Премія в галузі комп'ютерів і комунікацій імені Кодзі Кобаясі (англ. IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award) — премія, яка була заснована радою директорів організації Інституту інженерів з електротехніки та електроніки в 1986 році. Цією нагородою відзначається видатний внесок в об'єднання комп'ютерів і комунікацій.
Премія в галузі комп'ютерів і комунікацій імені Кодзі Кобаясі англ. IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award | ||||
Країна | США | |||
Тип | d і d | |||
Вручає: | IEEE | |||
Статус | вручається | |||
На честь: | d | |||
Нагородження | ||||
Параметри | бронзова медаль, гонорар і сертифікат | |||
Засновано: | 1986 | |||
Нагороджені: | ||||
(0) | ||||
Черговість | ||||
Сайт | ieee.org/about/awards/tfas/kobayashi.html |
Нагорода дістала назву на честь , який був рушійною силою в просуванні використання спільно комп'ютерів і комунікацій. Нагорода може бути вручена персонально, декільком номінантам або групі, що складається не більше ніж з трьох осіб. Одержувачі даної нагороди також отримують і бронзову медаль, сертифікат і гонорар.
Список нагороджених
- 1988: (США) — англ. "For contributions to distributed computer network architectures and protocol."
- 1989: (США) — англ. "For contributions to computer communications and the invention of virtual-circuit switching."
- 1990: (США) — англ. "For profound contributions, in mathematical theory and engineering practice, to error-correcting codes for communications and data storage."
- 1991: (США) та (Швейцарія) — англ. "For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of computer and communications systems performance modeling."
- 1992: Вінтон Серф (США) та Роберт Елліот Кан (США) — англ. "For the creation of the concept of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol architecture for packet switched internetting."
- 1993: (Швейцарія) — англ. "For contributions to signal processing for data communications, specifically for pioneering trellis-coded modulation."
- 1994: (США) — англ. "For fundamental contributions to communications and computing through architectural innovation in high-speed packet networks."
- 1995: (США) — англ. "For development of the concept of the Aloha System, which led to modern local area networks."
- 1996: (США) — англ. "For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of computer and communications performance modeling."
- 1997: Тім Бернерс-Лі (США) — англ. "For conceiving and pioneering the World Wide Web."
- 1998: (США) — англ. "For fundamental contributions to multi-user communications and applications of coding theory to magnetic data storage devices."
- 1999: (США), (США) та (США) — англ. "For the revolutionary invention of public key cryptosystems which form the foundation for privacy, integrity and authentication in modern communication systems."
- 2000: Рональд Рівест (США), Аді Шамір (Ізраїль) та Леонард Адлеман (США) — англ. "For the revolutionary invention of the RSA public key cryptosystem which is the first to be widely-adopted."
- 2001: (США) — англ. "For contributions to the development of asynchronous digital subscriber line technology, supporting theory."
- 2002: Ван Якобсон (США) — англ. "For major contributions to the understanding of network congestion, and the development of congestion control mechanisms, enabling the successful scaling of the Internet."
- 2003: (США) — англ. "For the application of stochastic and probabilistic theory to improved understanding of computer-network behavior, particularly, the modeling and performance optimization of multiple-access channels."
- 2004: не нагороджувались
- 2005: (Велика Британія) — англ. "For contributions to the development of fundamental theories for the understanding, performance evaluation, and enhancement of telecommunications networks."
- 2006: Ніколас Максимчук (США) — англ. "For contributions to Metropolitan and Local Area Networks, reliable multicast and protocol testing."
- 2007: (США) — англ. "For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of computers and communication networks."
- 2008: (США) — англ. "For outstanding achievement and ground breaking contributions in computational complexity and the theory and practice of cryptography."
- 2009: (США) — англ. "For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of input-queued switches, their scheduling algorithms, and router buffers."
- 2010: (США) — англ. "For ground-breaking contributions to the design, implementation, and deployment of networked software systems."
- 2011: (США) та (Швейцарія) — англ. "For developing the theory and practice of transmitting data reliably at rates approaching channel capacity."
- 2012: (США) — англ. "For contributions to the theory and algorithms for high-speed switching and network resource allocation."
- 2013: (США) — англ. "For contributions to understanding and improving the performance, reliability, and security of the Internet."
- 2014: (США) — англ. "For contributions to the field of network algorithmics and its applications to high-speed packet networks."
- 2015: (США) — англ. "For fundamental contributions to large-scale backbone networks and data-center networks."
- 2016: (США) — англ. "For contributions to the scheduling and stability analysis of networks."
- 2017: (США) — англ. "For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of distributed source and storage coding."
- 2018: (США) — англ. "For contributions to broadband wireless systems."
- 2019: (США) — англ. "For contributions to congestion control and scheduling in computer communication networks."
- 2020: (США) — англ. "For contributions to the theory and practice of network algorithms and protocols, in particular Internet routers, data centers, and selfprogramming networks."
- 2021: (США) — англ. "For broad contributions to computer networking and mobile and wireless systems."
- 2022: (США) — англ. "For contributions to the theory and practice of network coding, optical networks, and wireless communications."
Див. також
- Список нагороджених на офіційному сайті IEEE. (до 2018) (англ.)
- Список нагороджених на офіційному сайті IEEE. (англ.)
- Повний список лауреатів премій від IEEE. (англ.)
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Premiya v galuzi komp yuteriv i komunikacij imeni Kodzi Kobayasi angl IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award premiya yaka bula zasnovana radoyu direktoriv organizaciyi Institutu inzheneriv z elektrotehniki ta elektroniki v 1986 roci Ciyeyu nagorodoyu vidznachayetsya vidatnij vnesok v ob yednannya komp yuteriv i komunikacij Premiya v galuzi komp yuteriv i komunikacij imeni Kodzi Kobayasi angl IEEE Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award Krayina SShATip d i dVruchaye IEEEStatus vruchayetsya Na chest d Nagorodzhennya Parametri bronzova medal gonorar i sertifikatZasnovano 1986Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati Premiyi v galuzi komp yuteriv i komunikacij imeni Kodzi Kobayasi 0 Chergovist Sajt ieee org about awards tfas kobayashi html Nagoroda distala nazvu na chest yakij buv rushijnoyu siloyu v prosuvanni vikoristannya spilno komp yuteriv i komunikacij Nagoroda mozhe buti vruchena personalno dekilkom nominantam abo grupi sho skladayetsya ne bilshe nizh z troh osib Oderzhuvachi danoyi nagorodi takozh otrimuyut i bronzovu medal sertifikat i gonorar Spisok nagorodzhenih1980 ti 1988 SShA angl For contributions to distributed computer network architectures and protocol 1989 SShA angl For contributions to computer communications and the invention of virtual circuit switching 1990 ti 1990 SShA angl For profound contributions in mathematical theory and engineering practice to error correcting codes for communications and data storage 1991 SShA ta Shvejcariya angl For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of computer and communications systems performance modeling 1992 Vinton Serf SShA ta Robert Elliot Kan SShA angl For the creation of the concept of the Transmission Control Protocol Internet Protocol architecture for packet switched internetting 1993 Shvejcariya angl For contributions to signal processing for data communications specifically for pioneering trellis coded modulation 1994 SShA angl For fundamental contributions to communications and computing through architectural innovation in high speed packet networks 1995 SShA angl For development of the concept of the Aloha System which led to modern local area networks 1996 SShA angl For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of computer and communications performance modeling 1997 Tim Berners Li SShA angl For conceiving and pioneering the World Wide Web 1998 SShA angl For fundamental contributions to multi user communications and applications of coding theory to magnetic data storage devices 1999 SShA SShA ta SShA angl For the revolutionary invention of public key cryptosystems which form the foundation for privacy integrity and authentication in modern communication systems 2000 ni 2000 Ronald Rivest SShA Adi Shamir Izrayil ta Leonard Adleman SShA angl For the revolutionary invention of the RSA public key cryptosystem which is the first to be widely adopted 2001 SShA angl For contributions to the development of asynchronous digital subscriber line technology supporting theory 2002 Van Yakobson SShA angl For major contributions to the understanding of network congestion and the development of congestion control mechanisms enabling the successful scaling of the Internet 2003 SShA angl For the application of stochastic and probabilistic theory to improved understanding of computer network behavior particularly the modeling and performance optimization of multiple access channels 2004 ne nagorodzhuvalis 2005 Velika Britaniya angl For contributions to the development of fundamental theories for the understanding performance evaluation and enhancement of telecommunications networks 2006 Nikolas Maksimchuk SShA angl For contributions to Metropolitan and Local Area Networks reliable multicast and protocol testing 2007 SShA angl For fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of computers and communication networks 2008 SShA angl For outstanding achievement and ground breaking contributions in computational complexity and the theory and practice of cryptography 2009 SShA angl For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of input queued switches their scheduling algorithms and router buffers 2010 ti 2010 SShA angl For ground breaking contributions to the design implementation and deployment of networked software systems 2011 SShA ta Shvejcariya angl For developing the theory and practice of transmitting data reliably at rates approaching channel capacity 2012 SShA angl For contributions to the theory and algorithms for high speed switching and network resource allocation 2013 SShA angl For contributions to understanding and improving the performance reliability and security of the Internet 2014 SShA angl For contributions to the field of network algorithmics and its applications to high speed packet networks 2015 SShA angl For fundamental contributions to large scale backbone networks and data center networks 2016 SShA angl For contributions to the scheduling and stability analysis of networks 2017 SShA angl For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of distributed source and storage coding 2018 SShA angl For contributions to broadband wireless systems 2019 SShA angl For contributions to congestion control and scheduling in computer communication networks 2020 ti 2020 SShA angl For contributions to the theory and practice of network algorithms and protocols in particular Internet routers data centers and selfprogramming networks 2021 SShA angl For broad contributions to computer networking and mobile and wireless systems 2022 SShA angl For contributions to the theory and practice of network coding optical networks and wireless communications Div takozhIEEEPosilannyaSpisok nagorodzhenih na oficijnomu sajti IEEE do 2018 angl Spisok nagorodzhenih na oficijnomu sajti IEEE angl Povnij spisok laureativ premij vid IEEE angl Ce nezavershena stattya pro Internet Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi