Betatron priskoryuvach elektroniv yakij rozrobiv angl Donald William Kerst v Universiteti Illinojsa u 1940 roci Betatron konstrukciyi 1942 roku Pershi sprobi stvoriti betatron buli zrobleni nim Rolf Wideroe u 1928 roci Vikoristovuyut takozh yak dzherelo zhorstkih rentgenivskih promeniv Div takozhBetatronni kolivannyaPosilannyaBetatron UIUCLiteraturaUkrayinska radyanska enciklopediya u 12 t gol red M P Bazhan redkol O K Antonov ta in 2 ge vid K Golovna redakciya URE 1974 1985 Kerst D W Electronic Orbits in the Induction Accelerator Phys Rev 60 53 58 1941 angl Kerst D W The Acceleration of Electrons by Magnetic Induction Phys Rev 60 47 53 1941 angl Kerst D W The Acceleration of Electrons by Magnetic Induction 16 travnya 2011 u Wayback Machine Phys Rev 58 841 1940 angl Ce nezavershena stattya z fiziki Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi