Tomas Saati SShA 18 lipnya 1926 19260718 14 serpnya 2017 profesor Pensilvanskogo ta Pittsburzkogo universitetiv avtor Metodu analizu iyerarhij tehnologiyi prijnyattya rishen na bazi matematichnih rozrahunkiv ta vikoristannya metodu poparnih porivnyan Tomas Lori SaatiThomas Lorie SaatyNarodivsya18 lipnya 1926 1926 07 18 Mosul IrakPomer14 serpnya 2017 2017 08 14 91 rik Pittsburg Pensilvaniya SShAKrayina SShADiyalnistmatematik vikladach universitetu zhurnalistAlma materYelskij universitet Katolickij universitet Ameriki dGaluzmatematikaZakladUniversitet Pittsburga Pensilvanskij universitetNaukovij kerivnikd 1 Aspiranti doktorantid 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 ChlenstvoNacionalna inzhenerna akademiya SShA Ispanska korolivska akademiya tochnih fizichnih i prirodnichih nauk 2 Vidomij zavdyaki metod analizu iyerarhijNagorodid Tomas Saati u VikishovishiBibliografiyaMetod analizu iyerarhij angl Analytic hierarchy process AHP 1980 The Analytic Hierarchy Process Planning Priority Setting Resource Allocation ISBN 0 07 054371 2 McGraw Hill 1982 Decision Making for Leaders The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decisions in a Complex World ISBN 0 534 97959 9 Wadsworth 1988 Paperback ISBN 0 9620317 0 4 RWS 1982 The Logic of Priorities Applications in Business Energy Health and Transportation with Luis G Vargas ISBN 0 89838 071 5 Hardcover ISBN 0 89838 078 2 Paperback Kluwer Nijhoff 1985 Analytical Planning The Organization of Systems with Kevin P Kearns ISBN 0 08 032599 8 Pergamon 1989 Conflict Resolution The Analytic Hierarchy Process with Joyce Alexander ISBN 0 275 93229 X Praeger 1991 Prediction Projection and Forecasting Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Economics Finance Politics Games and Sports with Luis G Vargas ISBN 0 7923 9104 7 Kluwer Academic 1992 The Hierarchon A Dictionary of Hierarchies with Ernest H Forman ISBN 0 9620317 5 5 RWS 1994 Fundamentals of Decision Making and Priority Theory with the Analytic Hierarchy Process ISBN 0 9620317 6 3 RWS 1994 Decision Making in Economic Social and Technological Environments with Luis G Vargas ISBN 0 9620317 7 1 RWS 1996 Vol III and IV of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series ISBN 1 888603 07 0 RWS 2001 Models Methods Concepts amp Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process with Luis G Vargas ISBN 0 7923 7267 0 Kluwer Academic 2007 Group Decision Making Drawing Out and Reconciling Differences with Kirti Peniwati ISBN 1 888603 08 9 RWS 2008 Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process Int J Services Sciences Vol 1 No 1 2008 http www colorado edu geography leyk geog 5113 readings saaty 2008 pdf 18 veresnya 2017 u Wayback Machine includes a statement of priority scales which measure intangibles in relative terms Metod analitichnih merezh angl Analytic network process ANP 1996 Decision Making with Dependence and Feedback The Analytic Network Process ISBN 0 9620317 9 8 RWS 2005 Theory and Applications of the Analytic Network Process Decision Making with Benefits Opportunities Costs and Risks ISBN 1 888603 06 2 RWS 2005 The Encyclicon A Dictionary of Decisions with Dependence and Feedback based on the Analytic Network Process with Mujgan S Ozdemir ISBN 1 888603 05 4 RWS 2006 Decision Making with the Analytic Network Process Economic Political Social and Technological Applications with Benefits Opportunities Costs and Risks with Luis G Vargas ISBN 0 387 33859 4 Springer 2008 The Encyclicon Volume 2 A Dictionary of Complex Decisions using the Analytic Network Process with Brady Cillo ISBN 1 888603 09 7 RWS 2008 The analytic hierarchy and analytic network measurement processes Applications to decisions under Risk 4 kvitnya 2019 u Wayback Machine European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 1 122 196 2008 Nejromerezhi 1999 The Brain Unraveling the Mystery of How it Works The Neural Network Process ISBN 1 888603 02 X RWS 2009 Principia Mathematica Decernendi Mathematical Principles of Decision Making Generalization of the Analytic Network Process to Neural Firing and Synthesis ISBN 1 888603 10 0 RWS Doslidzhennya operacij angl Operations research 1959 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research no ISBN translated into Japanese and Russian McGraw Hill 1988 Extended edition ISBN 0 486 65703 5 Dover paperback 1961 Elements of Queueing Theory with Applications no ISBN translated into Russian Spanish and German McGraw Hill Matematika 1964 Nonlinear Mathematics with J Bram no ISBN McGraw Hill 1981 Reprinted as ISBN 0 486 64233 X Dover paperback 1964 1965 Lectures on Modern Mathematics Volumes I II III Thomas L Saaty Editor no ISBN translated into Japanese John Wiley 1965 Finite Graphs and Networks with R Busacker no ISBN translated into Japanese Russian German and Hungarian McGraw Hill 1967 Modern Nonlinear Equations no ISBN McGraw Hill 1981 reprinted as ISBN 0 486 64232 1 Dover paperback 1969 The Spirit and Uses of the Mathematical Sciences Thomas L Saaty Editor with F J Weyl no ISBN McGraw Hill 1970 Optimization in Integers and Related Extremal Problems no ISBN translated into Russian McGraw Hill 1977 The Four Color Problem Assaults and Conquest ISBN 0 07 054382 8 with McGraw Hill 1986 Revised edition ISBN 0 486 65092 8 Dover paperback Prikladna matematika 1968 Mathematical Models of Arms Control and Disarmament ISBN 0 471 74810 2 John Wiley 1973 Topics in Behavioral Mathematics no ISBN Mathematical Association of America 1981 Thinking with Models Mathematical Models in the Physical Biological and Social Sciences with Joyce Alexander hardback ISBN 0 08 026475 1 paperback ISBN 978 0 08 026474 5 Pergamon Inshi publikaciyi 1973 Compact City with George B Dantzig hardback ISBN 0 7167 0784 5 paperback ISBN 0 7167 0794 2 translated into Japanese and Russian W H Freeman 1990 Embracing the Future with Larry W Boone ISBN 0 275 93573 6 Praeger 2001 Creative Thinking Problem Solving amp Decision Making ISBN 1 888603 03 8 RWS 2013 Compact City The Next Urban Evolution in Response to Climate Change ISBN 1 888603 12 7 RWSVshanuvannyaNa chest T Saati zasnovana premiya T Saati dlya vidatnih matematikiv PrimitkiMatematichnij genealogichnij proyekt 1997 d Track Q829984 http www rac es 2 2 ficha php id 171 Aristarhov O M Bisik S P Slyusar V I Ocinka vagomosti pokaznikiv bronetransportera za danimi opituvannya z vikoristannyam metodu poparnogo porivnyannya Ozbroyennya i vijskova tehnika 2 2019 C 42 49 1 25 sichnya 2020 u Wayback Machine PosilannyaV G Ablicov Nauka Ukrayini u svitovomu informacijnomu prostori K 2010