Жан Тіроль (фр. Jean Tirole, нар. 9 серпня 1953. Труа, Франція) — французький економіст, автор багатьох наукових праць в теорії галузевих ринків, теорії ігор, теорії контрактів, теорії банків та фінансів. Отримав докторський ступінь в Массачусетському технологічному інституті в 1981 р. В 1984—1991 роках працював професором економіки в Массачусетському технологічному інституті. Був президентом в 1998 та президентом Європейської економічної асоціації в 2001 р. На сьогодні професор Тулузької школи економіки та запрошений професор Массачусетського технологічного інституту
У 2014 році Жану Тіролю присуджена Нобелівська премія з економіки «за аналіз ринкової влади та регулювання».
- Dynamic Models of Oligopoly (with D. Fudenberg), 1986. [1]
- The Theory of Industrial Organization, MIT Press. (1988) and chapter-preview links. [ 18 червня 2013 у Wayback Machine.]
- Game Theory (with D. Fudenberg), MIT Press, 1991 [2] [ 16 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.].
- A Theory of Incentives in Regulation and Procurement (with J.-J. Laffont), MIT Press,1993. & chapter- preview links. [ 17 червня 2013 у Wayback Machine.]
- The Prudential Regulation of Banks (with M. Dewatripont), MIT Press,1994. [3] [ 19 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.]
- Competition in Telecommunications, MIT Press, 1999 [4] [ 16 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.].
- Financial Crises, Liquidity and the International Monetary System, Princeton University Press, 2002 [5] [ 18 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.].
- The Theory of Corporate Finance, Princeton University Press, 2005. Description [ 18 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.]. Association of American Publishers 2006 Award for Excellence.
- Balancing the Banks (with Mathias Dewatripont, and Jean-Charles Rochet), Princeton University Press, 2010 [6] [ 18 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.].
- Inside and Outside Liquidity (with Bengt Holmström), MIT Press, 2011 [7] [ 14 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.].
- "The Fat Cat Effect, the Puppy Dog Ploy and the Lean and Hungry Look, " (with D. Fudenberg), American Economic Review, 74: 361—368
- "Capital as a Commitment: Strategic Investment to Deter Mobility, " (with D. Fudenberg), Journal of Economic Theory, 31: 227—250.
- "A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly I: Overview and Quantity Competition with Large Fixed Costs, " (with E. Maskin), Econometrica, 56: 549—570.
- "A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly II: Price Competition, " (with E. Maskin), Econometrica, 56: 571—600
- "Bypass and Creamskimming, " (with J.-J. Laffont), American Economic Review, 80: 1042—1061.
- "Two-Sided Markets: A Progress Report, " (with J.C. Rochet), Rand Journal of Economics, 37(3): 645—667.
- Reliability and Competitive Electricity Markets, " (with P. Joskow), Rand Journal of Economics, 38(1): 60-84.
Теорія фінансів та корпоративного управління
- "On the Possibility of Speculation under Rational Expectations, " Econometrica, 50: 1163—1181.
- "Asset Bubbles and Overlapping Generations, " Econometrica, 53(6): 1499—1528
- "Domestic and International Supply of Liquidity, " (with B. Holmström), American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings, 92: 42-45.
- "LAPM: A Liquidity-Based Asset Pricing Model, " (with B. Holmström), Journal of Finance, vol. 56(5): 1837—1867.Smith Breeden award (distinguished paper) of the Journal of Finance
- "Modelling Aggregate Liquidity, " (with Bengt Holmström), American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 86: 187—191.
- "A Theory of Debt and Equity: Diversity of Securities and Manager-Share- holder Congruence, " (with M. Dewatripont), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109: 1027—1054.
- "Corporate Governance, " Econometrica, 69 (1): 1-35.
- "Belief in a Just World and Redistributive Politics, " (with R. Bénabou), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121: 699—746.
- "Incentives and Prosocial Behavior, " (with R. Bénabou), American Economic Review, 96(5): 1652—1678.
- "Contract Renegotiation and Coasian Dynamics, " (with 0. Hart), Review of Economic Studies, 55: 509—540.
