Evriarheoti en sp shtam NRC 1 Biologichna klasifikaciya Domen Arheyi Archaea Carstvo Euryarchaeota Woese en amp en 1990 Tip Euryarchaeota Garrity and Holt 2002 Klasi en en Halobacteria Methanobacteria en es en en Nanohaloarchaea en Thermoplasmata neformalnij klas en vklyuchaye en Reysenbach et al 2006 Sinonimi Euryarchaeota Woese et al 1990 Euryarchaeota Garrity and Holt 2002 not Euryarchaeota Cavalier Smith 2002 Posilannya Vikishovishe Euryarchaeota EOL 7921 ITIS 951423 NCBI 28890 Fossilworks 288518 Evriarheoti lat Euryarchaeota tip arheyiv Do evriarheotiv nalezhat metanoutvoryuyuchi arheyi napriklad en ekstremalni galofili napriklad en i deyaki ekstremalni termofili napriklad en Yih viddilyayut vid inshih arheyiv spirayuchis na poslidovnostyah rRNK FilogeniyaSuchasna prijnyata taksonomiya bazuyetsya na danih List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature LPSN i Nacionalnogo centru biotehnologichnoyi informaciyi angl National Center for Biotechnology Information NCBI a takozh doslidzhennyah 16S rRNK reliz 106 The All Species Living Tree Project en Reysenbach et al 2006 Candidatus Baker et al 2010 Candidatus Baker et al 2010 Nanohaloarchaea en Thermoplasmatales en sv en en Methanobacteriales en Halobacteriaceae shtam ye v NCBI ale vidsutnij v LPSN Candidatus takson sho mozhlivo zajmaye dane polozhennyaDiv takozhArheyi KorarchaeotaVinoskiWoese CR Kandler O Wheelis ML June 1990 Towards a natural system of organisms proposal for the domains Archaea Bacteria and Eucarya Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 87 12 4576 9 Bibcode 1990PNAS 87 4576W doi 10 1073 pnas 87 12 4576 PMC 54159 PMID 2112744 Castelle CJ Banfield JF 2018 Major New Microbial Groups Expand Diversity and Alter our Understanding of the Tree of Life Cell 172 6 1181 1197 doi 10 1016 j cell 2018 02 016 PMID 29522741 J P Euzeby Euryarchaeota List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature LPSN 1 Arhiv originalu za 11 serpnya 2012 Procitovano 17 listopada 2011 ros Spisok nazvanij prokariot i ih polozhenie v nomenklature Sayers ta in National Center for Biotechnology Information NCBI taxonomy database 2 Arhiv originalu za 7 zhovtnya 2019 Procitovano 5 chervnya 2011 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite web title Shablon Cite web cite web a Yavne vikoristannya ta in u author dovidka ros Proekt Drevo vseh nyne zhivushih vidov PDF Silva Comprehensive Ribosomal RNA Database 3 Arhiv originalu PDF za 7 travnya 2012 Procitovano 17 listopada 2011