Гаврилюк Павло Леонідович (місце народження — Київ) — доктор філософії, титулярний професор богословської кафедри університету св. Фоми в м. Сент-Пол, штат Міннесота, США. Спеціаліст в галузі патристики, філософії релігії, а також сучасного православного богослов'я, диякон Православної Церкви в Америці (з 2001 року).
Гаврилюк Павло Леонідович | |
Народився | 1972[1] Київ, Українська РСР, СРСР[1] |
Діяльність | богослов, публіцист, викладач університету |
Галузь | православне богослов’я[1], Патристика[1] і філософія релігії[1] |
Знання мов | англійська[1] |
Сайт | paulgavrilyuk.wordpress.com |
2001 — Ph. D., з пошаними, релігієзнавство, Південний методистський університет, Даллас, Техас.
Сфера дослідження: Історія християнської думки Тема дисертації: «Божеські страждання і безпристрасність в патристичній теології».
1993-1995 — Магістр з відзнакою, Школа теології ім. Перкінса, Південний методистський університет.
1988- 1993 — Бакалавр з відзнакою, Московський фізико-технічний інститут, Росія.
Науково-дослідницька діяльність
Наукові роботи проф. Гаврилюка перекладені на 10 іноземних мов. На батьківщині відомий по своїй монографії «Історія катехізації в древній церкві» (2001), статтями, а також регулярними виступами в навчальних закладах та ЗМІ. Книга «Георгій Флоровський та релігійно-філософський ренесанс» («Дух i Літера» 2017) є авторизованим перекладом з англійської та першою монографічною працею автора, випущеною на батьківщині. Гаврилюк є президентом і засновником Міжнародного Православного Богословського Товариства.
Церковно-богослужбова діяльність
У 2001 р. став дияконом собору у м. Даллас, згодом перейшов у м. Міннеаполіс.
Мовні навички
Класична і середньовічна латина, койне і класична грецька, французька, старослов'янська (на рівні читача), російська, українська (рідна).
Досвід роботи
2014-тепер — професор теології і філософії, кафедра теології, університет Сент-Томас, Сент-Пол, штат Міннесота.
2016 (липень) — запрошений як професор, Грецька православна школа теології Святого Хреста, Бруклайн, штат Массачусетс.
2013-2014 — доцент кафедри теології, університет Сент-Томас, Сент-Пол, штат Міннесота.
2013 (липень) — співдиректор з д-ом Вільямом Абрахам, Кальвіністська літня семінарія Східне православ'я для заходу, Кальвіністський коледж, Гренд-Репідс, штат Мічиган.
2007-2013 — доцент історичної теології, кафедра теології, університет Сент-Томас, Сент-Пол, штат Міннесота (штатний).
2007 (весна) — запрошений як старший викладач історичної теології, Гарвардський університет, Кембридж, штат Массачусетс.
2001-2006 — старший викладач історичної теології, кафедра теології, університет Сент-Томас, Сент-Пол, штат Міннесота.
2005 (осінь) — запрошений як професор, Pontificia Università San Tommaso, Рим, Італія.
2005 (березень) — запрошений як професор, Український католицький університет, Львів, Україна.
2004, 05, 06 — запрошений як професор, Інститут св. Томи, Київ, Україна.
1998-2001 — позаштатний викладач, Школа теології Перкінса, Південний методистський університет.
2000 — запрошений як професор, Школа теологіїЦентральної Азії, Караганда, Казахстан.
Доповіді на конференціях
2017 ‘Sabotaging Conciliarity: Patriarch Kirill's Ideology of the Russian World (Russkiimir) and the Geopolitics of the Council of Crete’, a paper presented at ‘Global Orthodoxy: Religion, Politics, and Human Rights’ Conference, University of Padova, Padova, Italy, 12 May 2017
‘The Eschatological Dimension of Sacramental Unity: An Orthodox Christian View’, a keynote address at ‘Come, Let Us Eat Together: Sacraments and the Unity of the Church’ Conference, Wheaton College, 7 April 2017
‘Divine Judgment in Pavel Florensky and SergiusBulgakov’, a paper presented at ‘Imagining the Eschatological State’ Symposium, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, 25 March 2017 [ 10 листопада 2017 у Wayback Machine.]
2016 ‘The International Orthodox Theological Association and the Plans for the Inaugural Conference in Iasi, Romania on 9-12 January 2019’, a paper presented at the History of Christianity Session of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas, 21 November 2016
‘How to Develop Aesthetic and Spiritual Perception: Some Lessons from Claude Monet and Wassily Kandinsky’, a paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Spiritual Perception, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas, 18 November 2016 Co-organizer, with Dr. Frederick Aquino of the Fifth International Symposium on Spiritual Perception as a special full-day event at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas, 18-19 November 2016
‘Introducing the Spiritual Perception Project: The Historical and Constructive Stages’, a paper presented at Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University, Villanova, PA,15 October 2016
‘Steps Towards the Creation of an International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA)’, a contribution to the panel discussion of the Holy and Great Council of Crete, Orthodox Theological Society in America, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA, 30 September 2016
‘The Historic Council of the Orthodox Church: A Participant's Report’, a public lecture at Boston College, Boston, MA, 31 July 2016
‘Receiving the Holy and Great Council’, a public lecture at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA, 20 July 2016
‘The Holy and Great Council of Crete: A Participant's Report’, a public lecture at the Open Orthodox University of St. Sophia of Kiev, 4 July 2016
‘The Role of Baptismal Illumination and Eros in Pseudo-Dionysius’ Account of Noetic Vision’, a paper presented at the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, Seattle, Washington, 15 June 2016 (read in absentia)
‘The Revelation of Eternity in Death: A New Reading of Bulgakov'sSophiology’, a paper presented at the Symposium on Death and Dying’, Wheaton College, Chicago, Illinois, 18 March 2016
‘Three Patristic Views of Divine Anger’, a paper presented at the Divine Action and Human Suffering in the Old Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Debate, Chicago, Illinois, 11 February 2016
Attendee at the Special Meeting of the Orthodox Scholars with the Ecumenical Patriarch, Istanbul, Turkey, 5 January 2016
2015 ‘The Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932—1933 and the Cost of Forgetting’, a talk given at «Remembering Holodomor Victims, Honoring Euromaidan Heroes» Commemorative Event, Minnesota History Center, 5 December 2015
Co-organizer, with Dr. Frederick Aquino of the International Symposium on Spiritual Perception as a special full-day event at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Atlanta, Georgia, 20 November 2015
‘Panel discussion of Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance (Oxford, 2013): An Answer to Drs. Heather Bailey, Randall Poole, and Paul Valliere’, Biannual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture, Memphis, Tennessee, 18 September 2015
‘"Fathers" and «sons» of the Russian Religious Renaissance in the Dispersion: Florovsky and Bulgakov’, lecture given at the international conference ‘Humanities in Russia and the Break of 1917: An Existential Dimension’, Perm’, Russia, 25 August 2015 (presented via teleconferencing) ‘Russian Émigré Political Theology’, paper presented at the ‘Political Orthodoxy and Totalitarianism in a Post-Communist Era’ Conference, Volos Academy for Theological Studies, Helsinki, Finland, 28-31 May 2015
‘Georges Florovsky's Influence on Twentieth Century Orthodox Theology’, public lecture delivered at Iasi University, Romania and presentations of the Romanian translations of Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance (Oxford, 2013) and The Suffering of the Impassible God (Oxford, 2004), 26 May 2015
‘Does God Suffer?’, a public lecture given at the National University Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine, 21 May 2015
‘Understandings of Spiritual Perception,’ a paper presented at the Religious Experience Workshop, Center for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, 6-9 May 2015
‘Georges Florovsky and His Contemporaries: Neopatristics in the context of Russian Religious Renaissance and the Experience of Emigration,’ a public lecture given at Mechnikov State University, Odessa, Ukraine, 6 April 2015
‘Why Study Theology? Theological Education and the Idea of a University,’ a public lecture given at the National University Kiev-Mohyla Academy, Kiev, Ukraine, 2 April 2015
‘The Future of Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue’, a Keynote address at the ‘Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue after Vatican II: Examining the Issues’ Event, Huffington Ecumenical Institute, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, 28 March 2015
‘Plotinus on Divine Simplicity’, a paper discussed at the Divine Simplicity Symposium, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, 19 March 2015
‘Does God Suffer?’, public lecture delivered at the Philosophy Colloquium, Philosophy Department, University of St. Thomas, St Paul, MN, 3 March 2015
2014 ‘Georges Florovsky and Changing Paradigms of Modern Orthodox Theology’, a response to George Hunsinger, Cyril O'Regan, Vera Shevzov and Matthew Baker at a panel dedicated to Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Diego, CA, 22 November 2014
‘Discerning God's Mysterious Presence: Towards a Retrieval of the Spiritual Senses Tradition’, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Diego, CA, 22 November 2014
‘A New Chapter in the History of Russian Émigré Religious Philosophy: Georges Florovsky's unpublished manuscript, «Русскаяфилософиявэмиграции», paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies’, San Antonio, TX, 20 November 2014
Organizer and host of the panel ‘The End of the Post-Cold War Order? Ukraine, Russia and American Security’ at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN, 7 October 2014
‘Towards a Perichoretic Model of Ecumenism: A Response to Prof. Rusty Reno’, a paper delivered at the conference ‘Engaging in the Gospel of John, Engaging One Another’, Paradosis Center, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, NW Arkansas, 26 September 2014
‘ГеоргийФлоровскийиКиевскаябогословскаятрадиция’ [‘Georges Florovsky and the Kyiv Theological Tradition], a public lecture delivered at Kyiv Theological Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine, 15 September 2014
‘Religion and Politics in Putin's War in Ukraine’, a communication read at the panel ‘Negotiating a Protracted Conflict: Ukraine, August 1914 to the Present’, The Twin Cities Museum of Russian Art, 21 August 2014
‘Kyiv Theological Tradition in Georges Florovsky'sWays of Russian Theology: A Critical Assessment’, International Symposium of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada, ‘Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the Global Family of Orthodox Churches: Past, Present and Future’, St. Michael's College, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 8-10 May 2014
‘Bulgakov's Sophiological Panentheism’, keynote address at the Fourth Annual Symposium in honor or Fr. Georges Florovsky, ‘Creation and Creaturehood: The Doctrine of Creation in the Patristic Tradition’, Princeton Theological Seminary, 14-15 February 2014
2013 ‘Review of Christopher Beeley, The Unity of Christ (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2012)’, Panel Discussion at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Baltimore, 23 November 2013
‘Florovsky's Historical Method’, paper presented at the Methodology Faculty Seminar, St Tikhon's University, Moscow, Russia, 21 November 2013 ‘Florovsky's Twenty-Five Year Path to The Ways of Russian Theology: From the «Originality Narrative» to the «Pseudomorphosis Narrative»’, paper presented at the International Conference ‘Filosofskoeibogoslovskoenasledie G. V. Florovskogo: Sovremennyeinterpretatsii’, Dom RusskogoZarubezh'ia, 18 November 2013
‘The Reception of Florovsky in Twentieth-Century Orthodox Theology’, a public lecture given at Kiev Theological Academy, Kiev, Ukraine, 16 November 2013
‘Orthodox-Catholic Dialog 50 Years After Vatican II: The Prospect and Promise of Full Communion’, paper presented at the International Conference ‘Ecumenical Theology and Hermeneutics in the Post-Modern Age’, Bose, Italy, 16-19 October 2013
‘The Epistemological Contours of Florovsky'sNeopatristic Theology’, paper presented at the International Conference ‘Can Orthodox Theology be Contextual’, Romanian Institute for Inter-Orthodox, Inter-Confessional and Inter-Religious Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24 May 2013
‘Perceiving the Risen Christ: The Christian Doctrine of the Spiritual Senses’, a public lecture presented at the meeting of the MacLaurin Institute, University of Minnesota, 3 April 2013
‘Diversity in Eastern Christianity: Historical Traumas and Cultural Dislocations’, a public lecture presented at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, as a part of three-year series ‘Justice, Tolerance and Diversity’, 22 March 2013
2012 ‘Florovsky's Reading of Maximus the Confessor: Anti-Bulgakov or Pro-Bulgakov?’, paper presented at the International Symposium on St Maximus the Confessor: ‘Knowing the Purpose of Everything Through the Power of the Resurrection’, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, October
‘The Predicament of Orthodox Theologians in the US Academy: Five Major Transformations of the Past Century’, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Orthodox Theological Society of America, St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, NY, September
‘Creation and Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of Fr SergiusBulgakov’, paper presented at XX International Conference on Orthodox Spirituality, Bose Monastery, Italy, September (in absentia)
‘Vladimir Lossky's Reception of Georges Florovsky'sNeopatristic Theology’, a keynote address at ‘A Celebration of Living Theology: Engaging with the Work of Andrew Louth’ International Conference, Durham University, Durham, UK, July
‘The Heritage of Vatican II, Papal Primacy, and the Future of Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue’, a keynote address at the Orientale Lumen: Australasia and Oceania IV Conference, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia, July
2011 ‘A Brief History of the Soul’, a public lecture delivered at ‘Neuroscience and the Soul’ Dialogue, organized by the Science and Theology Network, University of St Thomas, St Paul, MN, November
‘From Youthful Veneration to Bitter Condemnation: Florovsky's Re-Reading of Solovyov’, paper presented at the conference of Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October
‘The Varieties of Neopatristic Synthesis in the Twentieth Century Russian Theology: Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, Alexander Schmemann, and…SergiusBulgakov’, a paper presented at the annual conference of the Orthodox Theological Society in America, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA, September
2010 ‘The Case of «Westernization» vs. Hellenization: The Methodological Limitations of Georges Florovsky'sNeopatristic Synthesis’, a keynote address at the ‘Orthodox Constructions of the West’ Conference, Fordham University, New York, NY, June
‘Florovsky's Christian Hellenism: A Critical Evaluation’, a keynote address at ‘Neopatristic Synthesis or Post-Patristic Theology: Can Orthodox Theology Be Contextual?’, Volos Academy of Theological Studies, Volos, Greece, June
‘Fathers and Hellenism’, a keynote address at ‘Hellenism and Orthodoxy’ conference, St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Crestwood, NY, June
‘Did Pseudo-Dionysius Live in Constantinople?’, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of North American Patristics Conference, Chicago, IL, May
2009 ‘The Retrieval of Deification’, paper presented at the Patristics Conference, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine, September (read in absentia)
‘The Polemical Uses of the Concept of the ‘West’ in Eastern Orthodox Theology as Exemplified by the Neopatristic Synthesis of Fr. Georges Florovsky’, Lecture given at St Tikhon's Theological University, Moscow, Russia, and at St Andrew's Theological Institute, Ukrainian Orthodox Autochephalous Patriarchate, Kiev, Ukraine, September
‘The Heritage of Vatican II and the Future of Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue’, lecture given at the annual conference of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology, John Paul II Center, Washington, D.C., June. Russian translation by YuriiChernomorets published at: http://ukrmonitor.ucoz.org/news/budushhee_pravoslavno_katolicheskogo_dialoga/2010-09-18-3917
‘Clement of Alexandria on Seeing God’, paper read at the Annual Meeting of the North American Patristics Society, Chicago, May
‘Deification in Recent Historical Research’, paper read at the Interdisciplinary Philosophical Theology Workshop, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, May
2008 ‘The Spiritual Senses in the Illuminationist Epistemology of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’, paper read at the Annual Meeting of the North American Patristics Society, Chicago, May
‘Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’, Boston Colloquy in the Spiritual Senses, Boston College, Boston, MA, May
2007 ‘Baptism in The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy: Did Dionysius the Areopagite Live in Constantinople?’, paper read at the International Conference on the Theology of the Sacraments, Moscow, Russia, November
‘The Theology of Dionysius the Areopagite in the Twentieth Century Eastern Orthodox Scholarship: A Reappraisal’, Boston Colloquy in Historical Theology, Boston College, Boston, MA, August
‘God's Impassible Suffering in the Flesh: The Promise of Paradoxical Christology’, address at the conference ‘Divine Impassibility and Human Suffering’, Providence College, Providence, RI, March
2006 ‘The Problem of God's Participation in Suffering As a Key Factor in the Dialectical Development of Patristic Christology’, the North American Patristics Society Conference, Chicago, May
2005 ‘Christ's Participation in Human Suffering in the Early Christian Theology of Martyrdom’, 5th International L.E.S.T. Conference, Leuven, Belgium, November.
‘Catéchuménat: intégration des nouveaux venusdansl'Église’ [‘Catechumenate: The integration of newcomers in the Church’], International Congress of Orthodox Christians in Western Europe, Blankeberghe, Belgium, October.
2004 ‘Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of SergiusBulgakov’, Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX, November.
«Православный взгляд на наследие св. ФомыАквинского: Попыткаосвободитьсяотстереотипов» [‘An Eastern Orthodox Assessment of St Thomas Aquinas: An Attempt to Overcome the Stereotypes’], Theological Institute of Thomas Aquinas, Kiev, Ukraine, January.
‘melito's Influence upon the Theopaschite Motifs in the Anaphora of the Apostolic Constitutions 8. 12’, paper presented at the North American Patristics Society Conference, Chicago, May.
2003 «Пути возрождения святоотеческой системы оглашения в современной церкви» [‘Towards the Restoration of Patristic Catechumenate in the Contemporary Church’], an address at Sretenskaia Seminary, Moscow, Russia, and Moscow Theological Academy, SergievPosad, Russia, January.
2001 ‘Theopatheia: Nestorius’ Main Charge against Cyril of Alexandria’, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Denver, Colorado, November.
‘The Arians’ Suffering God: A Reconsideration of the Hanson-Wiles Interpretation’, paper presented at the GPRS Colloquium at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, December.
2000 ‘Theology in Color: Images of the Trinity in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition’, an address at the Annual Diocesan Assembly of the Orthodox Church in America, Dallas, Texas, May.
1999 «Несколько замечаний о применении святоотеческой системы оглашения в современной церкви» [‘Several Comments Regarding the Application of Patristic Catechetical System in the Contemporary Church’], Annual International Conference organized by St. Philaret's Theological Institute, Moscow, Russia, September.
1998 «Русский язык осовременное православное богослужение» [‘Russian Language and Contemporary Orthodox Worship’], a paper presented at the Annual International Conference organized by St. Philaret's Theological Institute, Moscow, Russia, September.
A Response to Prof. Thomas Hopko's paper ‘Apophatic Theology and the Naming of God in Eastern Orthodox Tradition’, Graduate Colloquy, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, October.
‘A priori Arguments for Theism from the Natural and Moral Orders: A Comparative Analysis’, paper presented at the Origen Society, Dallas, TX, May.
Сфери наукових інтересів
- Сучасна Російська Православна Теологія (головним чином зосередження на Георгію Флоровському і Сергію Булгакову)
- Духовна перцепція
- Божеські страждання / безстрастя
- Християнські основи: Історія і Практика
Сфери викладацької діяльності
- Патристика / Християнство Пізньої Античності
- Східне християнство
- Східна Православна Теологія
- Російська релігійна думка
- Філософія Релігії
- Систематична теологія
- Історія Християнської доктрини
Навчальні предмети
- Християнська теологічна традиція (вступний курс для студентів з неповною вищою освітою)
- Рання християнська теологія (200-рівневий курс неповної вищої освіти)
- Патристика (вступний курс вищої освіти)
- Християнська доктрина Бога (поглиблений курс вищої освіти)
- Східне християнство (поглиблений курс вищої освіти)
- Східне православ'я для заходу (літній семінар для викладачів і духовенства Кальвіністського коледжу)
- Колиска Раннього християнства: подорож через Туреччину і Грецію (іноземний навчальний курс в Туреччині і Греції)
- Християнська посвята і поклоніння (навчальний курс в Італії)
- Посвята і поклоніння в Ранній Церкві (семінар в Українському католицькому університеті)
- Людські і божеські страждання Пізньої Античності (курс вищої освіти, Гарвардська школа богослов'я)
- Вступ до сучасної російської релігійної думки (семінар, Гарвардська школа богослов'я)
- Систематична теологія (двосеместровий оглядовий курс вищої освіти)
- Кроки до святості (факультативний курс вищої освіти)
- Зло і страждання (курс для студентів вищого рівня неповної вищої освіти)
- Розуміння викуплення в християнській традиції (семінар вищої освіти)
- Сакральні місця Франції (іноземний курс у Франції)
- Вступ до Аквінського (лекційний курс для студентів неповної вищої освіти в Інституті св. Томи, Київ, Україна)
- Багатоманітність синтезу неопатристики 21 століття: Георгій Флоровський і його послідовники (семінар вищої освіти в PappasPatristicInstitute, Грецька православна школа теології Святого хреста, Бруклайн, штат Массачусетс)
Професійне членство
- Північно-американське патристичне товариство (TheNorthAmericanPatristicsSociety (NAPS)
- Православна теологічна спільнота в Америці (OrthodoxTheologicalSocietyinAmerica (OTSA)
- Асоціація для вивчення східної християнської історії і культури (Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture (ASEC)
- Американська академія релігії (American Academy of Religion (AAR)
Навчально-методична праця
- Директор і засновник, Міжнародна православна теологічна асоціація, 2017-тепер
- Консультант у Видавництві Університету Джона Гопкінса (2016)
- Зовнішній кореспондент у прес-службі Вселенського православного патріархату (EcumenicalPatriarchate'sPressOffice)на Святому і Великому Соборі на Криті (червень, 2016)
- Консультант у Видавництві Університету Кембриджу (2014)
- Консультант у Видавництві Університету Нотр Дам (2014)
- Член редакційної колегії, Вісник ПСТГУ, Православний Свято-Тихоновський Університет, Москва, Росія, 2014-тепер
- Засновник і координатор, Міждисциплінарний колоквіум, кафедра теології, Університет Сент-Томас, 2014-тепер
- Член редакційної колегії, Форматори сучасної теології, Видавництво «Фортрес», 2013-тепер
- Член редакційної колегії, Релігія і Університет, «T&TClark», 2011-тепер
- Член ради директорів, центр"Paradosis", Університет Джона Брауна, 2013-тепер
- Засновник серії публічних лекцій «Міждисциплінарні переговори», Університет Сент-Томас, 2015—2016
- Засновник міждисциплінарного колоквіуму, Університет Сент-Томас, 2014-тепер
- Член управлінського комітету, Спільнота досліджень східного православ'я, Американська академія релігії, 2011—2017
- Засновник і координатор серії публічних лекцій «Нові горизонти в теологічних дослідженнях», Університет Сент-Томас, 2011-тепер
- Консультант журналу «Логос: журнал досліджень східного християнства» (огляд статей)
- Консультант музею російського мистецтва (Міннеаполіс), 2012—2013
- Консультант у видавництві Університету Фордгем (2012)
- Член ради директорів, Грецька православна школа теології Святого Хреста, 2012-тепер
- Старший науковий співробітник Центру біблійної екзегетики, філософії і доктрини, Університет Дейтону, штат Огайо, 2011—2013
- Консультант у видавничому домі «Doxologia», Румунія, 2012—2015
2013 Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Publication date: 19 December 2013. Paperback in 2015.
1. Romanian translation: George Florovsky ŞiRenaştereaReligioasăRusă, trans. Adela Lungu(Doxologia: Iaşi, 2014).
2. Russian translation: Георгий Флоровский и религиозно-философский ренессанс (Дух и Литера, 2017).
3. Greek translation under contract with Volos Theological Academy.
2012 The Spiritual Senses: Perceiving God in Western Christianity. Co-editedwith Sarah Coakley. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Hardback. [ 23 грудня 2014 у Wayback Machine.]
1.Paperback published in February 2014.
2.Polish translation: DuchoweZmysły: Percepcja Boga v zachodnimchrześcijaństwie, trans. Alexander Gomola. Krakow: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2014.
2008 Immersed in the Life ofGod: The Healing Resources ofthe Christian Faith. Essays in Honorof William J. Abraham. Editedwith Douglas M. Koskela and Jason E. Vickers. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans.
2004 The Suffering of the Impassible God: The Dialectics of Patristic Thought.Oxford: Oxford University Press. Hardback.
1.Paperback edition published in 2006.
2.Expanded Spanish edition: El Sufrimientodel Dios Impasible, trans. Juan García-Baró (Salamanca: EdicionesSígueme, 2012).
3.Romanian edition: Pătimirea dumnezeului nepătimitor. Dialecticile găndirii patristice, trans. Dragoş Dâscă (Iassy: Doxologia, 2013). Panel discussion in Iasi, Romania in May 2015: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZ4HkYLOIUQ [ 8 березня 2022 у Wayback Machine.]
2001 ''История катехизации в древней церкви [A History of the Catechumenate in the Early Church]. Москва: Свято-Филаретовская московская высшая православно-христианская школа. InRussian.
1.Histoire du catéchuménat dans l’église ancienne [A History of the Catechumenate in the Early Church]. Paris: Editions du Cerf, 2007. In French. This is a substantially revised and expanded edition of the 2001 Russian original.
2.Romanian translation of the French edition is being prepared by the Doxologia Publishing House. Publication year: 2016.
Статті і розділи книг
- "God's Impassible Suffering in the Flesh: The Promise of Paradoxical Christology, " in T. J. White, ed. Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering (Eerdmans, forthcoming).
- "God's Participation in Human Suffering in the Early Christian Theology of Martyrdom, " in Proceedings of L.E.S.T. V (Leuven, forthcoming in 2008).
- "Eastern Orthodoxy (Philosophical Theology), " in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion, ed. Paul Copan and Chad V. Meister (London: Routledge, 2007).
- «Scripture and Regula Fidei: Two Interlocking components of the Canonical Heritage» and "Canonical Liturgies: The Dialectic of Lex Orandiand Lex Credendi, " in Canonical Theism, ed. William J. Abraham (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008).
- "Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of Sergius Bulgakov, " The Journal of Theological Studies57 (2006), 110—132.
- «Melito's Influence upon the Anaphora of Apostolic Constitutions 8. 12,» Vigiliae Christianae59 (2005), 355—376.
- "Theopatheia: Nestorius's Main Charge against Cyril of Alexandria, « Scottish Journal of Theology 56 (2003), 190—207.
- ‘Salvation and the „Pursuit of Happiness“’, Public Orthodoxy, 20 March 2017, at https://publicorthodoxy.org/2017/03/20/salvation-pursuit-of-happiness/ [ 21 березня 2017 у Wayback Machine.]
- ‘Perichoretic Ecumenism Inspired by John 17: A Response to Prof. R.R. Reno’, in Charles Raith II, ed., The Gospel of John: Theological-Ecumenical Readings (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade, 2017), 168—172.
- ‘The Epistemological Contours of Florovsky'sNeopatristic Theology’, Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 69.1-2 (2017), 11-24.
- ‘An Overview of Patristic Theodicies’, in Nonna Verna Harrison and David G. Hunter, eds., Suffering and Evil in Early Christian Thought (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2016), 1-6.
- ‘Diversity in Eastern Christianity: Historical Traumas and Cultural Dislocations’, in Michael J. Sweeney, ed., Justice through Diversity? A Philosophical and Theological Debate (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), 359—372.
- ‘Orthodox Council Bridges Tensions, Moves towards Interfaith Dialogue: Council of Crete Embraces Outward-Looking Leadership’, America: The National Catholic Review, 12 July 2016, at: http://americamagazine.org/issue/orthodox-council-bridges-tensions-moves-toward-interfaith-dialogue [ 6 лютого 2017 у Wayback Machine.].
- ‘Historic Orthodox Council Meets despite Absence of Four Churches: Russia's Influence Seen behind the Scenes’, America: The National Catholic Review, 7 July 2016, at: http://americamagazine.org/issue/historic-orthdox-council-meets-despite-boycott-four-churches.
- Co-authored with John Chryssavgis, ‘El sínodopanorthodoxoesvinculante’, Alfa y Omega, 30 June 2016, p. 11.
- Co-authored with John Chryssavgis, ‘The Pan-Orthodox Council Must and Will Proceed’, First Things, 6 June 2016, at http://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2016/06/the-pan-orthodox-council-must-and-will-proceed [ 3 лютого 2017 у Wayback Machine.].
- ‘When the Pope and Patriarchs Go Island Hopping: Cuba, Lesbos, and Crete’, Public Orthodoxy, 16 April 2016, at: https://publicorthodoxy.org/2016/04/16/when-the-pope-and-patriarchs-go-island-hopping-cuba-lesbos-and-crete/ [ 24 вересня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- ‘The Great and Holy Council of Crete and Orthodox-Catholic Relations’, in Nathanael Symeonides, ed., Towards the Holy and Great Council: Theological Reflections (New York, NY: Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical & Interfaith Relations, 2016), 45-48.
- On-line version of the same essay at Public Orthodoxy, 10 March 2016, https://publicorthodoxy.org/2016/03/10/the-great-and-holy-council-of-crete-and-orthodox-catholic-relations/ [ 15 березня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- ‘Why Did Patriarch Kirill of Moscow Agree to Meet with Pope Francis? A Primer in Byzantine Politics of the Russian Orthodox Church’, Public Orthodoxy, 6 February 2016, at: https://publicorthodoxy.org/2016/02/06/why-did-patriarch-kirill-of-moscow-agree-to-meet-with-pope-francis/ [ 19 березня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- 51a Swedish translation: ‘VarförgickMoskvapatriarken Kirill med påattträffapåvenFranciskus?’,Signum 1 (2016), at: http://signum.se/varfor-gick-moskvapatriarken-kirill-med-pa-att-traffa-paven-franciskus/ [ 13 квітня 2018 у Wayback Machine.].
- 51b Russian translation: „Почему Патриарх Кирилл согласился встретиться с Папой Франциском? Азы византийской политики РПЦ МП“, 12 February 2016, at :http://www.portal-credo.ru/site/?act=news&id=118399 [ 13 лютого 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- ‘Can Anything Good Come out of a Pan-Orthodox Council? A Response to Detractors’, Public Orthodoxy, 22 January 2016, at: http://publicorthodoxy.org/2016/01/21/can-anything-good-come-out-of-a-pan-orthodox-council/ [ 26 лютого 2017 у Wayback Machine.].
- a. Russian translation: „Может ли быть что доброе от Всеправославного Собора? Ответ недоброжелателям“, Релігія в Україні, 21 February 2016, athttp://www.religion.in.ua/main/daycomment/31613-mozhet-li-byt-chto-dobroe-ot-vsepravoslavnogo-sobora-otvet-nedobrozhelatelyam.htmlandathttp://risu.org.ua/ru/index/monitoring/society_digest/62247/.
- ‘The Future Pan-Orthodox Council: To Be or Not to Be?’, First Things, 22 January 2016, at: https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2016/01/the-future-pan-orthodox-council-to-be-or-not-to-be [ 20 серпня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- a. Russian translation: „Быть иль не быть всеправославному собору?“, Киевская русь, 22 January 2016, at: http://www.kiev-orthodox.org/site/events/6035/ [ 9 липня 2017 у Wayback Machine.] (translated by YuriiVestel’).
- ‘The Heritage of Vatican II and the Future of Orthodox-Catholic Dialogue’, in Lawrence Cross and BiruteArendarcicas, eds., Orientale Lumen: Australasia and Oceania IV: „Church and the West Questioning the Modern Context: Proceedings of the Conference Held in Melbourne, 4-7 July 2012 (Bayswater, Victoria, Australia: Freedom Publishing Company, 2015), 147—157.
- ‘Bulgakov's Account of Creation: Neglected Aspects, Critics and Contemporary Relevance’, International Journal of Systematic Theology 17.4 (October 2015), 450—463.
- “‘Запад’ и ‘Восток’ в контексте философии неопатристического синтеза», in А. В. Черняев, ed., Георгий Васильевич Флоровский (Москва: Политическая энциклопедия, 2015), 180—204. In Russian.
- "[Рецензия] В. Соловьев. Письма. Под ред. Э. Л. Радлова ["Florovsky's Review of E. L. Radlov, V. Soloyov. Letters]. Изд. «Время». Петербург, 1923", Историко-философский ежегодник (2015), 350—361. In Russian.
- «Флоровский Г. В. Творческий путь Владимира Соловьева. Публичная лекция» [ G.V.Florovsky, The Creative Path of Vladimir Solovyov]. Историко-философскийежегодник (2015), 327—349. In Russian.
- «ФлоровскийГ. В. Лекции, читанные в Русском Институте, Прага 1922—1923» [G.V. Florovsky, Lectures at the Russian Institute, Prague 1922—1923], Историко-философский ежегодник (2015), 303—326. InRussian.
- «Парадигмальный сдвиг в историософии Г. В. Флоровского: об истории создания курса лекций „Философия Вл. Соловьева“», ["A Paradigm Shift in Georges Florovsky's Understanding of Russian Intellectual History: The History of Composition of The Lectures on Vladimir Solovyov"], Историко-философский ежегодник (2015), 284—302. In Russian.
- Diaspora and American Orthodoxy’, Public Orthodoxy, September 2015, at: http://publicorthodoxy.org/2015/09/19/diaspora-and-american-orthodoxy/ [ 10 вересня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- Florovsky's Monograph Herzen's Philosophy of History: The New Archival Material and the Reconstruction of the Full Text’, Harvard Theological Review 108:2 (April 2015), 197—212.
- a. Russian version: [[ttps://www.academia.edu/7246309/Авторский_текст_диссертации_прот._Георгия_Флоровского_Историческая_философия_Герцена_новый_архивный_материал_и_реконструкция_композиции_Вестник_ПСТГУ_50_1_2013_63-81|«Авторский текст диссертации прот. Георгия Флоровского «Историческая философия Герцена»: новый архивный материал и реконструкция композиции», Вестник ПСТГУ 50/1 (2013), 63-81.]]
- «Влияние прот. Георгия Флоровского на православное богословие XX века», [Fr. GeorgesFlorovsky'sInfluenceonTwentieth-CenturyOrthodoxTheology], Труды КДА 20 (2014), 71-92.
- «Жажда церковного единства: Международный Украинский Православный Симпозиум в Торонто» [‘TheThirstforChurchUnity: TheInternationalUkrainianOrthodoxSymposiuminToronto’], athttp://www.religion.in.ua/main/daycomment/25780-zhazhda-cerkovnogo-edinstva-mezhdunarodnyj-ukrainskij-pravoslavnyj-simpozium-v-toronto.html [ 8 травня 2018 у Wayback Machine.], publishedon-lineMay 14, 2014.
- ‘The President and the Patriarch: An Alliance over Ukraine?’,First Things April 1, 2014, web-exclusive: http://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2014/04/the-president-and-the-patriarch [ 5 жовтня 2016 у Wayback Machine.].
- ‘Vladimir Lossky's Reception of Georges Florovsky's Neo-Patristic Theology’, in Justin Mihoc and Leonard Aldea, eds., A Celebration of Living Theology: A Festschrift in Honour of Andrew Louth (London: T&T Clark, 2014), 191—202.
- «Г. В. Флоровский. Русская философия в эмиграции» [‘G. V. Florovsky. Russian Theology in Emigration’ (a newly discovered manuscript)], Историко-философский ежегодник(2013), 314—337.
- «Неизвестная страница историко-философского наследия Г. В. Флоровского» [‘An Unknown Aspect of G. V. Florovsky's History of Modern Russian Philosophy’], Историко-философский ежегодник(2013), 304—313.
- ‘How Will the Pure in Heart See God?’,CAS Spotlight 6/1 (Fall 2013), 16-17.
- «Девятнадцать тезисов диссертации протоиерея Георгия Флоровского „Историческая философия Герцена“» [‘The Nineteen Theses of Georges Florovsky's Dissertation Herzen's Philosophy of History’], Вестник ПСТГУ52/ 3 (May-June 2013), 126-32. Co-authored with Matthew Baker. In Russian.
- ‘Georges Florovsky's Reading of Maximus: anti-Bulgakov or pro-Bulgakov?’, in Maxim Vasiljević, ed., Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Resurrection: Proceedings of the Symposium on St. Maximus the Confessor (Alhambra, CA: Sebastian Press and University of Belgrade Press, 2013), 407—415.
- ‘Creation in Early Christian Polemical Literature: Irenaeus against the Gnostics and Athanasius against the Arians’, Modern Theology 29/2 (April 2013), 22-32.
- ‘Florovsky's Neopatristic Synthesis and the Future of Orthodox Theology’, in George Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou, eds. Orthodox Constructions of the West (New York: Fordham University Press, 2013), 102—124, 302—308.
- ‘The Orthodox Renaissance’, First Things (December 2012), 33-37.
- a. Republished as ‘Teaching Orthodox Theology in the Context of Christian Diversity’, in PantelisKalaitzidis et al., eds., Orthodox Handbook of Ecumenism: Resources for Theological Education (Volos, Greece: Volos Academy Publications, 2014), 884—888.
- b. Ukrainian translation: ‘Православне відродження: нова генерація теологів’, Філософська Думка 3 (2012), 67-73. Republished on-line at: http://www.religion.in.ua/main/bogoslovya/23429-pravoslavne-vidrodzhennya-nova-generaciya-teologiv.html [ 23 березня 2015 у Wayback Machine.]
- ‘God's Participation in Human Suffering in the Early Christian Theology of Martyrdom’, in Terrence Merrigan and Frederik Glorieux, eds., ‘Godhead Here in Hiding’: Incarnation and the History of Human Suffering (Leuven: Peeters, 2012), 297—305.
- 27 a. Ukrainian translation: ‘Тема участі Бога в людському стражданні у ранньохристиянському богослов'ї мучеництва’ at: http://theology.in.ua/php_uploads/files/articles/ArticleFiles_38332_Tema_uchasti_Boga_v_ljuds'komu_strazhdanni.pdf [ 8 червня 2015 у Wayback Machine.]
- ‘Nineteenth- to Twentieth- Century Russian Mysticism’, in Julia A. Lamm, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism (Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012), 489—501.
- ‘SergiiBulgakov’, in Augustine Casiday, ed., The Orthodox Christian World (London: Routledge, 2012), 344-50.
- ‘The Greek Church Fathers and Philosophy’, in Oliver D. Crisp et al., eds., Theology and Philosophy: Faith and Reason (London: T&T Clark, 2012), 17-30.
- ‘Bulgakov, Sergius (Sergei) (1871—1944)’, in John Anthony McGuckin, ed., The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity (Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), 77-78.
- ‘Lossky, Vladimir (1903—1958)’, in John Anthony McGuckin, ed., The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity (Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), 372—373.
- ‘Harnack's Hellenized Christianity or Florovsky's «Sacred Hellenism»: Questioning Two Metanarratives of Early Christian Engagement with Late Antique Culture’, St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 54/3-4 (2010), 323—344.
- a. Greek translation: ‘Eksellismenos Hristianismos tou Harnack i «ieros Ellenismos» tou Florofskou: Diereunontas duo meta-afigiseisgia tin sidzeuksi tou proimou Hristianikou politismou me ton politismo tis histeres arhaiotitos’, Theologia 81/4 (2010), 289—311.
- ‘Patristic Thought’, in Daniel Patte, ed., The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 930—931.
- «О полемическом использовании категории „запад“ в православном богословии на примере неопатристического синтеза прот. ГеоргияФлоровского» [‘The «West» As a Polemical Category in Eastern Orthodox Theology: The Case of Fr. Georges Florovsky'sNeopatristic Synthesis’], ВестникПСТГУ29 (2010), 61-78. In Russian.
- ‘The Retrieval of Deification: How a Once-Despised Archaism Became an Ecumenical Desideratum’, Modern Theology 25/4 (October 2009), 647—659.
- a. Russian translation: «Тема обожения в богословии двадцатого века: как презираемый архаизм стал экуменическим символом», Труды КДА, forthcomingin 2014.
- ‘Baptism in Pseudo-Dionysius's Ecclesiastical Hierarchy’, StudiaLiturgica39/1 (2009), 1-14.
- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20170516075425/http://www.academia.edu/6580342/God_s_Impassible_Suffering_in_the_Flesh_The_Promise_of_Paradoxical_Christology_in_T._J._White_and_J._Keating_eds._Divine_Impassibility_and_the_Mystery_of_Human_Suffering_Grand_Rapids_Mich._Eerdmans_2009_127-149 Архівовано 16 травня 2017 у Wayback Machine.] ‘God's Impassible Suffering in the Flesh: The Promise of Paradoxical Christology,’ in T. J. White and J. Keating, eds., Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2009), 127—149.]
- ‘Did Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite Live in Constantinople?’,VigiliaeChristianae62 (2008), 505—514.
- ‘The Healing Process of Initiation: Toward the Retrieval of Patristic Catechumenate’, in P. L. Gavrilyuk et al., eds., Immersed in the Life of God: The Healing Resources of the Christian Faith. Essays in Honor of William J. Abraham (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008), 21-40.
- ‘The Reception of Dionysius in Twentieth-Century Eastern Orthodoxy’, Modern Theology 24/ 4 (October 2008), 707—723.
- a. Reprinted in Sarah Coakley and Charles M. Stang, eds., Re-Thinking Dionysius the Areopagite (Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), 177—194.
- b. Russian translation: «Дионисий Ареопагит в православном богословии двадцатого века», Труди Київської Духовної Академії,18 (2013), 137-55.
- ‘Scripture and Regula Fidei: Two Interlocking Components of the Canonical Heritage’, in William J. Abraham et al., eds., Canonical Theism: A Proposal for Theology and the Church (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008), 27-42.
- ‘Canonical Liturgies: The Dialectic of Lex Orandiand Lex Credendi’, in William J. Abraham et al., eds., Canonical Theism: A Proposal for Theology and the Church (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 2008), 61-72.
- a. Ukrainian translation: ‘Канонічні богослужіння: діалектика lexorandiтаlexcredendi’, Філософська думка,4 (2013), 145—153.
- ‘Чого св. Тома Аквінський може навчити християнських теологів вУкраїні"? [‘What Hath St Thomas Aquinas to Teach the Orthodox Theologians in Ukraine?’], Колегія 14 (2008), 82-96. In Ukrainian.
- ‘Eastern Orthodoxy (Philosophical Theology)’, in Paul Copan and Chad V. Meister, eds., The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion (London: Routledge, 2007), 476—486.
- ‘The Participation of the Deacons in the Distribution of Communion in the Early Church’, St Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 51 (2007), 255—275.
- ‘Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of SergiusBulgakov’, The Journal of Theological Studies 57 (2006), 110—132.
- a. Reprinted as ‘The Judgment of Love: The Ontological Universalism of SergiusBulgakov’ in Gregory McDonald, ed., «All Shall be Well»: Explorations in Universalism and Christian Theology, from Origen to Moltmann (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2010).
- b. Italian translation: ‘La salvezza universal delcreatonell'eschatologia di SergijBulgakov’ in Adalberto Mainardi, ed., L'uomocustode del creato: Atti del XX Convegnoecumenicointernazionale di spiritualitaortodossa, Bose, 5-8 settembre 2012 (Magnano: EdizioniQiqajon, 2013), 287—314.
- ‘The Kenotic Theology of SergiusBulgakov’, Scottish Journal of Theology 58 (2005), 251—269.
- ‘Melito's Influence upon the Anaphora of Apostolic Constitutions 8. 12’, VigiliaeChristianae59 (2005), 355—376.
- «Знамения иных времен. О „Протоколах сионских мудрецов“, антисемитизме, псевдоапокалиптике, обскурантизме и прочих недугах отечественного православного сознания», Зеркало недели, March 19-24, 2005. In Russian.
- a. English version: ‘The Signs of Other Times: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Anti-Semitism, Pseudo-Apocalypticism, and Obscurantism in Today's Russian Orthodox Church’, Religious Information Service of Ukraine, March 28, 2005.
- «Веченлиад?» [‘Is Hell Eternal?’], Quo Vadis 25 (2004), 16-19. In Russian.
- «Пути возрождения святоотеческой системы оглашения всовременной Церкви» [‘Towards the Restoration of Patristic Catechumenate in the Contemporary Church’], Quo Vadis 22 (2003), 8-12. In Russian.
- a. Reprinted in Церковный Вестник 5-6 (2004).
Огляди книг
- 9. Christopher Beeley, The Unity of Christ, in Scottish Journal of Theology 68/3 (2015), 345—350.
- 8. Heather Bailey, Orthodoxy, Modernity and Authenticity: The Reception of Ernest Renan's Life of Jesus in Russia (Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008), for Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 28-29 (2012—2013), 369-70.
- 7. ‘The Metaphysics of the Person: A response to Philip Rolnick'sPerson, Grace, and God ’, Tradition and Discovery: The Polanyi Society Periodical 36.3 (2010), 39-42.
- 6. Ysabel de Andia, Denys l'Aréopagite: Tradition et Métamorphoses (Paris: Vrin, 2006) for The Thomist 72 (2008), 334—336.
- 5. SergiusBulgakov, The Bride of the Lamb, trans. Boris Jakim (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2002) for Pro Ecclesia 13 (2004), 106—108.
- 4. A. M. Aagaard and P. Bouteneff, Beyond the East-West Divide: The World Council of Churches and «the Orthodox Problem» (Geneva: WCC Publications, 2001) for Religion in Eastern Europe 24 (2004), 36-40.
- 3. L. M. McDonald and J. A. Sanders, eds.,The Canon Debate (Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson, 2002) for Theological Studies 65 (2004), 181-3.
- 2. HilarionAlfeyev, Священная тайна Церкви: введениевисториюипроблематикуимяславскихспоров[The Sacred Mystery of the Church: An Introduction to the History of the Onomatodoxic Controversy] (St Petersburg: Aleteiia, 2002) for НезависимаяГазета 06.18.2003.
- 1. Paul Valliere, Modern Russian Theology: Bukharev, Soloviev, Bulgakov (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2000) for Theology Today 58 (2002), 656.
Відзнаки, нагороди, гранти
2015 — грант Кластер, проект релігійного досвіду, Центр філософії релігії, Університет Нотр-Дам.
2011 — Бібліотечний грант друзів Принстонського університету.
2011 — грант раптової можливості, Університет Сент-Томас.
2011 — Дослідницький грант, 3 рівня, Університет Сент-Томас.
2008 — Ірландський фонд, літо 2008, Університет Сент-Томас.
2007 — грант університетських вчених, 2008—2010, УніверситетСент-Томас.
2005 — Ліллі Грант, Університет Сент-Томас.
2004 — грант «MAXI», Університет Сент-Томас.
2003 — номінант від ПМУ на Національну нагороду для дисертаційного дослідження в області гуманітарних наук.
2002 — грант від фонду ім. Томи Аквінського, Університет Сент-Томас.
2002 — грант на науково-дослідницьку діяльність, Університет Сент-Томас.
2000–2001 — Грант для написання дисертації провоста, Університет Сент-Томас.
2000 — грант від Фонду Оазис.
1998- 1999 — грант ім. Шуберта для академічної майстерності.
1995-2000 — стипендіальна програма у сфері релігієзнавства.
1995 — нагорода ім. Чарльза Клода Селекмена у новозавітній грецькій мові.
1995 — нагородаім. Альберта Аутлера у теології.
1994 — нагорода в області знань класичних мов (латинська мова), Південний методистський університет.
1994-1995 — грант від фонду Гардінг.
1993-1995 — міжнародний студентський грант, Школа теології Перкінса.
- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20170307055534/http://www.religion.in.ua/main/bogoslovya/2002-nasledie-sv-fomy-akvinskogo-osvoboditsya-ot.html Архівовано 7 березня 2017 у Wayback Machine.] Наследие св. Фомы Аквинского: освободиться от стереотипов]
- о. Павло Гаврилюк. Чого Св. Тома Аквінський може навчити християнських теологів в Україні?
- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20220405161859/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH_t5HormBk Архівовано 5 квітня 2022 у Wayback Machine.] Lecture by Paul Gavrilyuk]
- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20220308045351/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0kEeYQx29c Архівовано 8 березня 2022 у Wayback Machine.] Paul Gavrilyuk, «Dionysius the Areopagite in the Twentieth-Century Orthodox Theology»]
- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20210116222014/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76VcmelI0qk Архівовано 16 січня 2021 у Wayback Machine.] Павел Гаврилюк. Неопатристический синтез]
- П. Гаврилюк. Русский религиозный ренессанс начала XX в.
- Павел Гаврилюк, Кирил Говорун: запитання-відповіді про Всеправославний Собор
- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200109104436/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRZdRsGi2KY Архівовано 9 січня 2020 у Wayback Machine.] Paul Gavrilyuk on Georges Florovsky and the Ways of Modern Orthodox Theology]
- Аргументи за і проти твердження, що Бог страждає — Павло Гаврилюк
Лекції й інтерв'ю
- 2017 [[https://web.archive.org/web/20170606123036/http://www.religion.in.ua/main/recenzii/36557-shlyaxi-bogoslovskoyi-dumki-u-xx-stolitti-notatki-z-prezentaciyi-knigi-pavla-gavrilyuka-u-kiyevi.html Архівовано 6 червня 2017 у Wayback Machine.] Шляхи богословської думки у ХХ столітті. Нотатки з презентації книги Павла Гаврилюка у Києві]
- [[https://web.archive.org/web/20180507155739/https://www.prostir.ua/?focus=p-havrylyuk-je-dvi-ukrajiny-ne-rosijskomovna-i-ukrajinomovna-a-ukrajina-yaka-voyuje-i-ukrajina-yaka-krade Архівовано 7 травня 2018 у Wayback Machine.] П. Гаврилюк: є дві України — не російськомовна і україномовна, а Україна, яка воює, і Україна, яка краде]
На цю статтю не посилаються інші статті Вікіпедії. Будь ласка розставте посилання відповідно до . |
- 2016 Boston College, Boston, MA, 31 July 2016
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA, 20 July 2016 Open Orthodox University of St. Sophia of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, 4 July 2016 Interview for Espresso.tv in Kiev, Ukraine on the Pan-Orthodox Council, 2 July 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnavCHc_mXk [ 8 березня 2022 у Wayback Machine.]
- 2015 Interview for KSTP Minnesota News Channel 5 on the simplification of marriage annulments: http://m.kstp.com/article.html#!/57601/8d45468355c550147016d7b9d5f1851b [ 12 серпня 2016 у Wayback Machine.]
- Interview for Romanian TV, Doxologia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4iY2Auht8c [ 22 грудня 2019 у Wayback Machine.]
Orthodox Theological Seminary, Jasi, Romania, May: National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine, March and May
- 2014 Kiev Theological Academy, Kiev, Ukraine, October
- 2013 St Tikhon's Orthodox University, Moscow, Russia, November
Kiev Theological Academy, Kiev, Ukraine, November Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, July University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, March
- 2012 University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, October
Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia, July Durham University, Durham, UK, July
- 2011 Kiev Summer Theological Institute, Lishnia, Ukraine, July
- 2010 Fordham University, New York, NY, June
St Vladimir's Theological Seminary, New York, NY, June Volos Academy of Theological Studies, Volos, Greece, June Week-long lecture course ‘The Church Fathers and Contemporary Christianity’, Evangelical Methodist Seminary of Costa Rica, Costa Rica, May
- 2009 St Tikhon's Orthodox University, Moscow, Russian
St Andrew's Theological Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
- 2007 Interview given at a Press Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate, Kiev, Ukraine: http://kiev-orthodox.org/site/meetings/1849/ [ 29 листопада 2020 у Wayback Machine.]
Pappas Patristics Institute, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA Providence College, Providence, RI
- 2006 Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI
St. Mary's Greek Orthodox Church, Minneapolis, MN
- 2005 Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine, March
Greek Catholic Seminary of the Holy Spirit, Rudno, Ukraine, March St Thomas Aquinas Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine, January
- 2004 St Thomas Aquinas Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine, March
KTIS Russian Radio, St Paul, MN, two lecture-sermons on the gospel of Mark Church of St. Agapitos of the Caves, Kiev, Ukraine, January
- 2002 Orthodox Missionary Institute, Kiev, Ukraine, January
- 2001 First Presbyterian Church, Dallas, Texas
- 2000 Annual Assembly of the Diocese of the South (OCA), Dallas, Texas
- 1996 First United Methodist Church, Humble, Texas
- 1995 First United Methodist Church, Kilgore, Texas
- Czech National Authority Database
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Gavrilyuk Pavlo Leonidovich misce narodzhennya Kiyiv doktor filosofiyi titulyarnij profesor bogoslovskoyi kafedri universitetu sv Fomi v m Sent Pol shtat Minnesota SShA Specialist v galuzi patristiki filosofiyi religiyi a takozh suchasnogo pravoslavnogo bogoslov ya diyakon Pravoslavnoyi Cerkvi v Americi z 2001 roku Gavrilyuk Pavlo LeonidovichNarodivsya1972 1 Kiyiv Ukrayinska RSR SRSR 1 Diyalnistbogoslov publicist vikladach universitetuGaluzpravoslavne bogoslov ya 1 Patristika 1 i filosofiya religiyi 1 Znannya movanglijska 1 Sajtpaulgavrilyuk wordpress com Mediafajli u Vikishovishi U Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshih lyudej iz prizvishem Gavrilyuk Osvita2001 Ph D z poshanimi religiyeznavstvo Pivdennij metodistskij universitet Dallas Tehas Sfera doslidzhennya Istoriya hristiyanskoyi dumki Tema disertaciyi Bozheski strazhdannya i bezpristrasnist v patristichnij teologiyi 1993 1995 Magistr z vidznakoyu Shkola teologiyi im Perkinsa Pivdennij metodistskij universitet 1988 1993 Bakalavr z vidznakoyu Moskovskij fiziko tehnichnij institut Rosiya Naukovo doslidnicka diyalnistNaukovi roboti prof Gavrilyuka perekladeni na 10 inozemnih mov Na batkivshini vidomij po svoyij monografiyi Istoriya katehizaciyi v drevnij cerkvi 2001 stattyami a takozh regulyarnimi vistupami v navchalnih zakladah ta ZMI Kniga Georgij Florovskij ta religijno filosofskij renesans Duh i Litera 2017 ye avtorizovanim perekladom z anglijskoyi ta pershoyu monografichnoyu praceyu avtora vipushenoyu na batkivshini Gavrilyuk ye prezidentom i zasnovnikom Mizhnarodnogo Pravoslavnogo Bogoslovskogo Tovaristva Cerkovno bogosluzhbova diyalnistU 2001 r stav diyakonom soboru u m Dallas zgodom perejshov u m Minneapolis Movni navichkiKlasichna i serednovichna latina kojne i klasichna grecka francuzka staroslov yanska na rivni chitacha rosijska ukrayinska ridna Dosvid roboti2014 teper profesor teologiyi i filosofiyi kafedra teologiyi universitet Sent Tomas Sent Pol shtat Minnesota 2016 lipen zaproshenij yak profesor Grecka pravoslavna shkola teologiyi Svyatogo Hresta Bruklajn shtat Massachusets 2013 2014 docent kafedri teologiyi universitet Sent Tomas Sent Pol shtat Minnesota 2013 lipen spivdirektor z d om Vilyamom Abraham Kalvinistska litnya seminariya Shidne pravoslav ya dlya zahodu Kalvinistskij koledzh Grend Repids shtat Michigan 2007 2013 docent istorichnoyi teologiyi kafedra teologiyi universitet Sent Tomas Sent Pol shtat Minnesota shtatnij 2007 vesna zaproshenij yak starshij vikladach istorichnoyi teologiyi Garvardskij universitet Kembridzh shtat Massachusets 2001 2006 starshij vikladach istorichnoyi teologiyi kafedra teologiyi universitet Sent Tomas Sent Pol shtat Minnesota 2005 osin zaproshenij yak profesor Pontificia Universita San Tommaso Rim Italiya 2005 berezen zaproshenij yak profesor Ukrayinskij katolickij universitet Lviv Ukrayina 2004 05 06 zaproshenij yak profesor Institut sv Tomi Kiyiv Ukrayina 1998 2001 pozashtatnij vikladach Shkola teologiyi Perkinsa Pivdennij metodistskij universitet 2000 zaproshenij yak profesor Shkola teologiyiCentralnoyi Aziyi Karaganda Kazahstan Dopovidi na konferenciyah2017 Sabotaging Conciliarity Patriarch Kirill s Ideology of the Russian World Russkiimir and the Geopolitics of the Council of Crete a paper presented at Global Orthodoxy Religion Politics and Human Rights Conference University of Padova Padova Italy 12 May 2017 The Eschatological Dimension of Sacramental Unity An Orthodox Christian View a keynote address at Come Let Us Eat Together Sacraments and the Unity of the Church Conference Wheaton College 7 April 2017 Divine Judgment in Pavel Florensky and SergiusBulgakov a paper presented at Imagining the Eschatological State Symposium Wheaton College Wheaton Illinois 25 March 2017 10 listopada 2017 u Wayback Machine 2016 The International Orthodox Theological Association and the Plans for the Inaugural Conference in Iasi Romania on 9 12 January 2019 a paper presented at the History of Christianity Session of the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion San Antonio Texas 21 November 2016 How to Develop Aesthetic and Spiritual Perception Some Lessons from Claude Monet and Wassily Kandinsky a paper presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Spiritual Perception Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion San Antonio Texas 18 November 2016 Co organizer with Dr Frederick Aquino of the Fifth International Symposium on Spiritual Perception as a special full day event at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion San Antonio Texas 18 19 November 2016 Introducing the Spiritual Perception Project The Historical and Constructive Stages a paper presented at Patristic Medieval and Renaissance Conference Villanova University Villanova PA 15 October 2016 Steps Towards the Creation of an International Orthodox Theological Association IOTA a contribution to the panel discussion of the Holy and Great Council of Crete Orthodox Theological Society in America Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Brookline MA 30 September 2016 The Historic Council of the Orthodox Church A Participant s Report a public lecture at Boston College Boston MA 31 July 2016 Receiving the Holy and Great Council a public lecture at the Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Brookline MA 20 July 2016 The Holy and Great Council of Crete A Participant s Report a public lecture at the Open Orthodox University of St Sophia of Kiev 4 July 2016 The Role of Baptismal Illumination and Eros in Pseudo Dionysius Account of Noetic Vision a paper presented at the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies Seattle Washington 15 June 2016 read in absentia The Revelation of Eternity in Death A New Reading of Bulgakov sSophiology a paper presented at the Symposium on Death and Dying Wheaton College Chicago Illinois 18 March 2016 Three Patristic Views of Divine Anger a paper presented at the Divine Action and Human Suffering in the Old Testament Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Debate Chicago Illinois 11 February 2016 Attendee at the Special Meeting of the Orthodox Scholars with the Ecumenical Patriarch Istanbul Turkey 5 January 2016 2015 The Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932 1933 and the Cost of Forgetting a talk given at Remembering Holodomor Victims Honoring Euromaidan Heroes Commemorative Event Minnesota History Center 5 December 2015 Co organizer with Dr Frederick Aquino of the International Symposium on Spiritual Perception as a special full day event at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion Atlanta Georgia 20 November 2015 Panel discussion of Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance Oxford 2013 An Answer to Drs Heather Bailey Randall Poole and Paul Valliere Biannual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture Memphis Tennessee 18 September 2015 Fathers and sons of the Russian Religious Renaissance in the Dispersion Florovsky and Bulgakov lecture given at the international conference Humanities in Russia and the Break of 1917 An Existential Dimension Perm Russia 25 August 2015 presented via teleconferencing Russian Emigre Political Theology paper presented at the Political Orthodoxy and Totalitarianism in a Post Communist Era Conference Volos Academy for Theological Studies Helsinki Finland 28 31 May 2015 Georges Florovsky s Influence on Twentieth Century Orthodox Theology public lecture delivered at Iasi University Romania and presentations of the Romanian translations of Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance Oxford 2013 and The Suffering of the Impassible God Oxford 2004 26 May 2015 Does God Suffer a public lecture given at the National University Kiev Mohyla Academy Kiev Ukraine 21 May 2015 Understandings of Spiritual Perception a paper presented at the Religious Experience Workshop Center for Philosophy of Religion University of Notre Dame South Bend IN 6 9 May 2015 Georges Florovsky and His Contemporaries Neopatristics in the context of Russian Religious Renaissance and the Experience of Emigration a public lecture given at Mechnikov State University Odessa Ukraine 6 April 2015 Why Study Theology Theological Education and the Idea of a University a public lecture given at the National University Kiev Mohyla Academy Kiev Ukraine 2 April 2015 The Future of Orthodox Catholic Dialogue a Keynote address at the Orthodox Catholic Dialogue after Vatican II Examining the Issues Event Huffington Ecumenical Institute Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles CA 28 March 2015 Plotinus on Divine Simplicity a paper discussed at the Divine Simplicity Symposium Wheaton College Wheaton IL 19 March 2015 Does God Suffer public lecture delivered at the Philosophy Colloquium Philosophy Department University of St Thomas St Paul MN 3 March 2015 2014 Georges Florovsky and Changing Paradigms of Modern Orthodox Theology a response to George Hunsinger Cyril O Regan Vera Shevzov and Matthew Baker at a panel dedicated to Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion San Diego CA 22 November 2014 Discerning God s Mysterious Presence Towards a Retrieval of the Spiritual Senses Tradition paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion San Diego CA 22 November 2014 A New Chapter in the History of Russian Emigre Religious Philosophy Georges Florovsky s unpublished manuscript Russkayafilosofiyavemigracii paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Slavic East European and Eurasian Studies San Antonio TX 20 November 2014 Organizer and host of the panel The End of the Post Cold War Order Ukraine Russia and American Security at the University of St Thomas St Paul MN 7 October 2014 Towards a Perichoretic Model of Ecumenism A Response to Prof Rusty Reno a paper delivered at the conference Engaging in the Gospel of John Engaging One Another Paradosis Center John Brown University Siloam Springs NW Arkansas 26 September 2014 GeorgijFlorovskijiKievskayabogoslovskayatradiciya Georges Florovsky and the Kyiv Theological Tradition a public lecture delivered at Kyiv Theological Academy Kyiv Ukraine 15 September 2014 Religion and Politics in Putin s War in Ukraine a communication read at the panel Negotiating a Protracted Conflict Ukraine August 1914 to the Present The Twin Cities Museum of Russian Art 21 August 2014 Kyiv Theological Tradition in Georges Florovsky sWays of Russian Theology A Critical Assessment International Symposium of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the Global Family of Orthodox Churches Past Present and Future St Michael s College University of Toronto Toronto Canada 8 10 May 2014 Bulgakov s Sophiological Panentheism keynote address at the Fourth Annual Symposium in honor or Fr Georges Florovsky Creation and Creaturehood The Doctrine of Creation in the Patristic Tradition Princeton Theological Seminary 14 15 February 2014 2013 Review of Christopher Beeley The Unity of Christ New Haven CT Yale University Press 2012 Panel Discussion at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion Baltimore 23 November 2013 Florovsky s Historical Method paper presented at the Methodology Faculty Seminar St Tikhon s University Moscow Russia 21 November 2013 Florovsky s Twenty Five Year Path to The Ways of Russian Theology From the Originality Narrative to the Pseudomorphosis Narrative paper presented at the International Conference Filosofskoeibogoslovskoenasledie G V Florovskogo Sovremennyeinterpretatsii Dom RusskogoZarubezh ia 18 November 2013 The Reception of Florovsky in Twentieth Century Orthodox Theology a public lecture given at Kiev Theological Academy Kiev Ukraine 16 November 2013 Orthodox Catholic Dialog 50 Years After Vatican II The Prospect and Promise of Full Communion paper presented at the International Conference Ecumenical Theology and Hermeneutics in the Post Modern Age Bose Italy 16 19 October 2013 The Epistemological Contours of Florovsky sNeopatristic Theology paper presented at the International Conference Can Orthodox Theology be Contextual Romanian Institute for Inter Orthodox Inter Confessional and Inter Religious Studies Cluj Napoca Romania 24 May 2013 Perceiving the Risen Christ The Christian Doctrine of the Spiritual Senses a public lecture presented at the meeting of the MacLaurin Institute University of Minnesota 3 April 2013 Diversity in Eastern Christianity Historical Traumas and Cultural Dislocations a public lecture presented at Xavier University Cincinnati Ohio as a part of three year series Justice Tolerance and Diversity 22 March 2013 2012 Florovsky s Reading of Maximus the Confessor Anti Bulgakov or Pro Bulgakov paper presented at the International Symposium on St Maximus the Confessor Knowing the Purpose of Everything Through the Power of the Resurrection University of Belgrade Belgrade Serbia October The Predicament of Orthodox Theologians in the US Academy Five Major Transformations of the Past Century paper presented at the annual meeting of the Orthodox Theological Society of America St Vladimir s Orthodox Theological Seminary Crestwood NY September Creation and Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of Fr SergiusBulgakov paper presented at XX International Conference on Orthodox Spirituality Bose Monastery Italy September in absentia Vladimir Lossky s Reception of Georges Florovsky sNeopatristic Theology a keynote address at A Celebration of Living Theology Engaging with the Work of Andrew Louth International Conference Durham University Durham UK July The Heritage of Vatican II Papal Primacy and the Future of Orthodox Catholic Dialogue a keynote address at the Orientale Lumen Australasia and Oceania IV Conference Australian Catholic University Melbourne Australia July 2011 A Brief History of the Soul a public lecture delivered at Neuroscience and the Soul Dialogue organized by the Science and Theology Network University of St Thomas St Paul MN November From Youthful Veneration to Bitter Condemnation Florovsky s Re Reading of Solovyov paper presented at the conference of Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture Ohio State University Columbus OH October The Varieties of Neopatristic Synthesis in the Twentieth Century Russian Theology Georges Florovsky Vladimir Lossky Alexander Schmemann and SergiusBulgakov a paper presented at the annual conference of the Orthodox Theological Society in America Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Brookline MA September 2010 The Case of Westernization vs Hellenization The Methodological Limitations of Georges Florovsky sNeopatristic Synthesis a keynote address at the Orthodox Constructions of the West Conference Fordham University New York NY June Florovsky s Christian Hellenism A Critical Evaluation a keynote address at Neopatristic Synthesis or Post Patristic Theology Can Orthodox Theology Be Contextual Volos Academy of Theological Studies Volos Greece June Fathers and Hellenism a keynote address at Hellenism and Orthodoxy conference St Vladimir s Orthodox Theological Seminary Crestwood NY June Did Pseudo Dionysius Live in Constantinople paper presented at the Annual Meeting of North American Patristics Conference Chicago IL May 2009 The Retrieval of Deification paper presented at the Patristics Conference Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv Ukraine September read in absentia The Polemical Uses of the Concept of the West in Eastern Orthodox Theology as Exemplified by the Neopatristic Synthesis of Fr Georges Florovsky Lecture given at St Tikhon s Theological University Moscow Russia and at St Andrew s Theological Institute Ukrainian Orthodox Autochephalous Patriarchate Kiev Ukraine September The Heritage of Vatican II and the Future of Orthodox Catholic Dialogue lecture given at the annual conference of the Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology John Paul II Center Washington D C June Russian translation by YuriiChernomorets published at http ukrmonitor ucoz org news budushhee pravoslavno katolicheskogo dialoga 2010 09 18 3917 Clement of Alexandria on Seeing God paper read at the Annual Meeting of the North American Patristics Society Chicago May Deification in Recent Historical Research paper read at the Interdisciplinary Philosophical Theology Workshop University of Notre Dame South Bend May 2008 The Spiritual Senses in the Illuminationist Epistemology of Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite paper read at the Annual Meeting of the North American Patristics Society Chicago May Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite Boston Colloquy in the Spiritual Senses Boston College Boston MA May 2007 Baptism in The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy Did Dionysius the Areopagite Live in Constantinople paper read at the International Conference on the Theology of the Sacraments Moscow Russia November The Theology of Dionysius the Areopagite in the Twentieth Century Eastern Orthodox Scholarship A Reappraisal Boston Colloquy in Historical Theology Boston College Boston MA August God s Impassible Suffering in the Flesh The Promise of Paradoxical Christology address at the conference Divine Impassibility and Human Suffering Providence College Providence RI March 2006 The Problem of God s Participation in Suffering As a Key Factor in the Dialectical Development of Patristic Christology the North American Patristics Society Conference Chicago May 2005 Christ s Participation in Human Suffering in the Early Christian Theology of Martyrdom 5th International L E S T Conference Leuven Belgium November Catechumenat integration des nouveaux venusdansl Eglise Catechumenate The integration of newcomers in the Church International Congress of Orthodox Christians in Western Europe Blankeberghe Belgium October 2004 Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of SergiusBulgakov Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion San Antonio TX November Pravoslavnyj vzglyad na nasledie sv FomyAkvinskogo Popytkaosvoboditsyaotstereotipov An Eastern Orthodox Assessment of St Thomas Aquinas An Attempt to Overcome the Stereotypes Theological Institute of Thomas Aquinas Kiev Ukraine January melito s Influence upon the Theopaschite Motifs in the Anaphora of the Apostolic Constitutions 8 12 paper presented at the North American Patristics Society Conference Chicago May 2003 Puti vozrozhdeniya svyatootecheskoj sistemy oglasheniya v sovremennoj cerkvi Towards the Restoration of Patristic Catechumenate in the Contemporary Church an address at Sretenskaia Seminary Moscow Russia and Moscow Theological Academy SergievPosad Russia January 2001 Theopatheia Nestorius Main Charge against Cyril of Alexandria paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion Denver Colorado November The Arians Suffering God A Reconsideration of the Hanson Wiles Interpretation paper presented at the GPRS Colloquium at Southern Methodist University Dallas Texas December 2000 Theology in Color Images of the Trinity in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition an address at the Annual Diocesan Assembly of the Orthodox Church in America Dallas Texas May 1999 Neskolko zamechanij o primenenii svyatootecheskoj sistemy oglasheniya v sovremennoj cerkvi Several Comments Regarding the Application of Patristic Catechetical System in the Contemporary Church Annual International Conference organized by St Philaret s Theological Institute Moscow Russia September 1998 Russkij yazyk osovremennoe pravoslavnoe bogosluzhenie Russian Language and Contemporary Orthodox Worship a paper presented at the Annual International Conference organized by St Philaret s Theological Institute Moscow Russia September A Response to Prof Thomas Hopko s paper Apophatic Theology and the Naming of God in Eastern Orthodox Tradition Graduate Colloquy Southern Methodist University Dallas Texas October A priori Arguments for Theism from the Natural and Moral Orders A Comparative Analysis paper presented at the Origen Society Dallas TX May Sferi naukovih interesivSuchasna Rosijska Pravoslavna Teologiya golovnim chinom zoseredzhennya na Georgiyu Florovskomu i Sergiyu Bulgakovu Duhovna percepciya Bozheski strazhdannya bezstrastya Hristiyanski osnovi Istoriya i PraktikaSferi vikladackoyi diyalnostiPatristika Hristiyanstvo Piznoyi Antichnosti Shidne hristiyanstvo Shidna Pravoslavna Teologiya Rosijska religijna dumka Filosofiya Religiyi Sistematichna teologiya Istoriya Hristiyanskoyi doktriniNavchalni predmetiHristiyanska teologichna tradiciya vstupnij kurs dlya studentiv z nepovnoyu vishoyu osvitoyu Rannya hristiyanska teologiya 200 rivnevij kurs nepovnoyi vishoyi osviti Patristika vstupnij kurs vishoyi osviti Hristiyanska doktrina Boga pogliblenij kurs vishoyi osviti Shidne hristiyanstvo pogliblenij kurs vishoyi osviti Shidne pravoslav ya dlya zahodu litnij seminar dlya vikladachiv i duhovenstva Kalvinistskogo koledzhu Koliska Rannogo hristiyanstva podorozh cherez Turechchinu i Greciyu inozemnij navchalnij kurs v Turechchini i Greciyi Hristiyanska posvyata i pokloninnya navchalnij kurs v Italiyi Posvyata i pokloninnya v Rannij Cerkvi seminar v Ukrayinskomu katolickomu universiteti Lyudski i bozheski strazhdannya Piznoyi Antichnosti kurs vishoyi osviti Garvardska shkola bogoslov ya Vstup do suchasnoyi rosijskoyi religijnoyi dumki seminar Garvardska shkola bogoslov ya Sistematichna teologiya dvosemestrovij oglyadovij kurs vishoyi osviti Kroki do svyatosti fakultativnij kurs vishoyi osviti Zlo i strazhdannya kurs dlya studentiv vishogo rivnya nepovnoyi vishoyi osviti Rozuminnya vikuplennya v hristiyanskij tradiciyi seminar vishoyi osviti Sakralni miscya Franciyi inozemnij kurs u Franciyi Vstup do Akvinskogo lekcijnij kurs dlya studentiv nepovnoyi vishoyi osviti v Instituti sv Tomi Kiyiv Ukrayina Bagatomanitnist sintezu neopatristiki 21 stolittya Georgij Florovskij i jogo poslidovniki seminar vishoyi osviti v PappasPatristicInstitute Grecka pravoslavna shkola teologiyi Svyatogo hresta Bruklajn shtat Massachusets Profesijne chlenstvoPivnichno amerikanske patristichne tovaristvo TheNorthAmericanPatristicsSociety NAPS Pravoslavna teologichna spilnota v Americi OrthodoxTheologicalSocietyinAmerica OTSA Asociaciya dlya vivchennya shidnoyi hristiyanskoyi istoriyi i kulturi Association for the Study of Eastern Christian History and Culture ASEC Amerikanska akademiya religiyi American Academy of Religion AAR Navchalno metodichna pracyaDirektor i zasnovnik Mizhnarodna pravoslavna teologichna asociaciya 2017 teper Konsultant u Vidavnictvi Universitetu Dzhona Gopkinsa 2016 Zovnishnij korespondent u pres sluzhbi Vselenskogo pravoslavnogo patriarhatu EcumenicalPatriarchate sPressOffice na Svyatomu i Velikomu Sobori na Kriti cherven 2016 Konsultant u Vidavnictvi Universitetu Kembridzhu 2014 Konsultant u Vidavnictvi Universitetu Notr Dam 2014 Chlen redakcijnoyi kolegiyi Visnik PSTGU Pravoslavnij Svyato Tihonovskij Universitet Moskva Rosiya 2014 teper Zasnovnik i koordinator Mizhdisciplinarnij kolokvium kafedra teologiyi Universitet Sent Tomas 2014 teper Chlen redakcijnoyi kolegiyi Formatori suchasnoyi teologiyi Vidavnictvo Fortres 2013 teper Chlen redakcijnoyi kolegiyi Religiya i Universitet T amp TClark 2011 teper Chlen radi direktoriv centr Paradosis Universitet Dzhona Brauna 2013 teper Zasnovnik seriyi publichnih lekcij Mizhdisciplinarni peregovori Universitet Sent Tomas 2015 2016 Zasnovnik mizhdisciplinarnogo kolokviumu Universitet Sent Tomas 2014 teper Chlen upravlinskogo komitetu Spilnota doslidzhen shidnogo pravoslav ya Amerikanska akademiya religiyi 2011 2017 Zasnovnik i koordinator seriyi publichnih lekcij Novi gorizonti v teologichnih doslidzhennyah Universitet Sent Tomas 2011 teper Konsultant zhurnalu Logos zhurnal doslidzhen shidnogo hristiyanstva oglyad statej Konsultant muzeyu rosijskogo mistectva Minneapolis 2012 2013 Konsultant u vidavnictvi Universitetu Fordgem 2012 Chlen radi direktoriv Grecka pravoslavna shkola teologiyi Svyatogo Hresta 2012 teper Starshij naukovij spivrobitnik Centru biblijnoyi ekzegetiki filosofiyi i doktrini Universitet Dejtonu shtat Ogajo 2011 2013 Konsultant u vidavnichomu domi Doxologia Rumuniya 2012 2015PublikaciyiKnigi 2013 Georges Florovsky and the Russian Religious Renaissance Oxford Oxford University Press Publication date 19 December 2013 Paperback in 2015 1 Romanian translation George Florovsky SiRenastereaReligioasăRusă trans Adela Lungu Doxologia Iasi 2014 2 Russian translation Georgij Florovskij i religiozno filosofskij renessans Duh i Litera 2017 3 Greek translation under contract with Volos Theological Academy 2012 The Spiritual Senses Perceiving God in Western Christianity Co editedwith Sarah Coakley Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press Hardback 23 grudnya 2014 u Wayback Machine 1 Paperback published in February 2014 2 Polish translation DuchoweZmysly Percepcja Boga v zachodnimchrzescijanstwie trans Alexander Gomola Krakow Wydawnictwo WAM 2014 2008 Immersed in the Life ofGod The Healing Resources ofthe Christian Faith Essays in Honorof William J Abraham Editedwith Douglas M Koskela and Jason E Vickers Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans 2004 The Suffering of the Impassible God The Dialectics of Patristic Thought Oxford Oxford University Press Hardback 1 Paperback edition published in 2006 2 Expanded Spanish edition El Sufrimientodel Dios Impasible trans Juan Garcia Baro Salamanca EdicionesSigueme 2012 3 Romanian edition Pătimirea dumnezeului nepătimitor Dialecticile găndirii patristice trans Dragos Dască Iassy Doxologia 2013 Panel discussion in Iasi Romania in May 2015 https www youtube com watch v ZZ4HkYLOIUQ 8 bereznya 2022 u Wayback Machine 2001 Istoriya katehizacii v drevnej cerkvi A History of the Catechumenate in the Early Church Moskva Svyato Filaretovskaya moskovskaya vysshaya pravoslavno hristianskaya shkola InRussian 1 Histoire du catechumenat dans l eglise ancienne A History of the Catechumenate in the Early Church Paris Editions du Cerf 2007 In French This is a substantially revised and expanded edition of the 2001 Russian original 2 Romanian translation of the French edition is being prepared by the Doxologia Publishing House Publication year 2016 Statti i rozdili knig God s Impassible Suffering in the Flesh The Promise of Paradoxical Christology in T J White ed Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering Eerdmans forthcoming God s Participation in Human Suffering in the Early Christian Theology of Martyrdom in Proceedings of L E S T V Leuven forthcoming in 2008 Eastern Orthodoxy Philosophical Theology in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion ed Paul Copan and Chad V Meister London Routledge 2007 Scripture and Regula Fidei Two Interlocking components of the Canonical Heritage and Canonical Liturgies The Dialectic of Lex Orandiand Lex Credendi in Canonical Theism ed William J Abraham Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans 2008 Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of Sergius Bulgakov The Journal of Theological Studies57 2006 110 132 Melito s Influence upon the Anaphora of Apostolic Constitutions 8 12 Vigiliae Christianae59 2005 355 376 Theopatheia Nestorius s Main Charge against Cyril of Alexandria Scottish Journal of Theology 56 2003 190 207 Salvation and the Pursuit of Happiness Public Orthodoxy 20 March 2017 at https publicorthodoxy org 2017 03 20 salvation pursuit of happiness 21 bereznya 2017 u Wayback Machine Perichoretic Ecumenism Inspired by John 17 A Response to Prof R R Reno in Charles Raith II ed The Gospel of John Theological Ecumenical Readings Eugene Oregon Cascade 2017 168 172 The Epistemological Contours of Florovsky sNeopatristic Theology Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 69 1 2 2017 11 24 An Overview of Patristic Theodicies in Nonna Verna Harrison and David G Hunter eds Suffering and Evil in Early Christian Thought Grand Rapids Mich Baker Academic 2016 1 6 Diversity in Eastern Christianity Historical Traumas and Cultural Dislocations in Michael J Sweeney ed Justice through Diversity A Philosophical and Theological Debate Lanham MD Rowman amp Littlefield 2016 359 372 Orthodox Council Bridges Tensions Moves towards Interfaith Dialogue Council of Crete Embraces Outward Looking Leadership America The National Catholic Review 12 July 2016 at http americamagazine org issue orthodox council bridges tensions moves toward interfaith dialogue 6 lyutogo 2017 u Wayback Machine Historic Orthodox Council Meets despite Absence of Four Churches Russia s Influence Seen behind the Scenes America The National Catholic Review 7 July 2016 at http americamagazine org issue historic orthdox council meets despite boycott four churches Co authored with John Chryssavgis El sinodopanorthodoxoesvinculante Alfa y Omega 30 June 2016 p 11 Co authored with John Chryssavgis The Pan Orthodox Council Must and Will Proceed First Things 6 June 2016 at http www firstthings com web exclusives 2016 06 the pan orthodox council must and will proceed 3 lyutogo 2017 u Wayback Machine When the Pope and Patriarchs Go Island Hopping Cuba Lesbos and Crete Public Orthodoxy 16 April 2016 at https publicorthodoxy org 2016 04 16 when the pope and patriarchs go island hopping cuba lesbos and crete 24 veresnya 2016 u Wayback Machine The Great and Holy Council of Crete and Orthodox Catholic Relations in Nathanael Symeonides ed Towards the Holy and Great Council Theological Reflections New York NY Department of Inter Orthodox Ecumenical amp Interfaith Relations 2016 45 48 On line version of the same essay at Public Orthodoxy 10 March 2016 https publicorthodoxy org 2016 03 10 the great and holy council of crete and orthodox catholic relations 15 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine Why Did Patriarch Kirill of Moscow Agree to Meet with Pope Francis A Primer in Byzantine Politics of the Russian Orthodox Church Public Orthodoxy 6 February 2016 at https publicorthodoxy org 2016 02 06 why did patriarch kirill of moscow agree to meet with pope francis 19 bereznya 2016 u Wayback Machine 51a Swedish translation VarforgickMoskvapatriarken Kirill med paatttraffapavenFranciskus Signum 1 2016 at http signum se varfor gick moskvapatriarken kirill med pa att traffa paven franciskus 13 kvitnya 2018 u Wayback Machine 51b Russian translation Pochemu Patriarh Kirill soglasilsya vstretitsya s Papoj Franciskom Azy vizantijskoj politiki RPC MP 12 February 2016 at http www portal credo ru site act news amp id 118399 13 lyutogo 2016 u Wayback Machine Can Anything Good Come out of a Pan Orthodox Council A Response to Detractors Public Orthodoxy 22 January 2016 at http publicorthodoxy org 2016 01 21 can anything good come out of a pan orthodox council 26 lyutogo 2017 u Wayback Machine a Russian translation Mozhet li byt chto dobroe ot Vsepravoslavnogo Sobora Otvet nedobrozhelatelyam Religiya v Ukrayini 21 February 2016 athttp www religion in ua main daycomment 31613 mozhet li byt chto dobroe ot vsepravoslavnogo sobora otvet nedobrozhelatelyam htmlandathttp risu org ua ru index monitoring society digest 62247 The Future Pan Orthodox Council To Be or Not to Be First Things 22 January 2016 at https www firstthings com web exclusives 2016 01 the future pan orthodox council to be or not to be 20 serpnya 2016 u Wayback Machine a Russian translation Byt il ne byt vsepravoslavnomu soboru Kievskaya rus 22 January 2016 at http www kiev orthodox org site events 6035 9 lipnya 2017 u Wayback Machine translated by YuriiVestel The Heritage of Vatican II and the Future of Orthodox Catholic Dialogue in Lawrence Cross and BiruteArendarcicas eds Orientale Lumen Australasia and Oceania IV Church and the West Questioning the Modern Context Proceedings of the Conference Held in Melbourne 4 7 July 2012 Bayswater Victoria Australia Freedom Publishing Company 2015 147 157 Bulgakov s Account of Creation Neglected Aspects Critics and Contemporary Relevance International Journal of Systematic Theology 17 4 October 2015 450 463 Zapad i Vostok v kontekste filosofii neopatristicheskogo sinteza in A V Chernyaev ed Georgij Vasilevich Florovskij Moskva Politicheskaya enciklopediya 2015 180 204 In Russian Recenziya V Solovev Pisma Pod red E L Radlova Florovsky s Review of E L Radlov V Soloyov Letters Izd Vremya Peterburg 1923 Istoriko filosofskij ezhegodnik 2015 350 361 In Russian Florovskij G V Tvorcheskij put Vladimira Soloveva Publichnaya lekciya G V Florovsky The Creative Path of Vladimir Solovyov Istoriko filosofskijezhegodnik 2015 327 349 In Russian FlorovskijG V Lekcii chitannye v Russkom Institute Praga 1922 1923 G V Florovsky Lectures at the Russian Institute Prague 1922 1923 Istoriko filosofskij ezhegodnik 2015 303 326 InRussian Paradigmalnyj sdvig v istoriosofii G V Florovskogo ob istorii sozdaniya kursa lekcij Filosofiya Vl Soloveva A Paradigm Shift in Georges Florovsky s Understanding of Russian Intellectual History The History of Composition of The Lectures on Vladimir Solovyov Istoriko filosofskij ezhegodnik 2015 284 302 In Russian Diaspora and American Orthodoxy Public Orthodoxy September 2015 at http publicorthodoxy org 2015 09 19 diaspora and american orthodoxy 10 veresnya 2016 u Wayback Machine Florovsky s Monograph Herzen s Philosophy of History The New Archival Material and the Reconstruction of the Full Text Harvard Theological Review 108 2 April 2015 197 212 a Russian version ttps www academia edu 7246309 Avtorskij tekst dissertacii prot Georgiya Florovskogo Istoricheskaya filosofiya Gercena novyj arhivnyj material i rekonstrukciya kompozicii Vestnik PSTGU 50 1 2013 63 81 Avtorskij tekst dissertacii prot Georgiya Florovskogo Istoricheskaya filosofiya Gercena novyj arhivnyj material i rekonstrukciya kompozicii Vestnik PSTGU 50 1 2013 63 81 Vliyanie prot Georgiya Florovskogo na pravoslavnoe bogoslovie XX veka Fr GeorgesFlorovsky sInfluenceonTwentieth CenturyOrthodoxTheology Trudy KDA 20 2014 71 92 Zhazhda cerkovnogo edinstva Mezhdunarodnyj Ukrainskij Pravoslavnyj Simpozium v Toronto TheThirstforChurchUnity TheInternationalUkrainianOrthodoxSymposiuminToronto athttp www religion in ua main daycomment 25780 zhazhda cerkovnogo edinstva mezhdunarodnyj ukrainskij pravoslavnyj simpozium v toronto html 8 travnya 2018 u Wayback Machine publishedon lineMay 14 2014 The President and the Patriarch An Alliance over Ukraine First Things April 1 2014 web exclusive http www firstthings com web exclusives 2014 04 the president and the patriarch 5 zhovtnya 2016 u Wayback Machine Vladimir Lossky s Reception of Georges Florovsky s Neo Patristic Theology in Justin Mihoc and Leonard Aldea eds A Celebration of Living Theology A Festschrift in Honour of Andrew Louth London T amp T Clark 2014 191 202 G V Florovskij Russkaya filosofiya v emigracii G V Florovsky Russian Theology in Emigration a newly discovered manuscript Istoriko filosofskij ezhegodnik 2013 314 337 Neizvestnaya stranica istoriko filosofskogo naslediya G V Florovskogo An Unknown Aspect of G V Florovsky s History of Modern Russian Philosophy Istoriko filosofskij ezhegodnik 2013 304 313 How Will the Pure in Heart See God CAS Spotlight 6 1 Fall 2013 16 17 Devyatnadcat tezisov dissertacii protoiereya Georgiya Florovskogo Istoricheskaya filosofiya Gercena The Nineteen Theses of Georges Florovsky s Dissertation Herzen s Philosophy of History Vestnik PSTGU52 3 May June 2013 126 32 Co authored with Matthew Baker In Russian Georges Florovsky s Reading of Maximus anti Bulgakov or pro Bulgakov in Maxim Vasiljevic ed Knowing the Purpose of Creation through the Resurrection Proceedings of the Symposium on St Maximus the Confessor Alhambra CA Sebastian Press and University of Belgrade Press 2013 407 415 Creation in Early Christian Polemical Literature Irenaeus against the Gnostics and Athanasius against the Arians Modern Theology 29 2 April 2013 22 32 Florovsky s Neopatristic Synthesis and the Future of Orthodox Theology in George Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou eds Orthodox Constructions of the West New York Fordham University Press 2013 102 124 302 308 The Orthodox Renaissance First Things December 2012 33 37 a Republished as Teaching Orthodox Theology in the Context of Christian Diversity in PantelisKalaitzidis et al eds Orthodox Handbook of Ecumenism Resources for Theological Education Volos Greece Volos Academy Publications 2014 884 888 b Ukrainian translation Pravoslavne vidrodzhennya nova generaciya teologiv Filosofska Dumka 3 2012 67 73 Republished on line at http www religion in ua main bogoslovya 23429 pravoslavne vidrodzhennya nova generaciya teologiv html 23 bereznya 2015 u Wayback Machine God s Participation in Human Suffering in the Early Christian Theology of Martyrdom in Terrence Merrigan and Frederik Glorieux eds Godhead Here in Hiding Incarnation and the History of Human Suffering Leuven Peeters 2012 297 305 27 a Ukrainian translation Tema uchasti Boga v lyudskomu strazhdanni u rannohristiyanskomu bogoslov yi muchenictva at http theology in ua php uploads files articles ArticleFiles 38332 Tema uchasti Boga v ljuds komu strazhdanni pdf 8 chervnya 2015 u Wayback Machine Nineteenth to Twentieth Century Russian Mysticism in Julia A Lamm ed Wiley Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism Chichester UK Wiley Blackwell 2012 489 501 SergiiBulgakov in Augustine Casiday ed The Orthodox Christian World London Routledge 2012 344 50 The Greek Church Fathers and Philosophy in Oliver D Crisp et al eds Theology and Philosophy Faith and Reason London T amp T Clark 2012 17 30 Bulgakov Sergius Sergei 1871 1944 in John Anthony McGuckin ed The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity Chichester UK Wiley Blackwell 2011 77 78 Lossky Vladimir 1903 1958 in John Anthony McGuckin ed The Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity Chichester UK Wiley Blackwell 2011 372 373 Harnack s Hellenized Christianity or Florovsky s Sacred Hellenism Questioning Two Metanarratives of Early Christian Engagement with Late Antique Culture St Vladimir s Theological Quarterly 54 3 4 2010 323 344 a Greek translation Eksellismenos Hristianismos tou Harnack i ieros Ellenismos tou Florofskou Diereunontas duo meta afigiseisgia tin sidzeuksi tou proimou Hristianikou politismou me ton politismo tis histeres arhaiotitos Theologia 81 4 2010 289 311 Patristic Thought in Daniel Patte ed The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity Cambridge UK Cambridge University Press 2010 930 931 O polemicheskom ispolzovanii kategorii zapad v pravoslavnom bogoslovii na primere neopatristicheskogo sinteza prot GeorgiyaFlorovskogo The West As a Polemical Category in Eastern Orthodox Theology The Case of Fr Georges Florovsky sNeopatristic Synthesis VestnikPSTGU29 2010 61 78 In Russian The Retrieval of Deification How a Once Despised Archaism Became an Ecumenical Desideratum Modern Theology 25 4 October 2009 647 659 a Russian translation Tema obozheniya v bogoslovii dvadcatogo veka kak preziraemyj arhaizm stal ekumenicheskim simvolom Trudy KDA forthcomingin 2014 Baptism in Pseudo Dionysius s Ecclesiastical Hierarchy StudiaLiturgica39 1 2009 1 14 https web archive org web 20170516075425 http www academia edu 6580342 God s Impassible Suffering in the Flesh The Promise of Paradoxical Christology in T J White and J Keating eds Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans 2009 127 149 Arhivovano16 travnya 2017 u Wayback Machine God s Impassible Suffering in the Flesh The Promise of Paradoxical Christology in T J White and J Keating eds Divine Impassibility and the Mystery of Human Suffering Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans 2009 127 149 Did Pseudo Dionysius the Areopagite Live in Constantinople VigiliaeChristianae62 2008 505 514 The Healing Process of Initiation Toward the Retrieval of Patristic Catechumenate in P L Gavrilyuk et al eds Immersed in the Life of God The Healing Resources of the Christian Faith Essays in Honor of William J Abraham Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans 2008 21 40 The Reception of Dionysius in Twentieth Century Eastern Orthodoxy Modern Theology 24 4 October 2008 707 723 a Reprinted in Sarah Coakley and Charles M Stang eds Re Thinking Dionysius the Areopagite Oxford UK Wiley Blackwell 2009 177 194 b Russian translation Dionisij Areopagit v pravoslavnom bogoslovii dvadcatogo veka Trudi Kiyivskoyi Duhovnoyi Akademiyi 18 2013 137 55 Scripture and Regula Fidei Two Interlocking Components of the Canonical Heritage in William J Abraham et al eds Canonical Theism A Proposal for Theology and the Church Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans 2008 27 42 Canonical Liturgies The Dialectic of Lex Orandiand Lex Credendi in William J Abraham et al eds Canonical Theism A Proposal for Theology and the Church Grand Rapids Mich Eerdmans 2008 61 72 a Ukrainian translation Kanonichni bogosluzhinnya dialektika lexoranditalexcredendi Filosofska dumka 4 2013 145 153 Chogo sv Toma Akvinskij mozhe navchiti hristiyanskih teologiv vUkrayini What Hath St Thomas Aquinas to Teach the Orthodox Theologians in Ukraine Kolegiya 14 2008 82 96 In Ukrainian Eastern Orthodoxy Philosophical Theology in Paul Copan and Chad V Meister eds The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Religion London Routledge 2007 476 486 The Participation of the Deacons in the Distribution of Communion in the Early Church St Vladimir s Theological Quarterly 51 2007 255 275 Universal Salvation in the Eschatology of SergiusBulgakov The Journal of Theological Studies 57 2006 110 132 a Reprinted as The Judgment of Love The Ontological Universalism of SergiusBulgakov in Gregory McDonald ed All Shall be Well Explorations in Universalism and Christian Theology from Origen to Moltmann Eugene OR Cascade 2010 b Italian translation La salvezza universal delcreatonell eschatologia di SergijBulgakov in Adalberto Mainardi ed L uomocustode del creato Atti del XX Convegnoecumenicointernazionale di spiritualitaortodossa Bose 5 8 settembre 2012 Magnano EdizioniQiqajon 2013 287 314 The Kenotic Theology of SergiusBulgakov Scottish Journal of Theology 58 2005 251 269 Melito s Influence upon the Anaphora of Apostolic Constitutions 8 12 VigiliaeChristianae59 2005 355 376 Znameniya inyh vremen O Protokolah sionskih mudrecov antisemitizme psevdoapokaliptike obskurantizme i prochih nedugah otechestvennogo pravoslavnogo soznaniya Zerkalo nedeli March 19 24 2005 In Russian a English version The Signs of Other Times The Protocols of the Elders of Zion Anti Semitism Pseudo Apocalypticism and Obscurantism in Today s Russian Orthodox Church Religious Information Service of Ukraine March 28 2005 Vechenliad Is Hell Eternal Quo Vadis 25 2004 16 19 In Russian Puti vozrozhdeniya svyatootecheskoj sistemy oglasheniya vsovremennoj Cerkvi Towards the Restoration of Patristic Catechumenate in the Contemporary Church Quo Vadis 22 2003 8 12 In Russian a Reprinted in Cerkovnyj Vestnik 5 6 2004 Oglyadi knig 9 Christopher Beeley The Unity of Christ in Scottish Journal of Theology 68 3 2015 345 350 8 Heather Bailey Orthodoxy Modernity and Authenticity The Reception of Ernest Renan s Life of Jesus in Russia Newcastle UK Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2008 for Modern Greek Studies Yearbook 28 29 2012 2013 369 70 7 The Metaphysics of the Person A response to Philip Rolnick sPerson Grace and God Tradition and Discovery The Polanyi Society Periodical 36 3 2010 39 42 6 Ysabel de Andia Denys l Areopagite Tradition et Metamorphoses Paris Vrin 2006 for The Thomist 72 2008 334 336 5 SergiusBulgakov The Bride of the Lamb trans Boris Jakim Grand Rapids MI Wm B Eerdmans 2002 for Pro Ecclesia 13 2004 106 108 4 A M Aagaard and P Bouteneff Beyond the East West Divide The World Council of Churches and the Orthodox Problem Geneva WCC Publications 2001 for Religion in Eastern Europe 24 2004 36 40 3 L M McDonald and J A Sanders eds The Canon Debate Peabody Mass Hendrickson 2002 for Theological Studies 65 2004 181 3 2 HilarionAlfeyev Svyashennaya tajna Cerkvi vvedenievistoriyuiproblematikuimyaslavskihsporov The Sacred Mystery of the Church An Introduction to the History of the Onomatodoxic Controversy St Petersburg Aleteiia 2002 for NezavisimayaGazeta 06 18 2003 1 Paul Valliere Modern Russian Theology Bukharev Soloviev Bulgakov Grand Rapids MI Wm B Eerdmans 2000 for Theology Today 58 2002 656 Vidznaki nagorodi granti2015 grant Klaster proekt religijnogo dosvidu Centr filosofiyi religiyi Universitet Notr Dam 2011 Bibliotechnij grant druziv Prinstonskogo universitetu 2011 grant raptovoyi mozhlivosti Universitet Sent Tomas 2011 Doslidnickij grant 3 rivnya Universitet Sent Tomas 2008 Irlandskij fond lito 2008 Universitet Sent Tomas 2007 grant universitetskih vchenih 2008 2010 UniversitetSent Tomas 2005 Lilli Grant Universitet Sent Tomas 2004 grant MAXI Universitet Sent Tomas 2003 nominant vid PMU na Nacionalnu nagorodu dlya disertacijnogo doslidzhennya v oblasti gumanitarnih nauk 2002 grant vid fondu im Tomi Akvinskogo Universitet Sent Tomas 2002 grant na naukovo doslidnicku diyalnist Universitet Sent Tomas 2000 2001 Grant dlya napisannya disertaciyi provosta Universitet Sent Tomas 2000 grant vid Fondu Oazis 1998 1999 grant im Shuberta dlya akademichnoyi majsternosti 1995 2000 stipendialna programa u sferi religiyeznavstva 1995 nagoroda im Charlza Kloda Selekmena u novozavitnij greckij movi 1995 nagorodaim Alberta Autlera u teologiyi 1994 nagoroda v oblasti znan klasichnih mov latinska mova Pivdennij metodistskij universitet 1994 1995 grant vid fondu Garding 1993 1995 mizhnarodnij studentskij grant Shkola teologiyi Perkinsa Posilannya https web archive org web 20170307055534 http www religion in ua main bogoslovya 2002 nasledie sv fomy akvinskogo osvoboditsya ot html Arhivovano7 bereznya 2017 u Wayback Machine Nasledie sv Fomy Akvinskogo osvoboditsya ot stereotipov o Pavlo Gavrilyuk Chogo Sv Toma Akvinskij mozhe navchiti hristiyanskih teologiv v Ukrayini Video https web archive org web 20220405161859 https www youtube com watch v fH t5HormBk Arhivovano5 kvitnya 2022 u Wayback Machine Lecture by Paul Gavrilyuk https web archive org web 20220308045351 https www youtube com watch v D0kEeYQx29c Arhivovano8 bereznya 2022 u Wayback Machine Paul Gavrilyuk Dionysius the Areopagite in the Twentieth Century Orthodox Theology https web archive org web 20210116222014 https www youtube com watch v 76VcmelI0qk Arhivovano16 sichnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Pavel Gavrilyuk Neopatristicheskij sintez P Gavrilyuk Russkij religioznyj renessans nachala XX v Pavel Gavrilyuk Kiril Govorun zapitannya vidpovidi pro Vsepravoslavnij Sobor https web archive org web 20200109104436 https www youtube com watch v iRZdRsGi2KY Arhivovano9 sichnya 2020 u Wayback Machine Paul Gavrilyuk on Georges Florovsky and the Ways of Modern Orthodox Theology Argumenti za i proti tverdzhennya sho Bog strazhdaye Pavlo Gavrilyuk Lekciyi j interv yu 2017 https web archive org web 20170606123036 http www religion in ua main recenzii 36557 shlyaxi bogoslovskoyi dumki u xx stolitti notatki z prezentaciyi knigi pavla gavrilyuka u kiyevi html Arhivovano6 chervnya 2017 u Wayback Machine Shlyahi bogoslovskoyi dumki u HH stolitti Notatki z prezentaciyi knigi Pavla Gavrilyuka u Kiyevi https web archive org web 20180507155739 https www prostir ua focus p havrylyuk je dvi ukrajiny ne rosijskomovna i ukrajinomovna a ukrajina yaka voyuje i ukrajina yaka krade Arhivovano7 travnya 2018 u Wayback Machine P Gavrilyuk ye dvi Ukrayini ne rosijskomovna i ukrayinomovna a Ukrayina yaka voyuye i Ukrayina yaka krade Na cyu stattyu ne posilayutsya inshi statti Vikipediyi Bud laska rozstavte posilannya vidpovidno do prijnyatih rekomendacij 2016 Boston College Boston MA 31 July 2016 Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Brookline MA 20 July 2016 Open Orthodox University of St Sophia of Kyiv Kyiv Ukraine 4 July 2016 Interview for Espresso tv in Kiev Ukraine on the Pan Orthodox Council 2 July 2016 https www youtube com watch v XnavCHc mXk 8 bereznya 2022 u Wayback Machine 2015 Interview for KSTP Minnesota News Channel 5 on the simplification of marriage annulments http m kstp com article html 57601 8d45468355c550147016d7b9d5f1851b 12 serpnya 2016 u Wayback Machine Interview for Romanian TV Doxologia https www youtube com watch v k4iY2Auht8c 22 grudnya 2019 u Wayback Machine Orthodox Theological Seminary Jasi Romania May National University Kyiv Mohyla Academy Kyiv Ukraine March and May 2014 Kiev Theological Academy Kiev Ukraine October 2013 St Tikhon s Orthodox University Moscow Russia November Kiev Theological Academy Kiev Ukraine November Calvin College Grand Rapids Michigan July University of Minnesota Minneapolis Minnesota April Xavier University Cincinnati Ohio March 2012 University of Belgrade Belgrade Serbia October Australian Catholic University Melbourne Australia July Durham University Durham UK July 2011 Kiev Summer Theological Institute Lishnia Ukraine July 2010 Fordham University New York NY June St Vladimir s Theological Seminary New York NY June Volos Academy of Theological Studies Volos Greece June Week long lecture course The Church Fathers and Contemporary Christianity Evangelical Methodist Seminary of Costa Rica Costa Rica May 2009 St Tikhon s Orthodox University Moscow Russian St Andrew s Theological Institute Kiev Ukraine 2007 Interview given at a Press Center of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate Kiev Ukraine http kiev orthodox org site meetings 1849 29 listopada 2020 u Wayback Machine Pappas Patristics Institute Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology Brookline MA Providence College Providence RI 2006 Calvin College Grand Rapids MI St Mary s Greek Orthodox Church Minneapolis MN 2005 Ukrainian Catholic University Lviv Ukraine March Greek Catholic Seminary of the Holy Spirit Rudno Ukraine March St Thomas Aquinas Higher Institute of Religious Sciences Kiev Ukraine January 2004 St Thomas Aquinas Higher Institute of Religious Sciences Kiev Ukraine March KTIS Russian Radio St Paul MN two lecture sermons on the gospel of Mark Church of St Agapitos of the Caves Kiev Ukraine January 2003 2004 Roman Catholic Basilica of St Mary Minneapolis MN November 2002 Orthodox Missionary Institute Kiev Ukraine January 2001 2004 St Mary s Orthodox Cathedral Minneapolis MN 2001 First Presbyterian Church Dallas Texas 2000 Annual Assembly of the Diocese of the South OCA Dallas Texas 2000 2001 Highland Park United Methodist Church Dallas Texas 1996 First United Methodist Church Humble Texas 1995 1998 First United Methodist Church New Braunfels Texas 1995 First United Methodist Church Kilgore Texas Czech National Authority Database d Track Q13550863