Мілдред Адамс Фентон (англ. Mildred Adams Fenton; 14 листопада 1899 — 7 грудня 1995) — американська вчена: ботанік, палеонтолог, геолог. Вивчала палеонтологію та геологію в Університеті Айови. Разом зі своїм чоловіком Керроллом Лейном Фентоном вона написала десятки наукових книг, у тому числі «Records of Evolution» (1924), «Land We Live On» (1944) та «Worlds in the Sky» (1963).
Мілдред Адамс Фентон | |||
Народилася | 14 листопада 1899[1] | ||
Померла | 7 грудня 1995[1](96 років) | ||
Поховання | d | ||
Країна | США | ||
Діяльність | ботанік, палеонтолог, геологиня | ||
Знання мов | англійська | ||
У шлюбі з | d[3] | ||
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Mildred Adams Fenton angl Mildred Adams Fenton 14 listopada 1899 7 grudnya 1995 amerikanska vchena botanik paleontolog geolog Vivchala paleontologiyu ta geologiyu v Universiteti Ajovi Razom zi svoyim cholovikom Kerrollom Lejnom Fentonom vona napisala desyatki naukovih knig u tomu chisli Records of Evolution 1924 Land We Live On 1944 ta Worlds in the Sky 1963 Mildred Adams FentonNarodilasya14 listopada 1899 1899 11 14 1 Pomerla7 grudnya 1995 1995 12 07 1 96 rokiv PohovannyadKrayina SShADiyalnistbotanik paleontolog geologinyaZnannya movanglijskaU shlyubi zd 3 Nortonechinus a Devonian Echinoid 1923 The Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Hackberry Stage of the Upper Devonian 1925 A New Species of Schizophoria from the Devonian of Iowa 1928 Notes on Several forms of Lichenocrinus from Black River Formations 1929 solo author Some Snail Borings of Paleozoic Age 1931 Boring Sponges in the Devonian of Iowa 1932 Orientation and Injury in the Genus Atrypa 1932 Hail Prints and Mud Cracks of Proterozoic Age 1933 Algal Reefs or Bioherms in the Belt Series of Montana 1933 Atrypae described by Clement L Webster and related forms Devonian Iowa 1935 Burrows and Trails from Pennsylvanian Rocks of Texas 1937 Belt Series of the North Stratigraphy Sedimentation Paleontology 1937 Archaeonassa Cambrian Snail Trails and Burrows 1937 Pre Cambrian and Paleozoic Algae 1939 Zagalnonaukovi knigi Records of Evolution 1924 The World of Fossils 1933 The Rock Book Land We Live On 1944 Rocks and Their Stories 1951 Riches from the Earth 1953 The Fossil Book A Record of Prehistoric Life 1958 Worlds in the Sky 1963 Mountains 1969 section PrimitkiSNAC 2010 d Track Q29861311 Identifiants et Referentiels ABES 2011 d Track Q47757534d Track Q2826570 Carroll Lane Fenton and Mildred Adams Fenton Manuscripts University of Iowa Libraries d Track Q58008841 IPNI M A Fenton Obituary for Mildred Adams Fenton Iowa City Press Citizen 6 grudnya 1995 s 8 Procitovano 20 sichnya 2023 cherez Newspapers com Barnes Suzanne 2 lyutogo 1994 Fossils lead to life of adventure The Gazette s 41 Procitovano 20 sichnya 2023 cherez Newspapers com Swanson Tia 6 grudnya 1995 Mildred Adams Fenton s Life Recalled The Central New Jersey Home News s 10 Procitovano 20 sichnya 2023 cherez Newspapers com Genovese Peter 15 bereznya 1992 A life spent boning up on fossils The Central New Jersey Home News s 13 Procitovano 20 sichnya 2023 cherez Newspapers com Papers of Carroll Lane Fenton and Mildred Adams Fenton 1963 1966 University of Iowa Libraries Collection Guides University of Iowa May 2000 Procitovano 23 veresnya 2010 Fenton Carroll Lane and Fenton Mildred Adams 1922 Some Black River Brachiopods from the Mississippi Valley Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science 29 1 67 83 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1923 Nortonechinus a Devonian Echinoid The American Midland Naturalist 8 10 11 219 221 doi 10 2307 2993092 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2993092 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1925 The Stratigraphy and Fauna of the Hackberry Stage of the Upper Devonian angl Macmillan ISBN 978 0 472 75134 1 Fenton Mildred Adams Fenton Carroll Lane 1928 A New Species of Schizophoria from the Devonian of Iowa The American Midland Naturalist 11 3 4 160 162 doi 10 2307 2420198 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2420198 Fenton Mildred Adams 1929 Notes on Several forms of Lichenocrinus from Black River Formations The American Midland Naturalist 11 9 494 499 doi 10 2307 2419918 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2419918 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1931 Some Snail Borings of Paleozoic Age The American Midland Naturalist 12 12 522 528 doi 10 2307 2420203 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2420203 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1932 Boring Sponges in the Devonian of Iowa The American Midland Naturalist 13 2 42 54 doi 10 2307 2419951 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2419951 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1932 Orientation and Injury in the Genus Atrypa The American Midland Naturalist 13 2 63 74 doi 10 2307 2419953 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2419953 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 19 travnya 1933 Hail Prints and Mud Cracks of Proterozoic Age Science angl 77 2003 491 492 doi 10 1126 science 77 2003 491 a ISSN 0036 8075 PMID 17754231 Fenton C L Fenton M A 31 grudnya 1933 Algal Reefs or Bioherms in the Belt Series of Montana Geological Society of America Bulletin 44 6 1135 1142 doi 10 1130 gsab 44 1135 ISSN 0016 7606 Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams Fenton Atrypae described by Clement L Webster and related forms Devonian Iowa Journal of Paleontology 1935 9 5 369 384 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1937 Burrows and Trails from Pennsylvanian Rocks of Texas The American Midland Naturalist 18 6 1079 1084 doi 10 2307 2420606 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2420606 Fenton C L Fenton M A 1 grudnya 1937 Belt Series of the North Stratigraphy Sedimentation Paleontology Geological Society of America Bulletin 48 12 1873 1970 doi 10 1130 gsab 48 1873 ISSN 0016 7606 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1937 Archaeonassa Cambrian Snail Trails and Burrows The American Midland Naturalist 18 3 454 456 doi 10 2307 2420587 ISSN 0003 0031 JSTOR 2420587 Fenton C L Fenton M A 1 sichnya 1939 Pre Cambrian and Paleozoic Algae Geological Society of America Bulletin 50 1 89 126 doi 10 1130 gsab 50 89 ISSN 0016 7606 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1953 Riches from the Earth angl J Day Company Fenton Carroll Lane Rich Pat Vickers Fenton Mildred Adams Rich Thomas H V 1 sichnya 1996 The Fossil Book A Record of Prehistoric Life angl Courier Corporation ISBN 978 0 486 29371 4 Fenton Carroll Lane Fenton Mildred Adams 1969 Mountains angl Books for Libraries Press ISBN 978 0 8369 1129 9 PosilannyaFlickr entry with discussion on birth date S George Pemberton and James A MacEachern 1994 Carroll Lane Fenton and Mildred Adams Fenton Pioneers of North American Neoichnology Ichnos An International Journal for Plant and Animal Traces 3 2 145 153 Ce nezavershena stattya pro biologa Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi