiya Garri Guda u Vikishovishi Nagoroda vruchayetsya shoroku z 1964 roku za dosyagnennya v galuzi obrobki informaciyi Premiya otrimala nazvu na chest en 1909 1960 amerikanskogo komp yuternogo ta sistemnogo inzhenera profesora Michiganskogo universitetu Nagoroda vklyuchaye bronzovu medal ta groshovu vinagorodu suma yakoyi stanom na 2023 rik stanovila 2000 dolariv SShA LaureatiRik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi 1964 Govard Ejken Za originalnij vnesok u rozrobku avtomatichnih komp yuteriv sho priviv do pershogo shirokomasshtabnogo avtomatichnogo cifrovogo komp yutera zagalnogo priznachennya yakij koli nebud buv vvedenij v ekspluataciyu za postijnu robotu v galuzi cifrovih obchislyuvalnih mashin na posadi inzhenera a takozh za znannya j nathnennya peredani bagatom yak uchitel Originalnij tekst angl For his original contribution to the development of automatic computers that led to the first large scale general purpose automatic digital computer ever to be put in operation for his continuous work in the field of digital computers as an engineer and for the knowledge and inspiration imparted to many as a teacher 1965 Konrad Cuze Za jogo vnesok u avtomatichni obchislennya ta novatorski zusillya v comu napryamku za samostijnu propoziciyu vikoristannya dvijkovoyi sistemi ta arifmetiki z plavayuchoyu komoyu i za rozrobku pershogo v Nimechchini komp yutera z programnim keruvannyam odnogo z najpershih u sviti Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to and pioneering efforts in automatic computing for independently proposing the use of the binary system and floating point arithmetic and for designing the first program controlled computer in Germany one of the earliest in the world en Za jogo vnesok u avtomatichni obchislennya ta novatorski zusillya v comu napryamku za samostijnu propoziciyu vikoristannya dvijkovoyi sistemi arifmetiki z plavayuchoyu komoyu indeksaciyi pam yati ta roboti z viddalenoyi konsoli i za proektuvannya pershogo komp yutera kerovanogo operacijnoyu programoyu Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to and pioneering efforts in automatic computing for independently proposing the use of the binary system floating point arithmetic memory indexing and operation from a remote console and for designing the first operating program controlled computer 1966 Dzhon Mokli Za jogo pionerskij vnesok u avtomatichni obchislennya pri uchasti u proektuvanni ta stvorenni ENIAC pershogo v sviti povnistyu elektronnogo komp yutera a takozh BINAC i UNIVAC a takozh za jogo novatorski zusillya u zastosuvanni elektronnih obchislyuvalnih mashin dlya virishennya naukovih zavdan i problem biznesu Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering contributions to automatic computing by participating in the design and construction of the ENIAC the world s first all electronic computer and of the BINAC and the UNIVAC and for his pioneering efforts in the application of electronic computers to the solution of scientific and business problems Dzhon Presper Ekert Za jogo pionerskij vnesok u avtomatichni obchislennya pri uchasti u proektuvanni ta stvorenni ENIAC pershogo v sviti povnistyu elektronnogo komp yutera a takozh BINAC i UNIVAC a takozh za jogo postijnu robotu v rozrobci elektronnih obchislyuvalnih sistem Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering contributions to automatic computing by participating in the design and construction of the ENIAC the world s first all electronic computer and of the BINAC and the UNIVAC and for his continuing work in the design of electronic computing systems 1967 en Za efektivne novatorstvo u vprovadzhenni ta doslidzhenni komp yuteriv u federalnomu uryadi a takozh za jogo postijne liderstvo ta nathnennya dlya vsih hto bere uchast u vprovadzhenni komp yuternoyi tehnologiyi v derzhavnih ustanovah Originalnij tekst angl For effective pioneering in the introduction and exploration of computers in the federal government and for his continuing leadership and inspiration to all involved in the implementation of computer technology within government agencies 1968 Moris Vilks Za jogo chislenni originalni dosyagnennya v galuzi komp yuteriv yak u inzheneriyi tak i v programnomu zabezpechenni a takozh za jogo vnesok u rozshirennya diyalnosti profesijnih tovaristv i mizhnarodne spivrobitnictvo