Джо́рдж Керзон (англ. George Nathaniel Curzon; 11 січня 1859 — 20 березня 1925) — британський політик, лорд, віце-король Індії (1899—1905), міністр закордонних справ англійського уряду. Автор «Лінії Керзона», яка є основою сучасного українсько-польського кордону.
Джордж Керзон | |
англ. George Curzon, 1st Marquess Curzon of Kedleston | |
Народився | 11 січня 1859[1][2][…] Кедлстон-холл, d, Амбер-Веллі, Дербішир[d], Дербішир, Англія, Сполучене Королівство |
Помер | 20 березня 1925[1][2][…] (66 років) Лондон, Велика Британія |
Поховання | Дербішир і d |
Країна | Сполучене Королівство |
Діяльність | мандрівник-дослідник, політик, дипломат, мандрівник |
Alma mater | Коледж Бейлліол, Ітонський коледж (1878)[4] і d |
Знання мов | англійська[1][5][6] |
Членство | Лондонське королівське товариство і Королівське географічне товариство |
Титул | d, d, d, d, d і d |
Посада | генерал-губернатор Індії, міністр закордонних справ Великої Британії, d, d, d, Член Таємної ради Великої Британії[d], Член 26-го парламенту Сполученого Королівства[d], Член 25-го парламенту Сполученого Королівства[d][8], Член 24-го парламенту Сполученого Королівства[d][8], член Палати лордів[d][8], лорд-хранитель Малої печатки[8], d, d і d |
Партія | Консервативна партія |
Конфесія | англіканство |
Рід | d |
Батько | d[9][10] |
Мати | d[9][10] |
Брати, сестри | d[10] і d[10] |
У шлюбі з | d[10][4] і d[10][4][…] |
Діти | d[10], d[9][10] і d[10] |
Нагороди | |
| |
12 липня 1920 лорд Керзон направив уряду більшовицької Росії ноту, в котрій поставив вимогу припинити наступ Червоної Армії на Польщу і розмежувати території країн по лінії, прийнятій Верховною радою Антанти 8 грудня 1919 («лінія Керзона»).
Праці Керзона
- Curzon, Russia in Central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo-Russian Question, (1889) Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., London (reprinted Cass, 1967), Adamant Media Corporation (27 February 2001) Reprint (Paperback) Details [ 6 травня 2021 у Wayback Machine.]
- Curzon, Persia and the Persian Question (1892) Longmans, Green, and Co., London and New York.; facsimile reprint:
- Том 1 (Paperback) by George Nathaniel Curzon, Adamant Media Corporation (22 October 2001) Abstract
- Том 2 (Paperback) by George Nathaniel Curzon, Adamant Media Corporation (22 October 2001) Abstract [ 6 травня 2021 у Wayback Machine.]
- Curzon. On The Indian Frontier, Edited with an introduction by Dhara Anjaria; (Oxford U.P. 2011) 350 pages
- Curzon, Problems of the Far East (1894; new ed., 1896) George Nathaniel Curzon Problems of the Far East. Japan -Korea — China, reprint, , (25 December 2000) Adamant Media Corporation (Paperback)Abstract [ 6 травня 2021 у Wayback Machine.]
- Curzon, «The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus», 1897, The Royal Geographical Society. Geographical Journal 8 (1896): 97–119, 239–63. A thorough study of the region's history and people and of the British — Russian conflict of interest in Turkestan based on Curzon's travels there in 1894. Reprint (paperback): Adamant Media Corporation, (22 April 2002) Abstract. Unabridged reprint (2005): Elbiron Classics, Adamant Media Corporation. (pbk); (hardcover).
- Curzon, The Romanes Lecture 1907, «FRONTIERS», By the Right Honorable Lord Curzon of Kedleston, Oxford, 2 November 1907 full text.
- Curzon, «Tales of Travel» First published by Hodder & Stoughton 1923, (Century Classic Ser.) London, Century. 1989, Facsimile Reprint. , Soft Cover. Reprint with Foreword by Lady Alexandra Metcalfe, Introduction by Peter King. A selection of Curzon's travel writing including essays on Egypt Afghanistan Persia Iran India Iraq Waterfalls etc. 12 + 344p., Includes the future viceroy's escapade into Afghanistan to meet the «Iron Emir», Abdu Rahman Khan, in 1894.
- Curzon, «Travels with a Superior Person», London, Sidgwick & Jackson. 1985, Reprint. , Hardcover, Details [ 7 травня 2021 у Wayback Machine.] A selection from Lord Curzon's travel books between 1889 and 1926, "The quintessence of late Victorian travel writing and a delight for modern readers " Illustrated with 90 contemporary photographs most of them from Curzon's own collection. Includes «Greece in the Eighties» pp. 78–84, Edited by Peter King. Introduced by Elizabeth Longford. 191p. illus. maps on endpapers.
- Р. А. Кривонос. Керзон Джордж Натаніел // Українська дипломатична енциклопедія: У 2-х т. /Редкол.:Л. В. Губерський (голова) та ін. — К: Знання України, 2004 — Т.1 — 760с.
- Bennet, G. H. (1995). British Foreign Policy During the Curzon Period, 1919—1924. New York: St. Martin's Press. .
- Carrington, Michael. Officers, Gentlemen, and Murderers: Lord Curzon's campaign against ‘collisions’ between Indians and Europeans, 1899—1905, Modern Asian Studies / Volume 47 / Issue 03 / May 2013, pp. 780 — 819.
- Carrington, Michael. A PhD thesis, «Empire and authority: Curzon, collisions, character and the Raj, 1899—1905.», discusses a number of interesting issues raised during Curzon's Viceroyalty, (Available through British Library).
- De Groot, Gerard Douglas Haig 1861—1928 (Larkfield, Maidstone: Unwin Hyman, 1988)
- Dilks, David; Curzon in India (2 vol 1970) online edition [ 7 березня 2007 у Wayback Machine.]
- Edwardes, Michael. High Noon of Empire: India under Curzon (1965)
- Gilmour, David (1994). Curzon: Imperial Statesman. Farrar, Straus & Giroux. excerpt and text search [ 9 березня 2016 у Wayback Machine.]
- Gilmour, David. «Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess Curzon of Kedleston (1859—1925)» [Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2004; online edn, Jan 2011 accessed 30 Sept 2014 doi:10.1093/ref: odnb/32680
- Goudie A. S. (1980). «George Nathaniel Curzon: Superior Geographer», The Geographical Journal, 146, 2 (1980): 203—209, DOI:10.2307/632861 Abstract
- Goradia, Nayana. Lord Curzon The Last of the British Moghuls (1993) .
- Jeffery, Keith (2006). Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson: A Political Soldier. Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Katouzian, Homa. «The Campaign Against the Anglo-Iranian Agreement of 1919.» British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 25 (1) (1998): 5–46.
- Loades, David, ed. Reader's Guide to British History (2003) 1:324-25; historiography
- McLane, John R.. «The Decision to Partition Bengal in 1905,» Indian Economic and Social History Review, July 1965, 2#3, pp 221—237
- Mosley, Leonard Oswald. The glorious fault: The life of Lord Curzon
- Nicolson, Harold George (1934). Curzon: The Last Phase, 1919—1925: A Study in Post-war Diplomacy. London: Constable.
- Reid, Walter. Architect of Victory: Douglas Haig (Birlinn Ltd, Edinburgh, 2006.)
- Ronaldshay, Earl of (1927). The life of Lord Curzon. Vol. 1–2. (London)
- Rose, Kenneth. «Superior Person: A Portrait of Curzon and His Circle in Late Victorian England», Weidenfeld & Nicolson History)
- Ross, Christopher N. B. «Lord Curzon and E. G. Browne Confront the 'Persian Question'», Historical Journal, 52, 2 (2009): 385—411, DOI:10.1017/S0018246X09007511
- Woodward, David R, «Field Marshal Sir William Robertson», Westport Connecticut & London: Praeger, 1998,
- Wright, Denis. «Curzon and Persia.» The Geographical Journal 153 (3) (1987): 343—350.
- Керсон Джордж Натаніель [ 15 вересня 2020 у Wayback Machine.] // Українська мала енциклопедія : 16 кн. : у 8 т. / проф. Є. Онацький. — Накладом Адміністратури УАПЦ в Аргентині. — Буенос-Айрес, 1959. — Т. 3, кн. V : Літери К — Ком. — С. 625. — 1000 екз.
Див. також
- Bibliothèque nationale de France BNF: платформа відкритих даних — 2011.
- SNAC — 2010.
- Mosley L. Encyclopædia Britannica
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography / C. Matthew — Oxford: OUP, 2004.
- Czech National Authority Database
- Who's who — (untranslated), 1849. — ISSN 0083-937X
- Hansard 1803–2005
- Lundy D. R. The Peerage
- Kindred Britain
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Dzho rdzh Kerzon angl George Nathaniel Curzon 11 sichnya 1859 20 bereznya 1925 britanskij politik lord vice korol Indiyi 1899 1905 ministr zakordonnih sprav anglijskogo uryadu Avtor Liniyi Kerzona yaka ye osnovoyu suchasnogo ukrayinsko polskogo kordonu Dzhordzh Kerzonangl George Curzon 1st Marquess Curzon of KedlestonNarodivsya 11 sichnya 1859 1859 01 11 1 2 Kedlston holl d Amber Velli Derbishir d Derbishir Angliya Spoluchene KorolivstvoPomer 20 bereznya 1925 1925 03 20 1 2 66 rokiv London Velika BritaniyaPohovannya Derbishir i dKrayina Spoluchene KorolivstvoDiyalnist mandrivnik doslidnik politik diplomat mandrivnikAlma mater Koledzh Bejlliol Itonskij koledzh 1878 4 i dZnannya mov anglijska 1 5 6 Chlenstvo Londonske korolivske tovaristvo i Korolivske geografichne tovaristvoTitul d d d d d i dPosada general gubernator Indiyi ministr zakordonnih sprav Velikoyi Britaniyi d d d Chlen Tayemnoyi radi Velikoyi Britaniyi d Chlen 26 go parlamentu Spoluchenogo Korolivstva d Chlen 25 go parlamentu Spoluchenogo Korolivstva d 8 Chlen 24 go parlamentu Spoluchenogo Korolivstva d 8 chlen Palati lordiv d 8 lord hranitel Maloyi pechatki 8 d d i dPartiya Konservativna partiyaKonfesiya anglikanstvoRid dBatko d 9 10 Mati d 9 10 Brati sestri d 10 i d 10 U shlyubi z d 10 4 i d 10 4 Diti d 10 d 9 10 i d 10 Nagorodi chlen Londonskogo korolivskogo tovaristva 1898 d 1895 Chlen Britanskoyi akademiyi 1898 Mediafajli u Vikishovishi 12 lipnya 1920 lord Kerzon napraviv uryadu bilshovickoyi Rosiyi notu v kotrij postaviv vimogu pripiniti nastup Chervonoyi Armiyi na Polshu i rozmezhuvati teritoriyi krayin po liniyi prijnyatij Verhovnoyu radoyu Antanti 8 grudnya 1919 liniya Kerzona Praci KerzonaCurzon Russia in Central Asia in 1889 and the Anglo Russian Question 1889 Frank Cass amp Co Ltd London reprinted Cass 1967 Adamant Media Corporation ISBN 978 1 4021 7543 5 27 February 2001 Reprint Paperback Details 6 travnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Curzon Persia and the Persian Question 1892 Longmans Green and Co London and New York facsimile reprint Tom 1 Paperback by George Nathaniel Curzon Adamant Media Corporation ISBN 978 1 4021 6179 7 22 October 2001 Abstract Tom 2 Paperback by George Nathaniel Curzon Adamant Media Corporation ISBN 978 1 4021 6178 0 22 October 2001 Abstract 6 travnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Curzon On The Indian Frontier Edited with an introduction by Dhara Anjaria Oxford U P 2011 350 pages ISBN 978 0 19 906357 4 Curzon Problems of the Far East 1894 new ed 1896 George Nathaniel Curzon Problems of the Far East Japan Korea China reprint ISBN 1 4021 8480 8 ISBN 978 1 4021 8480 2 25 December 2000 Adamant Media Corporation Paperback Abstract 6 travnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Curzon The Pamirs and the Source of the Oxus 1897 The Royal Geographical Society Geographical Journal 8 1896 97 119 239 63 A thorough study of the region s history and people and of the British Russian conflict of interest in Turkestan based on Curzon s travels there in 1894 Reprint paperback Adamant Media Corporation ISBN 978 1 4021 5983 1 22 April 2002 Abstract Unabridged reprint 2005 Elbiron Classics Adamant Media Corporation ISBN 1 4021 5983 8 pbk ISBN 1 4021 3090 2 hardcover Curzon The Romanes Lecture 1907 FRONTIERS By the Right Honorable Lord Curzon of Kedleston Oxford 2 November 1907 full text Curzon Tales of Travel First published by Hodder amp Stoughton 1923 Century Classic Ser London Century 1989 Facsimile Reprint ISBN 0 7126 2245 4 Soft Cover Reprint with Foreword by Lady Alexandra Metcalfe Introduction by Peter King A selection of Curzon s travel writing including essays on Egypt Afghanistan Persia Iran India Iraq Waterfalls etc 12 344p Includes the future viceroy s escapade into Afghanistan to meet the Iron Emir Abdu Rahman Khan in 1894 Curzon Travels with a Superior Person London Sidgwick amp Jackson 1985 Reprint ISBN 978 0 283 99294 0 Hardcover Details 7 travnya 2021 