Чернишенко Сергій Вікторович - Доктор біологічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри прикладної математики та соціальної інформатики Хмельницького національного університету
Дніпропетровський державний університет, механіко-математичний факультет за спеціальністю «Прикладна математика». 1986 р. – захистив кандидатську дисертацію «Ітераційні методи аналізу та оптимізації одного класу динамічних систем» (фізико-математичні науки, спеціальність 01.01.07 – Обчислювальна математика) у Київському державному університеті ім. Т. Г. Шевченко. 2006 р. – захистив докторську дисертацію на тему «Динаміка лісових біогеоценозів степової зони України (нелінійні процеси: сукцесії, інформаційні взаємодії, рекультивація)». З 1999 року Чернишенко С.В. є членом НМК Міністерства освіти та науки України з прикладної математики. Він є одним з авторів діючого стандарту. З 2007 року призначений заступником голови НМК з «Прикладної математики» та «Інформатики» і є головою підкомісії НМК з прикладної математики. З 1996 р. – активний учасник Програми Європейського Союзу підтримки вищої освіти Tempus. У 2000 р. нагороджений почесним званням «Відмінник освіти України».
Наукова робота
Чернишенко С. В. є автором більш як 150 наукових робіт, брав участь у роботі більш як 40 наукових конференцій, які відбулися у 11 країнах світу. Він є членом Академії інформатизації освіти (з 1996 р.), членом-кореспондентом Міжнародної академії інформатизації (з 1996 р.), Академії соціальних технологій (з 2001 р.), Української екологічної академії (з 2003 р.). В 1996-2000 рр. був ві-це-президентом Східноєвропейського товариства з математичної екології. Входить до складу редколегії журналу "Екологія та ноосферологія", міжнародного наукового комітету щорічної конференції "Математика. Комп'ютер. Освіта", входив до оргкомітетів декілька інших міжнародних конференцій, є членом декількох наукових товариств.
Основні наукові праці
- Chernyshenko S.V. Optimal control of the animal populations size under limited resources. In: "Recent problems of computers and programming". - Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1980, p. 132-136.(Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. An iterative method of the reduction of a nonlinear optimization problem to the moment problem. In: "Differential equations and their applications". - Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1982, p. 132-138. (Russian)
- Rojtman A.B., Chernyshenko S.V. Optimal control of the reliability of complex systems during operation. Reliability and longevity of machines and structures (Kiev), V.4, 1983, p. 11-14. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. A modification of the Lagrange method for the parametric optimization in the short-term control problem. In: "Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1983, p. 181-186. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. Optimal control of the size in isolated animal populations. In: "Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1983, p. 186-200. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko V.M., Chernyshenko S.V. A theorem on the convergence of the Newton-Kantorovich method with successive approximation of the inverse operator. In: "Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1985, p. 189-193. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. A theorem on the convergence of the combined Newton-Kantorovich method. In: "Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1985, p. 193-199. (Russian)
- Rojtman A.B., Chernyshenko S.V. The model of the reliability growth in the stock of compound product during operation. Proc. UkSSR Akad. Sci., series A, 1985, No. 2, p. 69-72.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Mathematical methods in the problems of optimal oppression of pest populations with pesticides. In: "Problems of steppes forestry and scientific base for forest regeneration".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1985, p. 104-110. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. Iterative methods for analysis and optimization of one class of dynamic systems. Thesis of dissertation. 1986, Kiev. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. Nonlinear optimization models of the reliability growth process for complex engineering systems. "Reliability and longevity of machines and structures" (Kiev), V.9, 1986, p. 25-29. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko V.M., Chernyshenko S.V. Necessary conditions for optimality in the method of stepwise linearization in the control of nonlinear systems. In: "Method for solving nonlinear problems, and data processing".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1986, p. 86-92. (Russian)
- Shainskaja A.M., Dvoretsky A.I., Chernyshenko S.V., Voronovsky J.L., Annenkova S.V. Numerical methods for calculations of the kinetic indexes of ferment regulators of irradiated organism. In: "Molecular mechanisms of the influence of exo- and endogenic factors on organisms".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1987, p. 86-92. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. An iterative method for the special Hammershtein equation solving. In: "Applied problems in the mathematical physics and the discrete mathematics".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1987, p. 117-121. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. Modifications of the general secant method. In: "Algorithms of solving of applied mathematics problems".- Dep. VINITI, 1987, No. 861-B87, p. 132-136. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. Some generalizations of the bisection method in the R2 space In: "Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical simulation".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1988, p. 142-147. (Russian)
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernyshenko S.V., Chernenko I.V. Analysis of nonlinear models of distributed learning system. In: Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics. Proceeding of the III International workshop. Kiev, Naukova Dumka. 1988. V.I, p. 239-243.
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernyshenko S.V., Misyura A.N. Nonlinear diffusion model of population evolution. In: Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics. Proceeding of the III International Workshop. 1988, Kiev, Naukova Dumka, V. I, p. 244-247.
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernenko I.V., Chernyshenko S.V. Bifurcations in the modified Eigen hypercycle. In: Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics. Proceeding of the III International workshop. Kiev, Naukova Dumka, 1988, V. II, p. 21-24.
- Misyura A.N., Chernyshenko S.V. The influence of amphibian on the level of technogenic environmental pollution in the Zaporozhye reservoir. In: "Problems of protection and judicious exploitation of the Zaporozhye reservoir resources".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1988, p. 151-155. (Russian)
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernenko I.V., Chernousenko V.M. The dynamics of soliton vortexes. Proc. UkSSR Akad. Sci., series A, 1988, No. 7, p. 74-76.
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernenko I.V., Chernousenko V.M. Dipole and monopole vortices in dispersive media. Preprint ITP-87-168E, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, 1988. Getmanets A.J., Matyukha L.A., Klyavzo S.P.,
- Chernyshenko S.V. Features of a soil herbicide destruction in the conditions of intensive technology of maize cultivation. Agricultural chemistry (Moscow), 1988, No. 11, p. 113-115. (Russian)
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernenko I.V. Chernyshenko S.V. The dynamics of two-dimensional vortex motion. Physica Scripta (Sweden), 1988, V. 38, p. 721-723.
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernenko I.V., Chernyshenko S.V. An exact vortex solution of the modified Charney-Petviashvily equation. Proc. USSR Akad. Sci., 1989, V. 304, No. 6, p. 1357-1360.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Constructing of Poisson flows on the base of continuous differential models. In: "Automatic control systems in researches". 1989. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, p. 23-27. (Russian)
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernenko I.V., Chernyshenko S.V. Draft vortex in continuous media. Preprint ITP-89-69E, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, 1989.
- Vinnichenko A.N., Livenskaya O.A., Chernyshenko S.V. Structural investigation of zea mays a-proteins. In: Macro Molecules, Genes and Computes. Chapter Two. Symposium Abstract.- Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, 1989.
- Chernousenko V.M., Chernenko I.V., Chernyshenko S.V. Models of vortex motion in atmosphere and ocean. In: "Methods for solving mathematical physics problems and for data processing".- Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1990, p. 4-7. (Russian)
- Misyura A.N., Chernyshenko S.V. Bioaccomulation of toxicants in the amphibian organs and its use in bioindication. In: Physiological and Biochemical Approaches to the Toxicological Assessment of Environmental Pollution. 12-th annual conference, Utrecht (The Netherlands), 1990.
- Misyura A.N., Chernyshenko S.V., Varenko N.I. Conservation and use of frog populations in the conditions of pollution with industrial sewage. In: "Amphibian zooculture". 1990, Nauka, Moscow, p. 35-40.
- Chernyshenko S.V., Misyura A.N., Leont'eva O.A. Statistic method application in bioindication using frog populations. In: "Bioindication and Biomonitoring". 1991, Nauka, Moscow, p. 224-229.
- Oginova I.A., Chernyshenko S.V. Biometrics in the plant ecology with elements of programming. Hand book. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1991. (Russian)
- Pokarzhevskii A.D., Krivolutskii D.A., Chernyshenko S.V. Information in ecosystems: bioindication aspects. In: Bioindicators and Biomonitoring. Proc. of International Symposium. 1991, Zagorsk, p. 117-119.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Complex statistic algorithms in bioindication using parametric analysis of frog populations in various polluted areas. In: Bioindicators and Biomonitoring. Proc. of International Symposium. 1991, Zagorsk, p. 142-147. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. The base software for personal computer IBM PC. Hand book. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1991. (Russian).
- Chernenko I.V., Chernyshenko S.V., Kuz'min M.V. Modeling of micro structure of the Cusp Catastrophe. In: "Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical simulation". Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1991, p. 90-92 (Russian).
- Chernyshenko S.V., Chernenko I.V. Catastrophic phenomena in Eigen's Hypercycle and modelling environmental pollution. In: 2nd European Conference on Ecotoxicology.Abstracts. Amsterdam (Netherlands), 1992.
- Shtemenko N.I., Vinnichenko A.N., Matyukha L.A., Chernyshenko S.V. Accumulation of free aminoacids in maize grain under effect of pesticide. Physiology and biochemistry of cultivated plants (Kiev), 1992, V. 24, No. 2, p. 163-168.
- Chernyshenko S.V., Chernenko I.V. Modified Eigen Hypercycle and Ecological Catastrophes. In: 1st SETAC World Congress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry - a Global Perspective. Abstracts. Lisbon (Portugal), 1993.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Discrete effects in aquatic ecosystems' behaviour. In: 3rd International Conference "Aquatic Ecosystem Health & the Ecological Significance of Bioassay Techniques". Abstracts. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A., 1993, p. 32.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Ecological models with integer phase coordinates: the connection of differential equations and stochastic flows. In: Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University. Biology and Ecology. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1993, p. 20-27.
- Krivolutskii D.A., Chernyshenko S.V. Methods of theory of information and bioindication problems. In: Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University. Biology and Ecology. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1993, p. 34-35. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V., Lyndya I.L. Bioindication researches in ecological monitoring of Dnieprovsky-Orelsky Natural Reserve. In: Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University. Biology and Ecology. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1993, p. 39-40. (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V., Chumakova I.A., Gorgo Y.N Computer system for control of rare amphibians data base. In: Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University. Biology and Ecology. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1993, p. 125-126. (Russian)
- Zagubizhenko N.I., Chernyshenko S.V., Misyura A.N., Smirnov Y.B. Investigaton of heavy metals migration in ecosystems food chain under technogenic pressure. In: Central and Eastern European Regional Meeting. "Environmental Toxicology: Pathways of Antropogenic Pollutants in the Environment and Their Toxic Effects". Abstracts. Porabka-Kozubnik, Poland, 1993, p. 38.
- Misyura A.N., Chernyshenko S.V., Poloz O.V., Nozdrachov V.V. Amphibians as the bioindicators of habitats pollution under the techogenic influence. In: Second International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements. Abstracts. Taipei International Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 1993.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Discrete effects in behaviour of small ecosystems. In: BioGeoMon. Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour: Evaluation of Integrated Monitoring in Small Catchments. Prague, Czechia, 1993, p. 46-48.
- Chernyshenko S.V., Chumakova I.A. Integrated computer package for ecomonitoring data processing. In: BioGeoMon. Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour: Evaluation of Integrated Monitoring in Small Catchments. Prague, Czechia, 1993, p. 50-51.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Comparative analysis of discrete and continuous models in socio-ecology. In: Catastrophic Phenomena in Soviet Society and Self-Organized Behaviour of Social Systems. Koblenz, Germany, 1993, p. 133-146
- Chernyshenko S.V., Chumakova I.A. Integrated computer package for handling ecological monitoring data. In: Third European Conference on Ecotoxicology. Abstracts. Zurich, Switzerland, 1994, p. 8.13
- Misyura A.N., Chernyshenko S.V. Tranfer of heavy metals in food chains (the link "insect-frog"). In: "EERO Symposium on Chemical Risk Assesment. Abstracts". Moscow, 1994, p. 36-37.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Qualitative investigation of two-dimensional modification of the Eigen hypercycle and internal catastrophes. In: "Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical simulation". Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1995, p. 74-79 (Russian).
- Chernyshenko S.V. Statistical approach to bioindication problem: identification with two contrast classes. In: 8th International Bioindicators Simposium. Abstracts. Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 1995.
- Chernyshenko S.V., Chumakova I.A. A relative database model for ecological software. In: Biological and Technical Control Systems. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1995, p. 54-61 (Russian).
- Chernyshenko S.V. The open Eigen Hypercycle and selforganization of ecological systems. In: Sustainable Development: environmental pollution and ecological safety. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1995, Vol.I
- Chernyshenko S.V. Information approach to mathematical modelling of ecological systems. In: J. of Ecology and Noospherology, Kiev, 1995, V.I, 1-2, p. 64-77 (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V., Chernaya N.A., Shestopalov I.V. Model of anti-entroy effect of ecosystems evolution In: Sustainable Development: System Analysis in Ecology. Abstracts of International Conference. Sebastopol, Ukraine, 1996, p. 28.
- Chernyshenko S.V. System approach to the problem of modelling succesions in phytocoenoses. In: Problems of the step forestery and forest recultivation of landscapes. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1996, pp. 54–61 (Russian).
- Chernyshenko S.V. Dynamic processes in biogeocoenoses: mathematical modelling on the base of M.Eigen's hypercycle In: J. of Ecology of Industrial Regions, 1996, Vol.2 (1-2), pp. 77–90.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Mathematical modelling of dynamical structure of biogeocoenose In: J. of Ecology and Noospherology, Kiev, 1997, V.3, 1-2, p. 65-86 (Russian)
- Chernyshenko S.V. Discrete effects in dynamical differential models In: Social Science Microsimulation: Tools for Modelling, Parameter Optimisation, and Sensitivity Analysis. Dagstuhl Seminar Report, Germany, 1997, pp. 29–30.
- Chernyshenko S.V. Principal mathematical models of optimal environmental activity In: Problems of the step forestery and forest recultivation of landscapes. Dniepropetrovsk University Press, 1998, pp. 78–82 (Ukrainian).
- Chernyshenko S.V., Misyura A.N., Gasso V.Y., Zhukov A.V. Biotesting as a method of environmental assessment in industrial areas In: Biomarkers: A Pragmatic Basis for Remediation of Severe Pollution in Eastern Europe. D.B.Pekall et al. (eds.) Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1999, pp. 317–318.
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Nemaye perevirenih versij ciyeyi storinki jmovirno yiyi she ne pereviryali na vidpovidnist pravilam proektu Chernishenko Sergij Viktorovich Doktor biologichnih nauk profesor zaviduvach kafedri prikladnoyi matematiki ta socialnoyi informatiki Hmelnickogo nacionalnogo universitetu Zmist 1 Osvita 2 Naukova robota 2 1 Osnovni naukovi praci 3 Dzherela i posilannyaOsvitared Dnipropetrovskij derzhavnij universitet mehaniko matematichnij fakultet za specialnistyu Prikladna matematika 1986 r zahistiv kandidatsku disertaciyu Iteracijni metodi analizu ta optimizaciyi odnogo klasu dinamichnih sistem fiziko matematichni nauki specialnist 01 01 07 Obchislyuvalna matematika u Kiyivskomu derzhavnomu universiteti im T G Shevchenko 2006 r zahistiv doktorsku disertaciyu na temu Dinamika lisovih biogeocenoziv stepovoyi zoni Ukrayini nelinijni procesi sukcesiyi informacijni vzayemodiyi rekultivaciya Z 1999 roku Chernishenko S V ye chlenom NMK Ministerstva osviti ta nauki Ukrayini z prikladnoyi matematiki Vin ye odnim z avtoriv diyuchogo standartu Z 2007 roku priznachenij zastupnikom golovi NMK z Prikladnoyi matematiki ta Informatiki i ye golovoyu pidkomisiyi NMK z prikladnoyi matematiki Z 1996 r aktivnij uchasnik Programi Yevropejskogo Soyuzu pidtrimki vishoyi osviti Tempus U 2000 r nagorodzhenij pochesnim zvannyam Vidminnik osviti Ukrayini Naukova robotared Chernishenko S V ye avtorom bilsh yak 150 naukovih robit brav uchast u roboti bilsh yak 40 naukovih konferencij yaki vidbulisya u 11 krayinah svitu Vin ye chlenom Akademiyi informatizaciyi osviti z 1996 r chlenom korespondentom Mizhnarodnoyi akademiyi informatizaciyi z 1996 r Akademiyi socialnih tehnologij z 2001 r Ukrayinskoyi ekologichnoyi akademiyi z 2003 r V 1996 2000 rr buv vi ce prezidentom Shidnoyevropejskogo tovaristva z matematichnoyi ekologiyi Vhodit do skladu redkolegiyi zhurnalu Ekologiya ta noosferologiya mizhnarodnogo naukovogo komitetu shorichnoyi konferenciyi Matematika Komp yuter Osvita vhodiv do orgkomitetiv dekilka inshih mizhnarodnih konferencij ye chlenom dekilkoh naukovih tovaristv Osnovni naukovi pracired Chernyshenko S V Optimal control of the animal populations size under limited resources In Recent problems of computers and programming Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1980 p 132 136 Russian Chernyshenko S V An iterative method of the reduction of a nonlinear optimization problem to the moment problem In