Problema Nelsona Erdesha Gadvigera fundamentalna problema kombinatornoyi geometriyi spochatku postavlena yak zadacha pro rozfarbuvannya abo hromatichne chislo evklidovogo prostoru Nadali zadacha bula uzagalnena na dovilnij metrichnij prostir Cyu problemu mozhna postaviti i yak zavdannya teoriyi grafiv Problema pov yazana takozh iz inshim klasichnim zavdannyam kombinatornoyi geometriyi gipotezoyu Borsuka sprostovanoyu v zagalnomu vipadku 1993 roku Popri zusillya nizki velikih matematikiv stanom na 2014 r problema Nelsona Erdesha Gadvigera daleka vid virishennya Div takozhGipoteza Borsuka Problema chotiroh farb Teorema de Brejna Erdesha teoriya grafiv Posilannyade Bruijn N G Erdos P 1951 A colour problem for infinite graphs and a problem in the theory of relations Nederl Akad Wetensch Proc Ser A 54 371 373 Chilakamarri K B 1993 The unit distance graph problem a brief survey and some new results Bull Inst Combin Appl 8 39 60 Chilakamarri Kiran B 1996 Unit distance graphs graphs on the integer lattice and a Ramsey type result 51 1 2 48 67 doi 10 1007 BF01831139 MR 1372782 Coulson D 2004 On the chromatic number of plane tilings J Austral Math Soc 77 2 191 196 doi 10 1017 S1446788700013574 Coulson D 2002 A 15 colouring of 3 space omitting distance one Discrete Math 256 83 90 doi 10 1016 S0012 365X 01 00183 2 Croft Hallard T Falconer Kenneth J Guy Richard K 1991 Unsolved Problems in Geometry Springer Verlag Problem G10 Gardner Martin 1960 Mathematical Games Scientific American 203 4 180 1945 Uberdeckung des euklidischen Raumes durch kongruente Mengen Portugal Math 4 238 242 1961 Ungeloste Probleme No 40 Elem Math 16 103 104 Jensen Tommy R Toft Bjarne 1995 Graph Coloring Problems Wiley Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization s 150 152 Radoicic Rados Toth Geza 2003 Note on the chromatic number of the space Discrete and Computational Geometry The Goodman Pollack Festschrift PDF Algorithms and Combinatorics t 25 Berlin Springer s 695 698 doi 10 1007 978 3 642 55566 4 32 MR 2038498 2003 PDF Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A 103 2 387 391 doi 10 1016 S0097 3165 03 00102 X arhiv originalu PDF za 14 chervnya 2011 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Citation title Shablon Citation citation a Cite maye pustij nevidomij parametr df dovidka Soifer Alexander 2008 The Mathematical Coloring Book Mathematics of Coloring and the Colorful Life of its Creators New York Springer ISBN 978 0 387 74640 1 Woodall D R 1973 Distances realized by sets covering the plane Series A 14 187 200 doi 10 1016 0097 3165 73 90020 4 MR 0310770Dzherela The Open Problems Project Arhiv originalu za 30 serpnya 2006 a href wiki D0 A8 D0 B0 D0 B1 D0 BB D0 BE D0 BD Cite web title Shablon Cite web cite web a Cite maye pustij nevidomij parametr df dovidka 2001 The chromatic number of the Unit Distance Graph Ce nezavershena stattya z matematiki Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi