Список риб Непалу неповний і складається з 173 видів риб, що мешкають у територіальних водах Непалу.
- Conway, K. W. i R. L. Mayden, 2010: , a new species of hillstream loach (Ostariophysi: Balitoridae) from . Journal of Fish Biology v. 76: 1466-1473.
- Ng, H. H. i D. R. Edds, 2004: , a new species of bagrid catfish from (Teleostei: Bagridae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 15 (núm. 4): 295-300.
- Menon, A. G. K. i A. K. Datta, 1964: Zoological results of the Indian Cho-Oyu Expedition (1958) in . Part 7.-- (concluded). , a new cyprinid fish from . Records of the Indian Museum () v. 59: 253-255, Pls. 16-17.
- FishBase (actualitzat el 21 d'octubre del 2010) (англ.)
- Dimmick, W. W. i D. R. Edds, 2002: Evolutionary genetics of the endemic (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae) fishes of Lake Rara, Nepal. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology v. 30 (núm. 10): 919-929.
- Edds, D. R. i H. H. Ng, 2007: Additions to the ichthyofauna of Nepal, with a redescription of (Teleostei: Cobitidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 18 (núm. 2): 125-132.
- Günther, A., 1861: List of the cold-blooded vertebrata collected by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., in Nepal. Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1861 (pt 2): 213-227.
- Menon, A. G. K., 1950: Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XLII. On a new loach from Poona. XLIII. On a small collection of fish from East Punjab. XLIV. Fishes from the Kosi Himalayas, Nepal. Records of the Indian Museum (Calcuta) v. 47 (pt 2): 225-237.
- Ng, H. H., 2006: The identity of (M'Clelland, 1842), with descriptions of two new species of rheophilic catfish (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from Nepal and China. Zootaxa Núm. 1254: 45-68.
- Ng, H. H. i D. R. Edds, 2005: Two new species of Erethistoides (Teleostei: Erethistidae) from Nepal. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 16 (núm. 3): 239-248.
- Ng, H. H. i D. R. Edds, 2005: Two new species of Pseudecheneis, rheophilic catfishes (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from Nepal. Zootaxa Núm. 1047: 1-19.
- Regan, C. T., 1907: Fishes. Pp. 157-158. A: Reports on a collection of Batrachia, reptiles and fish from Nepal and the western Himalayas. Records of the Indian Museum (Calcuta) v. 1: 149-158, Pl. 6.
- Shrestha, J., 1978: Fish fauna of Nepal. Journal of Natural History Museum Tribhuvan University v. 5 (núms. 1-4): 33-43.
- Shrestha, J., 1980: Fishes of Nepal. Curriculum Development Centre, Tribhuvan Univ., .
- Shrestha, T. K., 2008: Ichthyology of Nepal. A study of fishes of the Himalayan waters. Himalayan Ecosphere, Kathmandu, Nepal. Ichthyology of Nepal: 389 pp., 72 color plates.
- Terashima, A., 1984: Three new species of the cyprinid genus from Lake Rara, northwestern Nepal. Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v. 31 (núm. 2): 122-135.
- (англ.)
- Humans scoffed by mutant fish [ 6 червня 2011 у Wayback Machine.] (англ.)
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Spisok rib Nepalu nepovnij i skladayetsya z 173 vidiv rib sho meshkayut u teritorialnih vodah Nepalu Anabas testudineus Colisa fasciata Danio rerio Catla catla Badis badis Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Ompok bimaculatus Oncorhynchus mykiss Nandus nandus Puntius ticto Puntius conchoniusAAnabas testudineus Aplocheilus panchaxBBadis badisCCarassius carassius Catla catla Chaca chaca Clarias batrachus Colisa fasciata Colisa lalia Ctenopharyngodon idella Cyprinus carpio carpioDDanio rerio Devario aequipinnatusEEsomus danricusGHHeteropneustes fossilis Hypophthalmichthys molitrix Hypophthalmichthys nobilisJLLabeo rohitaMMacrognathus aculeatus Macrognathus aral Mystus tengara Mystus vittatusNNandus nandusOOmpok bimaculatus Oncorhynchus mykiss Oncorhynchus rhodurus Oreochromis mossambicus Oreochromis niloticus niloticusPPuntius chola Puntius conchonius Puntius tictoRSSalmo trutta trutta Sperata aorTTor putitoraWXPrimitkiConway K W i R L Mayden 2010 a new species of hillstream loach Ostariophysi Balitoridae from Journal of Fish Biology v 76 1466 1473 Ng H H i D R Edds 2004 a new species of bagrid catfish from Teleostei Bagridae Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v 15 num 4 295 300 Menon A G K i A K Datta 1964 Zoological results of the Indian Cho Oyu Expedition 1958 in Part 7 concluded a new cyprinid fish from Records of the Indian Museum v 59 253 255 Pls 16 17 FishBase actualitzat el 21 d octubre del 2010 angl DzherelaDimmick W W i D R Edds 2002 Evolutionary genetics of the endemic Cypriniformes Cyprinidae fishes of Lake Rara Nepal Biochemical Systematics and Ecology v 30 num 10 919 929 Edds D R i H H Ng 2007 Additions to the ichthyofauna of Nepal with a redescription of Teleostei Cobitidae Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v 18 num 2 125 132 Gunther A 1861 List of the cold blooded vertebrata collected by B H Hodgson Esq in Nepal Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1861 pt 2 213 227 Menon A G K 1950 Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum XLII On a new loach from Poona XLIII On a small collection of fish from East Punjab XLIV Fishes from the Kosi Himalayas Nepal Records of the Indian Museum Calcuta v 47 pt 2 225 237 Ng H H 2006 The identity of M Clelland 1842 with descriptions of two new species of rheophilic catfish Teleostei Sisoridae from Nepal and China Zootaxa Num 1254 45 68 Ng H H i D R Edds 2005 Two new species of Erethistoides Teleostei Erethistidae from Nepal Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v 16 num 3 239 248 Ng H H i D R Edds 2005 Two new species of Pseudecheneis rheophilic catfishes Teleostei Sisoridae from Nepal Zootaxa Num 1047 1 19 Regan C T 1907 Fishes Pp 157 158 A Reports on a collection of Batrachia reptiles and fish from Nepal and the western Himalayas Records of the Indian Museum Calcuta v 1 149 158 Pl 6 Shrestha J 1978 Fish fauna of Nepal Journal of Natural History Museum Tribhuvan University v 5 nums 1 4 33 43 Shrestha J 1980 Fishes of Nepal Curriculum Development Centre Tribhuvan Univ Shrestha T K 2008 Ichthyology of Nepal A study of fishes of the Himalayan waters Himalayan Ecosphere Kathmandu Nepal Ichthyology of Nepal 389 pp 72 color plates Terashima A 1984 Three new species of the cyprinid genus from Lake Rara northwestern Nepal Japanese Journal of Ichthyology v 31 num 2 122 135 Posilannya angl Humans scoffed by mutant fish 6 chervnya 2011 u Wayback Machine angl