Bozhevilnij naukovec takozh bozhevilnij doktor abo bozhevilnij profesor angl mad scientist skazhenij naukovec karikatura na naukovcya yakij opisuyetsya yak bozhevilnij zavdyaki poyednannyu nezvichajnih abo trivozhnih ris osobistosti ta bezmezhno ambitnih tabu abo gibristichnoyi prirodi yihnih eksperimentiv U tvorah fantastiki bozhevilnij vchenij zazvichaj visvitlyuyetsya yak zlij genij lihodij prote inkoli mozhe buti protagonistom chi nejtralnim personazhem Zazvichaj opisuyetsya yak bozhevilnij ekscentrichnij abo nezgrabnij Deyaki z bozhevilnih vchenih mozhut mati dobrozichlivi abo dobrodushni namiri navit yaksho yihni diyi nebezpechni abo sumnivni sho mozhe zrobiti yih vipadkovimi lihodiyami Odin populyarnij stereotip bozhevilnogo vchenogo bilij cholovik pohilogo viku krivi zubi brudne volossya laboratornij halat shipuchij probirok okulyari rukavichki i dramatichna poza pid chas dramatichnogo smihuLiteraturaAllen Glen Scott 2009 Master Mechanics and Wicked Wizards Images of the American Scientist from Colonial Times to the Present Amherst University of Massachusetts Press ISBN 978 1 55849 703 0 Mad Bad and Dangerous The Scientist and the Cinema Reaktion Books 2005 ISBN 1 86189 255 1 Garboden Nick 2007 Mad Scientist or Angry Lab Tech How to Spot Insanity Portland Doctored Papers ISBN 1 56363 660 3 Haynes Roslynn Doris 1994 From Faust to Strangelove Representations of the Scientist in Western Literature Baltimore Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN 0 8018 4801 6 Junge Torsten Doerthe Ohlhoff 2004 Wahnsinnig genial Der Mad Scientist Reader Aschaffenburg Alibri ISBN 3 932710 79 7 Norton Trevor 2010 Smoking Ears and Screaming Teeth A witty celebration of the great eccentrics Century ISBN 978 1 84605 569 0 Schlesinger Judith 2012 The Insanity Hoax Exposing the Myth of the Mad Genius Ardsley on Hudson N Y Shrinktunes Media ISBN 978 0 98369 824 1 James T Webb Ph D 12 veresnya 2012 The National Psychologist Arhiv originalu za 14 chervnya 2017 Procitovano 28 May 2015 Schneider Reto U 2008 The Mad Science Book 100 Amazing Experiments from the History of Science London Quercus ISBN 978 1 84724 494 9 Tudor Andrew 1989 Monsters and Mad Scientists A Cultural History of the Horror Movie Oxford Blackwell ISBN 0 631 15279 2 Weart Spencer R 1988 Nuclear Fear A History of Images Cambridge Massachusetts Harvard University Press Ce nezavershena stattya pro literaturu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi