U Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshi znachennya cogo termina Dzhon Vells Dzhon Kristofer Vells angl John Christopher Wells John C Wells 11 bereznya 1939 britanskij movoznavec fonetist vikladach esperanto Pochesnij profesor Universitetskogo koledzhu Londona Narodivsya v Lankashir Angliya Vipusknik Kembridzhskogo universitetu Otrimav zvannya magistra i doktora v Londonskomu universiteti Prezident Vsesvitnoyi asociaciyi esperanto 1985 1995 Mizhnarodnoyi fonetichnoyi asociaciyi 2003 2007 Do 2006 r pracyuvav u Universitetskomu koledzhi Londona Dzhon Kristofer VellsNarodivsya 11 bereznya 1939 1939 03 11 1 85 rokiv d Mersisajd Angliya Velika Britaniya 2 Krayina Velika BritaniyaDiyalnist movoznavec esperantist esperantologist vikladach universitetuAlma mater Londonskij universitet Triniti koledzh Kembridzh dGaluz fonetika 3 i esperanto 3 Zaklad Universitetskij koledzh LondonaPosada d i dNaukovij kerivnik dChlenstvo Akademiya esperanto d Dzhon Kristofer Vells u VikishovishiZhittyaJogo batko buv rodom z Pivdennoyi Afriki a jogo mati bula anglijkoyu u nogo ye dva molodshih brata Pislya ditinstva v zlidnyah vin vivchav movi i sam vivchiv stenografiyu sistemi en Vivchivshi vallijsku dav interv yu vallijskomu radio u nogo ye dostatni znannya desyati riznih mov Jogo zaprosili v Home Office pracyuvati po identifikaciyi movcya ale propoziciyu vidklikali bo togo chasu gomoseksualnist vvazhalasya neprijnyatnoyu Vells poboyuvavsya rozgolosu svoyeyi oriyentaciyi na publiku U veresni 2006 roku vin pidpisav civilne partnerstvo z Gabrielem Parsonsom urodzhencem Montserratu i partnerom Vellsa z 1968 roku Kar yeraVells otrimav stupin bakalavra v Kembridzhskomu universiteti i stupin magistra i doktorskij stupin v Universiteti Londona Vells dobre vidomij svoyeyu knigoyu i kasetoyu Akcenti anglijskoyi movi i Longmanivskim slovnikom vimovi Vin ye avtorom najbilsh shiroko vikoristovuvanogo esperanto anglijskogo slovnika Znachna chastina doslidzhen Vellsa zoseredzhuyetsya na fonetichnomu opisi riznovidiv anglijskoyi movi Z 2003 po 2007 rik vin buv prezidentom Mizhnarodnoyi fonetichnoyi asociaciyi Vells vzhe davno ye pionerom v oblasti novih tehnologij Vin ye vinahidnikom fonetichnogo alfavitu X SAMPA na bazi simvoliv ASCII dlya vikoristannya v cifrovih obchislyuvalnih mashinah yaki ne mozhut obroblyati simvoli IPA Vin vivchiv HTML v seredini 1990 h rokiv Pislya vihodu na pensiyu Vells viv regulyarnij blog na fonetichni temi z bereznya 2006 roku po kviten 2013 EsperantoVells buv prezidentom Vsesvitnoyi asociaciyi esperanto UEA v period z 1989 po 1995 rik Stanom na 2012 rik vin ye prezidentom Asociaciyi Esperanto Velikoyi Britaniyi a z 2007 roku vin prezident Akademiyi esperanto MuzikaVells ye chlenom Vin takozh ye gravcem i zavantazhiv video jogo gri na YouTube PraciEseyi 1962 A specimen of British English In Maitre Phonetique Nr 117 S 2 5 1967 Specimen Jamaican Creole In Maitre Phonetique Nr 127 S 5 1968 Nonprevocalic intrusive r in urban Hampshire IN Progress Report UCL 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vol 3 696 699 1996 Why phonetic transcription is important In Malsori Journal of the Phonetic Society of Korea 31 32 S 239 242 1997 What s happening to Received Pronunciation In English Phonetics English Phonetic Society of Japan 1 S 13 23 1997 Our changing pronunciation In Transactions of the Yorkshire Dialect Society xix S 42 48 1997 One of three named main technical authors for Part IV Spoken language reference materials In D Gibbon u a Hrsg Handbook of Standards and Resources for Spoken Language Systems Berlin Mouton de Gruyter 1997 1997 Whatever happened to Received Pronunciation In Medina amp Soto Hrsg II Jornadas de Estudios Ingleses Universidad de Jaen Spain S 19 28 1997 Is RP turning into Cockney In M P Dvorzhetska A A Kalita Hrsg Studies in Communicative Phonetics and Foreign Language Teaching Methodology Kyiv State Linguistic University Ukraine S 10 15 1999 Which pronunciation do you prefer In IATEFL Bd 149 June July 1999 The Changing Language S 10 11 1999 Pronunciation 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Proc 15th Int Congress of Phonetic Sciences Barcelona S 2 8 6 Monografiyi 1962 A study of the formants of the pure vowels of British English 3 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine Unpublished MA thesis University of London 1971 Practical Phonetics London Pitman ISBN 0 273 43949 9 with G Colson 1973 Jamaican pronunciation in London Publications of the Philological Society xxv Oxford Blackwell ISBN 0 631 14730 6 Revised version of his PhD dissertation 1971 1990 Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Longman ESU Duke of Edinburgh s Prize 1993 Hutchinson Dictionary of Difficult Words Edited by John Ayto Oxford Helicon 1994 Longman Interactive English Dictionary CD ROM incorporating a spoken version of the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary ACT Multimedia Harlow Longman ISBN 0 582 23694 0 Knigi Wells J C 1969 Concise Esperanto and English Dictionary Kent Teach Yourself Books ISBN 0 340 27576 6 Wells J C 1982 Accents of English Three volumes cassette New York Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 22919 7 Wells J C 1985 Geiriadur Esperanto Kimra Vortaro London Grŵp Pump Group Five ISBN 0 906632 02 1 Wells J C 2000 Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Harlow England Pearson Education Ltd ISBN 058236468X casebound 0582364671 paperback edition Wells J C 2006 English Intonation an Introduction Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 0 521 68380 7 Wells J C 2014 Sounds Interesting Observations on English and General Phonetics Cambridge Cambridge University Press PrimitkiMAK d Track Q105192847 https www phon ucl ac uk home wells cv htm Czech National Authority Database d Track Q13550863 www phon ucl ac uk Arhiv originalu za 17 kvitnya 2016 Procitovano 29 travnya 2016 www phon ucl ac uk Arhiv originalu za 5 grudnya 2008 Procitovano 29 travnya 2016 www phon ucl ac uk Arhiv originalu za 5 serpnya 2020 Procitovano 29 travnya 2016 LdnGMC 25 listopada 2010 arhiv originalu za 23 chervnya 2016 procitovano 29 travnya 2016 www phon ucl ac uk Arhiv originalu za 5 bereznya 2016 Procitovano 29 travnya 2016 PosilannyaJohn C Wells s homepage 5 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine John C Wells s phonetic blog 15 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine b Arhiv 18 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine John C Wells u socmerezhi Tvitter