Рой Чарльз Амара (Roy Charles Amara, 7 квітня 1925 — 31 грудня 2007) — американський дослідник, вчений, футуролог, президент [en]. Найбільш відомий тим, що сформулював так званий закон Амари про вплив технологій. Дістав ступінь бакалавра менеджменту, ступінь магістра мистецтв і наук і ступінь доктора філософії із проєктування систем, а також працював у Стенфордському дослідницькому інституті (SRI International).
Рой Амара | |
Народився | 7 квітня 1925 Бостон, США |
Помер | 31 грудня 2007 | (у віці 82 роки)
Країна | США |
Діяльність | футоролог |
Заклад | d |
Рой Амара у Вікісховищі |
Закон Амари
Вислів Амари про прогнозування впливу технологій дістав назву «Закон Амари». Він формулюється так:
Ми схильні переоцінювати ефект технології в короткостроковій перспективі та недооцінювати його — в довгостроковій.
Закон використовувався для пояснення перспектив розвитку нанотехнологій.
Вибрана бібліографія
- Amara, Roy; Boucher, Wayne I. (1977). National Science Foundation (ред.). The study of the future: an agenda for research. Washington, D.C.: . OCLC 3200105.
- Amara, Roy; Lipinski, Andrew J. (1983). Business planning for an uncertain future: scenarios & strategies. New York: Pergamon Press. ISBN .
- Amara, Roy; Morrison, J. Ian; Schmid, Gregory (1988). Looking ahead at American health care. Washington, D.C.: McGraw-Hill, Healthcare Information Center. ISBN .
- Amara, Roy; (2003). Health and health care 2010: the forecast, the challenge (вид. 2nd). Hoboken, New Jersey: . ISBN .
- Amara, Roy; (1972). A framework for national science policy analysis (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 4484161. P-18.
Reprinted from IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics, v. SMC-2, no. 1 January 1972
- Amara, Roy; (1972). Toward a framework for national goals and policy research (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 11724396.
Reprinted from IEEE Transactions on systems, man and cybernetics, v. SMC-2, no. 5 November 1972
- Amara, Roy; (1972). The social responsibilities of business (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 5744644.
Prepared for the White House Conference on the Industrial World Ahead, Washington, D.C., 2–9 February 1972
- Amara, Roy; (1973). Draft summaries of four workshops on the social impact of the computer (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 709544477.
- Amara, Roy; Lipinski, Andrew J.; (1974). Strategic planning: penetrating the corporate barriers (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 4349610.
- Amara, Roy; (1975). The next 25 years: crises and challenges (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 3693807. P-31.
Presented at the World Future Society Second General Assembly Plenary Session, June 2, 1975
- Amara, Roy; (1975). Some methods of futures research (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 2456542.
- Amara, Roy; (1975). Emerging societal issues: some suggestions for research (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 17817243. WP-22.
- Amara, Roy; (1978). The U.S. in the decade ahead: an inventory of resources: American Vocational Association national convention, 4 December, 1978 (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 7527420. P-72.
- Amara, Roy; Lipinski, Hubert; Spangler, Kathleen; (1978). Communication needs in computer modeling (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 7511471. P-67. Published in Conference proceedings 1978 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 1978). Pdf.
- Amara, Roy; (1978). The future of voluntarism: meeting changing societal needs (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 7293285. P-69.
- Amara, Roy; (1978). Planning, futures and the skeptics (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 6661254.
- Amara, Roy; (1978). Toward understanding the social impact of computers (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 1166342. R-29.
- Amara, Roy; (1980). The future of management: ten shapers of management in the '80s (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 8390527. P-80.
- Amara, Roy; (1980). Imperatives for tomorrow: the I's have it: images, institutions, involvement (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 7917815. P-87.
- Amara, Roy; (1980). The futures field (Звіт). Menlo Park, California: . OCLC 7919207. P-95.
- Amara, Roy. Library of Congress. Процитовано 18 лютого 2015.
data sheet (Amara, Roy Charles, b. 4/7/25)
- Pescovitz, David (3 січня 2008). Roy Amara, forecaster, RIP. BoingBoing. Процитовано 18 лютого 2015.
- Four Geeky Laws That Rule Our World
- Roy Amara (biography). University of Arizona: Anticipating the future (course), Futures Thinkers. Процитовано 18 лютого 2015.
- Susan Ratcliffe, ред. (2016). Roy Amara 1925–2007, American futurologist. Oxford Essential Quotations. Т. 1 (вид. 4th). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acref/9780191826719.001.0001.
- Encyclopedia: Definition of: Amara's law. PC Magazine. Процитовано 18 лютого 2015.
- Doc Searls (2012). The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge. Harvard Business Press. с. 257. ISBN .
- Context
- Roy Amara at DBLP bibliography
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Roj Charlz Amara Roy Charles Amara 7 kvitnya 1925 31 grudnya 2007 amerikanskij doslidnik vchenij futurolog prezident en Najbilsh vidomij tim sho sformulyuvav tak zvanij zakon Amari pro vpliv tehnologij Distav stupin bakalavra menedzhmentu stupin magistra mistectv i nauk i stupin doktora filosofiyi iz proyektuvannya sistem a takozh pracyuvav u Stenfordskomu doslidnickomu instituti SRI International Roj AmaraNarodivsya7 kvitnya 1925 1925 04 07 Boston SShAPomer31 grudnya 2007 2007 12 31 u vici 82 roki Krayina SShADiyalnistfutorologZakladd Roj Amara u VikishovishiZakon AmariVisliv Amari pro prognozuvannya vplivu tehnologij distav nazvu Zakon Amari Vin formulyuyetsya tak Mi shilni pereocinyuvati efekt tehnologiyi v korotkostrokovij perspektivi ta nedoocinyuvati jogo v dovgostrokovij Zakon vikoristovuvavsya dlya poyasnennya perspektiv rozvitku nanotehnologij Vibrana bibliografiyaKnigi Amara Roy Boucher Wayne I 1977 National Science Foundation red The study of the future an agenda for research Washington D C OCLC 3200105 Amara Roy Lipinski Andrew J 1983 Business planning for an uncertain future scenarios amp strategies New York Pergamon Press ISBN 9780080275451 Amara Roy Morrison J Ian Schmid Gregory 1988 Looking ahead at American health care Washington D C McGraw Hill Healthcare Information Center ISBN 9780070013841 Amara Roy 2003 Health and health care 2010 the forecast the challenge vid 2nd Hoboken New Jersey John Wiley amp Sons ISBN 9780470932513 Zviti Amara Roy 1972 A framework for national science policy analysis Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 4484161 P 18 Reprinted from IEEE transactions on systems man and cybernetics v SMC 2 no 1 January 1972 Amara Roy 1972 Toward a framework for national goals and policy research Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 11724396 Reprinted from IEEE Transactions on systems man and cybernetics v SMC 2 no 5 November 1972 Amara Roy 1972 The social responsibilities of business Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 5744644 Prepared for the White House Conference on the Industrial World Ahead Washington D C 2 9 February 1972 Amara Roy 1973 Draft summaries of four workshops on the social impact of the computer Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 709544477 Amara Roy Lipinski Andrew J 1974 Strategic planning penetrating the corporate barriers Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 4349610 Amara Roy 1975 The next 25 years crises and challenges Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 3693807 P 31 Presented at the World Future Society Second General Assembly Plenary Session June 2 1975 Amara Roy 1975 Some methods of futures research Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 2456542 Amara Roy 1975 Emerging societal issues some suggestions for research Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 17817243 WP 22 Amara Roy 1978 The U S in the decade ahead an inventory of resources American Vocational Association national convention 4 December 1978 Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 7527420 P 72 Amara Roy Lipinski Hubert Spangler Kathleen 1978 Communication needs in computer modeling Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 7511471 P 67 Published in Conference proceedings 1978 Winter Simulation Conference WSC 1978 Pdf Amara Roy 1978 The future of voluntarism meeting changing societal needs Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 7293285 P 69 Amara Roy 1978 Planning futures and the skeptics Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 6661254 Amara Roy 1978 Toward understanding the social impact of computers Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 1166342 R 29 Amara Roy 1980 The future of management ten shapers of management in the 80s Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 8390527 P 80 Amara Roy 1980 Imperatives for tomorrow the I s have it images institutions involvement Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 7917815 P 87 Amara Roy 1980 The futures field Zvit Menlo Park California OCLC 7919207 P 95 PrimitkiAmara Roy Library of Congress Procitovano 18 lyutogo 2015 data sheet Amara Roy Charles b 4 7 25 Pescovitz David 3 sichnya 2008 Roy Amara forecaster RIP BoingBoing Procitovano 18 lyutogo 2015 Four Geeky Laws That Rule Our World Roy Amara biography University of Arizona Anticipating the future course Futures Thinkers Procitovano 18 lyutogo 2015 Susan Ratcliffe red 2016 Roy Amara 1925 2007 American futurologist Oxford Essential Quotations T 1 vid 4th Oxford University Press doi 10 1093 acref 9780191826719 001 0001 Encyclopedia Definition of Amara s law PC Magazine Procitovano 18 lyutogo 2015 Doc Searls 2012 The Intention Economy When Customers Take Charge Harvard Business Press s 257 ISBN 978 1 4221 5852 4 Context Roy Amara at DBLP bibliography