Differential equations and their applications Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1982 p 132 138 Russian Rojtman A B Chernyshenko S V Optimal control of the reliability of complex systems during operation Reliability and longevity of machines and structures Kiev V 4 1983 p 11 14 Russian Chernyshenko S V A modification of the Lagrange method for the parametric optimization in the short term control problem In Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1983 p 181 186 Russian Chernyshenko S V Optimal control of the size in isolated animal populations In Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1983 p 186 200 Russian Chernyshenko V M Chernyshenko S V A theorem on the convergence of the Newton Kantorovich method with successive approximation of the inverse operator In Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1985 p 189 193 Russian Chernyshenko S V A theorem on the convergence of the combined Newton Kantorovich method In Methods for solving nonlinear problems and for data processing Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1985 p 193 199 Russian Rojtman A B Chernyshenko S V The model of the reliability growth in the stock of compound product during operation Proc UkSSR Akad Sci series A 1985 No 2 p 69 72 Chernyshenko S V Mathematical methods in the problems of optimal oppression of pest populations with pesticides In Problems of steppes forestry and scientific base for forest regeneration Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1985 p 104 110 Russian Chernyshenko S V Iterative methods for analysis and optimization of one class of dynamic systems Thesis of dissertation 1986 Kiev Russian Chernyshenko S V Nonlinear optimization models of the reliability growth process for complex engineering systems Reliability and longevity of machines and structures Kiev V 9 1986 p 25 29 Russian Chernyshenko V M Chernyshenko S V Necessary conditions for optimality in the method of stepwise linearization in the control of nonlinear systems In Method for solving nonlinear problems and data processing Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1986 p 86 92 Russian Shainskaja A M Dvoretsky A I Chernyshenko S V Voronovsky J L Annenkova S V Numerical methods for calculations of the kinetic indexes of ferment regulators of irradiated organism In Molecular mechanisms of the influence of exo and endogenic factors on organisms Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1987 p 86 92 Russian Chernyshenko S V An iterative method for the special Hammershtein equation solving In Applied problems in the mathematical physics and the discrete mathematics Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1987 p 117 121 Russian Chernyshenko S V Modifications of the general secant method In Algorithms of solving of applied mathematics problems Dep VINITI 1987 No 861 B87 p 132 136 Russian Chernyshenko S V Some generalizations of the bisection method in the R2 space In Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical simulation Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1988 p 142 147 Russian Chernousenko V M Chernyshenko S V Chernenko I V Analysis of nonlinear models of distributed learning system In Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics Proceeding of the III International workshop Kiev Naukova Dumka 1988 V I p 239 243 Chernousenko V M Chernyshenko S V Misyura A N Nonlinear diffusion model of population evolution In Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics Proceeding of the III International Workshop 1988 Kiev Naukova Dumka V I p 244 247 Chernousenko V M Chernenko I V Chernyshenko S V Bifurcations in the modified Eigen hypercycle In Nonlinear and turbulent processes in physics Proceeding of the III International workshop Kiev Naukova Dumka 1988 V II p 21 24 Misyura A N Chernyshenko S V The influence of amphibian on the level of technogenic environmental pollution in the Zaporozhye reservoir In Problems of protection and judicious exploitation of the Zaporozhye reservoir resources Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1988 p 151 155 Russian Chernousenko V M Chernenko I V Chernousenko V M The dynamics of soliton vortexes Proc UkSSR Akad Sci series A 1988 No 7 p 74 76 Chernousenko V M Chernenko I V Chernousenko V M Dipole and monopole vortices in dispersive media Preprint ITP 87 168E Institute for Theoretical Physics Kiev 1988 Getmanets A J Matyukha L A Klyavzo S P Chernyshenko S V Features of a soil herbicide destruction in the conditions of intensive technology of maize cultivation Agricultural chemistry Moscow 1988 No 11 p 113 115 Russian Chernousenko V M Chernenko I V Chernyshenko S V The dynamics of two dimensional vortex motion Physica Scripta Sweden 1988 V 38 p 721 723 Chernousenko V M Chernenko I V Chernyshenko S V An exact vortex solution of the modified Charney Petviashvily equation Proc USSR Akad Sci 1989 V 304 No 6 p 1357 1360 Chernyshenko S V Constructing of Poisson flows on the base of continuous differential models In Automatic control systems in researches 1989 Dniepropetrovsk University Press p 23 27 Russian Chernousenko V M Chernenko I V Chernyshenko S V Draft vortex in continuous media Preprint ITP 89 69E Institute for Theoretical Physics Kiev 1989 Vinnichenko A N Livenskaya O A Chernyshenko S V Structural investigation of zea mays a proteins In Macro Molecules Genes and Computes Chapter Two Symposium Abstract Waterville Valley New Hampshire 1989 Chernousenko V M Chernenko I V Chernyshenko S V Models of vortex motion in atmosphere and ocean In Methods for solving mathematical physics problems and for data processing Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1990 p 4 7 Russian Misyura A N Chernyshenko S V Bioaccomulation of toxicants in the amphibian organs and its use in bioindication In Physiological and Biochemical Approaches to the Toxicological Assessment of Environmental Pollution 12 th annual conference Utrecht The Netherlands 1990 Misyura A N Chernyshenko S V Varenko N I Conservation and use of frog populations in the conditions of pollution with industrial sewage In Amphibian zooculture 1990 Nauka Moscow p 35 40 Chernyshenko S V Misyura A N Leont eva O A Statistic method application in bioindication using frog populations In Bioindication and Biomonitoring 1991 Nauka Moscow p 224 229 Oginova I A Chernyshenko S V Biometrics in the plant ecology with elements of programming Hand book Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1991 Russian Pokarzhevskii A D Krivolutskii D A Chernyshenko S V Information in ecosystems bioindication aspects In Bioindicators and Biomonitoring Proc of International Symposium 1991 Zagorsk p 117 119 Chernyshenko S V Complex statistic algorithms in bioindication using parametric analysis of frog populations in various polluted areas In Bioindicators and Biomonitoring Proc of International Symposium 1991 Zagorsk p 142 147 Russian Chernyshenko S V The base software for personal computer IBM PC Hand book Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1991 Russian Chernenko I V Chernyshenko S V Kuz min M V Modeling of micro structure of the Cusp Catastrophe In Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical simulation Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1991 p 90 92 Russian Chernyshenko S V Chernenko I V Catastrophic phenomena in Eigen s Hypercycle and modelling environmental pollution In 2nd European Conference on Ecotoxicology Abstracts Amsterdam Netherlands 1992 Shtemenko N I Vinnichenko A N Matyukha L A Chernyshenko S V Accumulation of free aminoacids in maize grain under effect of pesticide Physiology and biochemistry of cultivated plants Kiev 1992 V 24 No 2 p 163 168 Chernyshenko S V Chernenko I V Modified Eigen Hypercycle and Ecological Catastrophes In 1st SETAC World Congress Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry a Global Perspective Abstracts Lisbon Portugal 1993 Chernyshenko S V Discrete effects in aquatic ecosystems behaviour In 3rd International Conference Aquatic Ecosystem Health amp the Ecological Significance of Bioassay Techniques Abstracts Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg Virginia U S A 1993 p 32 Chernyshenko S V Ecological models with integer phase coordinates the connection of differential equations and stochastic flows In Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University Biology and Ecology Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1993 p 20 27 Krivolutskii D A Chernyshenko S V Methods of theory of information and bioindication problems In Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University Biology and Ecology Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1993 p 34 35 Russian Chernyshenko S V Lyndya I L Bioindication researches in ecological monitoring of Dnieprovsky Orelsky Natural Reserve In Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University Biology and Ecology Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1993 p 39 40 Russian Chernyshenko S V Chumakova I A Gorgo Y N Computer system for control of rare amphibians data base In Bulletin of Dniepropetrovsk University Biology and Ecology Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1993 p 125 126 Russian Zagubizhenko N I Chernyshenko S V Misyura A N Smirnov Y B Investigaton of heavy metals migration in ecosystems food chain under technogenic pressure In Central and Eastern European Regional Meeting Environmental Toxicology Pathways of Antropogenic Pollutants in the Environment and Their Toxic Effects Abstracts Porabka Kozubnik Poland 1993 p 38 Misyura A N Chernyshenko S V Poloz O V Nozdrachov V V Amphibians as the bioindicators of habitats pollution under the techogenic influence In Second International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements Abstracts Taipei International Convention Center Taipei Taiwan Republic of China 1993 Chernyshenko S V Discrete effects in behaviour of small ecosystems In BioGeoMon Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour Evaluation of Integrated Monitoring in Small Catchments Prague Czechia 1993 p 46 48 Chernyshenko S V Chumakova I A Integrated computer package for ecomonitoring data processing In BioGeoMon Symposium on Ecosystem Behaviour Evaluation of Integrated Monitoring in Small Catchments Prague Czechia 1993 p 50 51 Chernyshenko S V Comparative analysis of discrete and continuous models in socio ecology In Catastrophic Phenomena in Soviet Society and Self Organized Behaviour of Social Systems Koblenz Germany 1993 p 133 146 Chernyshenko S V Chumakova I A Integrated computer package for handling ecological monitoring data In Third European Conference on Ecotoxicology Abstracts Zurich Switzerland 1994 p 8 13 Misyura A N Chernyshenko S V Tranfer of heavy metals in food chains the link insect frog In EERO Symposium on Chemical Risk Assesment Abstracts Moscow 1994 p 36 37 Chernyshenko S V Qualitative investigation of two dimensional modification of the Eigen hypercycle and internal catastrophes In Problems of applied mathematics and mathematical simulation Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1995 p 74 79 Russian Chernyshenko S V Statistical approach to bioindication problem identification with two contrast classes In 8th International Bioindicators Simposium Abstracts Ceske Budejovice Czech Republic 1995 Chernyshenko S V Chumakova I A A relative database model for ecological software In Biological and Technical Control Systems Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1995 p 54 61 Russian Chernyshenko S V The open Eigen Hypercycle and selforganization of ecological systems In Sustainable Development environmental pollution and ecological safety Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1995 Vol I Chernyshenko S V Information approach to mathematical modelling of ecological systems In J of Ecology and Noospherology Kiev 1995 V I 1 2 p 64 77 Russian Chernyshenko S V Chernaya N A Shestopalov I V Model of anti entroy effect of ecosystems evolution In Sustainable Development System Analysis in Ecology Abstracts of International Conference Sebastopol Ukraine 1996 p 28 Chernyshenko S V System approach to the problem of modelling succesions in phytocoenoses In Problems of the step forestery and forest recultivation of landscapes Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1996 pp 54 61 Russian Chernyshenko S V Dynamic processes in biogeocoenoses mathematical modelling on the base of M Eigen s hypercycle In J of Ecology of Industrial Regions 1996 Vol 2 1 2 pp 77 90 Chernyshenko S V Mathematical modelling of dynamical structure of biogeocoenose In J of Ecology and Noospherology Kiev 1997 V 3 1 2 p 65 86 Russian Chernyshenko S V Discrete effects in dynamical differential models In Social Science Microsimulation Tools for Modelling Parameter Optimisation and Sensitivity Analysis Dagstuhl Seminar Report Germany 1997 pp 29 30 Chernyshenko S V Principal mathematical models of optimal environmental activity In Problems of the step forestery and forest recultivation of landscapes Dniepropetrovsk University Press 1998 pp 78 82 Ukrainian Chernyshenko S V Misyura A N Gasso V Y Zhukov A V Biotesting as a method of environmental assessment in industrial areas In Biomarkers A Pragmatic Basis for Remediation of Severe Pollution in Eastern Europe D B Pekall et al eds Kluwer Academic Publishers 1999 pp 317 318 Dzherela i posilannyared Oficijna vebstorinka universitetu Oficijna vebstorinka kafedri PM ta SI Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org wiki Chernishenko Sergij Viktorovich