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Сер Пітер Реджіналд Фредерік Голл (22 листопада 1930 — 11 вересня 2017) — видатний англійський театральний, оперний та кінорежисер, нагороджений Орденом Британської імперії
Пітер Голл | |
Ім'я при народженні | англ. Peter Reginald Frederick Hall |
Народився | 22 листопада 1930[4][3][…] Бері-Сент-Едмендс, Саффолк, Англія, Велика Британія |
Помер | 11 вересня 2017[1][2][…] (86 років) Кемден, Великий Лондон, Лондон[d], Англія, Велика Британія ·пневмонія |
Країна | Велика Британія[5] |
Діяльність | актор, театральний режисер, кінорежисер, співак, телережисер, театрознавець, режисер |
Галузь | d[6], театрознавство[6] і d[6] |
Alma mater | d |
Знання мов | англійська[7] |
Роки активності | з 1953 |
Батько | d[1] |
Мати | d[1] |
У шлюбі з | Леслі Карон, d, d і d |
Діти | Ребекка Голл, d, d і d[1] |
Нагороди | |
IMDb | ID 0355991 |
Кіно та телебачення
П.Голл також знімав багато своїх сценічних постановок і опер для телебачення. Книги
ДіяльністьПітер Голл почав виступати в якості студента в Кембриджському університеті, де Даді Рілендс навчав його декламувати вірші Шекспіра. Він був також вплинув на його розуміння Шекспіра літературним критиком і вчителем Ф. Р. Лейвісом. Пізніше він виступав у трьох німецьких фільмах 1973—1975 рр.: Дер Фусгангер («Пішохід», режисер Максиміліан Шелль, 1973), Стрікт Альс Муттер («Коли мама пішла на страйк», 1974) та «Дерево лецте Шрай» (The Last Word, 1975). Примітки
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Cya stattya mozhe mistiti pomilki perekladu z inshoyi movi Bud laska dopomozhit polipshiti pereklad perevirivshi jogo yakist i pogodivshi vmist zi stilistichnimi pravilami Vikipediyi Original ne zaznacheno Bud laska ukazhit jogo Ser Piter Redzhinald Frederik Goll 22 listopada 1930 19301122 11 veresnya 2017 vidatnij anglijskij teatralnij opernij ta kinorezhiser nagorodzhenij Ordenom Britanskoyi imperiyiPiter GollIm ya pri narodzhenniangl Peter Reginald Frederick HallNarodivsya22 listopada 1930 1930 11 22 4 3 Beri Sent Edmends Saffolk Angliya Velika BritaniyaPomer11 veresnya 2017 2017 09 11 1 2 86 rokiv Kemden Velikij London London d Angliya Velika Britaniya pnevmoniyaKrayina Velika Britaniya 5 Diyalnistaktor teatralnij rezhiser kinorezhiser spivak telerezhiser teatroznavec rezhiserGaluzd 6 teatroznavstvo 6 i d 6 Alma materdZnannya movanglijska 7 Roki aktivnostiz 1953Batkod 1 Matid 1 U shlyubi zLesli Karon d d i dDitiRebekka Goll d d i d 1 Nagorodipremiya Lourensa Oliv ye d 1967 d 1981 d d dIMDbID 0355991Blood Wedding Lorca London debut Arts Theatre 1954 The Impresario from Smyrna Goldoni Arts Theatre 1954 The Immoralist Gide Arts Theatre 1954 Listen to the Wind Angela Jeans music by Vivian Ellis Arts Theatre 1954 The Lesson Ionesco Arts Theatre 1955 South Julian Green Arts Theatre 1955 Mourning Becomes Electra O Neill Arts Theatre 1955 Waiting for Godot Beckett English language world premiere Arts Theatre 1955 The Burnt Flower Bed Ugo Betti Arts Theatre 1955 Summertime Ugo Betti Arts Theatre 1955 The Waltz of the Toreadors Jean Anouilh English language premiere Arts Theatre 1956 Gigi Colette New Theatre 1956 Love s Labours Lost Shakespeare Stratford on Avon 1956 The Gates of Summer John Whiting New Theatre Oxford 1956 Camino Real Tennessee Williams Phoenix Theatre London 1957 The Moon and Sixpence John Gardner opera debut Sadlers Wells 1957 Cymbeline Shakespeare Stratford on Avon 1957 The Rope Dancers Morton Wishengard New York debut Cort Theatre 1957 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Tennessee Williams Comedy Theatre 1958 Twelfth Night Shakespeare Stratford on Avon 1958 Brouhaha George Tabori Aldwych 1958 Shadow of Heroes Robert Ardrey Piccadilly Theatre 1958 Madame de Anouilh Arts Theatre 1959 Traveller Without Luggage Anouilh Arts Theatre 1959 A Midsummer Night s Dream Shakespeare Stratford on Avon 1959 Coriolanus Shakespeare Stratford on Avon 1959 The Wrong Side of the Park John Mortimer Cambridge Theatre 1959 The Two Gentlemen of Verona Shakespeare Royal Shakespeare Company 1960 Twelfth Night Shakespeare RSC 1960 Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare RSC 1960 Ondine Giradoux RSC Aldwych 1961 Becket Anouilh RSC Aldwych 1961 Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare RSC 1961 A Midsummer Night s Dream Shakespeare RSC 1962 The Collection Pinter RSC 1962 Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare RSC 1962 The Wars of the Roses adapted with John Barton from Shakespeare s Henry VI Parts 1 2 and 3 and Richard III RSC 1963 Richard 11 Shakespeare RSC 1964 Henry 1V Parts 1 and 2 Shakespeare RSC 1964 Henry V Shakespeare RSC 1964 Eh Henry Livings RSC Aldwych 1964 The Homecoming Pinter world premiere RSC 1965 Moses and Aaron Schoenberg UK premiere Royal Opera House 1965 Hamlet Shakespeare RSC 1965 The Government Inspector Gogol RSC Aldwych 1966 The Magic Flute Mozart Royal Opera House 1966 Staircase Charles Wood RSC Aldwych 1966 Macbeth Shakespeare RSC 1967 A Delicate Balance Edward Albee RSC Aldwych 1969 Dutch Uncle Simon Gray RSC Aldwych 1969 Landscape and Silence Pinter world premieres RSC Aldwych 1969 The Knot Garden Tippett world premiere Royal Opera House 1970 La Calisto Cavalli Glyndebourne debut Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1970 The Battle of the Shrivings Shaffer Lyric Theatre 1970 Eugene Onegin Tchaikovsky Royal Opera House 1971 Old Times Harold Pinter world premiere RSC Aldwych 1971 Tristan und Isolde Wagner Royal Opera House 1971 All Over Edward Albee RSC Aldwych 1972 Il Ritorno d Ulisse Monteverdi Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1972 Via Galactica lyrics by Christopher Gore music by Galt McDermot New York 1972 Le Nozze di Figaro Mozart Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1973 The Tempest Shakespeare National Theatre 1973 John Gabriel Borkman Ibsen NT 1974 Happy Days Beckett NT 1974 No Man s Land Pinter world premiere NT 1975 Hamlet Shakespeare official opening of the Lyttelton NT 1975 Judgement Barry Collins NT 1975 Tamburlaine the Great Christopher Marlowe official opening of the Olivier NT 1976 Bedroom Farce Ayckbourn also co director London and US premieres NT and Broadway 1977 Don Giovanni Mozart Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1977 Volpone Ben Jonson NT 1977 The Country Wife Wycherley NT 1977 Cosi fan Tutte Mozart Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1978 The Cherry Orchard Chekhov NT 1978 Macbeth Shakespeare NT 1978 Betrayal Pinter world premiere NT 1978 Fidelio Beethoven Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1979 Amadeus Peter Shaffer world premiere NT 1979 Othello Shakespeare NT 1980 A Midsummer Night s Dream Britten Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1981 The Oresteia Aeschylus trans Harrison NT and Epidaurus 1981 Orfeo et Eurydice Gluck Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1982 The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde NT 1982 Macbeth Verdi Metropolitan Opera New York 1982 Other Places Pinter world premiere NT 1982 Der Ring des Nibelungen Wagner Bayreuth Festival Opera 1983 Jean Seberg lyrics by Christopher Adler book by Julian Barry music by Marvin Hamlisch NT 1983 Animal Farm George Orwell adapted by Hall NT 1984 Coriolanus Shakespeare NT and Athens 1984 L Incoronazione di Poppea Monteverdi Glyndebourne Festival Opera 1984 Yonadab Shaffer world premiere NT 1985 Carmen Bizet Glyndebourne 1985 Albert Herring Britten Glyndebourne 1985 The Petition Brian Clark NT 1986 Simon Boccanegra Verdi Glyndebourne 1986 Salome Strauss LA Opera 1986 Coming In To Land Poliakoff world premiere NT 1986 Antony and Cleopatra Shakespeare NT 1987 La Traviata Verdi Glyndebourne 1987 Entertaining Strangers David Edgar NT 1987 Cymbeline Shakespeare NT Moscow and Epidaurus 1988 The Winter s Tale Shakespeare NT Moscow and Epidaurus 1988 The Tempest Shakespeare NT Moscow and Epidaurus 1988 Falstaff Verdi Glyndebourne 1988 Orpheus Descending Tennessee Williams Peter Hall Company Haymarket and Broadway 1988 9 The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare PHCo Phoenix Theatre and Broadway 1989 90 New Year Tippett world premiere Houston Opera 1989 Le Nozze di Figaro Mozart Glyndebourne 1989 The Wild Duck Ibsen trans Hall Ewbank PHCo Phoenix Theatre 1990 Born Again after Ionesco s Rhinoceros lyrics by Julian Barry music by Jason Carr PHCo Chichester Festival Theatre 1990 The Homecoming Pinter PHCo Comedy Theatre 1990 Twelfth Night Shakespeare PHCo Playhouse Theatre 1991 Tartuffe Moliere trans Bolt PHCo Playhouse Theatre 1991 The Rose Tattoo Tennessee Williams PHCo Playhouse Theatre 1991 Four Baboons Adoring the Sun John Guare world premiere Lincoln Center 1992 All s Well That Ends Well Shakespeare RSC Swan 1992 The Gift of the Gorgon Shaffer world premiere RSC Barbican and Wyndham s Theatre 1992 An Ideal Husband Wilde PHCo Bill Kenwright Ltd Globe Theatre and Broadway 1992 The Magic Flute Mozart LA Opera 1993 Separate Tables Rattigan PHCo BKL Albery Theatre 1993 Lysistrata Aristophanes trans Bolt PHCo BKL Old Vic Wyndham s and Epidaurus 1993 She Stoops to Conquer Goldsmith PHCo BKL Queen s Theatre 1993 Piaf Pam Gems PHCo BKL Piccadilly Theatre 1993 An Absolute Turkey Feydeau trans Hall Frei PHCo BKL Globe Theatre 1994 On Approval Lonsdale PHCo BKL Playhouse Theatre 1994 Hamlet Shakespeare PHCo BKL Gielgud Theatre 1994 The Master Builder Ibsen trans Hall Ewbank PHCo BKL Haymarket 1995 Julius Caesar Shakespeare RSC 1995 Mind Millie for Me Feydeau trans Hall Frei PHCo BKL Haymarket 1996 The Oedipus Plays Sophocles trans Bolt NT Athens and Epidaurus 1996 A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams PHCo BKL Haymarket 1997 Waste Granville Barker PHCo Old Vic 1997 The Seagull Chekhov trans Stoppard PHCo Old Vic 1997 Waiting for Godot Beckett PHCo Old Vic 1997 King Lear Shakespeare PHCo Old Vic 1997 The Misanthrope Moliere trans Bolt PHCo BKL Piccadilly Theatre 1988 Major Barbara George Bernard Shaw PHCo BKL Piccadilly 1988 Filumena de Fillipo PHCo BKL Piccadilly 1998 Amadeus Shaffer PHCo Old Vic and Broadway 1998 9 Kafka s Dick Alan Bennett PHCo BKL Piccadilly 1998 Measure for Measure Shakespeare Center Theater Group Los Angeles 1999 A Midsummer Night s Dream Shakespeare Center Theater Group LA 1999 Lenny Julian Barry PHCo Queen s Theatre 1999 Cuckoos Manfredi trans Teevan PHCo Gate Theatre 2000 Tantalus John Barton world premiere RSC Denver Center for the Performing Arts Denver UK tour and Barbican 2000 1 Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare Center Theater Group LA 2001 Japes Simon Gray world premiere PHCo Haymarket 2001 Troilus and Cressida Shakespeare Theatre for a New Audience off Broadway 2001 Otello Verdi Glyndebourne and Lyric Opera Chicago 2001 The Royal Family Ferber PHCo Haymarket 2001 Lady Windermere s Fan Wilde PHCo Haymarket 2002 The Bacchai Euripides trans Teevan NT and Epidaurus 2002 Albert Herring Britten Glyndebourne 2002 Mrs Warren s Profession Shaw PHCo Strand Theatre 2002 Where There s a Will Feydeau trans Frei PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2003 Betrayal Pinter PHCo Theatre Royal Bath UK tour and West End 2003 Design for Living Coward PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and UK tour 2003 As You Like It Shakespeare PHCo Theatre Royal Bath UK and US tour 2003 4 Le Nozze di Figaro Mozart Lyric Opera Chicago 2003 Happy Days Beckett PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and Arts Theatre 2003 Man and Superman Shaw PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2004 Gallileo s Daughter Timberlake Wertenbaker world premiere PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2004 The Dresser Harwood PHCo Theatre Royal Bath UK tour and West End 2004 Whose Life is it Anyway Brian Clark PHCo Sonia Friedman Productions Duke of York s 2005 La Cenerentola Rossini Glyndebourne 2005 Much Ado About Nothing Shakespeare PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2005 You Never Can Tell Shaw PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and West End 2005 Waiting for Godot Beckett 50th anniversary production PHCo Theatre Royal Bath UK tour and West End 2005 6 A Midsummer Marriage Tippett Lyric Opera Chicago 2005 The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde Los Angeles and New York 2006 Hay Fever Coward PHCo Bill Kenwright Ltd Haymarket 2006 Measure for Measure Shakespeare PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2006 Habeas Corpus Alan Bennett PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and UK tour 2006 Amy s View David Hare PHCo Theatre Royal Bath UK tour and West End 2006 Old Times Pinter PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and UK tour 2007 Little Nell Simon Gray world premiere PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2007 Pygmalion Shaw PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and Old Vic 2007 8 The Vortex Coward PHCo BKL Windsor UK tour and West End 2007 8 Uncle Vanya Chekhov trans Mulrine English Touring Theatre Rose Kingston and UK tour 2008 The Portrait of a Lady Henry James adapted by Frei PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and Rose Kingston 2008 A Doll s House Ibsen trans Mulrine PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and Rose Kingston 2008 Love s Labours Lost Shakespeare Rose Kingston 2008 The Browning Version Rattigan PHCo Theatre Royal Bath and UK tour 2009 The Apple Cart Shaw PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2009 Bedroom Farce Ayckbourn PHCo BKL Rose Kingston and West End 2010 The Rivals Sheridan PHCo Theatre Royal Bath UK tour and West End 2010 Twelfth Night Shakespeare NT 2011 Henry IV Parts 1 and 2 Shakespeare PHCo Theatre Royal Bath 2011 section Kino ta telebachennyaWork Is a Four Letter Word 1968 Son litnoyi nochi A Midsummer Night s Dream 1968 Three into Two Won t Go 1969 Perfect Friday 1970 The Homecoming 1973 Akenfield 1974 When Mother Went on Strike 1974 Aquarius TV presenter 1975 1976 She s Been Away BBC Films 1980 wins two awards at the Venice Film Festival The Camomile Lawn Channel 4 TV mini series 1992 Jacob TV movie 1994 Never Talk to Strangers 1995 The Final Passage Channel 4 TV 1996 P Goll takozh znimav bagato svoyih scenichnih postanovok i oper dlya telebachennya KnigiThe Wars of the Roses with John Barton BBC Books 1970 John Gabriel Borkman Ibsen trans with Inga Stina Ewbank Athlone Press 1975 Peter Hall s Diaries the Story of a Dramatic Battle ed John Goodwin Hamish Hamilton 1983 reissued Oberon Books 2000 Animal Farm stage adaptation of George Orwell s novel Heinemann Press Methuen 1986 The Wild Duck Ibsen trans with Inga Stina Ewbank Absolute Classics 1990 Making An Exhibition of Myself autobiography Sinclair Stevenson Ltd 1993 updated Oberon Books 2000 An Absolute Turkey Feydeau trans with Nicki Frei Oberon Books 1994 The Master Builder Ibsen trans with Inga Stina Ewbank 1995 The Necessary Theatre Nick Hern Books 1990 Exposed by the Mask Form and Language in Drama Oberon Books 2000 Shakespeare s Advice To The Players Oberon Books 2003DiyalnistPiter Goll pochav vistupati v yakosti studenta v Kembridzhskomu universiteti de Dadi Rilends navchav jogo deklamuvati virshi Shekspira Vin buv takozh vplinuv na jogo rozuminnya Shekspira literaturnim kritikom i vchitelem F R Lejvisom Piznishe vin vistupav u troh nimeckih filmah 1973 1975 rr Der Fusganger Pishohid rezhiser Maksimilian Shell 1973 Strikt Als Mutter Koli mama pishla na strajk 1974 ta Derevo lecte Shraj The Last Word 1975 PrimitkiLundy D R The Peerage d Track Q67129259d Track Q21401824 Encyclopaedia Britannica d Track Q5375741 Internet Broadway Database 2000 d Track Q31964 SNAC 2010 d Track Q29861311 LIBRIS 2008 d Track Q1798125 Czech National Authority Database d Track Q13550863 Bibliotheque nationale de France BNF platforma vidkritih danih 2011 d Track Q19938912d Track Q54837d Track Q193563 Horatia Harrod 30 lipnya 2011 Interview Sir Peter Hall The Telegraph Fay Stephen 1995 Power Play The Life and Times of Peter Hall London s 25 Peter Hall Biography filmreference 2008 Procitovano 22 sichnya 2009 Current biography yearbook Volume 23 H W Wilson Co 1963 s 179 Hall Peter 1993 Making an Exhibition of myself The Autobiography of Peter Hall London s 36 Addenbroke David 1974 The Royal Shakespeare Company London s 27 Sir Peter Hall The Daily Telegraph 12 veresnya 2017 Procitovano 12 veresnya 2017 Irving Wardle 6 sichnya 1991 profile of Peter Hall The Independent on Sunday Spencer Charles 20 listopada 2005 A Titan who Transformed Theatre The Daily Telegraph Rosenthal Daniel 2013 The National Theatre Story London s 251 Michael Billington 29 lipnya 2011 Peter Hall s astonishing company scale summit of Shakespeare s genius The Guardian Jones Kenneth 30 grudnya 2001 Documentary on Peter Hall and John Barton s Tantalus Procitovano 18 chervnya 2017 Fay and Wood Stephen and Roger 1984 The Ring Anatomy of an Opera London Martin Secker amp Warburg Ltd German Arhiv originalu za 12 veresnya 2017 Procitovano 12 veresnya 2017 Coghlan Alexandra 12 serpnya 2016 A Midsummer Night s Dream Glyndebourne The Arts Desk Christiansen Rupert 25 lipnya 2016 Peter Hall the Hallmark of operatic excellence The Telegraph Theater Hall of Fame inducts Thompson Lithgow others Pittsburgh Post Gazette Ginny Dougary 4 kvitnya 2009 The conversation Peter Hall The Times Hoggard Liz 7 sichnya 2017 Dementia is a very sad disease It s a difficult thing for a family to adjust to The Times Procitovano 12 veresnya 2017 Sir Peter Hall Theatre giant dies aged 86 BBC News 12 veresnya 2017 Procitovano 12 veresnya 2017 Pomer rezhiser erotichnogo trilera Nikoli ne rozmovlyaj z neznajomcyami DzherelaPearson Richard 1990 A Band of Arrogant and United Heroes London Adelphi Press ISBN 1 85654 005 7 Simon Trowbridge 2010 The Company A Biographical Dictionary of the Royal Shakespeare Company Oxford Editions Albert Creed ISBN 978 0 9559830 2 3 Stephen Fay 1995 Power Play the Life and Times of Peter Hall Hodder amp Stoughton London 1995 PosilannyaGoll Universalnij slovnik enciklopediya 4 te vid K Teka 2006 The Company A Biographical Dictionary of the RSC Online database nedostupne posilannya z kvitnya 2019 Piter Goll rezhiser na sajti Internet Broadway Database angl angl Peter Hall na sajti IMDb angl angl Peter Hall video at Web of Stories Godot almighty by Peter Hall Interview with Peter Hall by Bruce Duffie November 5 1987 about opera