u Wayback Machine A selection from Lord Curzon s travel books between 1889 and 1926 The quintessence of late Victorian travel writing and a delight for modern readers Illustrated with 90 contemporary photographs most of them from Curzon s own collection Includes Greece in the Eighties pp 78 84 Edited by Peter King Introduced by Elizabeth Longford 191p illus maps on endpapers LiteraturaR A Krivonos Kerzon Dzhordzh Nataniel Ukrayinska diplomatichna enciklopediya U 2 h t Redkol L V Guberskij golova ta in K Znannya Ukrayini 2004 T 1 760s ISBN 966 316 039 X Bennet G H 1995 British Foreign Policy During the Curzon Period 1919 1924 New York St Martin s Press ISBN 0 312 12650 6 Carrington Michael Officers Gentlemen and Murderers Lord Curzon s campaign against collisions between Indians and Europeans 1899 1905 Modern Asian Studies Volume 47 Issue 03 May 2013 pp 780 819 Carrington Michael A PhD thesis Empire and authority Curzon collisions character and the Raj 1899 1905 discusses a number of interesting issues raised during Curzon s Viceroyalty Available through British Library De Groot Gerard Douglas Haig 1861 1928 Larkfield Maidstone Unwin Hyman 1988 Dilks David Curzon in India 2 vol 1970 online edition 7 bereznya 2007 u Wayback Machine Edwardes Michael High Noon of Empire India under Curzon 1965 Gilmour David 1994 Curzon Imperial Statesman Farrar Straus amp Giroux excerpt and text search 9 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine Gilmour David Curzon George Nathaniel Marquess Curzon of Kedleston 1859 1925 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2004 online edn Jan 2011 accessed 30 Sept 2014 doi 10 1093 ref odnb 32680 Goudie A S 1980 George Nathaniel Curzon Superior Geographer The Geographical Journal 146 2 1980 203 209 DOI 10 2307 632861 Abstract Goradia Nayana Lord Curzon The Last of the British Moghuls 1993 Jeffery Keith 2006 Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson A Political Soldier Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0 19 820358 2 Katouzian Homa The Campaign Against the Anglo Iranian Agreement of 1919 British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 25 1 1998 5 46 Loades David ed Reader s Guide to British History 2003 1 324 25 historiography McLane John R The Decision to Partition Bengal in 1905 Indian Economic and Social History Review July 1965 2 3 pp 221 237 Mosley Leonard Oswald The glorious fault The life of Lord Curzon Nicolson Harold George 1934 Curzon The Last Phase 1919 1925 A Study in Post war Diplomacy London Constable Reid Walter Architect of Victory Douglas Haig Birlinn Ltd Edinburgh 2006 ISBN 1 84158 517 3 Ronaldshay Earl of 1927 The life of Lord Curzon Vol 1 2 London Rose Kenneth Superior Person A Portrait of Curzon and His Circle in Late Victorian England Weidenfeld amp Nicolson History ISBN 1842122339 Ross Christopher N B Lord Curzon and E G Browne Confront the Persian Question Historical Journal 52 2 2009 385 411 DOI 10 1017 S0018246X09007511 Woodward David R Field Marshal Sir William Robertson Westport Connecticut amp London Praeger 1998 ISBN 0 275 95422 6 Wright Denis Curzon and Persia The Geographical Journal 153 3 1987 343 350 PosilannyaKerson Dzhordzh Nataniel 15 veresnya 2020 u Wayback Machine Ukrayinska mala enciklopediya 16 kn u 8 t prof Ye Onackij Nakladom Administraturi UAPC v Argentini Buenos Ajres 1959 T 3 kn V Literi K Kom S 625 1000 ekz Div takozhNaukovij kordon Liniya Kerzona en PrimitkiBibliotheque nationale de France BNF platforma vidkritih danih 2011 d Track Q19938912d Track Q54837d Track Q193563 SNAC 2010 d Track Q29861311 Mosley L Encyclopaedia Britannica d Track Q5375741 Oxford Dictionary of National Biography C Matthew Oxford OUP 2004 d Track Q17565097d Track Q5145336d Track Q34217d Track Q217595 Czech National Authority Database d Track Q13550863 CONOR Sl d Track Q16744133 Who s who untranslated 1849 ISSN 0083 937X d Track Q3304275d Track Q2567271 Hansard 1803 2005 d Track Q19204319 Lundy D R The Peerage d Track Q67129259d Track Q21401824 Kindred Britain d Track Q75653886 Ce nezavershena stattya pro britanskogo politika chi politikinyu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi