Попович Ігор Степанович (нар. 25 вересня 1976, с. Заболотівці, Жидачівський район, Львівська область) — український учений у галузі соціальної психології. Доктор психологічних наук (2018), професор (2019), член Асоціації політичних психологів України.
Ігор Попович | |
Народився | 25 вересня 1976 (47 років) Заболотівці, Жидачівський район, Львівська область, Українська РСР, СРСР |
Місце проживання | Україна Херсон |
Країна | Україна |
Діяльність | науковець |
Alma mater | Херсонський державний університет |
Галузь | Соціальна психологія |
Заклад | Херсонський державний університет |
Посада | професор кафедри психології |
Вчене звання | професор |
Науковий ступінь | доктор психологічних наук |
Наукова діяльність
- У 2008 році захистив кандидатську дисертацію з теми «Соціально-психологічні очікування в міжособистісній взаємодії у групах курсантів вищих навчальних закладів МВС України».
- У 2008 році присуджено науковий ступінь кандидата психологічних наук зі спеціальності «Соціальна психологія; психологія соціальної роботи».
- У 2013 році присвоєно вчене звання доцента кафедри педагогіки та психології.
- У 2017 році захистив докторську дисертацію з теми «Психологія соціальних очікувань особистості».
- У 2018 році присуджено науковий ступінь доктора психологічних наук зі спеціальності «Соціальна психологія; психологія соціальної роботи».
- У 2019 році присвоєно вчене звання професора кафедри загальної та соціальної психології.
- Автор психодіагностичних методик: «Експектометрія» (2008), «Експертна оцінка результатів діяльності та особливостей соціальної взаємодії» (2013) «Рівень соціальних очікувань» (2015), «Очікувана ситуація» (2015), «Реалізація очікувань» (2015).
Наукова редакторська робота
- Головний редактор наукового журналу «Інсайт: психологічні виміри суспільства» («Insight: the psychological dimensions of society») (Scopus, категорія А) http://insight.journal.kspu.edu/index.php/insight/about
- Член редакційної колегії наукового журналу «Amazonia Investiga» (Web of Science, категорія А) https://amazoniainvestiga.info/index.php/amazonia/about/privacy
- Член редакційної колегії наукового вісника Херсонського державного університету. Серія «Психологічні науки» (категорія Б).
- Член редакційної колегії наукового журналу «Fundamental And Applied Researches In Practice Of Leading Scientific Schools» (категорія Б).
Основні наукові праці
Автор понад 300 наукових і науково-методичних праць, з яких більше 140 (141 на 24.06.2024 року) проіндексовано в Scopus/Web of Science.
- Попович І. С. Психологічні виміри соціальних очікувань особистості : монографія / Ігор Попович. — Херсон: ПАТ «ХМД», 2017. — 504 с.
- Попович І. С. Соціально-психологічні очікування в людських взаєминах: монографія / І. С. Попович. — Херсон: ВАТ «ХМД», 2009. — 240 с.
- Попович І. С. Розвиток та становлення особистості у вимірах соціальних очікувань / І. С. Попович // Соціокультурні та психологічні вектори становлення особистості: колективна монографія / відпов. ред. О. Є. Блинова. — Херсон: Вид-во ФОП Вишемирський В. С., 2018. — С. 80–106.
- Попович І. С. Соціальні очікування як чинник професійної культури особистості / І. С. Попович // Професійна культура: сутність, фахові особливості, розвиток: колективна монографія / кол. авт. ; відп. ред. . — Суми: СумДПУ імені А. С. Макаренка, 2016. — С. 21–36.
- Попович І. С. Соціально-психологічні очікування як детермінанта психологічної культури особистості / І. С. Попович // Психологічна культура: види, інваріанти, розвиток: монографія / кол. авт., відп. ред. Г. Є. Улунова. — Суми: ВВП «Мрія», 2014. — С. 104—120.
- Popovych, I. S. The research of the parameters, properties and types of social expectations of student youth / I. S. Popovych // Modern research of the representatives of psychological sciences: collective monograph / O. Ye. Blynova, Yu. O. Bystrova, I. M. Halian, O. M. Kikinezhdi, etc. – Lviv-Toruń: Liha-Pres, 2019. – P. 163-181. DOI https://doi.org/10.36059/978-966-397-118-6/163-181
Навчально-методичні посібники
- Попович І. С. Оптимізація розвитку соціально-психологічних очікувань у студентській групі: навч.-метод. посіб. / І. С. Попович. — Херсон: ВАТ «ХМД», 2013. — 204 с.
- Попович І. С. Психологія соціальних очікувань особистості: методологія, теорія і практика: навч.-метод. посіб. / І. С. Попович. — Херсон: Олді-плюс, 2019. — 158 с.
Наукові статті Scopus
2024 рік
1. Popovych, I., Yaremchuk, N., Yakovleva, S., Kariyev, A., Sadykova, A., & Kulbida, S. (2024). Research on the Types of Future Teachers’ Self-Realization Under Conditions of a Digital Educational Environment. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 15(1), 435–451. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2024.1.435.451
2. Popovych, I., Rodchenkova, I., Lukjanchenko, V., Yurkiv, Y., Bilous, R., Shevchenko, N., & Hoian, I. (2024). Anxiety as a multifaceted phenomenon within the motivational orientation of junior athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 24(3), 521–532. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2024.03063
3. Popovych, I., Bokhonkova, Y., Sokolova, H., Forostian, O., Rodchenkova, I., Yurkiv, Y., & Korniienko, I. (2024). Impact of emotionality and locus of control on athletes’ motivation for success achievement and failure avoidance in individual sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 24(2), 292–302. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2024.02035
4. Hrys, A., Popovych, I., Zelenko, O., Pavliuk, M., Fedorenko, L., Prachenko, O., & Huzar, V. (2024). Time decentrations of junior athletes under changed conditions of competitive activity. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 24(1), 13–22. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2024.01002
5. Ponomaryova, V., Nosov, P., Ben, A., Popovych, I., Prokopchuk, Y., Mamenko, P., Dudchenko, S., Appazov, E., Sokol, I. (2024). Devising an approach for the automated restoration of shipmaster’s navigational qualification parameters under risk conditions. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 1(3(127)), 6–26. https://doi.org/10.15587/17294061.2024.296955
6. Kobets, V., Zinchenko, S., Tovstokoryi, O., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., Gritsuk, I., & Perederyi, V. (2024). Automatic Prevention of the Vessel’s Parametric Rolling on the Wave. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3668, 235–246. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3668/
7. Popovych, I. (2024). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 11, 7–13. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2024-11-1
2023 рік
8. Popovych, I., Hudimova, A., Bokhonkova, Yu., Savchuk, O., Hoian, I., & Shevchenko, N. (2023). Dispositional Mental States of Internally Displaced University Teachers Under Martial Law: Gender Differences. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(2), 171–187. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2023.2.171.181
9. Popovych, I., Shevchenko, N., Raievska, Ya., Myshchyshyn, M., Hoian, I., Yakovleva, S., & Los, O. (2023). Operationalization of physical work ability of young athletes in terms of psychological well-being. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(6), 1456–1464. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.06178
10. Popovych, I., Hulias, I., Serbin, Iy., Piletska, L., Mashchak, S., & Zahrai, L. (2023). Psychological content parameters of attention in the structure of time perspective of young female athletes: comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(1), 152–161. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.01019
11. Popovych, I., Koval, I., Raievska, Ya., Piletskyi, V., Buryanovatiy, O., & Hrynchuk, O. (2023). Dominating mental states of the representatives of individual sports under lockdown and martial law: comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(1), 170–178. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.01021
12. Popovych, I., Plokhikh, V., Hrys, A., Pavliuk, M., Nosov, P., & Zinchenko, S. (2023). Operationalization of footballers’ emotional intelligence in the dimensions of motivational orientation: analysis based on the basic positions. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(3), 772–781. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.03095
13. Popovych, I., Koval, I., Zavatska, N., Hoi, N., Shchyruk, I., Domina, H., & Zinchenko, S. (2023). Impact of psychogenic factors on motivational orientation of junior athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(9), 2346–2356. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.09270
14. Popovych, I., Kosmii, M., Hrys, A., Hoi, N., Dyhun, I., Hoian, I., & Nosov, P. (2023). Pre-competition expectation profiles among junior athletes in the context of altered sporting conditions. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(10), 2551–2562. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.10293
15. Popovych, I., Yakovleva, S., Zavatska, N, Pavliuk, M., Zelenko, O., Huzar, V., & Radul, B. (2023). Operationalizing the tactical thought processes and competitive activity parameters among junior female handball players through the utilization of basic game roles. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(11), 2891–2902. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.11330
16. Prokhorenko, L., Popovych, I., Sokolova, H., Chumaieva, Yu., Kosenko, Yu., Razumovska, T., & Zasenko, V. (2023). Gender differentiation of self-regulating mental states of athletes with disabilities: comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(2), 349–359. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.02042
17. Halian, I., Popovych, I., Hulias, I., Serbin, Iy., Vyshnevska, O., Kovalchuk, Z., & Pyslar, A. (2023). Correlation between personality traits of young athletes and their level of self- efficacy. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(5), 1119–1129. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.05140
18. Halian, I., Popovych, I., Vovk, V., Kariyev, A., Poleshchuk, L., & Halian, O. (2023). Correlation of the coach’s qualities and junior athletes’ self-efficacy. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(7), 1621–1630. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.07199
19. Kurova, A., Popovych, I., Hrys, A., Koval, I., Pavliuk, M., Polishchuk, S., & Kolly-Shamne, A. (2023). Dispositional optimistic and pessimistic mental states of young athletes: gender differentiation. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(4), 857–867. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.04109
20. Shcherbak, T., Popovych, I., Kariyev, A., Duisenbayeva, A., Huzar, V., Hoian, I., & Kyrychenko, K. (2023). Psychological causes of fatigue of football players. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(8), 2193–2202. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.08251
21. Tavrovetska, N., Popovych, I., Savchuk, O., Piletskа, L., Lappo, V., Abramian, N., & Zahrai, L. (2023). Research on risk inclination of young female athletes in the dimensions of life orientations. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(4), 868–877. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.04110
22. Kobets, V., Popovych, I., Zinchenko, S., Tovstokoryi, O., Nosov, P., & Kyrychenko, K. (2023). Control of the Pivot Point Position of a Conventional Single-Screw Vessel. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3513, 130–140. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3513/
23. Zinchenko, S., Tovstokoryi, O., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., & Kyrychenko, K. (2023). Pivot Point position determination and its use for manoeuvring a vessel. Ships and Offshore Structures, 18(3), 358–364. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445302.2022.2052480
24. Zinchenko, S., Kobets, V., Tovstokoryi, O., Nosov, P., & Popovych, I. (2023). Intelligent System Control of the Vessel Executive Devices Redundant Structure. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3403, 582–594. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3403/paper44.pdf
25. Zinchenko, S., Kyrychenko, K., Grosheva, O., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., & Mamenko, P. (2023). Automatic Reset of Kinetic Energy in Case of Inevitable Collision of Ships. 2023 13th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies (ACIT). Wrocław, Poland. 2023, pp. 496–500. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACIT58437.2023.10275545
26. Popovych, I. S. Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 2023, 9, 7–11. https://doi.org/10.32999/KSU2663-970X/2023-9-1
27. Popovych, I. (2023). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 10, 7–11. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2023-10-1
2022 рік
28. Popovych, I., Hrys, A., Hoian, I., Mamchur, I., Babenko, A., & Fedyk, O. (2022). Successfulness in teenagers’ sporting activities: comparative analysis of individual and team sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(11), 2886–2897. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.11365
29. Popovych, I., Semenov, O., Hrys, A., Aleksieieva, M., Pavliuk, M., & Semenova, N. (2022). Research on mental states of weightlifters’ self-regulation readiness for competitions. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(5), 1134–1144. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.05143
30. Popovych, I., Prytuliak, O., Dushka, A., Beregova, N., Ihumnova, O., & Dzhyhun, L. (2022). Players of male teams’ resilience: comparative analysis of content parameters. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(7), 1581–1589. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.07199
31. Popovych, I., Borysiuk, A., Semenov, O., Semenova, N., Serbin, I., & Reznikova, O. (2022). Comparative analysis of the mental state of athletes for risk-taking in team sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(4), 848–857. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.04107
32. Popovych, I., Halian, I., Lialiuk, G., Chopyk, R., Karpenko, Ye., & Melnyk, Yu. (2022). Research of young female handball players’ self-actualizing mental states. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(7), 1599–1607. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.07201
33. Popovych, I., Radul, I., Hoian, I., Ohnystyi, A., Doichyk, V., & Burlakova, I. (2022). Athletes’ resilience typology: a comparative analysis of individual and team sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(9), 2036–2046. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.09260
34. Popovych, I., Radul, I., Radul, V., Geiko, Ie., Hoi, N., Sribna, O., Tymosh, Yu. (2022). Construction and comparison of mental resource complexes of male and female sports teams. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(9), 2053–2061. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.09262
35. Popovych, I., Chervinska, I., Kazibekova, V., Vasylyk, V., Verbeschuk, S., & Gniezdilova, V. (2022). Young athletes’ time perspective as a factor in the development of sports motivation. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(10), 2427–2435. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.10310
36. Popovych, I., Hoi, N., Koval, I., Vorobel, M., Semenov, O., Semenova, N., & Hrys, A. (2022). Strengthening of student youth’s mental health using play sports. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(6), 1384–1395. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.06174
37. Popovych, I., Halian, I., Pavliuk, M., Kononenko, A., Hrys, A., & Tkachuk, T. (2022). Emotional quotient in the structure of mental burnout of athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(2), 337–345. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.02043
38. Popovych, I., Kurova, A., Koval, I., Kazibekova, V., Maksymov, M., & Huzar, V. (2022). Interdependence of emotionality, anxiety, aggressiveness and subjective control in handball referees before the beginning of a game: a comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(3), 680–689. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.03085
39. Blynova, O., Derevianko, S., Ivanova, O., Popovych, I., & Estay Sepulveda, J. G. (2022). Professional relevance of potential labor emigrants. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, 29, 88–106. https://www.revistanotashistoricasygeograficas.cl/index.php/nhyg/article/view/435
40. Blynova, O., Popovych, I., Hulias, I., Radul, S., Borozentseva, T., Strilets-Babenko, O., & Minenko, O. (2022). Psychological safety of the educational space in the structure of motivational orientation of female athletes: a comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 22(11), 2723–2732. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2022.11346
41. Kobets, V., Yatsenko, V., Popovych, I. (2022). Automated Forming of Insurance Premium for Different Risk Attitude Investment Portfolio Using Robo-Advisor. In:, et al. ICTERI 2021 Workshops. ICTERI 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1635. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-14841-5_1
42. Mamenko, P., Zinchenko, S., Kobets, V., Nosov, P., & Popovych, I. (2022). Solution of the Problem of Optimizing Route with Using the Risk Criterion. In: Babichev, S., Lytvynenko, V. (eds). Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making. ISDMCI 2021. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 77. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82014-5_17
43. Zinchenko, S., Tovstokoryi, O., Ben, A., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., Nahrybelnyi, Y. (2022). Automatic Optimal Control of a Vessel with Redundant Structure of Executive Devices. In: Babichev, S., Lytvynenko, V. (eds) Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making. ISDMCI 2021. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 77. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82014-5_18
44. Popovych, I. S. (2022). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 8, 7–9. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2022-8-1
45. Popovych, I. S. (2022). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 7, 7–9. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2022-7-1
2021 рік
46. Popovych, I., Shevchenko, A., Galvez, L. M., Klenina, K. (2021). Research of the relationship between social desirability and value orientations of adolescents. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, 26, 241–268. https://www.revistanotashistoricasygeograficas.cl/index.php/nhyg/article/view/339
47. Popovych, I., Shcherbak, T., Kuzikova, S., Blynova, O., Nosov, P., & Zinchenko, S. (2021). Operationalization of tactical thinking of football players by main game roles. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(5), 334, 2480–2491. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2021.05334
48. Popovych, I., Pavliuk, M., Hrys, A., Sydorenko, O., Fedorenko, A., & Khanetska, T. (2021). Pre-game expected mental states in men’s mini-football teams: a comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(2), 772–782. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2021.02096
49. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Nass Álvarez, J. L., Nosov, P., & Zinchenko, S. (2021). A HISTORICAL DIMENSION OF THE RESEARCH ON SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS OF AN INDIVIDUAL. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, 27, 190–217. https://www.revistanotashistoricasygeograficas.cl/index.php/nhyg/article/view/365
50. Popovych, I., Kuzikova, S., Shcherbak, T., Blynova, O., Lappo, V., & Bilous, R. (2021). Empirical research of vitality of representatives of parachuting and yoga practice: a comparative analysis. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(1), 218–226. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2021.01029
51. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., & Kononenko, O. (2021). Psychological factors of competitiveness of the women’s youth handball team. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(1), 227–235. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2021.01030
52. Popovych, I., Halian, I., Halian, O., Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., & Panok, V. (2021). Research on personality determinants of athlete’s mental exhaustion during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(4), 1769–1780. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2021.04224
53. Hudimova, A., Popovych, I., Savchuk, O., Liashko, V., Pyslar, A., & Hrys, A. (2021). Research on the relationship between excessive use of social media and young athletes’ physical activity. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 21(6), 3364–3373. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2021.06456
54. Kobets, V., Liubchenko, V., Popovych, I., & Koval, S. (2021). Institutional Aspects of Integrated Quality Assurance of Engineering Study Programs at HEI Using ICT. In: Ivanov V., Trojanowska J., Pavlenko I., Zajac J., Peraković D. (eds). Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing IV. DSMIE 2021. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham, 301–310. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77719-7_30
55. Kobets, V., Liubchenko, V., Popovych, I., & Koval, S. (2021). Institutional Aspects of Integrated Quality Assurance of Study Programs at HEI Using ICT. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2833, 83–92. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2833/Paper_8.pdf
56. Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., Plokhikh, V., Popovych, I., Prokopchuk, Y., Makarchuk, D., Mamenko, P., Moiseienko, V., & Ben, A. (2021). Development and experimental study of analyzer to enhance maritime safety. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4(3(112)), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2021.239093
57. Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., Ben, A., Prokopchuk, Y., Mamenko, P., Popovych, I., Moiseienko, V., Kruglyj, D. (2021). Navigation safety control system development through navigator action prediction by Data mining means. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (9(110)), 55–68. https://doi.org/10.15587/1729-4061.2021.229237
58. Zinchenko, S., Moiseienko, V., Tovstokoryi, O., Nosov, P., & Popovych, I. (2021). Automatic Beam Aiming of the Laser Optical Reference System at the Center of Reflector to Improve the Accuracy and Reliability of Dynamic Positioning. In: Hu, Z., Petoukhov, S., Dychka, I., He, M. (eds). Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education IV. ICCSEEA 2021. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, 83. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80472-5_1
59. Popovych, I. S. (2021). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 5, 7–9. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2021-5-1
60. Popovych, I. S. (2021). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 6, 7–9. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2021-6-1
2020 рік
61. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Savchuk, O., Zasenko, V., & Prokhorenko, L. (2020). Expectations of a winning result in women’s handball team: comparison of different age groups. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(5), 2709–2717. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2020.05369
62. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Savchuk O., & Halian, I. (2020). Self-efficacy of future athletes with different levels of psychological safety. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(5), 2718–2724. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2020.05370
63. Popovych, I., Zavatskyi, V., Tsiuniak, O., Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., Mateichuk, V., Zavatskyi, Yu., & Blynova, O. (2020). Research on the Types of Pre-game Expectations in the Athletes of Sports Games. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(1), 43–52. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2020.01006
64. Blynova, O., Kruglov, K., Semenov, O., Los, O. & Popovych, I. (2020). Psychological safety of the learning environment in sports school as a factor of achievement motivation development in young athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 20(1),14–23. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2020.01002
65. Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., Popovych, I., Safonov, M., Palamarchuk, I., & Blakh, V. (2020). Decision support during the vessel control at the time of negative manifestation of human factor. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2608, 12–26. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2608/paper2.pdf
66. Nosov, P., Ben, A., Zinchenko, S., Popovych, I., Mateichuk, V., & Nosova, H. (2020). Formal approaches to identify cadet fatigue factors by means of marine navigation simulators. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2732, 823–838. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2732/20200823.pdf
67. Zinchenko, S., Tovstokoryi, O., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., Kobets, V., & Abramov, G. (2020). Mathematical Support of the Vessel Information and Risk Control Systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2805, 335–354. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2805/paper25.pdf
68. Popovych, I. S. (2020). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 3, 7–9. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2020-3-10
69. Popovych, I. S. (2020). Editor’s Preface. Insight: the psychological dimensions of society, 4, 7–9. https://doi.org/10.32999/2663-970X/2020-4-10
2019 рік
70. Popovych, I. S., & Blynova, O. Ye. (2019). The Structure, Variables and Interdependence of the Factors of Mental States of Expectations in Students’ Academic and Professional Activities. The New Educational Review, 55(1), 293–306. https://doi.org/10.15804/tner.2019.55.1.24
71. Popovych, I. S., & Blynova, O. Ye. (2019). Research on the Correlation between Psychological Content Parameters of Social Expectations and the Indexes of Study Progress of Future Physical Education Teachers. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 19(SI 3), 847–853. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2019.s3122
72. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Aleksieieva, M., Nosov, P., Zavatska, N., & Smyrnova, O. (2019). Research of Relationship between the Social Expectations and Professional Training of Lyceum Students studying in the Field of Shipbuilding. Revista ESPACIOS, 40(33), 21. https://www.revistaespacios.com/a19v40n33/19403321.html
73. Popovych, I. S., Zavatskyi, V. Yu., Geyko, Ie. V., Halian, O. I., Zavatskyi, Yu. A., & Radul, I. H. (2019). Research on the Structure, Variables and Interdependence of the Factors of Tourists’ Mental States of Expectation for Leisure in Ukraine. Revista ESPACIOS, 40(37), page 22. https://www.revistaespacios.com/a19v40n37/19403722.html
74. Blynova, O. Ye, Popovych, I. S., Bokshan, H. I., Tsіlmak, O. M., & Zavatska, N. Ye. (2019). Social and Psychological Factors of Migration Readiness of Ukrainian Students. Revista ESPACIOS, 40(36), 4. https://www.revistaespacios.com/a19v40n36/19403604.html
75. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Bokshan, H., Nosov, P., Kovalchuk, Z., Piletska, L., & Berbentsev, V. (2019). The Research of the Mental States of Expecting a Victory in Men Mini-football Teams. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 19(4), 2343–2351. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2019.04355
Наукові статті Web of Science
2024 рік
1. Popovych, I., Yaremchuk, N., Yakovleva, S., Kariyev, A., Sadykova, A., & Kulbida, S. (2024). Research on the Types of Future Teachers’ Self-Realization Under Conditions of a Digital Educational Environment. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 15(1), 435–451. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2024.1.435.451
2023 рік
2. Popovych, I., Hudimova, A., Bokhonkova, Yu., Savchuk, O., Hoian, I., & Shevchenko, N. (2023). Dispositional Mental States of Internally Displaced University Teachers Under Martial Law: Gender Differences. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(2), 171–187. https://doi.org/10.15503/jecs2023.2.171.181
3. Robul, Y., Lytvynenko, K., Lytvynenko, O., Bokshan, H., & Popovych, I. (2023). Marketing in the digital age: cultural values as agents of socially responsible marketing in the digital economy. Amazonia Investiga, 12(62), 45–55. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2023.62.02.3
2022 рік
4. Popovych, I., Kokorina, Y., Pyslar, A., Palchynska, M., Pavliuk, M., Raіevska, Y., & Torop, K. (2022). Research of the Mental States of Anxiety of Fourth-Graders in Secondary Schools during the Progression of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(1), 32–51. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/14.1/506
5. Popovych, I., Kononenko, O., Los, O., Khrystiuk, S., & Avramenko, A. (2022). Social expectations of professionals in the socionomic area: training, innovations and reforms. Amazonia Investiga, 11(60), 23–31. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.60.12.2
6. Popovych, I., Machynska, N., Yaremchuk, N., Korniat, V., & Kurinna, V. (2022). Psycho-emotional states of future specialists in a socionomic area under lockdown and martial law: comparative analysis. Amazonia Investiga, 11(56), 150–158. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.56.08.16
7. Popovych, I., Semenov, O., Semenova, N., Zavatska, N., Kovalchuk, Z., & Zavatskyi, Y. (2022). Research of readiness of teachers of rural secondary schools for innovations. Amazonia Investiga, 11(54), 84–93. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.54.06.9
8. Popovych, I., Stepanenko, L., Savchuk, O., Zavatska, N., & Koval, I. (2022). Servicemen’s dominant mental states: parameters, structure, and factor interdependence. Amazonia Investiga, 11(49), 239–250. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.49.01.26
9. Popovych, I., Zavatska, N., Bozoyan, M., Vorobel, M., Blyskun, O., & Klenina, K. (2022). Research on value orientations of bullying participants in educational space. Apuntes Universitarios, 12(2), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.17162/au.v12i2.1030
10. Blynova, O., Derevianko, S., Ivanova, O., Popovych, I., & Estay Sepulveda, J. G. (2022). Professional relevance of potential labor emigrants. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, 29, 88–106. https://www.revistanotashistoricasygeograficas.cl/index.php/nhyg/article/view/435
11. Khmiliar, O., Khmiliar, R., Koval, I., Savchuk, O., Dushka, A., Bolotova, O., & Popovych, I. (2022). Psychomotor Training of the Military Sappers as a Means of Reducing Personal Fears and Anxiety. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(4), 81–103. https://doi.org/10.18662/brain/13.4/377
12. Kostenko, T., Petrykina, A., Los, O., Legkiy, O., Palamar, O., & Popovych, I. (2022). Psychological and pedagogical experiment of research into the rehabilitation impact of typhlo devices on the formation of people with visual impairments. Amazonia Investiga, 11(52), 175–185. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.52.04.19
13. Kozmenko, O., Popovych, I., Arbeláez-Campillo, D. F., Rojas-Bahamón, M. J., & Volchenko, L. (2022). Structural and functional model of the successful person training in USA colleges and universities. Amazonia Investiga, 11(55), 143–155. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2022.55.07.15
14. Plokhikh, V., Popovych, I., Koval, I., Stepanenko, L., Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., Boiaryn, L., & Zavatskyi, V. (2022). Anticipatory Resource of Temporary Regulation of Sensorimotor Action. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 13(2), 01–21. https://doi.org/10.18662/brain/13.2/328
15. Zaverukha, O., Popovych, I., Karpenko, Y., Kozmenko, O., Stelmakh, O., Borysenko, O., Hulias, I., & Kovalchuk, Z. (2022). Dynamics of Successful Formation of Professional Identity of Future Psychologists in Higher Education Institutions. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(1), 139–157. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/14.1/511
16. Zinchenko, S., Tovstokoryi, O., Mateichuk, V., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., & Gritsuk, I. (2022). Automatic Vessel Steering in a Storm. Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering, 18(1), 66–74. https://doi.org/10.2478/ecce-2022-0009
17. Zinchenko, S., Tovstokoryi, O., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., & Kyrychenko, K. (2022). Pivot Point position determination and its use for manoeuvring a vessel. Ships and Offshore Structures, 18(3), 358–364. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445302.2022.2052480
2021 рік
18. Popovych, I., Arbeláez-Campillo, D. F., Rojas-Bahamón, M. J., Burlakova, I., Kobets, V., & Bokshan, H. (2021). Time perspective in the professional activity of specialists of economic sphere. Cuestiones Políticas, 39(69), 424–445. https://doi.org/10.46398/cuestpol.3969.27
19. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Nass Álvarez, J. L., Nosov, P., & Zinchenko, S. (2021). A HISTORICAL DIMENSION OF THE RESEARCH ON SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS OF AN INDIVIDUAL. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, 27, 190–217. https://www.revistanotashistoricasygeograficas.cl/index.php/nhyg/article/view/365
20. Popovych, I., Blyskun, O., Hulias, I., Shcherbyna, V., Batasheva, N., Aleksieieva, M., & Chala, T. (2021). Psychological Semantic Parameters of Adolescents’ Conformism in the Measurement of Value Orientations. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(2), 167–184. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/13.2/416
21. Popovych, I., Chervinskyi, A., Kazibekova, V., Chervinska, I., & Machynska, N. (2021). Empirical research of the typology of social expectations of the personality. Amazonia Investiga, 10(43), 112 –122. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.43.07.11
22. Popovych, I., Pavliuk, M., Sirant, N., Zhigarenko, I., & Serhieienkova, O. (2021). Research of relationship of functional-role positions (ego-states) with indicators of future specialists’ independence. Revista Amazonia Investiga, 10(41), 85–95. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.41.05.8
23. Popovych, I., Semenov, O., Skliaruk, A., Sotnikova, K., & Semenova, N. (2021). Research of the dominant psycho-emotional states of university lecturers during the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic. Amazonia Investiga, 10(48), 52–62. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.48.12.6
24. Popovych, I., Shevchenko, A., Galvez, L. M., Klenina, K. (2021). Research of the relationship between social desirability and value orientations of adolescents. Revista Notas Históricas y Geográficas, 26, 241–268. https://www.revistanotashistoricasygeograficas.cl/index.php/nhyg/article/view/339
25. Popovych, I., Shcherbyna, V., Sultanova, L., Hulias, I., & Mamchur, I. (2021). Research of social expectations’ properties of future specialists of socionomic profile. Revista Amazonia Investiga, Vol: 10(39), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.39.03.4
26. Blynova, O., Kostenko, T., Nesin, Y., Fedorova, O., Chaban, O., Pyslar, A., & Popovych, I. (2021). Research of the Relationship between Perfectionism and Feelings of Loneliness of Youths. Postmodern Openings, 12(2), 01–17. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/12.2/294
27. Halian, I., Popovych, I., Nesin, Y., Zavatskyi, Y., Vashchenko, I., Muliar, O., & Marchenko, A. (2021). Experimental Research of the Sense-Value Regulation of Future Teachers in Academic and Professional Activity. Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(4), 509–523. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/13.4/495
28. Halian, A., Halian, I., Popovych, I., Zavatskyi, Y., Semenov, O., & Semenova, N. (2021). Stress Resistance in the Situation of Uncertainty as a Factor of Development of Adaptive Ability of Medical Personnel. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(1), 251–264. https://doi.org/10.18662/brain/12.1/181
29. Hudimova, A., Popovych, I., Baidyk, V., Buriak, O., & Kechyk, O. (2021). The impact of social media on young web users’ psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic progression. Revista Amazonia Investiga, Vol: 10(39), 50–61. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.39.03.5
30. Kuzikova, S., Shcherbak, T., Blynova, O., Pobokina, G., Dyatchenko, D., Mariichyn, A., & Popovych, I. (2021). Empirical Research of the Hardiness of the Personality in Critical Conditions of Life. Postmodern Openings, 12(2), 57–77. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/12.2/297
31. Plokhikh, V., Popovych, I., Zavatska, N., Losiyevska, O., Zinchenko, S., Nosov, P., & Aleksieieva, M. (2021). Time Synthesis in Organization of Sensorimotor Action. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(4), 164–188. https://doi.org/10.18662/brain/12.4/243
32. Prokhorenko, L., Popovych, I., Sokolova, H., Yarmola, N., & Forostian, O. (2021). Research on reflective-evaluative competence in pupils with intellectual disabilities. Amazonia Investiga, 10(46), 138–151. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2021.46.10.13
33. Semenov, O., Oleshko, P., Tsymbal, S., Liashko, V., Shevchenko, A., & Popovych, I. (2021). Research of social expectations of university students in the dimensions of psychological well-being. Revista Eduweb, 15(3), 124–138. https://doi.org/10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2021.15.03.10
34. Tkach, B., Lytvynchuk, L., Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Zahrai, L., & Piletska, L. (2021). Research on the Experience of Users of Political Slogans in Ukraine. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(1), 104–117. https://doi.org/10.18662/brain/12.1/173
35. Nosov, P. S., Cherniavskyi, V. V., Zinchenko, S. M., Popovych, I. S., Nahrybelnyi, Ya. А., & Nosova, H. V. (2021). IDENTIFICATION OF MARINE EMERGENCY RESPONSE OF ELECTRONIC NAVIGATION OPERATOR. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 1(56), 208–223. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2021-1-20
36. Nosov, P. S., Popovych, I. S., Zinchenko, S. M., Kobets, V. M., Safonova, A. F., & Appazov, E. S. (2021). AUTOMATIC DETERMINATION OF THE NAVIGATORS MOTIVATION MODEL WHEN OPERATING WATER TRANSPORT. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 3, 152–165. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2021-3-13
2020 рік
37. Popovych, I., Blynova, O., Zhuravlova, A., Toba, M., Tkach, T., & Zavatska, N. (2020) Optimization of development and psycho-correction of social expectations of students of foreign philology. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 23–38. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1657
38. Popovych, I., Borysiuk, A., Zahrai, L., Fedoruk, O., Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., & Mateichuk, V. (2020). Constructing a Structural-Functional Model of Social Expectations of the Personality. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 154–167. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/354
39. Popovych, I., Halian, O., Geiko, Ie., Zaverukha, O., Spytska, L., Bokhonkova, Yu., & Fedyk, O. (2020). Research on the Correlation between Subjective Control and the Indexes of Study Progress of Bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Revista Inclusiones, 7(Especial), 497–511. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1306
40. Popovych, I., Kononenko, O., Kononenko, A., Stynska, V., Kravets, N., Piletska, L., & Blynova, O. (2020). Research of the Relationship between Existential Anxiety and the Sense of Personality’s Existence. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 41–59. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/300
41. Popovych, I., Laliuk, G., Aleksieieva, M., Popovych, A., Bondarenko, V., Kovtun, O., & Tsiuniak, O. (2020). Sociocultural metrics of the personal paradigm of orphans’ upbringing in pedagogical theory and practice of Ukraine. Revista Inclusiones, 7(3), 343–356. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1638
42. Popovych, I., Lymarenko, L., Tereshenko, N., Kornisheva, T., Yevdokimova, O., Koverznieva, A., & Aleksieieva, M. (2020). Research on the Effectiveness of Training Technologies’ Implementation in Student Theater. Revista Inclusiones, 7(2), 104–121. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/261
43. Blynova, O., Chervinska, I., Kazibekova, V., Bokshan, H., Yakovleva, S., Zaverukha, O., & Popovych I. (2020). Social and Psychological Manifestations of Professional Identity Crisis of Labor Migrants. Revista Inclusiones, 7(3), 93–105. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1318
