Англо-ірландська угода (англ. Anglo-Irish Agreement) була угодою 1985 року між Сполученим Королівством і Республікою Ірландія, яка мала на меті допомогти покласти край смуті в Північній Ірландії. Угода надала ірландському уряду дорадчу роль в уряді Північної Ірландії, підтверджуючи, що конституційне становище Північної Ірландії не зміниться, якщо більшість її громадян не погодиться приєднатися до Республіки. У ньому також були визначені умови для створення децентралізованого консенсусного уряду в регіоні.
Англо-Ірландська угода | |
Тип | мирна угода |
Підписано | 15 листопада 1985 |
Місце | Замок Гіллсборо |
Медіафайли у Вікісховищі |
Угоду було підписано 15 листопада 1985 року в замку Гіллсборо прем'єр-міністром Великої Британії Маргарет Тетчер і ірландським прем'єр-міністром Гарретом Фітцджеральдом.
- Feeney, Brian (2002). Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years. O'Brien Press. ISBN .
- Текст угоди:
- Conflict Archive on the Internet
- Peacemaker United Nations
- Treaty Series 1985 No.2 Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland
- Foreign Office, United Kingdom
- Aughey, Arthur, and Cathy Gormley-Heenan. "The Anglo‐Irish Agreement: 25 Years On." Political Quarterly 82.3 (2011): 389-397.
- Aughey, Arthur, and Cathy Gormley-Heenan, eds. The Anglo-Irish Agreement: Rethinking Its Legacy (Manchester University Press, 2011).
- Cochrane, Feargal. Unionist politics and the politics of unionism since the Anglo-Irish agreement (Cork University Press, 1997).
- Coulter, Colin. "Peering in from the window ledge of the Union: the Anglo-Irish Agreement and the attempt to bring British Conservatism to Northern Ireland." Irish Studies Review 21.4 (2013): 406-424 online.
- Cox, W. Harvey. "Public Opinion and the Anglo-Irish Agreement." Government and Opposition 22.3 (1987): 336-351.
- Kelly, Stephen. "‘The Anglo-Irish Agreement put us on side with the Americans’: Margaret Thatcher, Anglo-American relations and the path to the Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1979-1985." Contemporary British History (2020): 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1080/13619462.2020.1769607
- Kelly, Stephen. Margaret Thatcher, the Conservative Party and the Northern Ireland conflict, 1975-1990 (Bloomsbury, London,2021).
- McLoughlin, Peter John. "‘The First Major Step in the Peace Process’? Exploring the Impact of the Anglo-Irish Agreement on Irish Republican Thinking." Irish Political Studies 29.1 (2014): 116-133.
- O'Kane, Eamon. "Re-Evaluating the Anglo-Irish Agreement: Central or Incidental to the Northern Ireland Peace Process?." International Politics 44.6 (2007): 711-731 online[недоступне посилання з 01.07.2022].
- O’Leary, Brendan. "Northern Ireland and the Anglo-Irish Agreement." in Developments in British Politics (Palgrave, London, 1990) pp. 3:269-290.
- Owen, Arwel Ellis. The Anglo-Irish agreement: The first three years (Univ of Wales Press, 1994).
- Shannon, William V. "The Anglo-Irish Agreement." Foreign Affairs 64.4 (1986): 849-870. regarding 1985 agreement. online
- Todd, Jennifer. "Institutional change and conflict regulation: the Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) and the mechanisms of change in Northern Ireland." West European Politics 34.4 (2011): 838-858. online
- Trumbore, Peter F. "Public opinion as a domestic constraint in international negotiations: Two-level games in the Anglo-Irish peace process." International Studies Quarterly 42.3 (1998): 545-565 online[недоступне посилання з 01.07.2022].
Вікісховище має мультимедійні дані за темою: Англо-Ірландська угода |
- Anglo-Irish Agreement (CAIN), Queen's University Belfast
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Anglo irlandska ugoda angl Anglo Irish Agreement bula ugodoyu 1985 roku mizh Spoluchenim Korolivstvom i Respublikoyu Irlandiya yaka mala na meti dopomogti poklasti kraj smuti v Pivnichnij Irlandiyi Ugoda nadala irlandskomu uryadu doradchu rol v uryadi Pivnichnoyi Irlandiyi pidtverdzhuyuchi sho konstitucijne stanovishe Pivnichnoyi Irlandiyi ne zminitsya yaksho bilshist yiyi gromadyan ne pogoditsya priyednatisya do Respubliki U nomu takozh buli viznacheni umovi dlya stvorennya decentralizovanogo konsensusnogo uryadu v regioni Anglo Irlandska ugodaTipmirna ugodaPidpisano15 listopada 1985MisceZamok Gillsboro Mediafajli u Vikishovishi Ugodu bulo pidpisano 15 listopada 1985 roku v zamku Gillsboro prem yer ministrom Velikoyi Britaniyi Margaret Tetcher i irlandskim prem yer ministrom Garretom Fitcdzheraldom PrimitkiDzherela Feeney Brian 2002 Sinn Fein A Hundred Turbulent Years O Brien Press ISBN 9780862787707 Tekst ugodi Conflict Archive on the Internet Peacemaker United Nations Treaty Series 1985 No 2 Department of Foreign Affairs Ireland Foreign Office United KingdomLiteraturaAughey Arthur and Cathy Gormley Heenan The Anglo Irish Agreement 25 Years On Political Quarterly 82 3 2011 389 397 Aughey Arthur and Cathy Gormley Heenan eds The Anglo Irish Agreement Rethinking Its Legacy Manchester University Press 2011 Cochrane Feargal Unionist politics and the politics of unionism since the Anglo Irish agreement Cork University Press 1997 Coulter Colin Peering in from the window ledge of the Union the Anglo Irish Agreement and the attempt to bring British Conservatism to Northern Ireland Irish Studies Review 21 4 2013 406 424 online Cox W Harvey Public Opinion and the Anglo Irish Agreement Government and Opposition 22 3 1987 336 351 Kelly Stephen The Anglo Irish Agreement put us on side with the Americans Margaret Thatcher Anglo American relations and the path to the Anglo Irish Agreement 1979 1985 Contemporary British History 2020 1 25 https doi org 10 1080 13619462 2020 1769607 Kelly Stephen Margaret Thatcher the Conservative Party and the Northern Ireland conflict 1975 1990 Bloomsbury London 2021 McLoughlin Peter John The First Major Step in the Peace Process Exploring the Impact of the Anglo Irish Agreement on Irish Republican Thinking Irish Political Studies 29 1 2014 116 133 O Kane Eamon Re Evaluating the Anglo Irish Agreement Central or Incidental to the Northern Ireland Peace Process International Politics 44 6 2007 711 731 online nedostupne posilannya z 01 07 2022 O Leary Brendan Northern Ireland and the Anglo Irish Agreement in Developments in British Politics Palgrave London 1990 pp 3 269 290 Owen Arwel Ellis The Anglo Irish agreement The first three years Univ of Wales Press 1994 Shannon William V The Anglo Irish Agreement Foreign Affairs 64 4 1986 849 870 regarding 1985 agreement online Todd Jennifer Institutional change and conflict regulation the Anglo Irish Agreement 1985 and the mechanisms of change in Northern Ireland West European Politics 34 4 2011 838 858 online Trumbore Peter F Public opinion as a domestic constraint in international negotiations Two level games in the Anglo Irish peace process International Studies Quarterly 42 3 1998 545 565 online nedostupne posilannya z 01 07 2022 PosilannyaVikishovishe maye multimedijni dani za temoyu Anglo Irlandska ugoda Anglo Irish Agreement CAIN Queen s University Belfast