Ne plutati z Peredavalna funkciya Funkciya aktivaciyi abo peredavalna funkciya angl activation function takozh excitation function squashing function transfer function shtuchnogo nejrona zalezhnist vihidnogo signalu shtuchnogo nejrona vid vhidnogo Zazvichaj peredavalna funkciya ϕ x displaystyle phi x vidobrazhaye dijsni chisla na interval 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 abo 0 1 displaystyle 0 1 Bilshist vidiv nejronnih merezh dlya funkciyi aktivaciyi vikoristovuyut sigmoyidi ADALINE i samoorganizacijni karti vikoristovuyut linijni funkciyi aktivaciyi a radialno bazisni merezhi vikoristovuyut radialni bazisni funkciyi Matematichno dovedeno sho trisharovij perceptron z vikoristannyam sigmoyidnoyi funkciyi aktivaciyi mozhe aproksimuvati bud yaku neperervnu funkciyu z dovilnoyu tochnistyu Teorema Cibenka Metod zvorotnogo poshirennya pomilki vimagaye shob funkciya aktivaciyi bula neperervnoyu nelinijnoyu monotonno zrostayuchoyu i diferencijovnoyu V zadachi en klasifikaciyi nejroni ostannogo sharu zazvichaj vikoristovuyut softmax yak funkciyu aktivaciyi U hemometrici funkciya yaka vikoristovuyetsya v metodi nejronnoyi sitki dlya peretvorennya u vuzlah vhidnih danih z bud yakoyi oblasti znachen zokrema neperervnih u chitko okreslenij ryad znachen napr v 0 chi 1 Porivnyannya peredavalnih funkcijDeyaki bazhani vlastivosti peredavalnoyi funkciyi vklyuchayut Nelinijna koli peredavalna funkciya nelinijna to yak dovedeno dvosharova nejronna merezha ye universalnoyu aproksimaciyeyu funkcij Totozhna peredavalna funkciya ne maye takoyi vlastivosti Koli dekilka shariv vikoristovuyut totozhnu peredavalnu funkciyu todi vsya merezha ekvivalentna odnosharovij modeli Neperervna diferencijovnist cya vlastivist bazhana RELU ne ye neperervno diferencijovnoyu i maye neodnoznachne rishennya dlya optimizaciyi zasnovanij na gradiyenti dlya vikoristannya metodiv optimizaciyi zasnovanih na gradiyenti Peredavalna funkciya dvijkovij krok ne diferencijovna u 0 ale diferencijovna v usih inshih znachennya sho ye problemoyu dlya metodiv zasnovanih na gradiyenti Oblast viznachennya Monotonnist Gladka funkciya z monotonnoyu pohidnoyu Nablizhennya do totozhnoyi funkciyi f x x displaystyle f x x v pochatku koordinat U nastupnij tablici porivnyuyutsya deyaki peredavalni funkciyi vid odniyeyi zminnoyi x z poperednogo sharu Nazva Grafik Rivnyannya Pohidna po x Oblast Poryadok gladkosti Monotonnist Monotonnist pohidnoyi Nablizhennya do Totozhnoyi funkciyi v pochatku koordinat Totozhna f x x displaystyle f x x f x 1 displaystyle f x 1 displaystyle infty infty C displaystyle C infty Tak Tak Tak Dvijkovij krok f x 0 for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 0 amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases f x 0 for x 0 for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 0 amp text for x neq 0 amp text for x 0 end cases 0 1 displaystyle 0 1 C 1 displaystyle C 1 Tak Ni Ni Logistichna a k a Sigmoyida abo M yakij krok f x s x 1 1 e x displaystyle f x sigma x frac 1 1 e x 1 f x f x 1 f x displaystyle f x f x 1 f x 0 1 displaystyle 0 1 C displaystyle C infty Tak Ni Ni TanH f x tanh x e x e x e x e x displaystyle f x tanh x frac e x e x e x e x f x 1 f x 2 displaystyle f x 1 f x 2 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 C displaystyle C infty Tak Ni Tak ArcTan f x tan 1 x displaystyle f x tan 1 x f x 1 x 2 1 displaystyle f x frac 1 x 2 1 p 2 p 2 displaystyle left frac pi 2 frac pi 2 right C displaystyle C infty Tak Ni Tak Softsign f x x 1 x displaystyle f x frac x 1 x f x 1 1 x 2 displaystyle f x frac 1 1 x 2 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 C 1 displaystyle C 1 Tak Ni Tak Inverse square root unit ISRU f x x 1 a x 2 displaystyle f x frac x sqrt 1 alpha x 2 f x 1 1 a x 2 3 displaystyle f x left frac 1 sqrt 1 alpha x 2 right 3 1 a 1 a displaystyle left frac 1 sqrt alpha frac 1 sqrt alpha right C displaystyle C infty Tak Ni Tak Vipryamlena linijna Rectified linear unit ReLU f x 0 for x lt 0 x for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 0 amp text for x lt 0 x amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases f x 0 for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 0 amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases 0 displaystyle 0 infty C 0 displaystyle C 0 Tak Tak Ni Leaky rectified linear unit Leaky ReLU f x 0 01 x for x lt 0 x for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 0 01x amp text for x lt 0 x amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases f x 0 01 for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 0 01 amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases displaystyle infty infty C 0 displaystyle C 0 Tak Tak Ni Parameteric rectified linear unit PReLU f a x a x for x lt 0 x for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases alpha x amp text for x lt 0 x amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases f a x a for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases alpha amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases displaystyle infty infty 2 C 0 displaystyle C 0 Tak a 0 displaystyle alpha geqslant 0 Tak Tak a 1 displaystyle alpha 1 Randomized leaky rectified linear unit RReLU f a x a x for x lt 0 x for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases alpha x amp text for x lt 0 x amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases 3 f a x a for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases alpha amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases displaystyle infty infty C 0 displaystyle C 0 Tak Tak Ni Exponential linear unit ELU f a x a e x 1 for x lt 0 x for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases alpha e x 1 amp text for x lt 0 x amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases f a x f a x a for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases f alpha x alpha amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases a displaystyle alpha infty C 1 when a 1 C 0 otherwise displaystyle begin cases C 1 amp text when alpha 1 C 0 amp text otherwise end cases Tak a 0 displaystyle alpha geqslant 0 Tak 0 a 1 displaystyle 0 leqslant alpha leqslant 1 Tak a 1 displaystyle alpha 1 Scaled exponential linear unit SELU f a x l a e x 1 for x lt 0 x for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x lambda begin cases alpha e x 1 amp text for x lt 0 x amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases z l 1 0507 displaystyle lambda 1 0507 ta a 1 67326 displaystyle alpha 1 67326 f a x l a e x for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f alpha x lambda begin cases alpha e x amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases l a displaystyle lambda alpha infty C 0 displaystyle C 0 Tak Ni Ni S shaped rectified linear activation unit SReLU f t l a l t r a r x t l a l x t l for x t l x for t l lt x lt t r t r a r x t r for x t r displaystyle f t l a l t r a r x begin cases t l a l x t l amp text for x leqslant t l x amp text for t l lt x lt t r t r a r x t r amp text for x geqslant t r end cases t l a l t r a r displaystyle t l a l t r a r are parameters f t l a l t r a r x a l for x t l 1 for t l lt x lt t r a r for x t r displaystyle f t l a l t r a r x begin cases a l amp text for x leqslant t l 1 amp text for t l lt x lt t r a r amp text for x geqslant t r end cases displaystyle infty infty C 0 displaystyle C 0 Ni Ni Ni Inverse square root linear unit ISRLU f x x 1 a x 2 for x lt 0 x for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases frac x sqrt 1 alpha x 2 amp text for x lt 0 x amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases f x 1 1 a x 2 3 for x lt 0 1 for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases left frac 1 sqrt 1 alpha x 2 right 3 amp text for x lt 0 1 amp text for x geqslant 0 end cases 1 a displaystyle left frac 1 sqrt alpha infty right C 2 displaystyle C 2 Tak Tak Tak Adaptive piecewise linear APL f x max 0 x s 1 S a i s max 0 x b i s displaystyle f x max 0 x sum s 1 S a i s max 0 x b i s f x H x s 1 S a i s H x b i s displaystyle f x H x sum s 1 S a i s H x b i s 4 displaystyle infty infty C 0 displaystyle C 0 Ni Ni Ni SoftPlus f x ln 1 e x displaystyle f x ln 1 e x f x 1 1 e x displaystyle f x frac 1 1 e x 0 displaystyle 0 infty C displaystyle C infty Tak Tak Ni Bent identity f x x 2 1 1 2 x displaystyle f x frac sqrt x 2 1 1 2 x f x x 2 x 2 1 1 displaystyle f x frac x 2 sqrt x 2 1 1 displaystyle infty infty C displaystyle C infty Tak Tak Tak Sigmoid weighted linear unit SiLU a k a Swish f x x s x displaystyle f x x cdot sigma x 5 f x f x s x 1 f x displaystyle f x f x sigma x 1 f x 6 0 28 displaystyle approx 0 28 infty C displaystyle C infty Ni Ni Ni SoftExponential f a x ln 1 a x a a for a lt 0 x for a 0 e a x 1 a a for a gt 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases frac ln 1 alpha x alpha alpha amp text for alpha lt 0 x amp text for alpha 0 frac e alpha x 1 alpha alpha amp text for alpha gt 0 end cases f a x 1 1 a a x for a lt 0 e a x for a 0 displaystyle f alpha x begin cases frac 1 1 alpha alpha x amp text for alpha lt 0 e alpha x amp text for alpha geqslant 0 end cases displaystyle infty infty C displaystyle C infty Tak Tak Tak a 0 displaystyle alpha 0 Sinusoyida f x sin x displaystyle f x sin x f x cos x displaystyle f x cos x 1 1 displaystyle 1 1 C displaystyle C infty Ni Ni Tak Sinc f x 1 for x 0 sin x x for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 1 amp text for x 0 frac sin x x amp text for x neq 0 end cases f x 0 for x 0 cos x x sin x x 2 for x 0 displaystyle f x begin cases 0 amp text for x 0 frac cos x x frac sin x x 2 amp text for x neq 0 end cases 217234 1 displaystyle approx 217234 1 C displaystyle C infty Ni Ni Ni Gaussian f x e x 2 displaystyle f x e x 2 f x 2 x e x 2 displaystyle f x 2xe x 2 0 1 displaystyle 0 1 C displaystyle C infty Ni Ni Ni Tut H ce funkciya Gevisajda a ye stohastichnoyu zminnoyu vibranoyu z normalnogo rozpodilu pid chas navchannya i zafiksovana yak ochikuvane znachennya rozpodilu do chasu testuvannya Tut s displaystyle sigma logistichna funkciya a gt 0 displaystyle alpha gt 0 vikonuyetsya dlya vsogo intervalu Nastupna tablicya mistit peredavalni funkciyi vid dekilkoh zminnih Nazva Rivnyannya Pohidna ni Oblast Poryadok gladkosti Softmax f i x e x i j 1 J e x j displaystyle f i vec x frac e x i sum j 1 J e x j for i 1 J f i x x j f i x d i j f j x displaystyle frac partial f i vec x partial x j f i vec x delta ij f j vec x 7 0 1 displaystyle 0 1 C displaystyle C infty Maxout f x max i x 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