44. Blynova, O., Kisil, Z., Tkach, T., Semenova, N., Semenov, O., Kamisnka, S., & Popovych, I. (2020). Psychological manifestations of professional marginality of future social welfare professionals. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 218–233. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1229
45. Blynova, O., Lappo, V., Kalenchuk, V., Agarkov, O., Shramko, I., Lymarenko, L., & Popovych, I. (2020). Corporate Culture of a Higher Education Institution as a Factor in Forming Students’ Professional Identity. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 481–496. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1305
46. Blynova, O., Moiseienko, V., Los, O., Burlakova, I., Yevdokimova, O., Toba, M., & Popovych, I. S. (2020). Assertiveness as a Factor of Students’ Choice of Behavior Strategies in Social Interaction. Revista Inclusiones, 7(4), 259–272. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1551
47. Blynova, O., Popovych, I., Semenova, N., Kashyrina, Ye., Ursulenko, O., & Kononenko, O. (2020). Personality Factors of Choosing Adaptation Strategies in a Different Cultural Environment by Labor Migrants from Ukraine. Revista Amazonia Investiga, 9(32), 45–54. https://doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.32.08.5
48. Halian, A., Halian, I., Burlakova, I., Shevchenko, R., Lappo, V., Zhigarenko, I., & Popovych, I. (2020). Emotional Intelligence in the Structure of Adaptation Process of Future Healthcare Professionals. Revista Inclusiones, 7(3), 447–460. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1347
49. Halian, I. M., Halian, O. I., Gusak, L. Ye., Bokshan, H. I., & Popovych, I. S. (2020). Communicative Competence in Training Future Language and Literature Teachers. Revista Amazonia Investiga, 9(29), 530–541. http://dx.doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.29.05.58
50. Halian, I., Machynska, N., Lozynska, S., Nos, L., Derkach, Yu., Prots, M., & Popovych, I. (2020). Tolerance of uncertainty as a component of the process of life-creation of future educators. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 512–528. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1307
51. Khmiliar, O., Popovych, I., Hrys, A., Pavliuk, M., Zavatska, N., Lytvynenko, O., & Blynova, O. (2020). Spatial Regulation of Personality Behavior in the Conditions of Progression of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 289–306. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1760
52. Kononenko, O., Kononenko, A., Stynska, V., Kachmar, O., Prokopiv, L., Katolyk, H., & Popovych, I. (2020). Research of the factor structure of the model of world view settings at a young age. Revista Inclusiones, 7(3), 98–116. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1629
53. Shevchenko, R., Popovych, I., Spytska, L., Nosov, P., Zinchenko, S., Mateichuk, V., & Blynova, O. (2020). Comparative analysis of emotional personality traits of the students of maritime science majors caused by long-term staying at sea. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 538–554. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1309
54. Tsiuniak, O., Pyslar, A., Lialiuk, G., Bondarenko, V., Kovtun, O., Los, O., & Popovych, I. (2020). Research of interdependence of variables and factor structure of masters’ readiness for innovative pedagogical activity. Revista Inclusiones, 7(3), 427–452. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1645
55. Nosov, P., Palamarchuk, I., Zinchenko, S., Popovych, I., Nahrybelnyi, Y., & Nosova, H. (2020). Development of means for experimental identification of navigator attention in ergatic systems of maritime transport. Bulletin of university of Karaganda – Physics, 97(1), 58–69. https://doi.org/10.31489/2020Ph1/58-69
56. Nosov, P.S., Zinchenko, S. M., Popovych, I. S., Ben, A. P., Nahrybelnyi, Y. A., & Mateychuk V. M. (2020). Diagnostic system of perception of navigation danger when implementation complicated maneuvers. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 1(52), 146–161. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2020-1-15
57. Zinchenko, S. M., Ben, A. P., Nosov, P.S., Popovych, I. S., Mamenko, P. P., & Mateychuk V. M. (2020). Improving the Accuracy and Reliability of Automatic Vessel Moution Control System. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 2(53), 183–195. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2020-2-18
58. Popovych, I., Zhigarenko, I., Losiyevska, O., Dovbenko, S., Kashyrina, Ye., Shevchenko, R., & Piletska, L. (2020). Research of Achievement Motivation’s Impact on the Career Orientations of Future Managers of Organization. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 247–263. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1231
59. Popovych, I., Tkach, T., Sirko, R., Rudenko, L., Sokolova, H., Slobodianyk, V., & Blynova, O. (2020). Research on Mental States of Anxiety of First-Year Cadets of the University of Life Safety. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 264–278. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1233
60. Kuzikova, S., Shcherbak, T., Popovych, I., Blynova, O., & Skyba, O. (2020). Psychological features of subjective vitality and hardiness of representatives of parachute sports, International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 9(9), 172–177.
61. Shevchenko, R., Hrys, A., Pavliuk, M., Stynska, V., Babiak, O., Zavatskyi, V., & Popovych, I. (2020). A Research of Post-Traumatic Stress and Adaptation Disorders of Servicemen after Being in a Combat Situation at the Hospitalization Stage. Revista Inclusiones, 7(4), 74–87. https://revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1539
62. Popovych, I., Halian, O., Bokhonkova, Yu., Serbin, Iy., Buhaiova, N., Blyskun, O., & Yaremchuk, V. (2020). Research of the Motivational Mental States of Future Bachelors of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports in the Educational Process. Revista Inclusiones, 7(4), 159–178. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1545
63. Popovych, I., Tsiuniak, O., Machynska, N., Bokshan, H., Aleksieieva, M., Los, O., & Sultanova, L. (2020). Pedagogical Conditions of Formation of the Readiness of Future Masters of Primary Education for Innovation Activity. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 146–159. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1459
64. Kuzikova, S., Kuzikov, B., Shcherbak, T., Blynova, O., Vavryniv, O., Khmiliar, O., & Popovych, I. (2020). Research of predisposition to risk of participants of extreme sports. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 43–58. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1740
65. Shevchenko, R., Kaafarani, A., Aliieva, T., Piletska, L., Radul, I., Klepar, M., & Popovych, I. (2020). Features of the Psychoemotional State of Internally Displaced Families from the War Zone. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 157–169. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1748
66. Shevchenko, R., Cherniavskyi, V., Zinchenko, S., Palchynska, M., Bondarevich, S., Nosov, P., & Popovych, I. (2020). Research of psychophysiological features of response to stress situations by future sailors. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 566–579. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1780
67. Nosov, P., Popovych, I., Zinchenko, S., Cherniavskyi, V., Plokhikh, V., & Nosova, H. (2020). The research on anticipation of vessel captains by the space of Kelly’s graph. Revista Inclusiones, 7(SI), 90–103. https://www.revistainclusiones.org/index.php/inclu/article/view/1502
68. Zinchenko, S., Ben, A., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., Mateichuk, V., & Grosheva, O. (2020). The vessel movement optimisation with excessive control, Bulletin of university of Karaganda. Physics, 99(3), 86–96. https://doi.org/10.31489/2020Ph3/86-96
69. Nosov P., Cherniavskyi V., Zinchenko S., Popovych I., Prokopchuk Y., & Safonov M. (2020). Identification of distortion of the navigator’s time in model experiment. Bulletin of University of Karaganda. Instrument and experimental techniques, 4(100), 57–70. https://doi.org/10.31489/2020Ph4/57-70
70. Nosov, P. S., Popovych, I. S., Cherniavskyi, V. V., Zinchenko, S. M., Prokopchuk Y. A., & Makarchuk D. V. (2020). Automated identification of an operator anticipation on marine transport. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 3(54), 158–172. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2020-3-15
71. Zinchenko, S. M., Mateichuk, V. M., Nosov, P. S., Popovych, I. S., & Appazov, E. S. (2020). Improving the accuracy of automatic control with mathematical meter model in on-board controller. Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control, 4(55), 197–207. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-3274-2020-4-19
72. Zinchenko, S., Mateichuk, V., Nosov, P., Popovych, I., Solovey, O., Mamenko, P., & Grosheva, O. (2020). Use of Simulator Equipment for the Development and Testing of Vessel Control Systems. Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering, 16(2), 62–70. https://doi.org/10.2478/ecce-2020-0009
2019 рік
73. Khmil, V. V., & Popovych, I. S. (2019). Philosophical and Psychological Dimensions of Social Expectations of Personality. Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research, 16, 55–65. https://doi.org/10.15802/ampr.v0i16.187540
74. Zinchenko, S., Nosov, P., Mateichuk, V., Mamenko, P., Popovych, I., & Grosheva, O. (2019). Automatic collision avoidance system with many targets, including maneuvering ones. Bulletin of university of Karaganda, 96(4), 69–79. https://doi.org/10.31489/2019Ph4/69-79
Наукові статті (фахові, наукометричні)
1. Попович І. С. Досвід створення й апробації методики «Рівень соціальних очікувань» («РСО») / І. С. Попович // Психологічні перспективи: зб. наук. праць Східноєвропейського нац. університету імені Лесі Українки, Ін-ту соціальної і політичної психології НАПН України / за наук. ред. М. М. Слюсаревського, Л. В. Засєкіної. — Луцьк: СНУ імені Лесі Українки, 2017. — Вип. 29. − С. 208—221.
2. Попович І. С. Експектометрія — методика дослідження соціально-психологічних очікувань / І. С. Попович // Наукові записки Інституту психології імені Г. С. Костюка АПН України / За ред. академіка С. Д. Максименка. — К. : ВД «ТРОЯ», 2008. — Вип. 36. — С. 275—284.
3. Попович І. С. Конструювання особистістю моделі очікуваного майбутнього / І. С. Попович // Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. — Серія: психологічні науки: зб. наук. праць ХДУ / За ред. О. Є. Блинової. — Херсон: ВД «Гельветика», 2015. — Вип. 6. — С. 145—154.
4. Попович І. С. Психологічний аналіз структурно-функціональної моделі соціальних очікувань особистості / І. С. Попович // Актуальні проблеми психології: зб. наук. праць Інституту психол. імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України /За ред. С. Д. Максименка. — Т. 9: Загальна психологія. Історична психологія. Етнічна психологія: Вип. 9 / Інститут психол. імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України. − К. : Талком, 2016. — С. 420—431.
5. Попович І. С. Роль соціально-психологічних очікувань у професійному становленні та розвитку особистості / І. С. Попович // Зб. наук. праць: філософія, соціологія, психологія. — Івано-Франківськ: Вид-во ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», 2015. — Вип. 20, ч. 2. − С. 213—220.
6. Попович І. С. Семантичний аналіз наукової категорії «соціальні очікування» / І. С. Попович // Проблеми сучасної психології: зб. наук. праць Кам'янець-Подільського національного університету імені Івана Огієнка, Ін-ту психології імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України / за наук. ред. С. Д. Максименка, Л. А. Онуфрієвої. — Кам'янець-Подільський: Аксіома, 2015. — Вип. 29. − С. 528—538.
7. Попович І. С. Соціальні очікування особистості як процес психічної регуляції поведінки / І. С. Попович // Психологічні перспективи: зб. наук. праць Східноєвропейського нац. університету імені Лесі Українки, Ін-ту соціальної і політичної психології НАПН України / за наук. ред. М. М. Слюсаревського, Л. В. Засєкіної. — Луцьк: СНУ імені Лесі Українки, 2016. — Вип. 27. − С. 184—194.
8. Попович І. С. Соціальні очікування особистості як регулятор соціально-психологічної реальності / І. С. Попович // Актуальні проблеми психології: зб. наук. праць Інституту психол. імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України /За ред. С. Д. Максименка. — Т. 1: Організаційна психологія. Економічна психологія. Соціальна психологія: Вип. 44 / Інститут психол. імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України − К. : Фенікс, 2016. — С. 138—143.
9. Попович І. С. Типологічні особливості очікувань / І. С. Попович // Науковий вісник Херсонського державного університету. — Серія: психологічні науки: зб. наук. праць ХДУ / За ред. О. Є. Блинової. — Херсон: ВД «Гельветика», 2014. — Вип. 1. — Т. ІІ. — С. 64–70.
10. Popovych I. S. Applied research aspect of social expectations of personality in english scientific literature / I. S. Popovych // Problems of Modern Psychology: Collection of research papers of Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University, G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine / scientific editing by S. D. Maksymenko, L. A. Onufriieva. — Kamianets-Podilskyi: Aksioma, 2016. — Issue 31. — P. 355—366.
11. Popovych I. S. Theoretical and methodological basis of optimizing program of development and social correction of expectations of personality [Попович І. С. Теоретико-методологічне обґрунтування програми оптимізації розвитку та психокорекції соціальних очікувань особистості] / I. S. Popovych // Fundamental and Applied Researches In Practice of Leading Scientific Schools. — № 5(17), 2016. — P. 158—163.
12. Popovych I. S. Social expectations — a basic component of the system of adjusting of social conduct of a person / I. S. Popovych // Australian Journal of Scientific Research, «Adelaide University Press». Adelaide, 2014. — No. 2. (6) (July — December). — Vol. III. — P. 393—398.
13. Popovych I. S. Social expectations: types, functions and mechanisms / I. S. Popovych // Harvard Journal of Fundamental and Applied Studies, «Harvard University Press», 2015. — № 1 (7) (January — June). — Vol. XIII. — P. 152—159.
14. Popovych I. S. Social expectations in primary school age / I. S. Popovych // Proceedings of the 2nd International Academic Congress «Fundamental Studies in America, Europe, Asia and Africa», 27 Sept. 2014, USA, New-York. — Vol. II, «Columbia Press». — New-York, 2014. — P. 176—180.
15. Popovych I. S. Transformation function of social expectations of a person / I. S. Popovych // Proceedings of the 1st International Academic Congress «Fundamental and Applied Studies in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans countries», 25 Oct. 2014, Japan, Tokyo. — Vol. I, «Tokyo University Press». — Tokyo, 2014. — P. 582—585.
- Почесна грамота Херсонського міського голови. Наказ № 245-к від 16.04.2018 року.
- Почесна грамота Департаменту освіти, науки та молоді ХОДА. Наказ № 114-к від 28.10.2019 року.
- Грамота Національної академії педагогічних наук України, 2020 року.
- Подяка голови Херсонської обласної ради. Наказ № 103 від 12 травня 2021 року.
Про Ігоря Поповича
- ХДУ http://www.kspu.edu/About/Faculty/IPHS/ChairGenSocialPsychology/123.aspx
- Google Академія https://scholar.google.com.ua/ citations?user=1AkbtVMAAAAJ&hl=ru
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100024151059208
- LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/igor-popovych-6a8079130/
- https://www.wikiwand.com/uk/Попович
- https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57208214862&eid=2-s2.0-85069638342
- https://publons.com/researcher/F-3030-2019/
- Ю. А. Мицик. Поповичі // Енциклопедія історії України : у 10 т. — К.: Наукова думка, 2011. — Т. 8 : Па — Прик. — С. 427. — ISBN 978-966-00-1142-7.
Наукові праці в репозитарії
- Попович, І. С. (2008). Соціально-психологічні очікування в міжособистісній взаємодії у групах курсантів вищих навчальних закладів МВС України. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С.; Popovych, I. S. (2017). ПСИХОЛОГІЯ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ ОЧІКУВАНЬ ОСОБИСТОСТІ : ДИСЕРТАЦІЯ. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Про видання. pj.kherson.ua. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools. farplss.org. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С.; Попович, И. С.; Popovych, I. S. (2017). ПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ ВИМІРИ СОЦІАЛЬНИХ ОЧІКУВАНЬ ОСОБИСТОСТІ. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2009). Соціально-психологічні очікування в людських взаєминах. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2016). Соціальні очікування як чинник професійної культури особистості. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2014). Соціально-психологічні очікування як детермінанта психологічної культури особистості. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2013). Оптимізація розвитку соціально-психологічних очікувань у студентській групі. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2017). Досвід створення й апробації методики «Рівень соціальних очікувань» («РСО»). Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2008). Експектометрія – методика дослідження соціально-психологічних очікувань. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2015). Конструювання особистістю моделі очікуваного майбутнього. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2016). Психологічний аналіз структурно-функціональної моделі соціальних очікувань особистості. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2015). Роль соціально-психологічних очікувань у професійному становленні та розвитку особистості. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2015). Семантичний аналіз наукової категорії «соціальні очікування». Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2016). Соціальні очікування особистості як процес психічної регуляції поведінки. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2016). Соціальні очікування особистості як регулятор соціально-психологічної реальності. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Попович, І. С. (2014). Типологічні особливості очікувань. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Popovych, I. S.; Попович, І. С. (2016). Applied research aspect of social expectations of personality in english scientific literature. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Popovych, I. S.; Попович, І. С. (2016). Theoretical and methodological basis of optimizing program of development and social correction of expectations of personality. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Popovych, I. S. (2014). Social expectations – a basic component of the system of adjusting of social conduct of a person. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Popovych, I. S.; Попович, І. С. (2015). Social expectations : types, functions and mechanisms. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Popovych, I. S.; Попович, І. С. (2014). Social expectations in primary school age. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
- Popovych, I. S.; Попович, І. С. (2014). Transformation function of social expectations of a person. Процитовано 1 лютого 2019.
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Popovich Igor Stepanovich nar 25 veresnya 1976 s Zabolotivci Zhidachivskij rajon Lvivska oblast ukrayinskij uchenij u galuzi socialnoyi psihologiyi Doktor psihologichnih nauk 2018 profesor 2019 chlen Asociaciyi politichnih psihologiv Ukrayini Igor PopovichNarodivsya25 veresnya 1976 1976 09 25 47 rokiv Zabolotivci Zhidachivskij rajon Lvivska oblast Ukrayinska RSR SRSRMisce prozhivannya Ukrayina HersonKrayina UkrayinaDiyalnistnaukovecAlma materHersonskij derzhavnij universitetGaluzSocialna psihologiyaZakladHersonskij derzhavnij universitetPosadaprofesor kafedri psihologiyiVchene zvannyaprofesorNaukovij stupindoktor psihologichnih naukU Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshih lyudej iz prizvishem Popovich Naukova diyalnistU 2008 roci zahistiv kandidatsku disertaciyu z temi Socialno psihologichni ochikuvannya v mizhosobistisnij vzayemodiyi u grupah kursantiv vishih navchalnih zakladiv MVS Ukrayini U 2008 roci prisudzheno naukovij stupin kandidata psihologichnih nauk zi specialnosti Socialna psihologiya psihologiya socialnoyi roboti U 2013 roci prisvoyeno vchene zvannya docenta kafedri pedagogiki ta psihologiyi U 2017 roci zahistiv doktorsku disertaciyu z temi Psihologiya socialnih ochikuvan osobistosti U 2018 roci prisudzheno naukovij stupin doktora psihologichnih nauk zi specialnosti Socialna psihologiya psihologiya socialnoyi roboti U 2019 roci prisvoyeno vchene zvannya profesora kafedri zagalnoyi ta socialnoyi psihologiyi Avtor psihodiagnostichnih metodik Ekspektometriya 2008 Ekspertna ocinka rezultativ diyalnosti ta osoblivostej socialnoyi vzayemodiyi 2013 Riven socialnih ochikuvan 2015 Ochikuvana situaciya 2015 Realizaciya ochikuvan 2015 Naukova redaktorska robotaGolovnij redaktor naukovogo zhurnalu Insajt psihologichni vimiri suspilstva Insight the psychological dimensions of society Scopus kategoriya A http insight journal kspu edu index php insight about Chlen redakcijnoyi kolegiyi naukovogo zhurnalu Amazonia Investiga Web of Science kategoriya A https amazoniainvestiga info index php amazonia about privacy Chlen redakcijnoyi kolegiyi naukovogo visnika Hersonskogo derzhavnogo universitetu Seriya Psihologichni nauki kategoriya B Chlen redakcijnoyi kolegiyi naukovogo zhurnalu Fundamental And Applied Researches In Practice Of Leading Scientific Schools kategoriya B Osnovni naukovi praciAvtor ponad 300 naukovih i naukovo metodichnih prac z yakih bilshe 140 141 na 24 06 2024 roku proindeksovano v Scopus Web of Science Monografiyi Popovich I S Psihologichni vimiri socialnih ochikuvan osobistosti monografiya Igor Popovich Herson PAT HMD 2017 504 s Popovich I S Socialno psihologichni ochikuvannya v lyudskih vzayeminah monografiya I S Popovich Herson VAT HMD 2009 240 s Popovich I S Rozvitok ta stanovlennya osobistosti u vimirah socialnih ochikuvan I S Popovich Sociokulturni ta psihologichni vektori stanovlennya osobistosti kolektivna monografiya vidpov red O Ye Blinova Herson Vid vo FOP Vishemirskij V S 2018 S 80 106 Popovich I S Socialni ochikuvannya yak chinnik profesijnoyi kulturi osobistosti I S Popovich Profesijna kultura sutnist fahovi osoblivosti rozvitok kolektivna monografiya kol avt vidp red Sumi SumDPU imeni A S Makarenka 2016 S 21 36 Popovich I S Socialno psihologichni ochikuvannya yak determinanta psihologichnoyi kulturi osobistosti I S Popovich Psihologichna kultura vidi invarianti rozvitok monografiya kol avt vidp red G Ye Ulunova Sumi VVP Mriya 2014 S 104 120 Popovych I S The research of the parameters properties and types of social expectations of student youth I S Popovych Modern research of the representatives of psychological sciences collective monograph O Ye Blynova Yu O Bystrova I M Halian O M Kikinezhdi etc Lviv Torun Liha Pres 2019 P 163 181 DOI https doi org 10 36059 978 966 397 118 6 163 181Navchalno metodichni posibniki Popovich I S Optimizaciya rozvitku socialno psihologichnih ochikuvan u studentskij grupi navch metod posib I S Popovich Herson VAT HMD 2013 204 s Popovich I S Psihologiya socialnih ochikuvan osobistosti metodologiya teoriya i praktika navch metod posib I S Popovich Herson Oldi plyus 2019 158 s Naukovi statti Scopus 2024 rik 1 Popovych I Yaremchuk N Yakovleva S Kariyev A Sadykova A amp Kulbida S 2024 Research on the Types of Future Teachers Self Realization Under Conditions of a Digital Educational Environment Journal of Education Culture and Society 15 1 435 451 https doi org 10 15503 jecs2024 1 435 451 2 Popovych I Rodchenkova I Lukjanchenko V Yurkiv Y Bilous R Shevchenko N amp Hoian I 2024 Anxiety as a multifaceted phenomenon within the motivational orientation of junior athletes Journal of Physical Education and Sport 24 3 521 532 DOI 10 7752 jpes 2024 03063 3 Popovych I Bokhonkova Y Sokolova H Forostian O Rodchenkova I Yurkiv Y amp Korniienko I 2024 Impact of emotionality and locus of control on athletes motivation for success achievement and failure avoidance in individual sports Journal of Physical Education and Sport 24 2 292 302 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2024 02035 4 Hrys A Popovych I Zelenko O Pavliuk M Fedorenko L Prachenko O amp Huzar V 2024 Time decentrations of junior athletes under changed conditions of competitive activity Journal of Physical Education and Sport 24 1 13 22 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2024 01002 5 Ponomaryova V Nosov P Ben A Popovych I Prokopchuk Y Mamenko P Dudchenko S Appazov E Sokol I 2024 Devising an approach for the automated restoration of shipmaster s navigational qualification parameters under risk conditions Eastern European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 3 127 6 26 https doi org 10 15587 1729 4061 2024 296955 6 Kobets V Zinchenko S Tovstokoryi O Nosov P Popovych I Gritsuk I amp Perederyi V 2024 Automatic Prevention of the Vessel s Parametric Rolling on the Wave CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3668 235 246 https ceur ws org Vol 3668 7 Popovych I 2024 Editor s Preface Insight the psychological dimensions of society 11 7 13 https doi org 10 32999 2663 970X 2024 11 1 2023 rik 8 Popovych I Hudimova A Bokhonkova Yu Savchuk O Hoian I amp Shevchenko N 2023 Dispositional Mental States of Internally Displaced University Teachers Under Martial Law Gender Differences Journal of Education Culture and Society 14 2 171 187 https doi org 10 15503 jecs2023 2 171 181 9 Popovych I Shevchenko N Raievska Ya Myshchyshyn M Hoian I Yakovleva S amp Los O 2023 Operationalization of physical work ability of young athletes in terms of psychological well being Journal of Physical Education and Sport 23 6 1456 1464 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2023 06178 10 Popovych I Hulias I Serbin Iy Piletska L Mashchak S amp Zahrai L 2023 Psychological content parameters of attention in the structure of time perspective of young female athletes comparative analysis Journal of Physical Education and Sport 23 1 152 161 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2023 01019 11 Popovych I Koval I Raievska Ya Piletskyi V Buryanovatiy O amp Hrynchuk O 2023 Dominating mental states of the representatives of individual sports under lockdown 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Empirical research of vitality of representatives of parachuting and yoga practice a comparative analysis Journal of Physical Education and Sport 21 1 218 226 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2021 01029 51 Popovych I Blynova O Nosov P Zinchenko S amp Kononenko O 2021 Psychological factors of competitiveness of the women s youth handball team Journal of Physical Education and Sport 21 1 227 235 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2021 01030 52 Popovych I Halian I Halian O Nosov P Zinchenko S amp Panok V 2021 Research on personality determinants of athlete s mental exhaustion during the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic Journal of Physical Education and Sport 21 4 1769 1780 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2021 04224 53 Hudimova A Popovych I Savchuk O Liashko V Pyslar A amp Hrys A 2021 Research on the relationship between excessive use of social media and young athletes physical activity Journal of Physical Education and Sport 21 6 3364 3373 https doi org 10 7752 jpes 2021 06456 54 Kobets V Liubchenko V Popovych I 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SNU imeni Lesi Ukrayinki 2017 Vip 29 S 208 221 2 Popovich I S Ekspektometriya metodika doslidzhennya socialno psihologichnih ochikuvan I S Popovich Naukovi zapiski Institutu psihologiyi imeni G S Kostyuka APN Ukrayini Za red akademika S D Maksimenka K VD TROYa 2008 Vip 36 S 275 284 3 Popovich I S Konstruyuvannya osobististyu modeli ochikuvanogo majbutnogo I S Popovich Naukovij visnik Hersonskogo derzhavnogo universitetu Seriya psihologichni nauki zb nauk prac HDU Za red O Ye Blinovoyi Herson VD Gelvetika 2015 