Королівство гепідів — державне утворення, що існувало в Тисо-Дунайській низовині й на Балканах між 454 та 567 роками.
Королівство гепідів | |
Дата створення / заснування | 454 |
Названо на честь | Гепіди |
Континент | Європа |
Попередник | Імперія гунів |
Наступник | Аварський каганат |
Час/дата припинення існування | 567 |
Гепіди були одним із племен, що входили до племінного союзу гунів. Після смерті Аттіли, вони вчинили бунт, очоливши інші германські племена в союзі, й завдали гунам поразки у 454 році в битві на Недао.
Держава гепідів проіснувала до 567 року, коли була остаточно знищена лангобардами.
Посилання на джерела
- Wolfram, 1988, с. 258.
- Genethliacus of Maximian Augustus by an Anonymous Orator (291) (Translation and Notes by Rodgers) (1994). In: In Praise of Later Roman Emperors: The Panegyrici Latini (Introduction, Translation, and Historical Commentary with the Latin Text of R. A. B. Mynors by C. E. V. Nixon and Barbara Saylor Rodgers) (1994); University of California Press; .
- The Gothic History of Jordanes (in English Version with an Introduction and a Commentary by Charles Christopher Mierow, Ph.D., Instructor in Classics in Princeton University) (2006). Evolution Publishing. .
- Bóna, István (1974). A középkor hajnala: A gepidák és a langobardok a Kárpát-medencében [The Dawn of the Dark Ages: the Gepids and the Lombards in the Carpathian Basin] (угор.). Corvina Kiadó. ISBN .
- Christensen, Arne Søby (2002). Cassiodorus, Jordanes and the History of the Goths: Studies in a Migration Myth. Museum Tusculanum Press. ISBN .
- Goffart, Walter (2009). Barbarian Tides: The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN .
- Heather, Peter (2010). Empires and Barbarians: The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe. Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Kharalambieva,, Anna (2010). Gepids in the Balkans: A Survey of the Archaeological Evidence. У Curta, Florin (ред.). Neglected Barbarians. Studies in the early Middle Ages, volume 32 (вид. second). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. с. 245—262. ISBN .
- Opreanu, Coriolan Horațiu (2005). The North-Danube Regions from the Roman Province of Dacia to the Emergence of the Romanian Language (2nd–8th Centuries AD). У Pop, Ioan-Aurel; Bolovan, Ioan (ред.). History of Romania: Compendium. Romanian Cultural Institute (Center for Transylvanian Studies). с. 59—132. ISBN .
- Sarantis, Alexander (2009). War and Diplomacy in Pannonia and the Northwest Balkans during the Reign of Justinian: The Gepid Threat and Imperial Responses. Dumbarton Oaks Papers. 63.
- Southern, Patricia (2001). The Early Germans. Routledge. ISBN .
- Todd, Malcolm (2003). The Early Germans. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. ISBN .
- Wolfram, Herwig (1988). History of the Goths. University of California Press. ISBN .
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Korolivstvo gepidiv derzhavne utvorennya sho isnuvalo v Tiso Dunajskij nizovini j na Balkanah mizh 454 ta 567 rokami Korolivstvo gepidiv Data stvorennya zasnuvannya454 Nazvano na chestGepidi KontinentYevropa PoperednikImperiya guniv NastupnikAvarskij kaganat Chas data pripinennya isnuvannya567 Gepidi buli odnim iz plemen sho vhodili do pleminnogo soyuzu guniv Pislya smerti Attili voni vchinili bunt ocholivshi inshi germanski plemena v soyuzi j zavdali gunam porazki u 454 roci v bitvi na Nedao Derzhava gepidiv proisnuvala do 567 roku koli bula ostatochno znishena langobardami Posilannya na dzherelaWolfram 1988 s 258 DzherelaPervinni Genethliacus of Maximian Augustus by an Anonymous Orator 291 Translation and Notes by Rodgers 1994 In In Praise of Later Roman Emperors The Panegyrici Latini Introduction Translation and Historical Commentary with the Latin Text of R A B Mynors by C E V Nixon and Barbara Saylor Rodgers 1994 University of California Press ISBN 0 520 08326 1 The Gothic History of Jordanes in English Version with an Introduction and a Commentary by Charles Christopher Mierow Ph D Instructor in Classics in Princeton University 2006 Evolution Publishing ISBN 1 889758 77 9 Vtorinni Bona Istvan 1974 A kozepkor hajnala A gepidak es a langobardok a Karpat medenceben The Dawn of the Dark Ages the Gepids and the Lombards in the Carpathian Basin ugor Corvina Kiado ISBN 963 13 0491 4 Christensen Arne Soby 2002 Cassiodorus Jordanes and the History of the Goths Studies in a Migration Myth Museum Tusculanum Press ISBN 87 7289 7104 Goffart Walter 2009 Barbarian Tides The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire University of Pennsylvania Press ISBN 978 0 8122 3939 3 Heather Peter 2010 Empires and Barbarians The Fall of Rome and the Birth of Europe Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 973560 0 Kharalambieva Anna 2010 Gepids in the Balkans A Survey of the Archaeological Evidence U Curta Florin red Neglected Barbarians Studies in the early Middle Ages volume 32 vid second Turnhout Belgium Brepols s 245 262 ISBN 978 2 503 53125 0 Opreanu Coriolan Horațiu 2005 The North Danube Regions from the Roman Province of Dacia to the Emergence of the Romanian Language 2nd 8th Centuries AD U Pop Ioan Aurel Bolovan Ioan red History of Romania Compendium Romanian Cultural Institute Center for Transylvanian Studies s 59 132 ISBN 978 973 7784 12 4 Sarantis Alexander 2009 War and Diplomacy in Pannonia and the Northwest Balkans during the Reign of Justinian The Gepid Threat and Imperial Responses Dumbarton Oaks Papers 63 Southern Patricia 2001 The Early Germans Routledge ISBN 0 415 23944 3 Todd Malcolm 2003 The Early Germans Blackwell Publishing Ltd ISBN 0 631 16397 2 Wolfram Herwig 1988 History of the Goths University of California Press ISBN 0 520 06983 8