mizh komp yuternimi profesionalami Originalnij tekst angl For his many original achievements in the computer field both in engineering and software and for his contributions to the growth of professional society activities and to international cooperation among computer professionals 1969 en Za jogo impuls i vpliv na informatiku zagalom i zokrema za jogo vnesok u metodi ta tehniku otrimannya chiselnih rozv yazkiv duzhe skladnih zadach za dopomogoyu cifrovih komp yuteriv a takozh za jogo chislenni publikaciyi vklyuchno z knigami yaki nadayut rekomendaciyi ta dopomogu pracivnikam u galuzi chislovogo analizu a takozh za jogo vnesok u profesijnu diyalnist i robotu tovaristva yak chlena komitetu arbitra organizator konferencij ta prezidenta tovaristva Originalnij tekst angl For his impact and influence on computer science in general and particularly for his contributions to the methods and techniques for obtaining numerical solutions to very large problems through the use of digital computers and for his many publications including books which have provided guidance and help to workers in the field of numerical analysis and for his contributions to professional activities and societies as committee member paper referee conference organizer and society president 1970 Grejs Gopper Za yiyi novatorsku robotu ta liderstvo v rozrobci komp yuternogo programnogo zabezpechennya a takozh za yiyi vpliv na komp yuternu ta sumizhni profesiyi a takozh za yiyi novatorsku robotu ta liderstvo v rozrobci vazhlivih koncepcij dlya matematiki ta biznes kompilyatoriv a takozh za vnesok u rozvitok i viznannya anglomovnogo problemno oriyentovanogo programuvannya a takozh za vidatnu robotu ta postijni zusillya v osviti ta pidgotovci cholovikiv i zhinok dlya kar yeri v informatici ta obrobci danih Originalnij tekst angl For her pioneering work and leadership in the development of computer software and for her impact and influence on the computing profession and her fellow colleagues and for her pioneering work and leadership in the development of important concepts for mathematical and business compilers and for her contributions to the development and acceptance of English language problem oriented programming and for her outstanding work and continued efforts in the education and training of men and women for careers in computer science and data processing 1971 Allen Nyuell Za jogo velikij vnesok u naukove rozuminnya komp yuternoyi profesiyi shodo skladnih sistem obrobki informaciyi v sferah sistem komp yuternogo programuvannya ta rozuminnya procesiv lyudskogo mislennya a takozh za novatorsku robotu ta liderstvo v doslidzhennyah u galuzi shtuchnogo intelektu psihologiyi ta informatiki a takozh za jogo chislenni vneski v progresivne cifrove programuvannya rozrobku mov programuvannya komp yuternu arhitekturu ta jogo vazhlivij vnesok u naukovu literaturu a takozh za jogo postijne liderstvo ta vidatnu robotu v pidgotovci ta navchanni molodi dlya kar yeri v informatici Originalnij tekst angl For his major contributions to the computing profession s scientific understanding of complex information processing systems in the areas of computer programming systems and the understanding of human thought processes and for his pioneering work and leadership in research in artificial intelligence psychology and computer science and for his many contributions to advanced digital programming programming language development computer architecture and his important contributions to scientific literature and for his continued leadership and outstanding work in training and educating young people for careers in computer science 1972 Sejmur Krej Za jogo vnesok u konceptualne ta detalne proektuvannya dekilkoh velikomasshtabnih visokoshvidkisnih cifrovih komp yuteriv protyagom bilsh nizh 15 rokiv a takozh za jogo vnesok i liderstvo v rozrobci praktichnih bagatoprocesornih sistem sho vtilyuyut veliku kilkist duzhe innovacijnih komp yuternih koncepcij Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to the conceptual and detailed design of several large scale high speed digital computers over a period of more than 15 years and for his contributions and leadership in developing practical multiprocessing systems embodying a large number of very innovative computer concepts 1974 Edsger Dejkstra Za jogo vnesok u naukovij pidhid do komp yuternogo programuvannya jogo zusillya z utverdzhennya programuvannya yak nauki ta profesiyi ta vdoskonalennya vishih standartiv i procedur programuvannya a takozh za jogo dosyagnennya v rannomu stvorenni kompilyatoriv ALGOL i nastupni varti pohvali prorivi v programuvanni Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to the scientific approach to computer programming his efforts to establish programming as a science and a profession and the enhancement of higher programming standards and procedures and for his accomplishments in the early construction of ALGOL compilers and the ensuing programming breakthroughs are to be commended 1975 Kennet Ajverson Na znak viznannya uzagalnenoyi notaciyi movi programuvannya APL yaku vin zadumav i rozrobiv efektivnosti komunikacij yaki stali rezultatom vikoristannya APL u bagatoh riznomanitnih programah ta ochikuvanogo vplivu APL na teoriyu ta praktiku movi programuvannya v majbutnomu Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of the generalized notation APL which he conceived and developed of the effectiveness in communications which has resulted from the use of APL in many diverse applications and of the expected impact that APL will have on programming language theory and practice in the future 1976 en Na znak viznannya jogo vnesku v arhitekturne proektuvannya komp yuterno komunikacijnih sistem jogo liderstva u stvorenni blagodatnogo doslidnickogo seredovisha sho prizvelo do progresu v tehnici komp yuternogo ta suputnikovogo zv yazku jogo roli u stvorenni standartnih mizhnarodnih protokoliv i procedur zv yazku a takozh jogo dosyagnen u rozrobci ta demonstraciyi tehnologiyi komutaciyi paketiv ta nastupnih merezh yaki virosli v rezultati ciyeyi roboti Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the architectural design of computer communication systems his leadership in creating a fertile research environment leading to advances in computer and satellite communications techniques his role in the establishment of standard international communication protocols and procedures and his accomplishments in development and demonstration of packet switching technology and the ensuing networks which grew out of this work 1977 Dzhej Forrester Na znak viznannya jogo pionerskih dosyagnen u rozrobci pam yati z dovilnim dostupom na magnitnih oserdyah yaka stala standartnim pristroyem pam yati dlya cifrovih komp yuteriv za jogo nezlichennij vnesok u proektuvannya ta stvorennya Whirlwind I odnogo z pershih visokoshvidkisnih cifrovih komp yuteriv za viznachni dosyagnennya v rozrobci metodiv komp yuternogo modelyuvannya vklyuchayuchi jogo zastosuvannya do shirokogo kola socialnih sistem za jogo liderstvo v rozvitku galuzi sistemnoyi dinamiki ta yiyi zastosuvannya v doslidzhenni alternativnoyi politiki na promislovomu miskomu nacionalnomu ta mizhnarodnomu rivnyah i za jogo chislenni dodatkovi vneski v rozvitok obrobki informaciyi yiyi zastosuvannya v socialnih sistemah i poshirennya informaciyi pro taki rozrobki cherez seriyu dokumentiv i knig Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneering achievements in the development of random access coincident current magnetic core storage which is now the standard memory device for digital computers for his innumerable contributions in the design and construction of Whirlwind I one of the first high speed digital computers for his landmark achievements in the development of computer modeling and simulation techniques including their application to a wide range of social systems for his leadership in the development of the field of system dynamics and its applications in exploring alternate policies at the industrial urban national and international levels and for his many additional contributions to the development of information processing its applications to social systems and the dissemination of information on such developments through a series of papers and books 1978 Gordon Mur Robert Nojs Na znak viznannya yih originalnogo vnesku v tehnologiyu napivprovidnikovih integralnih shem yihnih novatorskih dosyagnen u vikoristanni ciyeyi tehnologiyi dlya rozrobki ta virobnictva mikroprocesoriv i bagatoh inshih komponentiv komp yuternih sistem a takozh yih vidatne liderstvo ta rozuminnya informatiki ta tehnologij sho zrobili revolyuciyu v galuzi