Vip 6 S 145 154 4 Popovich I S Psihologichnij analiz strukturno funkcionalnoyi modeli socialnih ochikuvan osobistosti I S Popovich Aktualni problemi psihologiyi zb nauk prac Institutu psihol imeni G S Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini Za red S D Maksimenka T 9 Zagalna psihologiya Istorichna psihologiya Etnichna psihologiya Vip 9 Institut psihol imeni G S Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini K Talkom 2016 S 420 431 5 Popovich I S Rol socialno psihologichnih ochikuvan u profesijnomu stanovlenni ta rozvitku osobistosti I S Popovich Zb nauk prac filosofiya sociologiya psihologiya Ivano Frankivsk Vid vo DVNZ Prikarpatskij nacionalnij universitet imeni Vasilya Stefanika 2015 Vip 20 ch 2 S 213 220 6 Popovich I S Semantichnij analiz naukovoyi kategoriyi socialni ochikuvannya I S Popovich Problemi suchasnoyi psihologiyi zb nauk prac Kam yanec Podilskogo nacionalnogo universitetu imeni Ivana Ogiyenka In tu psihologiyi imeni G S Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini za nauk red S D Maksimenka L A Onufriyevoyi Kam yanec Podilskij Aksioma 2015 Vip 29 S 528 538 7 Popovich I S Socialni ochikuvannya osobistosti yak proces psihichnoyi regulyaciyi povedinki I S Popovich Psihologichni perspektivi zb nauk prac Shidnoyevropejskogo nac universitetu imeni Lesi Ukrayinki In tu socialnoyi i politichnoyi psihologiyi NAPN Ukrayini za nauk red M M Slyusarevskogo L V Zasyekinoyi Luck SNU imeni Lesi Ukrayinki 2016 Vip 27 S 184 194 8 Popovich I S Socialni ochikuvannya osobistosti yak regulyator socialno psihologichnoyi realnosti I S Popovich Aktualni problemi psihologiyi zb nauk prac Institutu psihol imeni G S Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini Za red S D Maksimenka T 1 Organizacijna psihologiya Ekonomichna psihologiya Socialna psihologiya Vip 44 Institut psihol imeni G S Kostyuka NAPN Ukrayini K Feniks 2016 S 138 143 9 Popovich I S Tipologichni osoblivosti ochikuvan I S Popovich Naukovij visnik Hersonskogo derzhavnogo universitetu Seriya psihologichni nauki zb nauk prac HDU Za red O Ye Blinovoyi Herson VD Gelvetika 2014 Vip 1 T II S 64 70 10 Popovych I S Applied research aspect of social expectations of personality in english scientific literature I S Popovych Problems of Modern Psychology Collection of research papers of Kamianets Podilskyi Ivan Ohienko National University G S Kostiuk Institute of Psychology at the National Academy of Pedagogical Science of Ukraine scientific editing by S D Maksymenko L A Onufriieva Kamianets Podilskyi Aksioma 2016 Issue 31 P 355 366 11 Popovych I S Theoretical and methodological basis of optimizing program of development and social correction of expectations of personality Popovich I S Teoretiko metodologichne obgruntuvannya programi optimizaciyi rozvitku ta psihokorekciyi socialnih ochikuvan osobistosti I S Popovych Fundamental and Applied Researches In Practice of Leading Scientific Schools 5 17 2016 P 158 163 12 Popovych I S Social expectations a basic component of the system of adjusting of social conduct of a person I S Popovych Australian Journal of Scientific Research Adelaide University Press Adelaide 2014 No 2 6 July December Vol III P 393 398 13 Popovych I S Social expectations types functions and mechanisms I S Popovych Harvard Journal of Fundamental and Applied Studies Harvard University Press 2015 1 7 January June Vol XIII P 152 159 14 Popovych I S Social expectations in primary school age I S Popovych Proceedings of the 2nd International Academic Congress Fundamental Studies in America Europe Asia and Africa 27 Sept 2014 USA New York Vol II Columbia Press New York 2014 P 176 180 15 Popovych I S Transformation function of social expectations of a person I S Popovych Proceedings of the 1st International Academic Congress Fundamental and Applied Studies in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans countries 25 Oct 2014 Japan Tokyo Vol I Tokyo University Press Tokyo 2014 P 582 585 VidznakiGramoti Pochesna gramota Hersonskogo miskogo golovi Nakaz 245 k vid 16 04 2018 roku Pochesna gramota Departamentu osviti nauki ta molodi HODA Nakaz 114 k vid 28 10 2019 roku Gramota Nacionalnoyi akademiyi pedagogichnih nauk Ukrayini 2020 roku Podyaka golovi Hersonskoyi oblasnoyi radi Nakaz 103 vid 12 travnya 2021 roku Pro Igorya PopovichaHDU http www kspu edu About Faculty IPHS ChairGenSocialPsychology 123 aspx Google Akademiya https scholar google com ua citations user 1AkbtVMAAAAJ amp hl ru Facebook https www facebook com profile php id 100024151059208 LinkedIn https www linkedin com in igor popovych 6a8079130 https www wikiwand com uk Popovich https www scopus com authid detail uri authorId 57208214862 amp amp eid 2 s2 0 85069638342 https publons com researcher F 3030 2019 Yu A Micik Popovichi Enciklopediya istoriyi Ukrayini u 10 t K Naukova dumka 2011 T 8 Pa Prik S 427 ISBN 978 966 00 1142 7 Naukovi praci v repozitariyiPrimitkiPopovich I S 2008 Socialno psihologichni ochikuvannya v mizhosobistisnij vzayemodiyi u grupah kursantiv vishih navchalnih zakladiv MVS Ukrayini Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S Popovych I S 2017 PSIHOLOGIYa SOCIALNIH OChIKUVAN OSOBISTOSTI DISERTACIYa Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Pro vidannya pj kherson ua Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Fundamental and applied researches in practice of leading scientific schools farplss org Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S Popovich I S Popovych I S 2017 PSIHOLOGIChNI VIMIRI SOCIALNIH OChIKUVAN OSOBISTOSTI Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2009 Socialno psihologichni ochikuvannya v lyudskih vzayeminah Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2018 ROZVITOK TA STANOVLENNYa OSOBISTOSTI U VIMIRAH SOCIALNIH OChIKUVAN Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2016 Socialni ochikuvannya yak chinnik profesijnoyi kulturi osobistosti Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2014 Socialno psihologichni ochikuvannya yak determinanta psihologichnoyi kulturi osobistosti Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2013 Optimizaciya rozvitku socialno psihologichnih ochikuvan u studentskij grupi Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2017 Dosvid stvorennya j aprobaciyi metodiki Riven socialnih ochikuvan RSO Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2008 Ekspektometriya metodika doslidzhennya socialno psihologichnih ochikuvan Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2015 Konstruyuvannya osobististyu modeli ochikuvanogo majbutnogo Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2016 Psihologichnij analiz strukturno funkcionalnoyi modeli socialnih ochikuvan osobistosti Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2015 Rol socialno psihologichnih ochikuvan u profesijnomu stanovlenni ta rozvitku osobistosti Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2015 Semantichnij analiz naukovoyi kategoriyi socialni ochikuvannya Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2016 Socialni ochikuvannya osobistosti yak proces psihichnoyi regulyaciyi povedinki Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2016 Socialni ochikuvannya osobistosti yak regulyator socialno psihologichnoyi realnosti Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovich I S 2014 Tipologichni osoblivosti ochikuvan Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovych I S Popovich I S 2016 Applied research aspect of social expectations of personality in english scientific literature Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovych I S Popovich I S 2016 Theoretical and methodological basis of optimizing program of development and social correction of expectations of personality Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovych I S 2014 Social expectations a basic component of the system of adjusting of social conduct of a person Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovych I S Popovich I S 2015 Social expectations types functions and mechanisms Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovych I S Popovich I S 2014 Social expectations in primary school age Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Popovych I S Popovich I S 2014 Transformation function of social expectations of a person Procitovano 1 lyutogo 2019 Cya stattya maye kilka nedolikiv Bud laska dopomozhit udoskonaliti yiyi abo obgovorit ci problemi na Cyu stattyu treba vikifikuvati dlya vidpovidnosti standartam yakosti Vikipediyi Bud laska dopomozhit dodavannyam dorechnih vnutrishnih posilan abo vdoskonalennyam rozmitki statti sichen 2019 Cya stattya potrebuye dodatkovih posilan na dzherela dlya polipshennya yiyi perevirnosti Bud laska dopomozhit udoskonaliti cyu stattyu dodavshi posilannya na nadijni avtoritetni dzherela Zvernitsya na za poyasnennyami ta dopomozhit vipraviti nedoliki Material bez dzherel mozhe buti piddano sumnivu ta vilucheno sichen 2019