Кетрін Тайнен (23 січня 1859 — 2 квітня 1931) — ірландська письменниця, відома своїми романами і поезією. Після того як вишла заміж в 1898 році за англійським письменником та адвокатом Генріхом Альбертом Хінксоном (1865—1919) вона зазвичай підписувалася під іменем Кетрін Тайнен Хінксон(Katharine Tynan Hinkson). З їхніх трьох дітей [en](1900—1982) також стала письменницею.
Тайнен народилася у великій сім'ї в [en], Дублін, та отримала освіту в монастирській школі Святої Катерині у Дрогеді. Її поезія була вперше опублікована в 1878 році. В 1886 вона познайомилася з поетом Джерардом Манлі Хопкінсом. Кетрін продовжувала грати значну роль у дублінських літературних колах, поки вона не одружилася і не переїхала до Англії; пізніше вона жила в Клареморріс, округу Майо, коли її чоловік магістрат там з 1914 по 1919 рік. . Як повідомляється, вона написала понад 100 романів. Її зібрані вірші з'явилися в 1930 році; вона також написала п'ять автобіографічних томів.
Катарін Тинан Хінксон померла 2 квітня 1931 року в місті Уімблдон, Лондон, 72 роки.
- Louise de la Vallière (1885) вірші
- Shamrocks (1887)
- Ballads & Lyrics (1891)
- Irish Love-Songs (1892)
- A Cluster of Nuts, Being Sketches Among My Own People (1894)
- Cuckoo Songs (1894)
- Miracle Plays (1895)
- The Land of Mist and Mountain (1895)
- The Way of a Maid (1895)
- Three Fair Maids, or the Burkes of Derrymore (c.1895) later Illustrated by G. Demain Hammond
- An Isle in the Water (1896)
- Any women(1896)
- Oh, What a Plague is Love! (1896)
- The Golden Lily (1899)
- The Dear Irish Girl (1899)
- Her Father's Daughter (1900)
- Poems (1901)
- A Daughter of the Fields (1901)
- A King's Woman (1902)
- Love of Sisters (1902)
- The Great Captain: A Story of the Days of Sir Walter Raleigh (1902)
- The Handsome Quaker, and other Stories (1902)
- The Adventures of Carlo (1903) illustrated by E. A. Cubitt
- The Luck of the Fairfaxes (1904)
- A Daughter of Kings (1905)
- Innocencies (1905) poems
- For the White Rose (1905)
- A Little Book for Mary Gill's Friends (1905)
- The Story of Bawn (1906)
- The Yellow Domino (1906)
- Book of Memory (1906)
- Dick Pentreath (1906)
- The Cabinet of Irish Literature. (4 volumes) (1906) editor, expansion of work by Charles Read
- The Rhymed Life of St Patrick (1907) Illustrated by Lyndsay Symington
- Twenty-One poems, selected by W. B. Yeats (Dun Emer Press, 1907)
- A Little Book of XXIV Carols (1907)
- Father Mathew (1908) biography of Theobald Mathew
- Experiences (1908)
- A Union of Hearts (1908)
- The House of the Crickets (1908)
- Ireland (1909) A Little Book for John O'Mahony's Friends (1909)
- The Book of Flowers (1909) with Frances Maitland
- Mary Gray(1909)
- A Girl of Galway
- The Rich Man
- A Red, Red Rose (c.1910)
- Heart O' Gold or the Little Princess
- The Story of Cecelia (1911)
- New Poems (1911)
- Princess Katharine (1911)
- Twenty-five Years: Reminiscences (1913)
- Irish Poems (1913)
- The Wild Harp (1913) poetry anthology, editor, illustrated by C. M. Watts
- A Mesalliance (1913)
- The Daughter of the Manor (1914) illustrated by John Campbell
- A Shameful Inheritance (1914)
- The Flower of Peace (1914) poems
- Mary Beaudesert, V. S. (1915)
- Flower of Youth (1915) poems
- The Curse of Castle Eagle (1915)
- The House of the Foxes (1915) novel
- Joining the colours (1916)
- Lord Edward: A Study in Romance (1916)
- The Holy War (Great War Poems). 1916.
- The Middle Years (1916)
- Margery Dawe (1916) illustrated by Frank E. Wiles
- Late Songs (1917)
- Herb O'Grace (1918) poems
- The sad years (1918) tribute to Dora Sigerson
- The Years of the Shadow (1919)
- The Honourable Molly (1919)
- Denys the Dreamer (1920)
- The Handsome Brandons (1921) Illustrated by G. D. Hammond Bitha's
- Wonderful Year (1922)
- The Wandering Years (1922)
- Evensong (1922)
- White Ladies (1922)
- A Mad Marriage (1922)
- novel Memories (1924)
- Life in the Occupied Area (1925)
- The Man from Australia (1925)
- The Wild Adventure (1927)
- Twilight Songs (1927)
- The Face in the Picture (1927)
- Haroun of London (1927)
- Pat, the Adventurer (1928)
- The Respectable Lady (1928)
- The River (1929)
- Castle Perilous (1929)
- The Squire's Sweetheart (1930)
- Denise the Daughter (1930)
- Collected Poems (1930)
- The Admirable Simmons (1930)
- The Forbidden Way (1931)
- Philippa's Lover (1931)
- A Lonely Maid (1931)
- The Story of Our Lord (1932)
- The Other Man (1932)
- An International Marriage (1933)
- Londonderry Air (1935)
- The Briar Bush Maid
- A little radiant girl, illustrated by John Campbell
- A Passionate Pilgrim Maxims
- The Poems of Katharine Tynan (1963) edited by Monk Gibbon
- Збірка поезії (англ.)
- (англ.) . Архів оригіналу за 20 Лютого 2018.
- (англ.) . Архів оригіналу за 3 Липня 2019.
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U Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshih lyudej iz prizvishem Tajnen Ketrin Tajnen 23 sichnya 1859 2 kvitnya 1931 irlandska pismennicya vidoma svoyimi romanami i poeziyeyu Pislya togo yak vishla zamizh v 1898 roci za anglijskim pismennikom ta advokatom Genrihom Albertom Hinksonom 1865 1919 vona zazvichaj pidpisuvalasya pid imenem Ketrin Tajnen Hinkson Katharine Tynan Hinkson Z yihnih troh ditej en 1900 1982 takozh stala pismenniceyu Ketrin TajnenZhittyepisTajnen narodilasya u velikij sim yi v en Dublin ta otrimala osvitu v monastirskij shkoli Svyatoyi Katerini u Drogedi Yiyi poeziya bula vpershe opublikovana v 1878 roci V 1886 vona poznajomilasya z poetom Dzherardom Manli Hopkinsom Ketrin prodovzhuvala grati znachnu rol u dublinskih literaturnih kolah poki vona ne odruzhilasya i ne pereyihala do Angliyi piznishe vona zhila v Klaremorris okrugu Majo koli yiyi cholovik magistrat tam z 1914 po 1919 rik Yak povidomlyayetsya vona napisala ponad 100 romaniv Yiyi zibrani virshi z yavilisya v 1930 roci vona takozh napisala p yat avtobiografichnih tomiv Katarin Tinan Hinkson pomerla 2 kvitnya 1931 roku v misti Uimbldon London 72 roki PublikaciyiLouise de la Valliere 1885 virshi Shamrocks 1887 Ballads amp Lyrics 1891 Irish Love Songs 1892 A Cluster of Nuts Being Sketches Among My Own People 1894 Cuckoo Songs 1894 Miracle Plays 1895 The Land of Mist and Mountain 1895 The Way of a Maid 1895 Three Fair Maids or the Burkes of Derrymore c 1895 later Illustrated by G Demain Hammond An Isle in the Water 1896 Any women 1896 Oh What a Plague is Love 1896 The Golden Lily 1899 The Dear Irish Girl 1899 Her Father s Daughter 1900 Poems 1901 A Daughter of the Fields 1901 A King s Woman 1902 Love of Sisters 1902 The Great Captain A Story of the Days of Sir Walter Raleigh 1902 The Handsome Quaker and other Stories 1902 The Adventures of Carlo 1903 illustrated by E A Cubitt The Luck of the Fairfaxes 1904 A Daughter of Kings 1905 Innocencies 1905 poems For the White Rose 1905 A Little Book for Mary Gill s Friends 1905 The Story of Bawn 1906 The Yellow Domino 1906 Book of Memory 1906 Dick Pentreath 1906 The Cabinet of Irish Literature 4 volumes 1906 editor expansion of work by Charles Read The Rhymed Life of St Patrick 1907 Illustrated by Lyndsay Symington Twenty One poems selected by W B Yeats Dun Emer Press 1907 A Little Book of XXIV Carols 1907 Father Mathew 1908 biography of Theobald Mathew Experiences 1908 A Union of Hearts 1908 The House of the Crickets 1908 Ireland 1909 A Little Book for John O Mahony s Friends 1909 The Book of Flowers 1909 with Frances Maitland Mary Gray 1909 A Girl of Galway The Rich Man A Red Red Rose c 1910 Heart O Gold or the Little Princess The Story of Cecelia 1911 New Poems 1911 Princess Katharine 1911 Twenty five Years Reminiscences 1913 Irish Poems 1913 The Wild Harp 1913 poetry anthology editor illustrated by C M Watts A Mesalliance 1913 The Daughter of the Manor 1914 illustrated by John Campbell A Shameful Inheritance 1914 The Flower of Peace 1914 poems Mary Beaudesert V S 1915 Flower of Youth 1915 poems The Curse of Castle Eagle 1915 The House of the Foxes 1915 novel Joining the colours 1916 Lord Edward A Study in Romance 1916 The Holy War Great War Poems 1916 The Middle Years 1916 Margery Dawe 1916 illustrated by Frank E Wiles Late Songs 1917 Herb O Grace 1918 poems The sad years 1918 tribute to Dora Sigerson The Years of the Shadow 1919 The Honourable Molly 1919 Denys the Dreamer 1920 The Handsome Brandons 1921 Illustrated by G D Hammond Bitha s Wonderful Year 1922 The Wandering Years 1922 Evensong 1922 White Ladies 1922 A Mad Marriage 1922 novel Memories 1924 Life in the Occupied Area 1925 The Man from Australia 1925 The Wild Adventure 1927 Twilight Songs 1927 The Face in the Picture 1927 Haroun of London 1927 Pat the Adventurer 1928 The Respectable Lady 1928 The River 1929 Castle Perilous 1929 The Squire s Sweetheart 1930 Denise the Daughter 1930 Collected Poems 1930 The Admirable Simmons 1930 The Forbidden Way 1931 Philippa s Lover 1931 A Lonely Maid 1931 The Story of Our Lord 1932 The Other Man 1932 An International Marriage 1933 Londonderry Air 1935 The Briar Bush Maid A little radiant girl illustrated by John Campbell A Passionate Pilgrim Maxims The Poems of Katharine Tynan 1963 edited by Monk GibbonPosilannyaZbirka poeziyi angl Primitki angl Arhiv originalu za 20 Lyutogo 2018 angl Arhiv originalu za 3 Lipnya 2019