Семмі Лі (англ. Sammy Lee, 1958 — 21 липня 2012) — англійський науковець, експерт з фертильності та штучного запліднення
Семмі Лі | |
Народився | 1958 |
Помер | 21 липня 2012[1] |
Діяльність | фізіолог |
Alma mater | Університетський коледж Лондона d Кінґс-коледж d |
Заклад | Університетський коледж Лондона |
Він був науковим консультантом лікарні та головним науковим співробітником програми Wellington IVF. Його основна книга Counselling in Male Infertility була опублікована у 1996 році;
Лі раптово помер 21 липня 2012 року.
Деякі журнальні статті
- M Buehr; S Lee; A McLaren; A Warner (1987). «Reduced gap junctional communication is associated with the lethal condition characteristic of DDK mouse eggs fertilized by foreign sperm» (PDF). Development. 101 (3): 449—459.
- MI Glavinovic; S Lee; R Miledi (1987). «Effect of collagenase treatment on rat muscle fibre acetylcholinesterase activity». J. Neurosci. Res. 18 (4): 519—524. doi:10.1002/jnr.490180403. PMID 2830412.
- S Lee; NB Gilula; A Warner (1987). «Gap junctional communication and compaction during preimplantation stages of mouse development». Cell. 51 (5): 851—860. doi:10.1016/0092-8674(87)90108-5. PMID 3677175.
- S Lee; R Miledi; F Ruzzier (1987). «Rat diaphragm muscle fibre action potentials and the development of tetrodotoxin resistance in long-term organ culture». Quart J Exp Physiol. 72: 601—608. doi:10.1113/expphysiol.1987.sp003100. PMID 2827223.
- DA Clark; S Lee; S Fishel; M Mahadevan; H Goodall; M Ah- Moye; O Schechter; J Stedronska-Clark; S Daya; J Underwood; I Craft; J Mowbray (1989). «Immunosuppressive activity in human IVF culture supernatants and prediction of outcome of embryo transfer». Journal of in Vitro Fertililisation Embryo Transfer. 6: 51–58. doi:10.1007/BF01134582.
- S. Lee; H Rivas-Toro (2001). «Treatment with IUI and ICSI for HIV men whose partners remain HIV- free: a risk reduction method». J. Bras. Reprod. Ass. 5: 64–65.
- S Lee (1987). «GIFT, the hope for future infertility treatment». Journal Royal Society of Health. 107 (5): 201—202. doi:10.1177/146642408710700517.
- WAR Davies; HS Dhariwal; S Lee (1988). «GIFT and IUI in the district general hospital». Human Reproduction. 3: 611—612. PMID 3170701.
- S Lee (1987). «Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT); A great leap forward?». Human Reproduction. 2 (6): 541. PMID 3667909.
- M. Rissardo; S. Lee (2004). «Embryo implantation: is TNF-alpha the key?». Biomedical Scientist. 48: 1079—1085.
- S. Lee (2005). «Cloning today. Nine years on from Dolly». Biomedical Scientist. 49: 686—687.
- JD Alves; EL Radway-Bright; S Lee; B Grima; J Hothersall; CT Ravirajan; DA Isenberg (2005). «Antiphospholipid antibodies are induced by in vitro fertilization and correlate with paraoxonase activity and total antioxidant capacity of plasma in infertile women». Lupus. 14: 1–8. doi:10.1191/0961203305lu2096oa.
Газетні статті
- S. Lee (26 січня 2004). Will the cloning doctors follow IVF road and go from villains to heroes?. The Scotsman.
- S. Lee. The baby factories. Sunday Telegraph. 10 November 2002.
- S. Lee. The great IVF scandal. Daily Mail. 29 November 2002.
- S. Lee (July 2002). IVF mixups. BBC News. BBC.
- S. Lee (1999). Cloning. BBC News. BBC.
- Obituary: Professor Samuel Lee — 2012.
- Hill, Amelia (13 вересня 2009). Women are risking their lives to have IVF babies. The Guardian.
- Paying poor women for eggs is 'a Kind of Prostitution' says expert. The Times. 19 вересня 2009. Архів оригіналу за 12 вересня 2012. Процитовано 31 січня 2019.
- . BioNews. 28 серпня 2012. Архів оригіналу за 19 січня 2017. Процитовано 31 січня 2019.
- Parry, Vivienne (22 вересня 2009). . The Times. Архів оригіналу за 8 October 2009.
- at UCL
- Mistakes in IVF
- CEO of infertility website
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Semmi Li angl Sammy Lee 1958 21 lipnya 2012 anglijskij naukovec ekspert z fertilnosti ta shtuchnogo zaplidnennyaSemmi LiNarodivsya1958Pomer21 lipnya 2012 2012 07 21 1 DiyalnistfiziologAlma materUniversitetskij koledzh Londona d Kings koledzh dZakladUniversitetskij koledzh LondonaBiografiyaVin buv naukovim konsultantom likarni ta golovnim naukovim spivrobitnikom programi Wellington IVF Jogo osnovna kniga Counselling in Male Infertility bula opublikovana u 1996 roci Li raptovo pomer 21 lipnya 2012 roku BibliografiyaDeyaki zhurnalni statti M Buehr S Lee A McLaren A Warner 1987 Reduced gap junctional communication is associated with the lethal condition characteristic of DDK mouse eggs fertilized by foreign sperm PDF Development 101 3 449 459 MI Glavinovic S Lee R Miledi 1987 Effect of collagenase treatment on rat muscle fibre acetylcholinesterase activity J Neurosci Res 18 4 519 524 doi 10 1002 jnr 490180403 PMID 2830412 S Lee NB Gilula A Warner 1987 Gap junctional communication and compaction during preimplantation stages of mouse development Cell 51 5 851 860 doi 10 1016 0092 8674 87 90108 5 PMID 3677175 S Lee R Miledi F Ruzzier 1987 Rat diaphragm muscle fibre action potentials and the development of tetrodotoxin resistance in long term organ culture Quart J Exp Physiol 72 601 608 doi 10 1113 expphysiol 1987 sp003100 PMID 2827223 DA Clark S Lee S Fishel M Mahadevan H Goodall M Ah Moye O Schechter J Stedronska Clark S Daya J Underwood I Craft J Mowbray 1989 Immunosuppressive activity in human IVF culture supernatants and prediction of outcome of embryo transfer Journal of in Vitro Fertililisation Embryo Transfer 6 51 58 doi 10 1007 BF01134582 S Lee H Rivas Toro 2001 Treatment with IUI and ICSI for HIV men whose partners remain HIV free a risk reduction method J Bras Reprod Ass 5 64 65 S Lee 1987 GIFT the hope for future infertility treatment Journal Royal Society of Health 107 5 201 202 doi 10 1177 146642408710700517 WAR Davies HS Dhariwal S Lee 1988 GIFT and IUI in the district general hospital Human Reproduction 3 611 612 PMID 3170701 S Lee 1987 Gamete intrafallopian transfer GIFT A great leap forward Human Reproduction 2 6 541 PMID 3667909 M Rissardo S Lee 2004 Embryo implantation is TNF alpha the key Biomedical Scientist 48 1079 1085 S Lee 2005 Cloning today Nine years on from Dolly Biomedical Scientist 49 686 687 JD Alves EL Radway Bright S Lee B Grima J Hothersall CT Ravirajan DA Isenberg 2005 Antiphospholipid antibodies are induced by in vitro fertilization and correlate with paraoxonase activity and total antioxidant capacity of plasma in infertile women Lupus 14 1 8 doi 10 1191 0961203305lu2096oa Gazetni statti S Lee 26 sichnya 2004 Will the cloning doctors follow IVF road and go from villains to heroes The Scotsman S Lee The baby factories Sunday Telegraph 10 November 2002 S Lee The great IVF scandal Daily Mail 29 November 2002 S Lee July 2002 IVF mixups BBC News BBC S Lee 1999 Cloning BBC News BBC Knigi S Lee 1996 Counselling in male infertility Oxford Blackwell Scientific Press ISBN 0 632 03906 X S Lee 2003 Myths and reality in male infertility U J Haynes red Inconceivable conceptions Routledge ISBN 1 58391 168 5 PrimitkiObituary Professor Samuel Lee 2012 Hill Amelia 13 veresnya 2009 Women are risking their lives to have IVF babies The Guardian Paying poor women for eggs is a Kind of Prostitution says expert The Times 19 veresnya 2009 Arhiv originalu za 12 veresnya 2012 Procitovano 31 sichnya 2019 BioNews 28 serpnya 2012 Arhiv originalu za 19 sichnya 2017 Procitovano 31 sichnya 2019 Parry Vivienne 22 veresnya 2009 The Times Arhiv originalu za 8 October 2009 Posilannyaat UCL Mistakes in IVF CEO of infertility website