Моб (скорочення від «мобільний» або «мобільний об’єкт») — це керований комп’ютером неігровий персонаж (NPC) у відеограх, часто жанру MMORPG або MUD. Залежно від контексту, будь-який такий персонаж у грі може розглядатися як «моб», або використання терміну може бути обмежено ворожими NPC та/або вразливими NPC, якого треба атакувати.
У більшості сучасних графічних ігор «моб» може використовуватися для конкретного позначення звичайних повторюваних NPC, на яких, гравець буде полювати та вбивати, за винятком NPC, які беруть участь у діалогах, продають предмети або NPC, які не можуть бути атакованими. «Названі моби» відрізняються власним іменем, а не загальним типом («гоблін», «громадянин» тощо). Більшість мобів — це ті, хто не здатний на жодну складну поведінку, крім загального програмування нападу або пересування.
Призначення мобів
Перемога над мобами може знадобитися для збору очок досвіду, грошей, предметів або для виконання квестів. Бій між персонажами гравців (ІП) і мобами називається «гравець проти навколишнього середовища» (PvE). ІП також можуть атакувати мобів, оскільки вони агресивно атакують ІП. Бої монстра проти монстра () також відбуваються в деяких іграх.
Ігровий світ може містити сотні різних типів мобів, але якщо гравці витрачають на гру певну кількість часу, вони можуть добре знати характеристики кожного виду та пов’язані з ними небезпеки. Ці знання можуть певною мірою притупити гру.
Термін «мобільний об’єкт» використовувався для об’єктів, які були самомобільні у . Пізніший початковий код у використовував термін «мобільний» для позначення загального NPC, скорочений далі до «моб» в ідентифікаторах. сильно вплинув на , і термін, який існує в MMORPG, походить від використання MUD. Насправді термін є абревіатурою, а не акронімом.
- (2003). . New Riders. с. 102. ISBN .
What's more of an issue is the presence in the virtual world of virtual creatures. These are commonly known as mobiles30 (mobs for short), and they represent the monsters and non-player characters who inhabit the virtual world. [...] 30From MUD1, "mobile objects." I called them that because creatures moving in a controlled but unpredictable way are like the kind of "mobiles" that hang from ceilings. Well, I was in kind of a hurry...
- Shah, Rawn; Romine, James (1995). Playing MUDs on the Internet. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. с. 93–94. ISBN .
One of the major types of objects that you will encounter on a Mud is the mobile. A mob (pronounced MOHb, not MAWb), or mobile, is a computer controlled creature. [...] If a mob is not friendly, it is known as an agg or aggressive mobile. It will hit you at the first opportunity, even the instant you walk into a room. A majority of Muds have dumb mobs. A dumb mob will fight you until you kill it or flee from it.
- Maloni, Kelly; Baker, Derek; Wice, Nathaniel (1994). Net Games. Random House / Michael Wolff & Company, Inc. с. 213. ISBN .
mob or mobile ..... a monster in the game
- Towers, J. Tarin; Badertscher, Ken; Cunningham, Wayne; Buskirk, Laura (1996). Yahoo! Wild Web Rides. IDG Books Worldwide Inc. с. 140. ISBN .
mob = mobile (This is jargon for a monster or creature.)
- Hecht, Eliah (20 лютого 2007). . WoW Insider. Архів оригіналу за 31 серпня 2009. Процитовано 25 березня 2010.
Mob: Short for "mobile" (derived from MUDs, where any NPC was either a stationary shopkeeper or mobile; see WoWWiki), this refers in WoW to NPCs, primarily NPCs that are meant to be killed.
- Poisso, Lisa (8 червня 2009). . WoW Insider. Архів оригіналу за 18 липня 2009. Процитовано 25 березня 2010.
Named mobs are just that: monsters that have names.
- (1995). Internet Virtual Worlds Quick Tour. Ventana Press. с. 175. ISBN .
Mob A slang term for "mobiles" or monsters on a virtual world. Monsters are non-player characters who roam the world. Often, players reach a higher level by fighting and killing monsters.
- (2003). . New Riders. с. 301. ISBN .
One consequence of this is that quest rewards and mobile drops should be variable, too. Who'd want to risk life and limb for 20,000 UOC if it wasn't enough to buy an arrow? Yet how do designers make these price rises occur rationally in such a way that unscrupulous players can't screw over the system?
- Busey, Andrew (1995). Secrets of the MUD Wizards. . с. 295. ISBN .
Monsters keep players on the go for experience and weapons.
- (2003). . New Riders. с. 649. ISBN .
In the big city, you're asked to deliver bread; in the frontier town, you're asked to kill bandits. Can you stand the heat, or do you get out of the kitchen? By giving players harder quests in rougher areas, designers inform them that these are tougher areas.
- (2003). . New Riders. с. 406. ISBN .
Player versus Environment (PvE). Players are opposed by the environment—that is, the virtual world. In a combat situation, this means player characters (PCs) fight monsters.
- (2003). . New Riders. с. 103. ISBN .
Consider a second goblin raiding party. It emerges from its camp, kills some villagers' sheep, and then returns home with the spoils. The villagers get angry and offer to pay players to kill the goblins.
- Guarneri, Andrea; Maggiorini, Dario; Ripamonti, Laura A.; Trubian, Marco (2013). (PDF). Università di Milano. с. 585. Архів оригіналу (PDF) за 6 березня 2016. Процитовано 23 червня 2022.
In spite of the fact that a game world can contain hundreds of different species of monsters, after spending a certain amount of time playing, players become well aware of the characteristics presented by each specie and its related hazard. In the long run, this knowledge has the drawback of generating a certain amount of boredom in players, which lose the thrill of braving unfamiliar dangers (Koster, 2004).
- . . MUDBytes. 1991. Архів оригіналу за 18 липня 2011. Процитовано 30 листопада 2010.
- (2003). . New Riders. с. 25. ISBN .
If ever there was a case of being in the right place at the right time, EverQuest (EQ) is it. It was basically a DikuMUD with a graphical client bolted on—the similarities are so close that under legal threat its server programmers were forced to sign sworn statements to the effect that they didn't use any actual DikuMUD code in EverQuest.
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Mob skorochennya vid mobilnij abo mobilnij ob yekt ce kerovanij komp yuterom neigrovij personazh NPC u videograh chasto zhanru MMORPG abo MUD Zalezhno vid kontekstu bud yakij takij personazh u gri mozhe rozglyadatisya yak mob abo vikoristannya terminu mozhe buti obmezheno vorozhimi NPC ta abo vrazlivimi NPC yakogo treba atakuvati U bilshosti suchasnih grafichnih igor mob mozhe vikoristovuvatisya dlya konkretnogo poznachennya zvichajnih povtoryuvanih NPC na yakih gravec bude polyuvati ta vbivati za vinyatkom NPC yaki berut uchast u dialogah prodayut predmeti abo NPC yaki ne mozhut buti atakovanimi Nazvani mobi vidriznyayutsya vlasnim imenem a ne zagalnim tipom goblin gromadyanin tosho Bilshist mobiv ce ti hto ne zdatnij na zhodnu skladnu povedinku krim zagalnogo programuvannya napadu abo peresuvannya Priznachennya mobivPeremoga nad mobami mozhe znadobitisya dlya zboru ochok dosvidu groshej predmetiv abo dlya vikonannya kvestiv Bij mizh personazhami gravciv IP i mobami nazivayetsya gravec proti navkolishnogo seredovisha PvE IP takozh mozhut atakuvati mobiv oskilki voni agresivno atakuyut IP Boyi monstra proti monstra takozh vidbuvayutsya v deyakih igrah Igrovij svit mozhe mistiti sotni riznih tipiv mobiv ale yaksho gravci vitrachayut na gru pevnu kilkist chasu voni mozhut dobre znati harakteristiki kozhnogo vidu ta pov yazani z nimi nebezpeki Ci znannya mozhut pevnoyu miroyu pritupiti gru EtimologiyaTermin mobilnij ob yekt vikoristovuvavsya dlya ob yektiv yaki buli samomobilni u Piznishij pochatkovij kod u vikoristovuvav termin mobilnij dlya poznachennya zagalnogo NPC skorochenij dali do mob v identifikatorah silno vplinuv na i termin yakij isnuye v MMORPG pohodit vid vikoristannya MUD Naspravdi termin ye abreviaturoyu a ne akronimom Primitki 2003 New Riders s 102 ISBN 0 13 101816 7 What s more of an issue is the presence in the virtual world of virtual creatures These are commonly known as mobiles30 mobs for short and they represent the monsters and non player characters who inhabit the virtual world 30From MUD1 mobile objects I called them that because creatures moving in a controlled but unpredictable way are like the kind of mobiles that hang from ceilings Well I was in kind of a hurry Shah Rawn Romine James 1995 Playing MUDs on the Internet John Wiley amp Sons Inc s 93 94 ISBN 0 471 11633 5 One of the major types of objects that you will encounter on a Mud is the mobile A mob pronounced MOHb not MAWb or mobile is a computer controlled creature If a mob is not friendly it is known as an agg or aggressive mobile It will hit you at the first opportunity even the instant you walk into a room A majority of Muds have dumb mobs A dumb mob will fight you until you kill it or flee from it Maloni Kelly Baker Derek Wice Nathaniel 1994 Net Games Random House Michael Wolff amp Company Inc s 213 ISBN 0 679 75592 6 mob or mobile a monster in the game Towers J Tarin Badertscher Ken Cunningham Wayne Buskirk Laura 1996 Yahoo Wild Web Rides IDG Books Worldwide Inc s 140 ISBN 0 7645 7003 X mob mobile This is jargon for a monster or creature Hecht Eliah 20 lyutogo 2007 WoW Insider Arhiv originalu za 31 serpnya 2009 Procitovano 25 bereznya 2010 Mob Short for mobile derived from MUDs where any NPC was either a stationary shopkeeper or mobile see WoWWiki this refers in WoW to NPCs primarily NPCs that are meant to be killed Poisso Lisa 8 chervnya 2009 WoW Insider Arhiv originalu za 18 lipnya 2009 Procitovano 25 bereznya 2010 Named mobs are just that monsters that have names 1995 Internet Virtual Worlds Quick Tour Ventana Press s 175 ISBN 1 56604 222 4 Mob A slang term for mobiles or monsters on a virtual world Monsters are non player characters who roam the world Often players reach a higher level by fighting and killing monsters 2003 New Riders s 301 ISBN 0 13 101816 7 One consequence of this is that quest rewards and mobile drops should be variable too Who d want to risk life and limb for 20 000 UOC if it wasn t enough to buy an arrow Yet how do designers make these price rises occur rationally in such a way that unscrupulous players can t screw over the system Busey Andrew 1995 Secrets of the MUD Wizards s 295 ISBN 0 672 30723 5 Monsters keep players on the go for experience and weapons 2003 New Riders s 649 ISBN 0 13 101816 7 In the big city you re asked to deliver bread in the frontier town you re asked to kill bandits Can you stand the heat or do you get out of the kitchen By giving players harder quests in rougher areas designers inform them that these are tougher areas 2003 New Riders s 406 ISBN 0 13 101816 7 Player versus Environment PvE Players are opposed by the environment that is the virtual world In a combat situation this means player characters PCs fight monsters 2003 New Riders s 103 ISBN 0 13 101816 7 Consider a second goblin raiding party It emerges from its camp kills some villagers sheep and then returns home with the spoils The villagers get angry and offer to pay players to kill the goblins Guarneri Andrea Maggiorini Dario Ripamonti Laura A Trubian Marco 2013 PDF Universita di Milano s 585 Arhiv originalu PDF za 6 bereznya 2016 Procitovano 23 chervnya 2022 In spite of the fact that a game world can contain hundreds of different species of monsters after spending a certain amount of time playing players become well aware of the characteristics presented by each specie and its related hazard In the long run this knowledge has the drawback of generating a certain amount of boredom in players which lose the thrill of braving unfamiliar dangers Koster 2004 MUDBytes 1991 Arhiv originalu za 18 lipnya 2011 Procitovano 30 listopada 2010 2003 New Riders s 25 ISBN 0 13 101816 7 If ever there was a case of being in the right place at the right time EverQuest EQ is it It was basically a DikuMUD with a graphical client bolted on the similarities are so close that under legal threat its server programmers were forced to sign sworn statements to the effect that they didn t use any actual DikuMUD code in EverQuest