- "The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts, " (with J.-J. Laffont), Econometrica, 56: 1153—1175
- «Incomplete Contracts: Where Do We Stand?» Econometrica, 67(4):741-781.
- "Unforeseen Contingencies and Incomplete Contracts, " (with E. Maskin), Review of Economic Studies, 66(1): 83-114.
- "Party Governance and Ideological Bias, " (with B. Caillaud), European Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings,43: 779—789
- "Parties as Political Intermediaries, " (with B. Caillaud), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 117(4): 1453-89
- "The Politician and the Judge: Accountability in Government, " (with E. Maskin), American Economic Review, 94: 1034—1054
- Personal info and curriculum vitae on the IDEI website [ 16 жовтня 2014 у Wayback Machine.]
- BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards [ 6 червня 2017 у Wayback Machine.]
- https://www.polytechnique.org/profile/jean.tirole.1973
- http://www.sudoc.fr/041072936
- Математичний генеалогічний проєкт — 1997.
- https://www.theses.fr/2007EHES0134
- http://academie-sciences-lettres-toulouse.fr/?page_id=596
- https://www.econometricsociety.org/society/organization-and-governance/fellows/current
- , Sveriges Riksbank, 13 жовтня 2014, архів оригіналу за 15 жовтня 2014, процитовано 13 жовтня 2014(англ.)
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Zhan Tirol fr Jean Tirole nar 9 serpnya 1953 Trua Franciya francuzkij ekonomist avtor bagatoh naukovih prac v teoriyi galuzevih rinkiv teoriyi igor teoriyi kontraktiv teoriyi bankiv ta finansiv Otrimav doktorskij stupin v Massachusetskomu tehnologichnomu instituti v 1981 r V 1984 1991 rokah pracyuvav profesorom ekonomiki v Massachusetskomu tehnologichnomu instituti Buv prezidentom v 1998 ta prezidentom Yevropejskoyi ekonomichnoyi asociaciyi v 2001 r Na sogodni profesor Tuluzkoyi shkoli ekonomiki ta zaproshenij profesor Massachusetskogo tehnologichnogo institutuZhan TirolJean Marcel TiroleNarodivsya9 serpnya 1953 1953 08 09 70 rokiv Trua FranciyaMisce prozhivannyaTuluzaKrayina FranciyaNacionalnistfrancuzDiyalnistekonomist vikladach universitetu doslidnikAlma materPolitehnichna shkola 1 Universitet Parizh IX 1978 2 Massachusetskij tehnologichnij institut 1981 Nacionalna shkola mostiv ta dorigGaluzteoriya kontraktiv teoriya igor teoriya galuzevih rinkiv ZakladTuluzka Shkola EkonomikiNaukovij stupindoktor filosofiyi d 2 1978 i doktor filosofiyi 1981 Naukovij kerivnikErik MeskinAspiranti doktorantid d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 3 d 4 ChlenstvoNacionalna akademiya nauk SShA d Amerikanska akademiya mistectv i nauk Akademiya moralnih i politichnih nauk Korolivske tovaristvo Edinburga d 5 Ekonometrichne tovaristvo 6 Nagorodizolota medal Nacionalnogo centru naukovih doslidzhen 2007 sribna medal Nacionalnogo centru naukovih doslidzhen 2002 Grant Guggengajma 1988 d 1993 d 2010 premiya Ervina Plejna Nemmersa z ekonomiki 2014 d 1998 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards 2008 d d d chlen Ekonometrichnogo tovaristva d 1986 d Chlen Amerikanskoyi akademiyi mistectv i nauk d d 2004 d 2012 Thomson Reuters Citation Laureates 2007 Osob storinkaidei fr vitae php i 3 Zhan Tirol u Vikishovishi U 2014 roci Zhanu Tirolyu prisudzhena Nobelivska premiya z ekonomiki za analiz rinkovoyi vladi ta regulyuvannya KnizhkiDynamic Models of Oligopoly with D Fudenberg 1986 1 The Theory of Industrial Organization MIT Press 1988 and chapter preview links 18 chervnya 2013 u Wayback Machine Game Theory with D Fudenberg MIT Press 1991 2 16 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine A Theory of Incentives in Regulation and Procurement with J J Laffont MIT Press 1993 amp chapter preview links 17 chervnya 2013 u Wayback Machine The Prudential Regulation of Banks with M Dewatripont MIT Press 1994 3 19 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine Competition in Telecommunications MIT Press 1999 4 16 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine Financial Crises Liquidity and the International Monetary System Princeton University Press 2002 5 18 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine The Theory of Corporate Finance Princeton University Press 2005 Description 18 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine Association of American Publishers 2006 Award for Excellence Balancing the Banks with Mathias Dewatripont and Jean Charles Rochet Princeton University Press 2010 6 18 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine Inside and Outside Liquidity with Bengt Holmstrom MIT Press 2011 7 14 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine StattiTeoriya galuzevih rinkiv The Fat Cat Effect the Puppy Dog Ploy and the Lean and Hungry Look with D Fudenberg American Economic Review 74 361 368 Capital as a Commitment Strategic Investment to Deter Mobility with D Fudenberg Journal of Economic Theory 31 227 250 A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly I Overview and Quantity Competition with Large Fixed Costs with E Maskin Econometrica 56 549 570 A Theory of Dynamic Oligopoly II Price Competition with E Maskin Econometrica 56 571 600 Bypass and Creamskimming with J J Laffont American Economic Review 80 1042 1061 Two Sided Markets A Progress Report with J C Rochet Rand Journal of Economics 37 3 645 667 Reliability and Competitive Electricity Markets with P Joskow Rand Journal of Economics 38 1 60 84 Teoriya finansiv ta korporativnogo upravlinnya On the Possibility of Speculation under Rational Expectations Econometrica 50 1163 1181 Asset Bubbles and Overlapping Generations Econometrica 53 6 1499 1528 Domestic and International Supply of Liquidity with B Holmstrom American Economic Review Papers amp Proceedings 92 42 45 LAPM A Liquidity Based Asset Pricing Model with B Holmstrom Journal of Finance vol 56 5 1837 1867 Smith Breeden award distinguished paper of the Journal of Finance Modelling Aggregate Liquidity with Bengt Holmstrom American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 86 187 191 A Theory of Debt and Equity Diversity of Securities and Manager Share holder Congruence with M Dewatripont Quarterly Journal of Economics 109 1027 1054 Corporate Governance Econometrica 69 1 1 35 Psihologiya Belief in a Just World and Redistributive Politics with R Benabou Quarterly Journal of Economics 121 699 746 Incentives and Prosocial Behavior with R Benabou American Economic Review 96 5 1652 1678 Teoriya kontraktiv Contract Renegotiation and Coasian Dynamics with 0 Hart Review of Economic Studies 55 509 540 The Dynamics of Incentive Contracts with J J Laffont Econometrica 56 1153 1175 Incomplete Contracts Where Do We Stand Econometrica 67 4 741 781 Unforeseen Contingencies and Incomplete Contracts with E Maskin Review of Economic Studies 66 1 83 114 Politichna ekonomiya Party Governance and Ideological Bias with B Caillaud European Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 43 779 789 Parties as Political Intermediaries with B Caillaud Quarterly Journal of Economics 117 4 1453 89 The Politician and the Judge Accountability in Government with E Maskin American Economic Review 94 1034 1054PosilannyaPersonal info and curriculum vitae on the IDEI website 16 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Awards 6 chervnya 2017 u Wayback Machine Primitkihttps www polytechnique org profile jean tirole 1973 http www sudoc fr 041072936 Matematichnij genealogichnij proyekt 1997 d Track Q829984 https www theses fr 2007EHES0134 http academie sciences lettres toulouse fr page id 596 https www econometricsociety org society organization and governance fellows current Sveriges Riksbank 13 zhovtnya 2014 arhiv originalu za 15 zhovtnya 2014 procitovano 13 zhovtnya 2014 angl