Paroedura | ||||||||||||||||||
Біологічна класифікація | ||||||||||||||||||
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Paroedura — рід геконоподібних ящірок родини геконових (Gekkonidae). Представники цього роду мешкають на Мадагаскарі і Коморських островах.
Рід Paroedura нараховує 25 видів:
- Paroedura androyensis (Grandidier, 1867)
- Paroedura bastardi (, 1900)
- Paroedura fasciata , & , 2018
- Paroedura gracilis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Paroedura guibeae & , 1974
- Paroedura homalorhina (, 1936)
- Paroedura hordiesi Glaw, , , , J. Köhler & Vences, 2014
- Paroedura ibityensis Rösler & , 1998
- Paroedura karstophila & , 2000
- Paroedura kloki Glaw, J. Köhler & Vences, 2018
- Paroedura lohatsara Glaw, Vences & , 2001
- Paroedura maingoka Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 2000
- Paroedura manongavato Piccoli, Belluardo, Lobón-Rovira, Alves, Rasoazanany, Andreone, Rosa & Crottini, 2023
- Paroedura masobe Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 1994
- Paroedura neglecta J. Köhler, Vences, & Glaw, 2019
- Paroedura oviceps (Boettger, 1881)
- Paroedura picta (W. Peters, 1854)
- Paroedura rennerae , , , Rakotoarison, , Scherz, , J. Köhler, Glaw & Vences, 2021
- Paroedura sanctijohannis Günther, 1879
- Paroedura spelaea Glaw, J. Köhler & Vences, 2018
- Paroedura stellata & Glaw, 2012
- Paroedura stumpffi (Boettger, 1879)
- Paroedura tanjaka Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 2000
- Paroedura vahiny Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 2000
- Paroedura vazimba Nussbaum & Raxworthy, 2000
Наукова назва роду Paragehyra походить від сполучення слова дав.-гр. παρα — близько і наукової назви роду Oedura Gray, 1842.
- A.C.L.G. Günther. On mammals and reptiles from Johanna, Comoro Islands. „The Annals and magazine of natural history”. Fifth Series. 3, s. 217, 1879.
- Jackman, Todd R.; ; Greenbaum, Eli; ; (2008). Molecular phylogenetic relationships among species of the Malagasy-Comoran gecko genus Paroedura (Squamata: Gekkonidae) (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 46 (1): 74—81. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2007.10.018. PMID 18077188. S2CID 17316469.
- P. Uetz & J. Hallermann (ред.). Genus: Paroedura. The Reptile Database. Процитовано 17 липня 2024.
- E.C. Jaeger: Source-book of biological names and terms. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas, 1944, s. 161.
- ; ; (12 червня 2018). Three new species of nocturnal geckos of the Paroedura oviceps clade from xeric environments of Madagascar (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Zootaxa (англ.). 4433 (2): 305—324. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4433.2.4. ISSN 1175-5334. PMID 30313226. S2CID 52973729.
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Paroedura Paroedura picta Biologichna klasifikaciya Domen Eukarioti Eukaryota Carstvo Tvarini Animalia Tip Hordovi Chordata Klas Plazuni Reptilia Ryad Luskati Squamata Infraryad Gekonopodibni Gekkota Rodina Gekonovi Gekkonidae Pidrodina Uroplatinae Rid Paroedura Gunther 1879 1 Vidi Div tekst Posilannya Vikishovishe Paroedura Vikividi Paroedura EOL 35555 ITIS 818066 NCBI 143629 Fossilworks 37909 Paroedura rid gekonopodibnih yashirok rodini gekonovih Gekkonidae Predstavniki cogo rodu meshkayut na Madagaskari i Komorskih ostrovah 2 Zmist 1 Vidi 2 Etimologiya 3 Primitki 4 PosilannyaVidired Rid Paroedura narahovuye 25 vidiv 3 Paroedura androyensis Grandidier 1867 Paroedura bastardi Mocquard 1900 Paroedura fasciata Glaw J Kohler amp Vences 2018 Paroedura gracilis Boulenger 1896 Paroedura guibeae Dixon amp Kroll 1974 Paroedura homalorhina Angel 1936 Paroedura hordiesi Glaw Rosler Ineich Gehring J Kohler amp Vences 2014 Paroedura ibityensis Rosler amp Kruger 1998 Paroedura karstophila Nussbaum amp Raxworthy 2000 Paroedura kloki Glaw J Kohler amp Vences 2018 Paroedura lohatsara Glaw Vences amp K Schmidt 2001 Paroedura maingoka Nussbaum amp Raxworthy 2000 Paroedura manongavato Piccoli Belluardo Lobon Rovira Alves Rasoazanany Andreone Rosa amp Crottini 2023 Paroedura masobe Nussbaum amp Raxworthy 1994 Paroedura neglecta J Kohler Vences Scherz amp Glaw 2019 Paroedura oviceps Boettger 1881 Paroedura picta W Peters 1854 Paroedura rennerae Miralles Bruy Crottini Rakotoarison Ratsoavina Scherz R Schmidt J Kohler Glaw amp Vences 2021 Paroedura sanctijohannis Gunther 1879 Paroedura spelaea Glaw J Kohler amp Vences 2018 Paroedura stellata Hawlitschek amp Glaw 2012 Paroedura stumpffi Boettger 1879 Paroedura tanjaka Nussbaum amp Raxworthy 2000 Paroedura vahiny Nussbaum amp Raxworthy 2000 Paroedura vazimba Nussbaum amp Raxworthy 2000Etimologiyared Naukova nazva rodu Paragehyra pohodit vid spoluchennya slova dav gr para blizko i naukovoyi nazvi rodu Oedura Gray 1842 4 Primitkired A C L G Gunther On mammals and reptiles from Johanna Comoro Islands The Annals and magazine of natural history Fifth Series 3 s 217 1879 Jackman Todd R Bauer Aaron M Greenbaum Eli Glaw Frank Vences Miguel 2008 Molecular phylogenetic relationships among species of the Malagasy Comoran gecko genus Paroedura Squamata Gekkonidae PDF Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46 1 74 81 doi 10 1016 j ympev 2007 10 018 PMID 18077188 S2CID 17316469 P Uetz amp J Hallermann red Genus Paroedura The Reptile Database Procitovano 17 lipnya 2024 E C Jaeger Source book of biological names and terms Springfield Charles C Thomas 1944 s 161 Posilannyared Glaw Frank Kohler Jorn Vences Miguel 12 chervnya 2018 Three new species of nocturnal geckos of the Paroedura oviceps clade from xeric environments of Madagascar Squamata Gekkonidae Zootaxa angl 4433 2 305 324 doi 10 11646 zootaxa 4433 2 4 ISSN 1175 5334 PMID 30313226 S2CID 52973729 nbsp Ce nezavershena stattya z gerpetologiyi Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Paroedura amp oldid 43088062