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Дайан Ларсен-Фріман (англ. Diane Larsen-Freeman, нар. 1946) — американська лінгвістка. Є почесним професором у сфері освіти та лінгвістики в Мічиганському універститеті в Енн-Арборі, штат Мічиган. Займається вивченням прикладної лінгвістики, методів викладання англійської мови як іноземної тощо.
Дайан Ларсен-Фріман | |
Народилася | 24 лютого 1946 (78 років) США |
Країна | США |
Діяльність | мовознавиця |
Alma mater | Університет Мічигану (1972) |
Заклад | Університет Мічигану, Каліфорнійський університет в Лос-Анджелесі, d і Пенсільванський університет |
Нагороди | d (2008) |
Вікіпедія, Українська, Україна, книга, книги, бібліотека, стаття, читати, завантажити, безкоштовно, безкоштовно завантажити, mp3, відео, mp4, 3gp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, малюнок, музика, пісня, фільм, книга, гра, ігри, мобільний, телефон, android, ios, apple, мобільний телефон, samsung, iphone, xiomi, xiaomi, redmi, honor, oppo, nokia, sonya, mi, ПК, web, Інтернет
Cya stattya potrebuye dodatkovih posilan na dzherela dlya polipshennya yiyi perevirnosti Bud laska dopomozhit udoskonaliti cyu stattyu dodavshi posilannya na nadijni avtoritetni dzherela Zvernitsya na za poyasnennyami ta dopomozhit vipraviti nedoliki Material bez dzherel mozhe buti piddano sumnivu ta vilucheno berezen 2021 Dajan Larsen Friman angl Diane Larsen Freeman nar 1946 amerikanska lingvistka Ye pochesnim profesorom u sferi osviti ta lingvistiki v Michiganskomu universtiteti v Enn Arbori shtat Michigan Zajmayetsya vivchennyam prikladnoyi lingvistiki metodiv vikladannya anglijskoyi movi yak inozemnoyi tosho Dajan Larsen FrimanNarodilasya24 lyutogo 1946 1946 02 24 78 rokiv SShAKrayina SShADiyalnistmovoznavicyaAlma materUniversitet Michiganu 1972 ZakladUniversitet Michiganu Kalifornijskij universitet v Los Andzhelesi d i Pensilvanskij universitetNagorodid 2008 Celce Murcia M amp Larsen Freeman D 1983 The Grammar Book An ESL EFL Teacher s Course Newbury House ISBN 978 0883772904 Larsen Freeman D 1986 Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0194341332 Larsen Freeman D amp Long M H 1991 An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research ISBN 978 0582553774 Celce Murcia M amp Larsen Freeman D 1999 The Grammar Book An ESL EFL Teacher s Course 2nd edition Heinle amp Heinle ISBN 978 0838447253 Larsen Freeman D 2000 Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 2nd edition Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0194355742 Larsen Freeman D Series Director 2002 Olympic English Mc Graw Hill Larsen Freeman D 2003 Teaching Language From Grammar to Grammaring Heinle Cengage ISBN 978 0838466759 Larsen Freeman D amp Cameron L 2008 Complex Systems and Applied Linguistics Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0194422444 Larsen Freeman D Series Director 2008 Grammar Dimensions Form Meaning and Use Revised edition National Geographic Learning 1 Ellis N C amp Larsen Freeman D Editors 2009 Language as a Complex Adaptive System Wiley Blackwell ISBN 978 1444334005 Larsen Freeman D amp Anderson M 2011 Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition Oxford University Press ISBN 978 0194423601 Larsen Freeman D amp Celce Murcia M 2015 The Grammar Book Form Meaning and Use for English Language Teachers 3rd edition National Geographic Learning Cengage Publishing Company ISBN 978 1111351861 Rozdili Larsen Freeman D 2011 Key concepts in language learning and language education In J Simpson Ed Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics Larsen Freeman D 2011 A complexity theory approach to second language development acquisition In D Atkinson Ed Alternative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition pp 48 72 Routledge Larsen Freeman D 2012 Complexity theory In S Gass and A Mackey Eds Handbook of Second Language Acquisition pp 73 87 Routledge Larsen Freeman D 2012 Grateful for the many learnings from Caleb Gattegno In The Gattegno Effect 100 Voices on One of History s Greatest Educators Educational Solutions Inc Larsen Freeman D 2013 Chaos Complexity theory for second language acquisition development In C Chapelle Ed Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics Malden MA Wiley Blackwell Larsen Freeman D 2013 Complexity theory Dynamic systems theory In P Robinson Ed Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition Routledge Larsen Freeman D 2013 Complex dynamic systems and technemes In J Arnold Morgan and T Murphey Eds Meaningful Action Earl Stevick s Influence on Language Teaching Cambridge University Press 190 201 Larsen Freeman D 2014 Teaching grammar In M Celce Murcia D Brinton and M A Snow Eds Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language 4th ed National Geographic Learning Cengage Learning 256 270 Larsen Freeman D 2014 Another step to be taken Rethinking the endpoint of the interlanguage continuum In Z H Han amp E Tarone Eds Interlanguage Forty Years Later Amsterdam John Benjamins 203 220 Larsen Freeman D 2015 Ten Lessons from CDST What is on offer In Z Dornyei P MacIntyre and A Henry Eds Motivational Dynamics in Language Learning Multilingual Matters 11 19 Larsen Freeman D 2015 Complexity theory In B VanPatten and J Williams Eds Theories in Second Language Acquisition 2nd edition Routledge 227 244 Larsen Freeman D 2016 A successful union Linking ELF with CAS In L Lopriore and E Grazzi Eds Intercultural Communication New Perspectives from ELF pp 15 29 Rome Roma Tres Press Larsen Freeman D 2016 World language teaching Thinking differently with D J Tedick In D Gitomer and C Bell Eds Handbook of Research on Teaching 5th edition American Educational Research Association 1335 1387 Larsen Freeman D 2016 Complexity and ELF A matter of nonteleology In M L Pitzl and R Osimk Teasdale Eds English as a Lingua Franca Perspectives and prospects Contributions in Honour of Barbara Seidlhofer pp 139 146 De Gruyter Mouton Larsen Freeman D 2017 Complexity theory The lessons continue In L Ortega amp Z H Han Eds Complexity Theory and Language Development In Celebration of Diane Larsen Freeman pp 11 50 Amsterdam and Philadelphia John Benjamins Larsen Freeman D 2018 Complexity and ELF In J Jenkins W Baker and M Dewey Eds The Routledge Handbook on English as a Lingua Franca pp 51 60 Routledge Larsen Freeman D amp H Nguyen 2018 Task based language teaching and complexity theory In M Ahmadian amp M Del Pilar Garcia Mayo Eds Recent Larsen Freeman D 2018 Perspectives on Task based Learning and Teaching pp 167 193 De Gruyter Mouton doi 10 1515 9781501503399 009 Larsen Freeman D 2018 Second language acquisition WE and language as a complex adaptive system CAS In P De Costa amp K Bolton Eds World Englishes 37 1 Special Issue 80 92 doi 10 1111 weng 12304 Larsen Freeman D 2018 Task repetition or tasks iteration It does make a difference In M Bygate Ed Learning Language Through Task Repetition pp 311 329 Amsterdam and Philadelphia John Benjamins Larsen Freeman D 2018 Resonances Second language development and language planning and policy from a complexity theory perspective In F Hult T Kupisch amp M Siiner Eds Language Acquisition and Language Policy Planning pp 203 217 Springer Larsen Freeman D J Blommaert O Garcia G Kress 2018 Communicating beyond diversity a bricolage of ideas In A Sherris amp E Adami Eds Making Signs Translanguaging Ethnographies pp 9 29 Bristol Multilingual Matters Statti Larsen Freeman D E 1975 The acquisition of grammatical morphemes by adult ESL students TESOL Quarterly 9 4 409 419 2 Larsen Freeman D 1985 Overviews of theories of language learning and acquisition In Issues in English Language Development National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education ERIC ED273145 Larsen Freeman D 1989 Pedagogical descriptions of language Grammar Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 10 187 195 3 Larsen Freeman D 1991 Second language acquisition research Staking out the territory TESOL Quarterly 25 2 315 350 4 Larsen Freeman D 1997 Chaos complexity science and second language acquisition Applied Linguistics 18 2 141 165 5 Larsen Freeman D 2002 Making sense of frequency Studies in Second Language Acquisition 24 2 275 285 6 Larsen Freeman D 2004 Conversation analysis for second language acquisition It all depends The Modern Language Journal 88 4 603 607 7 Larsen Freeman D 2006 The emergence of complexity fluency and accuracy in the oral and written production of five Chinese learners of English Applied Linguistics 27 4 590 619 8 Ellis N C amp Larsen Freeman D 2006 Language emergence Implications for applied linguistics Applied Linguistics 27 558 589 9 Larsen Freeman D 2007 On the complementarity of chaos complexity theory and dynamic systems theory in understanding the second language acquisition process Bilingualism Language and Cognition 10 1 35 37 10 Larsen Freeman D amp Freeman D 2008 Language moves The place of foreign languages in classroom teaching and learning Review of Research in Education 32 1 147 186 11 Larsen Freeman D amp Cameron L 2008 Research methodology on language development from a complex systems perspective The Modern Language Journal 92 2 200 213 12 Larsen Freeman D 2009 Teaching and testing grammar In M Long amp C Doughty Eds The Handbook of Language Teaching Blackwell 13 Ellis N C amp Larsen Freeman D 2009 Constructing a second language Analyses and computational simulations of the emergence of linguistic constructions from usage Language Learning 59 s1 90 125 14 Larsen Freeman D 2011 Key concepts in language learning and language education In J Simpson Ed Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics 15 Larsen Freeman D 2012 Complex dynamic systems A new transdisciplinary theme for applied linguistics Language Teaching 45 2 202 214 16 Larsen Freeman D 2012 From unity to diversity to diversity within unity English Teaching Forum 50 2 28 38 17 Larsen Freeman D 2012 On the role of repetition in language teaching and learning Applied Linguistics Review 3 2 195 210 18 Larsen Freeman D 2012 The emancipation of the language learner Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 2 3 297 309 19 Larsen Freeman D 2013 Transfer of learning transformed Language Learning 63 s1 107 129 20 Larsen Freeman D 2015 Saying what we mean Making the case for second language acquisition to become second language development Language Teaching 48 4 491 505 21 Larsen Freeman D 2015 Research into practice Grammar learning and teaching Language Teaching 48 2 263 280 22 The Douglas Fir Group 2016 A transdisciplinary framework for SLA in a multilingual world The Modern Language Journal 16 19 47 23 Larsen Freeman D 2016 Classroom oriented research from a complex systems perspective Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 6 3 377 393 24 Nagorodi Permiya Kenneta V Mildenbergera z Linn Kameron za skladni sistemi i prikladnu lingvistiku nagorodzhena Asociaciyeyu suchasnoyi movi Nagoroda za stipendiyi ta poslugi prisudzhena Amerikanskoyu asociaciyeyu prikladnoyi lingvistiki 50 at 50 Lider v TESOL obrana Mizhnarodnoyu asociaciyeyu TESOL section PosilannyaLarsen Freeman on the University of Michigan s website 21 lyutogo 2019 u 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