obrobki informaciyi Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of their original contributions to semiconductor integrated circuit technology their pioneering achievements in using this technology for the development and production of microprocessors and many other computer system components and their distinguished leadership of and insight in computer science and technology which have revolutionized the information processing field 1979 en Na znak viznannya jogo pidtrimki ta velikogo vnesku v rozvitok ENIAC jogo novatorskoyi roboti z logiki dizajnu ta koduvannya elektronnih komp yuteriv jogo kerivnoyi roli u proektuvanni budivnictvi ta vikoristanni mashini IAS u Prinstonskomu instituti perspektivnih doslidzhen jogo znachnogo vnesku u teoriyu ta praktiku matrichnih obchislen jogo zaohochennya molodih vchenih i matematikiv doslidzhuvati vikoristannya elektronnih komp yuteriv ta jogo glibokij analiz istoriyi obchislyuvalnoyi tehniki Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his support and major contributions to the development of the ENIAC his pioneering work on the logic design and coding of electronic computers his leadership role in the design construction and use of the IAS machine at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study his significant contributions to the theory and practice of matrix computations his encouragement of young scientists and mathematicians to explore the use of electronic computers and his penetrating analysis of the history of computing 1980 Fernando Korbato Na znak viznannya jogo vnesku ta novatorskih zusil u rozrobci komp yuternih sistem iz rozpodilom chasu za jogo nevtomni zusillya shodo zabezpechennya napryamu vsiyeyi koncepciyi rozpodilu chasu za jogo liderstvo v rozrobci operacijnoyi sistemi Multics yaka vtilyuye v sobi osnovni koncepciyi taki yak iyerarhichna fajlova sistema rozbittya storinok segmentaciya ta vdoskonaleni mehanizmi bezpeki ta zahistu Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to and pioneering efforts in the development of time shared computer systems for his tireless efforts in providing direction for the entire time sharing concept for his leadership in the development of the Multics operating system which embodies seminal concepts such as a hierarchical file system paging segmentation and advanced security and protection mechanisms 1981 Toni Goar Na znak viznannya jogo pionerskoyi roboti u formalnij semantici mov programuvannya yaka dopomagaye pidtverditi pravilnist programi jogo vnesok u zastosuvannya formalnoyi disciplini do procesu rozrobki programi ta jogo gliboke rozuminnya procesu proektuvannya movi programuvannya yake stalo neocinennim dlya rozrobnikiv shirokogo diapazonu strukturovanih mov programuvannya Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneering work in the formal semantics of programming languages to aid in the proof of correctness of program his contributions towards applying formal discipline to the program development process and his deep insight into the process of programming language design which has been invaluable to designers of a wide range of structured programming languages 1982 en Na znak viznannya jogo vnesku v tehnologiyu rozpiznavannya obraziv ta yiyi zastosuvannya a takozh jogo liderstva v osviti v galuzi obrobki informaciyi Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions in pattern recognition and its applications and his leadership in education in information processing 1983 Dzhin Amdal Na znak viznannya jogo vidatnogo vnesku v rozrobku zastosuvannya ta virobnictvo velikomasshtabnih visokoproduktivnih komp yuteriv Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the design applications and manufacture of large scale high performance computers 1984 en Na znak viznannya jogo dosyagnen u cilochiselnomu programuvanni ta jogo uspishnogo zastosuvannya v tehnologiyi obrobki informaciyi Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his achievements in integer programming and its successful applications in information processing technology 1985 en Na znak viznannya jogo novatorskogo vnesku u doslidzhennya ta osvitu v galuzi proektuvannya nadvelikih integracij VLSI Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneering contributions to the research and education of very large scale integration VLSI design 1986 Robert Elliot Kan Vidsutnye oficijne obgruntuvannya 1989 Fred Bruks Za trivalij vnesok v osvitu z informatiki interaktivnu trivimirnu komp yuternu grafiku a takozh v arhitekturu aparatnogo ta programnogo zabezpechennya u rozrobci seriyi IBM System 360 Originalnij tekst angl For lasting contributions to computer science education 3 D computer graphics interactive and to hardware and software architecture in the development of the IBM System 360 series 1992 en Za osnovnij vnesok u rozrobku vprovadzhennya ta ocinku produktivnosti visokoproduktivnih komp yuternih sistem Originalnij tekst angl For pivotal seminal contributions to the design implementation and performance evaluation of high performance computer systems 1994 en Za fundamentalnij vnesok u galuzi rozpiznavannya obraziv obrobki zobrazhen i komp yuternogo zoru Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to the fields of pattern recognition image processing and computer vision 1995 en Za znachnij i fundamentalnij vnesok u proektuvannya ta klasifikaciyu arhitekturi komp yuteraOriginalnij tekst angl For pivitor and seminal contributions to the design and classification of computer architecture 1996 Leonard Klyajnrok Za fundamentalnij vnesok u teoriyu komutaciyi paketiv i masovogo obslugovuvannya dvoh osnovnih tehnologij yaki priveli do poyavi Internetu sho nadalo globalnij spilnoti mozhlivist brati uchast u svitovih ekonomichnih politichnih i kulturnih procesah Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to packet switching and queuing theory two of the principal technologies which led to the Internet empowering the global community to participate in worldwide economic political and cultural processes 1997 en Za novatorskij vnesok i liderstvo u visokoproduktivnih obchislennyah i merezhah Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering contributions and leadership in high performance computing and networking 1998 en Za innovacijni vneski v galuzi elektronnogo testuvannya Originalnij tekst angl For innovative contributions to the field of electronic testing 1999 en Za plidnu ta vplivovu robotu v galuzi paralelnih chiselnih algoritmiv Originalnij tekst angl For seminal and influential work in parallel numerical algorithms 2000 en Za prizhittyevi dosyagnennya v praktici proektuvannya ta ocinyuvannya komp yuternih sistem Originalnij tekst angl For lifetime achievement in the practice of computer system design and evaluation 2001 en Za vidatnij vnesok u sferu obrobki informaciyi zokrema v rozrobku ta analiz algoritmiv teoriyu obchislen teoriyu skladnosti obchislen i paralelni obchislennya Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding contributions to the information processing field particularly in the design and analysis of algorithms theory of computation computational complexity and parallel computing 2002 en Za znachnij novatorskij vnesok u peredovi arhitekturi ta protokoli dlya bezdrotovih i suputnikovih merezh Originalnij tekst angl For significant and pioneering contributions to advanced architectures and protocols for wireless and satellite networking 2003 en Za znachnij i novatorskij vnesok v inzheneriyu danih ta programnogo zabezpechennya zokrema v ER model Originalnij tekst angl For significant and pioneering contributions to data and software engineering particularly the in of the Entity Relationship ER model 2004 Edmund Klark Za znachnij i pionerskij vnesok u formalnu perevirku aparatnih i programnih sistem a takozh za glibokij vpliv yakij ci vneski mali na elektronnu promislovist Originalnij tekst angl For significant and pioneering contributions to formal verification of hardware and software systems and for the profound impact these contributions have had on the electronics industry 2005 Dzhon Gopkroft Za fundamentalnij vnesok u doslidzhennya algoritmiv ta yih zastosuvannya v obrobci informaciyi Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to the study of algorithms and their applications in information processing 2006 en Za liderstvo u vimiryuvanni ta ocinci produktivnosti sistem kesh pam yati ta pam yati Originalnij tekst angl For leadership in the measurement and evaluation of cache and memory system performance 2007 en Za innovaciyi ta liderstvo u viznachenni proektuvanni ta standartizaciyi komp yuternih mov i kreativnist u rozrobci mov i algoritmiv dlya paralelnih i visokoproduktivnih obchislen Originalnij tekst angl For innovation and leadershop in the definition design and standardization of computer languages and creativity in the design of languages and algorithms for parallel and high performance computing 2008 en Za vidatnij vnesok i liderstvo v bezdrotovih i mobilnih sistemah vklyuchayuchi specialni sensorni ta sotovi merezhi Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding contributions and leadership in wireless and mobile systems including ad hoc sensor and mesh networks 2009 en Na znak viznannya vidatnogo vnesku u rozvitok vektornih pozachergovih bagatopotokovih ta VLIW procesornih arhitektur Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of seminal contribution to vector out of order multithreaded and VLIW processor architectures 2011 Moshe Vardi Za fundamentalnij i trivalij vnesok u rozvitok logiki yak yedinoyi fundamentalnoyi osnovi ta instrumentu dlya modelyuvannya obchislyuvalnih sistem Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental and lasting contributions to the development of logic as a unifying foundational framework and a tool for modeling computational systems 2012 en Za fundamentalnij vnesok u doslidzhennya potokovih obchislen modelej pam yati ta protokoliv kogerentnosti keshu Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to research in dataflow computing memory models and cache coherence protocols 2013 en Za majzhe pivstolittya znachnogo vnesku v obrobku informaciyi vklyuchayuchi rozuminnya mikroarhitekturi unikalnij pidruchnik ta nastavnictvo majbutnih lideriv Originalnij tekst angl For nearly half a century of significant contributions to information processing including microarchitecture insights a breakaway textbook and mentoring future leaders 2014 en Za postijnij vnesok yakij sformuvav i kumulyativno zminiv sferu komp yuternoyi arhitekturi z akcentom na visokoproduktivnih mikroprocesorah Originalnij tekst angl For sustained contributions that have shaped and cumulatively altered the field of computer architecture with emphasis on high performance microprocessors 2015 Devid Padua angl David Padua Za fundamentalnij i trivalij vnesok u paralelni kompilyatori movi ta instrumenti Originalnij tekst angl For basic and lasting contributions to parallel compilers languages and tools 2016 en Za fundamentalnij vnesok u proektuvannya ta instrumenti dlya proektuvannya merezh na mikroshemah Originalnij tekst angl For seminal contributions to design and design tools for networks on chips 2017 en en Za fundamentalnij vnesok u rozpodilene ta paralelne programuvannya vklyuchayuchi rozrobku UNITY formalizmu Originalnij tekst angl For seminal contributions to distributed and parallel programming including the development of the UNITY formalism 2018 en Za fundamentalni ta postijni zusillya zi stvorennya ta vikoristannya chip multiprocesoriv Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental and sustained effort to create and leverage chip multiprocessors 2019 en Za vnesok u vbudovani programno aparatni sistemi koduvannya ta sistemi komp yuternogo zoru sho pracyuyut u realnomu chasi Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to embedded hardware software codesign and real time computer vision systems 2020 en en Za postijnij vnesok na najvishomu rivni u visokoproduktivni obchislennya ta rozpodileni sistemi Originalnij tekst angl For sustained contributions to high performance computing and distributed systems at the highest level 2021 en Za vnesok u energoefektivnu ta programovanu bagatoprocesornu arhitekturu zi spilnoyu pam yattyu Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to energy efficient and programmable shared memory multiprocessor architectures 2022 en Za postijnij vnesok u rozrobku ta testuvannya obchislyuvalnih sistem u vidomih i novih tehnologiyah Originalnij tekst angl For sustained contributions to design and test of computing systems in established and emerging technologies 2023 en Za znachnij i novatorskij vnesok u algoritmi protokoli ta arhitekturi dlya marshrutizaciyi v komp yuternih merezhah ta Interneti Originalnij tekst angl For significant and pioneering contributions to algorithms protocols and architectures for routing in computer networks and the Internet Div takozhPremiya TyuringaPosilannyaStorinka premiyi angl